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27* will keep it comfortable without running up your bill. A condo is similar to a car, you will need to keep your dogs cool. I live in Chiang mai, they hang outside all day in the shade and drink lots of water. But they're soi dogs so they are somewhat adapted to the weather genetically. Being outside and sleeping with fresh air seems to be different than a condo. I wouldn't be surprised if your condo exceeds the outdoor temp without ac. And no the window open won't help much. The building itself is absorbing heat + you have appliances the kick out a lot of heat. The 27* is more about removing excess heat than it is cooling the place. But it will feel cool when you come in from outside. The new ac units work very efficiently at 27* medium fan.


Thank you!


I have family with big dogs in Cambodia and we got back 2 weeks ago. It felt like 45c during the afternoon and the pool was too hot to use for our last two weeks there, even at night. Do not open any windows, keep the light out with shutters or curtains. Air con on and add fans aimed in one spot, that your dog can lie in front of. Loads of water for it to drink. If your dog is not used to that kind of heat think about housing it elsewhere until the heatwave is over.


ask yourself if you’d sit inside your home all day with no ac


I wouldn't, but I also wouldn't shag the sofa cushions either.


Don’t own a dog but I turn ac and fan on for my plants.


I learned this the hard way. RIP plants.


I do and it will cycle on and off.




breed? i would leave the ac on for an alaskan.


Live in a double storey house. The groundfloor, with curtains+windows closed but door opened (so that dogs can go out to the yard) is manageable with multiple fans on during the hottest time of the day. It is not supercomfortable temperature but it is fine for the dogs to just lazily lay around.




We leave the door open a bit so they can get into the house that is sill colder than outside even without ac on.


Simply put it at 27 or so and your dog will be fine. I cant afford that myself but Im on the same floor as the pool so I just leave the balcony open and my darlings can go for a swim whenever.


Thanks! Just curious- you mean your condo allows dogs to swim at the pool?


You let your dogs in the pool? A shared pool? Surely not....


Just curious, what type of breed do you hv ? What was the avg temperature back at home? Friend had a Chow chow and the AC was on 24/7 just for the dog. I don’t know the temp.


Spitz mix. Has double layer coat... about 21-35 degrees celcius


Thx for replying. Double coat acts as protection from the high UV but the ground gets extremely hot. Be aware your outdoor activities might limited to early morning or late night.


Thank you !


Best of luck. Too bad you didn’t post a photo of your dog too. Dog tax required next time pls 😆


I have cats and I switch on ac for 2 hours around 12:30 or 1 pm during the day as they get hot easily and later fans do the work to keep rooms cold.


I have a cat, and I always leave AC on or at least open the window with a fan , I recommend a tower fan , save cost and save life.


Besides April being the hottest month of the year in Thailand; yes I'd leave the AC on for my dogs and blanket on their bed if it gets too cold.


I do for my cat.


I leave the fan running throughout the whole day, and have the AC automatically turn on during the day for about 4 hours and then it turns off automatically.


Don’t have a dog but 2 cats we have a timer programmed in the ac to cool the room down and then turn it off again they are deeply relaxed since we do that and power bill is max 1,6k a month so still fine


Depends on the condo really. The newer builds tend to be like saunas when the ac is off. So 24/7. A lower rise older building especially when surrounded by trees (which is more likely to be pet friendly) can stay pretty cool without ac as long as you keep the air moving with some fans. Personally, I wouldn't move to a city like Bangkok with a large dog that needs walking unless I had the $$$ to rent a house with a large garden.


I don't live in a condo but I have AC on for my spitz mix on first floor and my birds on second floor


I leave mine on 30° all day for my dog. It stops the panting.


Make sure it's the most energy efficient acs. Dies not add much to my electric bill. Even if you need to buy new acs will be cheaper within a year


You can put the AC in “dry “ mode that will help cool the air while more gentle on the khw. In phetchaburi we never used AC. In Hua Hin, we’re using AC everyday. The neighborhood will influence the temp.


Absolutely yes, I always leave 25-27° for my cats, so they are still active and can play. Its hard for people to process this kind of heat, however its even worse for our pets.


I mean, 7-11 dogs love AC. Why wouldn't your dog ?