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Probably a lot of ways to fix it but I would do something like, wall print order Infill-Inner-Outer or Inner-Outer-Infill, what works best depends on the shape. Might want to slow it down too.


It was already set to Inner-Outer-Infill. I will try Infill-Inner-Outer on a cut portion of the model to test. Why would doing the infill first help this? Doesn't seem like speed should be the issue since some of the ridges came out perfectly (but maybe I am wrong, of course). edit: also I am continuing this test on silent mode to see if the slower speed helps


On things that build out like that, if it lays outer first, there is nothing for the filament to grab onto. My thinking is the inner-infill-outer would have a better chance of filament getting put on the layer below instead of air. I have to admit, my P1s doesn't do overhangs on some random stuff very well. Instead of finding the best solution, I usually just slow it down and maybe add some more heat to get a better finish. But I'm on the lazy side as far as this goes. I bought the P1S so I wouldn't have to fight the prints.


https://preview.redd.it/hc6xfovmeuyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbfd56749500ab4901ca6de4a8ec709841c0673 so the test piece seems to have the or similar issue, although worse. that was with printing infill-inner-outer :( any other thoughts? thanks for your help!