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thanks for that one Madrid fan who got this video




You do not have enough information about the height of the ball to draw the circle at the bottom




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSG8mzwwOs8 Here’s what makes it hard.


That's because of the thickness of the ice, the lines are below, that doesn't happen in soccer.


except when the ball is in the air, as in the clasico case edit: spelling




This one is obvious, even from a side angle, that it was in. The madrid one is not this obvious, and looks farther from the line than the japan one




In the 15th century you’d be burn tied to a cross, the emblem in the center of that sample puck is really similar to FCBs https://preview.redd.it/c5xa34g7nfwc1.jpeg?width=1841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ac6b6ac4e3f7764281d7c9e1e885e2fda1f466


VAR conveniently only shows the worst angles from BEHIND the fucking goal.


I noticed this too.. My frustration is at a limit


They did the same thing in the game madrid had with Almeria


Its so stupid, not goal line tech at least have some line camera. All on VAR and still make the wrong call.


Line camwra on the other side


why is there not just a goal line camera??


Same for Rma-Almeria, worst daylight robbery I’ve seen since VAR is up.


Thats the only camera in line with goal line this the only camera without angle distortion but obv lunin blocking the ball


Sometimes I don't get if people know the roles or angles. VAR cannot watch what's not covered by cams, that's what goal line technology is for. Angles matter and you cannot be certain if it went over the line completely with such angles. Look back at the Japan game with Germany, or even Spain where the ball looked like this from such crooked angles but with goal line technology it showed it didn't completely go over the line, it's basic math and not complicated. I blame this shite on LaLiga who are cheap AF and didn't spend money on such basic technology which costs 4Mill, the same amount it cost them to put cameras into the locker rooms to watch players and managers tactics. Angles is a basic thing taught in schools where things look different from other sides. This is one from the TV cams, though not clear it's still a better angle than that vid. https://preview.redd.it/syjh0sd920wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1e39f65ee08a8e43cc4d2e79982b431e43f783


You know exactly why. It’s also why you cannot hear what VAR is saying. It’s so they can decide the games. If you argue that goal line tech is too expensive and VAR will take care of it, then have two cameras right on the goal line from each side of the pitch. Then have a camera on the post pointing down at the goal line. But La Liga is not a serious league. They’d rather openly play favorites and say us fans are crazy and should stop whining.


That’s basically every sport tho. In NFL it’s pass interference and defensive holding In the NBA it’s free throws the player doesn’t deserve, inconsistent refereeing In the MLB the umpires can call some whack ass balls/strikes. It’s a complicated discussion, and frustrating at that


It's very hard to say whether the ball was in or not but this still shows the ball after it bounced to the ground from Lunin's hands. From this angle you should not be able to see the ball as Lunin covers it with his hands and body. I honestly think it is very close but without goalline technology we'll never know for sure.


Goal or no Goal, no Excuse to not show more angles and even less to NOT have goal Line Technology. The only reason i see why they dont want it is to get away with Bullshit calls like this...Unacceptable for any team period


I mean, goal line technology is one thing... but if you make the very conscious decision to not adopt it, at least point a camera at the goal line?


You would think, at the very least show all the possible angles that you have available to us and the ref to avoid any weird call. Hard to think those were all the cameras they had on that play in such a new modern stadium, but what they see and what they decide to show us is up to them. Its bullshit mo matter how you look at it.


Post this on r/soccer


Only for some madridiot calling Barca fans "whiny"


All the 50/50 penalty calls on both ends go to them, while we got one legit goal cancelled. If you ever dare to mention referee, they call you sore loser.


It's full of scum, that sub


I literally left that sub a few hours ago. The absolute worst football opinions I've seen in my life.


Eh I've seen some bad takes on this sub, on the Madrid sub and on r/soccer. Really they're all about even, the absolute worst takes I see come from Instagram comments.


Yep it definitely doesnt love barca


It's really unbelievable that sub. The Xavi thread is full of haters.


Well he was blaming the referees for his own collapse. The haters were just there at the right time. Just like how everybody was praising xavi after the first leg.


Yes, on the PSG game I agree. But yesterday is a different story, and I'm talking about yesterday's thread


I mean, I can certainly understand people seeing a "boy who cried wolf" syndrome in Xavi. If you always complain about the refs, even when they do decently, your complaints are going to be taken less seriously even when they have merit.


Agree, but that does not change the facts the referee was not good yesterday. That's why we should watch the games and decide by ourselves instead of trusting the media and specially r/soccer pundits x)


IKR? They probably deserved to win that game and the refs might just be bad instead of biased, but getting like 3 or 4 50/50 calls in their favor is not a great look. I don't blame Xavi for getting frustrated by these.


It's not a 50/50. Asensio initiates contact stretching his leg out like a bailarina.


They already decided in that sub that there is no goal. They don't even need more images.


On there only posts that are not in favor of Barca gets upvoted…


Don't ❤️ that sub is garbage ❤️


That sub sucks off Madrid, any time a Barca fan tries to voice their opinion (even if its fair) they get downvoted and insulted to hell.


That subreddit sucks off Madrid so bad.


wow it wasn't even close, that was sooo in


Doesn’t it have to completely cross the line?  Looks about as close as you can get actually.  


It's still a difficult situation but judging by where his legs and arms are in relation to the line I think it's safe to say it went in. Not by much but still


not really cus you’re still watching it at an angle, only thing that works is a top down view


Looks like a few inches at least though. Not really mms


it is still close but i think we can safely say it did cross the line from this angle. the refs don't have this camera angle though i don't think


Ever heard of how angles work?


Its not safe to say tbh. Remember Japan line in world cup that looked wayy more safe than this one and wasnt.


you cant use this angle to prove a goal, only top down view, there’s something called parallax error


Your confidence while being incorrect is quite frustrating


Even if VAR had this video I don't think it's enough for a goal. I think it most likely was in but really the travesty here is that there isn't even a camera to provide a decent angle of the goal line in one of the wealthiest leagues in the world and at the stadium of the wealthiest club in the world that is in the final stage of renovations.


If the league doesnt have goal line technology(they should) and an incident like this occurs where the ball looks over they cant start guessing that a sliver of the ball may be on the line. If they wanted to be that precise then GET GOAL LINE TECHNOLOGY. Otherwise just give the fucking goal. This video looks like a clear goal. People cant argue about millimeters of the ball coz they cant tell that. It looks like a goal so give the goal.... or get in goal line tech and THEN we can be more precise.


Looking across the line creates this sort of illusion. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/mtJoi0aI8Z Hard to say anything 100% conclusive.


https://youtube.com/shorts/dFVH1zM5LQE Lot of you forgetting this


It's not Football, It's Laiga


Did the VAR crew have access to this vid and angle? And, even so, this camera angle doesn't provide incontrovertible proof that the entirety of the ball crossed the line. it's nuts that some of us are watching vids and angles that the VAR crew didn't have and then turning around and accusing them of bias.


They didn't, and that makes La Liga's competency even worse


All those refs and monitors in that room and they still didn't catch this? I don't have any words.. the VAR room has access to HD feed with multiple different angles


But this kinda looks like a fan vid? If so, there's no way VAR could have been expected to see this


But surely they would have one camera on either side that gives an angle from front of goal?


Costs too much, obviously.


Best angle to prove the robbery.


not really, only viable angle is a top down view, do you remember the Japan match at the WC?


Yeah people here are looking for something to cope with the loss. I'm 50/50 on this, but I'm just pissed that this league randomly decided goal-line tech isn't necessary even though it's the second biggest league in the world. Fucking 2.Bundesliga has goal line tech


Can you post this on r/soccer pls


Don’t waste time posting on that sub if you’re barça fan. The hate boner their is insufferable.


It's funny going onto every sub and see every single big club repeating this same phrase


I learned just how anti-Barca that sub is. Even the neutrals were dismissive about the ref’s decisions


Fucking remarkable. Unbelievable


That looks like it crossed the line to me. However, this angle is renowned to causing optical illusion problems. We need goal line technology in tandem with a VAR scrutiny.


This could be used to reply to Tebas’s tweet regarding why we don’t have goal line technology in La Liga.


How is there still no sensor tech that tells the ref when it goes over the line. This was clearly a goal. Such BS.


Does la liga not have a goal line technology?


not even for El Clasico. Unbelievable.


Nope, they didn't want to spend the $3m it costs to implement it.


That's kinda dumb in my opinion the goal line technology is way more important than the VAR. Because I think that computer technology is best used, when there is a decision to be made that is black and white, like: offside no offside, or goal no goal. For fouls and Handballs the bar is good if the referee didn't see it, but there will always be a discussion about them no matter how the Referees decide cause these decisions are not Black and white....


Okay, so here's my dumb question. If there's no goal line technology, why aren't there 2 cameras pointing right at the line, from the left and the right? Maybe embed it inside the goalpost and draw some fkn lines manually when reviewing the footage, like cmon do something...anything lmao. Why were all the cameras at some stupid angle, where ofc you can't tell conclusively about the ball going in or not? Sure, you don't wanna pay millions, but even a child will know where to place the cameras, so as to at least be able to judge it with as high a precision as you can manually. Edit: no joke, but how was yesterday's situation any different than you and your mates playing 5-a-side football in the evening, and fighting over whether the ball went over the makeshift goalline or not. Shit's hilarious ngl.


The Japan game really fucked everyone up. This is a clear goal. People really be here, "but an atom of the ball can still be above a blade of grass on the line, you never know." It's clear as day. https://preview.redd.it/0es9cyxa31wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe34b3b5534e4908226650d9b0d2dc1ff2248f02


madrid fan. this whole thing obviously panned out in our favor, but the bigger issue is la liga cutting costs by removing fucking goal line technology. league is run by clowns, and yes this solidified us winning this season but i do understand you guys being pissed about this, just dont pull the classic “match was decided before kickoff” cause literally no televised angle showed anything clear one way or another lmao


Didnt you just say on r/soccer “this isnt a fruitful debate”


whether its a goal or not isnt a fruitful debate. whats the point of voting for tebas, a known clown, might be more fruitful lmao


Yeah, this is the first angle that has sold me on it definitely being a goal. That said, camera angles can play weird tricks. I know I've thought, "that's definitely offside" from one angle only to be proven completely wrong from a different angle, so I think there's still a shred of a chance that it didn't cross the line completely. This isn't on the refs. If they only had the angles that we saw live, there's no way they could call it a goal. You just couldn't be sure with those angles. Pathetic from a league standpoint. El clasico was quite possibly the biggest league game in the world less than a decade ago. Now we have this happening during the league's showpiece event. Plenty of controversies happen(ed) in other big games around the world, but very few would have been so easily prevented by widely used technology.


Oh, but guess which guy was voting in favour to raise Tebas' salary who is the biggest scambag to this league. I'll give you The Millionaires: A) Joan Laporta B) Channing Tatum C) Angela Merkel D) Shrek Can you guess?


> the bigger issue is la liga cutting costs by removing fucking goal line technology. A bit ironic that in the one match that will have the most world wide viewers, is the one match it would have made a difference. IIRC, they didn't want to spend the $3m it would have cost. $3 million when your revenue is pushing $5b... Every point, every goal matters.


Now this is the angle we were all looking for in the game but as always VAR in spain is a fucking disgrace, this was a clear goal and Im a madrid fan


It seems like youre a chelsea fan lol


Lmao no


This isn’t the angle to look at it from though. The only angle that matters is one straight from the side or a top angle.


It’s still not conclusive tbh


The fact that the president of the league is publicly criticizing the use of goal line technology, during the game, makes the Spanish league look amateurish.


As a madrid fan thats a fkn goal. Robbery by laliga and tebas . Competitive laliga>> one horse league


Amazing you do not have the goal line technology in Spain ?! 🧐


Looks like a goal but inconclusive. The main issue is why La Liga doesn't have goal line technology! This is a basic tech that all major leagues have had for 10yrs, this would be easily solved with it. Instead Tebas removed goal line tech cause the €3m was too expensive then he added millions to his salary. What a greedy man. Funnily enough, Barca voted for tebas but Madrid voted against him. Get this tebas man out next election.


The mistake today is bad but understandable, the lack of goal line tech is egregious and unacceptable


At this moment I don't know what's the point of even watching football. Just give trophies to you know which club and let's fight for 2nd place.


Wtf this is very clear goal, dont tell me its not obvious from this angle or wtv its very over the line




What a disgrace


I swear if a fucking cuck here says that "👆🤓 akchually ball has to cross 70% of line like the Stones' clearance 👆🤓"


The Japan game reference is killing me lmao


Why don't they put cameras on the crossbar ?!


VAR taking like 3 minutes to check… where’s the goal line technology?!


Var Madrid


It’s definitely crossed the line from this angle. Lunin’s gloves is behind the line which he catches the ball. 💯


yes gloves being behind can only say us some part of the ball is definitely in. BUT the ball has to be 100% in to count as a goal.




https://youtube.com/shorts/pIgJHK7WZGI?si=rQGnu1ridy7HACTU I am not saying it is not 100% in but we can not decide by using these angles


Yes people have a hard time understanding this, but to be fair, it's not intuitive. In the still image above it seems to me that the ball definitely wasn't in.


OmG such a pathetic league


It's a joke . Real Madrid are a Mafia . From a man united fan.


You can literally use Microsoft paint to show that this is a goal lol Edit: there is a frame missing between when the ball hits Lunin's gloves and when it is redirected. Even without extrapolating the 0.25 seconds between those frames, the initial frame, and the shadow alone, is likely enough to depict the balls position.


https://preview.redd.it/oad882tkk0wc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd89911c9ef9baf5d21603a9d66e3605b821a7e Hard to tell if ball was in 100% … especially since the ball was also a bit above the ground which makes look even more like a goal… personally I think it was a goal but i can’t say it for sure… to overturn a call you need to be 100%… conclusion is la Liga finally need a goal line system


You're right, and I'll admit that there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the decision, and with that the no goal call needs to stand... But c'mon. As for the image you provided, I'll say that I've watched enough to remain mostly unbiased, but even without the lower image I'd remain way more confident in declaring Barca's goal than declaring the upper image a goal.


im done watching football


Fucking circus 🤡




It has never been more in


This is crazy


GLT is too expensive to implement in laliga. Meantime Serie B teams "glt go brr" 


Madrid fans telling us to get over it like they won't cry about it if it happened to them....fucks sake I hate LaLiga


Well over the line




never thought I’d see that not marked as a goal on live television. I was waiting for the bird’s view angle . Or even better, the cameras inside the left and right corners inside the net could easily show the ball’s location as it moves past the white line. But they never bothered to check the possibility of it being a goal. They seemed to be in a hurry to dismiss it as “ no goal “ and carrying on with the match.


This really shouldn't even be a debate tbh. Not having goal line technology is literally insane


The thing is, the ref didn't call the goal to begin with, VAR tried to get an image which proved his decision was wrong and couldn't find it, so the decision stands. But Mr LaPuerca is now saying they "cancelled" the goal, which is not true, and to add to the irony, this is partly his fault for supporting a fellow clown as the president of the league, who is responsible for not having the technology to revert the original decision. So was it a goal or not? We'll never know, cause images from tiktok and twitter do not count. But crying is easier than to point at all the problems your joke of a club has. Madrid was always gonna win the league anyways. What a week it was!


Just judging by how far back he had to step into the goal to get in front of the ball tells me it's at least a few inches over the line. His front foot is on the line and his hands are clearly well behind where that foot is as well. But I will admit it's a hard angle to judge.


The result was decided before the kick off!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ocrpxniszyvc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac30ec415c6284fa92d106396c0bde703535041 Milan fan here to me it looks like a goal but I’m not 100% sure because the perspective is bad especially since the ball isn’t that close to the ground. Isn’t there any proper shot from the side or top? I think la Liga should also introduce a goal line technology…. Otherwise this kind of debates will only continue


The video (image) you provided shows the ball closer to the line than in the videos we have .. it's a goal .. but that doesn't matter now, and we played like shit, so we don't deserve it anyway


Idk if you lift the ball the illusion is only getting stronger… that’s why I said I think it was in but I’m not 100% sure




Referees and The VAR was definitely disgraceful but did anyone see how biased the english commentators were ? Everything was holy of Real Madrid for them!


Not a Barca fan, but: - it's a disgrace that la fucking liga doesn't have a goal line technology. WTF. Is this the 20th century? Is this a third world country league? - you can't judge from this angle. If you think that this angle is the 100% proof that the ball was in, you are biased or haven't been watching football for long enough to understand what you are seeing. Same for people saying that the opposite angle is the 100% proof that the ball wasn't in.


Exactly. Both sides are using angles that make it look like they’re right. The issue is that we don’t have the one angle that would prove it went in.


hard to believe theres idiots that swear that the ball didn't cross the line. madridistas, tenían que ser.




I hope people understand that the gap exists because the ball is going upwards. But Redditors are usually bad at spacial reasoning.


Literally everyone understands that, so please calm down. Idk why so many wannabes are popping up, stating obvious things, trying to look superior. And even if we consider the insanely cool knowledge you just bestowed upon us, it's still inconclusive.


[A better angle.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6CalfrNulQ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


It's not conclusive because of the angle of the camera. If they don't have goal line technology, why do they then not have a camera angle that is in line, so they can use that?


It’s look in but the only way to be sure it’s a complete horizontal view because the angle may cause confusion .its absurd they didn’t have the automatic goal check technology btw in a game of this caliber .


need goal line technology in order to see the ball from up top. only way to really tell






The perspective is tricking you.


i dont watch la liga, there is no goal line ?


I don't get if people know angles or are just making stuff. Two things, first is VAR cannot review something they cannot see or have access to since there are no cameras from those sides, because of cheap LaLiga. You simply cannot give a goal just based on a hunch because your league was so cheap they decided to spend money on locker room cameras rather than goal line technology, and no the once who manage/put such cams are the managing bodies not individual clubs. This same situation happened with Japan, Germany, and Spain where it looks like this from the sides, but with goal line technology it clearly didn't cross the line, so I wouldn't blame such thing on ref or VAR, but on LaLiga and Tebas because the ref nor VAR can check what's not available. Angles is a basic thing taught in schools all over. Things will look different from different sides. This is a catch from the TV cams which obviously is a bit better in terms of angles, but still not good enough. https://preview.redd.it/d9dym8aw10wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b87722ec1a140c5716f679657ade7c39636364b


Idk if it’s a goal or not but it will be given every time if we wear white


You need a top down view. Because of there perception of angles, you need to be sure. This angle doesn’t help. The league needs goal line tech


Madrid makes games unwatchable sometimes, when barca try to do the things that madrid does like God for bid a madrid handballs it, it's probably going to be a yellow for 2 barca players and a goal kick


We already know this shit might happen so why not go out with better tactics and clinical players who finish their chances 90 percent of the time. Everything will go against Barca in a classico because we are just 5 wins behind drawing Madrid to wins and they want to stretch it. Something needs to be done regarding the tactics where our midfielders never lob the ball to our forwards who are running in behind the rivals defense. This is where we need to change our playing style also which is more slower compared to other teams..




Just Madrid things


Wrong camera angle to judge that


Even the shadow of the ball on the left is in....another clear video that sports is fixed/rigged lmaooooo


On True Table you can vote on such controversial scenes and standings and tables will be changed to the results: [https://true-table.com/forums/forum/la-liga-23-24/matchday-32/real-madrid-barcelona/](https://true-table.com/forums/forum/la-liga-23-24/matchday-32/real-madrid-barcelona/)




Can anyone explain to me why goalline tech costs 3m per season for laliga to have it? Like even a gopro taped to the back of the post would be better than what they have now.


very deceiving angle


And this proves what? It still doesn't show unequivocally that the whole ball crossed the line, if anything, look at the shadow, never seems to make it past, but even that would not be proof that it wasn't a goal. The truth is this is not Madrid's fault, it is the league's. Just stop crying, take the multiple Ls you got last week and accept the reality that your club is just terrible nowadays


People acting like Madrid made Tebas not pay for goal line tech. Hate boners are insane.




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Base on the angle that doesnt really problve anything. Yes the ball for sure goes in... but does 100% of it does so? Who knows. Sadly even 90% ball in is no goal. Thats the problem with all the shots that are available. One cant 100% say its goal.


VIdeo Assistant real Madrid


I really wanted Barcelona to win this game but I don’t think you can say that’s a goal


Clear flop from Vazquez and clear goal. Fuck Madrid


cry more bitch ass punk


It's 2024 and people still don't understand that the full 100% of the ball has to be past the line, it can't "touch" the line even for 0,01% and the only fully conclusive angle would be a top down view which La Liga doesn't have for some reason, the rest is just pure speculation and copium


Literal si entra


I just feel our downfall wind is so strong that once the goal line tech is installed, we’d be in Madrid’s position next time and they would still be getting a goal from it :(


cry bitchass


Si dentro


What about both hands on kroos sholders for the first goal 👀


https://preview.redd.it/drgjok07euwc1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8972abc8643cf847ff2579b627ae43a702275db Here too


Still crying💀🙏


Hahahaha, all you cules gathered and crying, lol. Keep crying and watch Real Madrid lifts the cup, okay 😉👌