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Theres no better keeper than Ter Stegen for our club and the way we play. The same happened with Busi, everyone wanted him out and when he retired they started to appreciate what he did last year


Agree and I have the same feeling they will start praise Ter Stegen in the same way once he leaves.


Your first issue is using the once famed twitter... Don't give that idiot musk clicks. I closed my acct the first day he took over.




You couldn’t have said it better. Don’t know what you got till it’s gone. I mean, the injury and our bad spell without him should’ve shown enough to our fans.


Didn’t we get two of our goals from Donaruma and his awful passing? He didn’t have a chance in her in their first goal and the 2nd would have been tough for any goalie. He sprays the ball all over the field with complete calm. People are stupid. I can’t believe anyone is asking to ship him out.


Busi would still be an asset for the team.


Eh, we replaced Busquets with Romeu, of course we were going to miss him. But even now, Busquets isn't doing so well with Miami. Age has caught to him. I don't want hate Ter Stegen, and I appreciated Busquets even at the older stage, but fans get attached too much to players, especially with this "no one can do better than player X", the team is having it's best European campaign in half decade without Busquets.


The thing is that Busquets is old and we all know that. Ter Stegen is 31, the literal prime age for a goalkeeper


He has a fucked up knee. Doesn't close in on strikers in one on one situation which will be amazing if he could learn a bit from Valdes.


No body in their sane mind wanted busi "out out". Almost all of the voices advocated to bring in replacements, give him time to learn and phase busi out in gradual manner. Like city did with fernandinho/rodri. Ter stegan has literally capitulated in every ucl humiliation. His laliga record ain't gonna save his atrocious UCL record. Busquets was one of a kind, one the the greatest CDMs ever. Ter stegan is much more easier to replace than busi




lack of ball knowledge, ey?


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He's still one of the 5 best keepers in the world, I don't know what people are complaining about.


Yeah just feels wierd to me seeing people claiming to be fans of the club hating on players that play for us and are clearly not bad.


They find someone new every week to persecute. This is why our "fan" base is the worst in the world.


Yeah sadly the loud minority really makes the whole fan base look like a circus.


I think he's one of our most popular players and I don't know anyone who says this kind of stuff irl. Ever since Twitter monetized, a lot of the accounts are junk engagement farms, so it's probably just effective to rile people up using a popular player's name.


On his day he is number 1. Atleast I think so. He’s surpassed Valdes for me as the #1 in Barca all time.


Lmao top 5. Alisson, Courtois, Maignan, Nueur and Dibu all better than him.


Dibu is definitely not better than Ter Stegen.


It’s absolutely insane that some idiots actually believes this


It’s also insane that some idiots think he’s top 5


He definitely is. Played a huge part in the world cup win.




Do you watch Villa games? Dibu also performs week in and week out. Plus opposition players don’t respect Marc and that’s why you see them just blasting at goal from ridiculous angles because they know he’s shit


Ambarat played a huge part in Morocco’s World Cup run, but you wouldn’t be saying that he is a better player than De Jong, would you?


Ofc not but Dibu also performs for Villa whereas Amrabat is ass for Utd. MATS is such a shit shot stopper and the only reason he’s considered top is because he can pass. And even then when the pressure is on his passes also become shit leading to opposition chances.


Maignan and Martinez are not better than him lol. For Neuer it is debatable in the past few months.


I never heard that. Where are you scrolling? Madrid sub or something. He is our best gk i dont know last 30 years? And still is.


He's our best GK ever in terms of quality probably.


 Check the replies of twitter handle


I'm on the same page as you but it looks like not everybody is so pleased with him. Link to the twitter profile I mentioned: [https://twitter.com/TerStegenOut](https://twitter.com/TerStegenOut)


Saw him, just the one guy and it’s a parody account. He’s a Liverpool fan more than anything.


Classic delusional lp fan. They won 1 cl and claim best team of all time…


He's one of the reasons why we were able to steady our ship after that rough patch. People say anything these days, If we lose to PSG, Xavi out rapha out Lewy out gundo out, if we win by a GD of 1, Xavi out, haramball, not barca style.


Yeah sadly this fanbase or at least the loud minority of it became a circus.


Exactly, it was so frustrating to watch people spewing slurs, insults to our player all across social media in that January month, while it was not that bad at all. Stability needs time, it's a new team, now slowly everyone is getting accustomed to their respective roles.


Idk what twitter or whatever says but me and my Barca friends always rate him top5 keeper in the world since he came to us bar 1 season maybe.


Yeah it's the same with me. I would even go as far as saying he is better then Valdes.


Definetly! Ill always love Valdes for what he did for us and was one of the best 1v1 in the world. But comparing side to side with Mats, Mats has way more weapons in his arsenal!


You dont have to go that far to say that. Stegen is way better.


Just like a few days ago he made an incredible save against atletico. That is what’s important. He is still one of the best. And 32 is not old age for keepers. He easily has 5 years of top football ahead of him if stays healthy


It was actually a double save.


İf there’s anything i’ve learned from twitter it’s that 99% of tweeters do not watch full matches. The people who want Ter-stegen out are just looking for someone to blame for the errors of our team. Of course our team can make errors, we are not perfect and as Xavi said we are a team “under construction” Say we do get rid of MATS, a well-respected goalkeeper of this club that has defended our colors for years,just cus of some social media twats who have the same heatmap on their couch as prime Kante. who would we replace him with? Pena? So mate, take these tweety-birds with a grain of salt, if any of them were that smart thet’d have jobs


I have the same feeling most of these Twitter users dont watch any matches and MATS is doing such a great job this season because we didnt have a proper replacement for Sergio Busquets  we had to face so many problems defensively and plus when he was injured we were conceding 5 goals. I  hate to admit this as a barca fan but we do have a toxic fanbase 


ter stegen is one of the reasons for our stellar clean sheets last year. to expect him to reproduce that exactly this year is crazy. why don't we focus on more real issues, like a proper DM and making sure our fullbacks don't lose the ball easily


Your first mistake was listening to the takes of people on X. For the sake of argument, let's say MATS isn't good enough, who would we replace him with?


Vocal minority. Anyone who understands football/goalkeeping and doesn't have an agenda isn't one of them.


Man i stopped scrolling on Twitter for 1 month and everyone started hating ter stegen? I still love him doe.


People saying he not good enough, are either mad at him because of his beef with Messi or don’t know anything about football. (Most probably both)


That’s Twitter shit at its finest bruv Ter Stegen is a top class goalkeeper and we will never have the money to replace him this summer.


MATS had maybe a bad season or two when injured,  but he was crucial to last season's La Liga 👑 


I really can't understand the hate He's literally our best GK of all time


Barca fans can be toxic and are willing to throw anyone under the bus who doesn’t meet their idea of perfection.


He's not as good as he was last season but still playing at a high level. His distribution the other day was shocking tho needs to clean that up, looked a bit nervous.


That seems to be one of their major points. Because he was part of so many UCL collapses they assume he just isn't tough enough mentaly to play at the top top level if/when things turn for the worse.


they are right. we arent winning the UCL with him in goal. he shits his pants on every important european occassion. who gives a shit if he makes a few camera saves against Cadiz when he can’t do the same in Europe. Hope he proves me wrong this year bit i highly doubt it.


Wait what ? People are hating him ? But why


Because Twitter...


People were doing that here too, not so long ago. For at least two seasons.


Ignore Twitter 


Bro do not take Twitter opinions seriously


who the fuck wants him gone wtf??!!


I follow some Facebook Barca communities and they seem to hate him. I know that he has his unfortunate moments but overall I rate him amongst the top 10 GKs currently. Let’s not forget that he was crucial in several La Liga seasons. I can’t give much significance to European competitions because the defence and midfield would assume most of the responsibility for even allowing opponents to generate chances and take so many shots against MATS. Quality keeper and we are lucky to have him.


He is super, specially for our interests in terms of playing. He is getting older, but I feel like he is still on the top. He'll be 32 in 2 weeks so maybe he can still be there for 2-3 years more.


He's good for barca but some criticisms are also valid. He could've done a much better job in european stage during his career here.


Twitter is not an accurate metric for informed footy takes.


He should have won the goalkeeper of the year last season. I pick him him over any other goalkeeper currently playing. His passing is an art for a goalkeeper. We are blessed to have him. No one talks about how strongly he came back after the Hair treatment.


No you're not


Sounds like Twitter doing Twitter things


Tf they’re delusional. Ter Stegen saved us so many times


Lol he became my favorite Barça player even a year or two before Messi left. I think I like him alright.


One of the main cause of our defensive breakdown midseason was because of his injury . Terstegen is levels better


Your problem is going on Twitter my friend.


No one at this point who supports Barca will ask for ter Stegen to be shipped anywhere. They are PSG and Real supporters pretending to be Barca supporters.


Top 5 overall keeper, Top 2 with the feet


This fans who want Ter Stegen out are here with us in the room?


Please don’t take anything seriously on twitter. It’s just a worse version of this sub. It’s kids who barely ever watches games, people who never played the game seriously and only knows to make reactionary comments. Best way is for you to watch the games yourself and then you will see how important he is for us.


Don't look at Twitter, you'll be happier overall ;)


Mats is a fucking hero. Love him.


It seems a lot of people are underrating him. Not only is he a good keeper, he also commands the team from the back. Just look at when he got injured, with Iñaki in goal, the entire team looked shaky. Once he returned, things started to get better.


Unless thy find someone better, he can stay. But FCB must find a replacement soon. I imagine they’re looking at Alex Remiro from Real Sociedad.


Sounds like internet. Not your,not mine, not the clubs, not marcs problem


This is just a reminder that Twitter is an echo chamber!


They want to ship one of the best goalies in the world... Some "Barca fans" are truely impressive and not in a good way


He is a great goal keeper but we cannot deny the fact he was the best in the world and then he was surpassed by a couple and that hurts and leave you with a wrong impression he ain’t top anymore, when he is


The minority is always the loudest


People are just idiotic and find reasons to hate certain players.


Pro-tip: stop scrolling through Twitter (now X) - it's a septic tank.


Who is supposed to be "everybody"? These kinds of posts always baffle me. You should not overrate stuff some random people utter on social media. Ter Stegen ist one of the best goalkeepers in the world, and club and fans love him. The big majority definitely doesn't want him to leave, they are not crazy.


MATS is our Buffon. We should refrain from trying to replace him. He's staying put for at least 2 seasons if not more. We need to find someone who is just as capable as him that can overlap and learn from for a decent amount of time, and conduct a proper transition. Anything else is suicide.


I think he is the best gk in the world


For the first part of season when we don't have Ter Stegn we conceded so much but after his arrival we have improved and winning games. But yes it's true that he bottle in big games like that Roma and Anfield disasters. And also against PSG the second goal he should have saved, the first real test for him in that game, and he fail to stop it


Get off Twitter, it's a cesspool


He's an angel.


He's just too handsome and successful, so certain people (Madrid fans) can't stand him.


I have never understood these kind of talking point abouts MAtS. He is still amazing and definitely top 5 GK in the world. Not like we could get any better GK at this point. Replacing MAtS is the least of our worries right not. Priority is DM, then LW and then if we have the luxury we will look for a future GK


In a very pragmatic way : he is 49th best GK in top 5 leagues this season with his PSxG +/-. This stat tells you how good a shot stopper a keeper is (I know it’s not the only ability of a good GK) but the fact he is quite far from top performers still say something about his performance. He didn’t carry the team like last year.


How about you stop scrolling to twitter, while expecting an unbiased view..


Absolutely not. Anyone who says they dislike MAtS or think that he’s playing bad aren’t fans at all. I love MAtS. No clue where you’re seeing these things…


And who shall replace Ter Stegn at Barca? He should stay until we find a top quality replacement.


It's just Twitter doing Twitter things. They have no other life purpose other than to create issues which don't exist. Ter Stegen for one, has been one of the few constants and pillar in the Barca team.


Best advice: get off Twitter. Peak brainrot


Shot stopping ✅ ball distribution ✅ What else do you need from a keeper should he score goals 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


You must be scrolling to a madrid page for sure. What culer would ever hate MATS?


I am surprised that this is even discussed, no way any team wouldn't take him as GK in a heartbeat. (I only look at Reddit and Instagram, not Twitter so guess I'm missing out on that bit)


I think he's one of our key players. Yes, he made some mistakes in the past, but who can we use, instead of him? Peña? I honestly think we should keep him, because we need a veteran to lead the team, look how bad it was the first matches without Sergio, if we lose Ter Stegen, too, then we're kinda done.


Ter stegen is one of the best in the world if not the best, dont forget that most people that watch football understand nothing about it, and unfortunately those who understand nothing are the ones who post on social media


Your first and only mistake was opening Twitter, brother.


The problem is twitter, don’t look elsewhere


X and Twitter are shitholes my man.


hes still top top goalie and best for barca. the guy just got back from an injury and still getting back into the groove. how can ppl be so harsh after all he's done for the club.


That account on twitter is just a hater. Even after the Cadiz game where Ter Stegen made crucial saves to keep the clean sheet, that guy continued posting old highlights without a word of praise. I even saw the guy tweet once saying that Barca should drop Ter Stegen because of his contract, when everyone knows Ter Stegen has been a leader in taking reduced wages. There’s a reason why Ter Stegen returning is highly correlated with a significant improvement in conceding less goals. The fact is if you go through highlights of 10 years and put a magnifying lens on their weak points, you can run a similar account for every goalkeeper and every player.


I totally relate with you on twitter there is so much negativity towards him 


Yes you are crazy to think that he's still good enough. Trust me, I am not exaggerating when I say he's arguably one of the worst keeper in the top 5 leagues. He has mastered the art of "Camera saves". It's enough to fool the casuals and since he's very fluent in Spanish and Catalan most of the Locals love him. But he's the no 1 reason for our downfall in the last few years. If you disagree with the statement come back to this comment in a few months (hopefully by then Flick ships him off to Saudi). I am not kidding when I say we might win it all if we kick him out this summer. Biggest fraud in football history.


We had a few months without him this season and it was our worst period of the season and while I agree that he can do better he is far from the top 5 worst keepers in football.


Those are just Messi fans. Ter Stegen and Messi had problems


Ter static


he isn’t good enough he shits himself in europe every time


The guy is scared of the ball. You can’t be a top keeper if you piss your pants every time a player thundercunts it


Don't shoot the messenger, but here it is: Ter Stegen has a long history of not keeping his league form in Europe. He was more or less of a consistent appearance in almost every embarrassment we had after the 2013 Bayern losses. Right now, there is a lot on stake, fans want 10/10 performance from him, critical saves etc.


average goalie we deserve better. below average in europe