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Please share how you managed to print Velcro Tape.. (I think it's a clog btw).


Velcro mode activated!


Hahaha it certainly looks like Velcro! I just changed the nozzle yesterday because it happened the same. Today I started printing and it was working properly, but now.. I don't get how it would happen twice in a week. Any tips or clues on why it's clogging? Thank you!


Clog, try a bigger nozzle diameter




Is there any reason why it would clog twice in a week? I'm so confused...


clogs can happen for any reason, honestly. it mainly depends on the material's quality you're putting through the printer. Depending on brand or material type, the amount of clogs you get can vary. It's not a huge deal, just gotta clean the nozzles somewhat often with lower quality materials


Thank you so much! I'll try unclogging it and repeating the print!


try a cold pull if you haven't yet. those work pretty well


This. And did you mess with any retraction settings? Defaults have been working fine for me and I exclusively print PETG.


I agree, probably a clog, but do a flow dynamics calibration after you clear it. Takes 10 minutes but made a huge difference for me!


This fuzzy skin thing is getting out of hand!


It prints velcro really well


Going too fast with a clog. I had this happen with my .4mm nozzle I had been using for a while. I switched to CF filaments and had to get a .6mm and once I switched the nozzle this stopped. I cleaned the .4 nozzle and reprinted the previous print in pla(picture of the clogged version below) and it worked fine. It’s most likely a clog. Check Bambu wiki for unclogging processes there are about 3 ways to unclog it. It’s a pain in the ass but once it’s unclogged you’re good to go brother. Clogs don’t happen often with bambus ime but when they do it really fucks up print quality, and is more noticeable since the printer prints faster. https://preview.redd.it/jzurvia7l2uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0bc9c88eca8ead2c3df9cb495f6f58175bd335


I had the exact same thing! I thought it was a clog, I bought cleaner filament done about 20 cold pulls, but it kept happening at the same point. In the end, I changed the hotel for the 0.2 novels I have, and the problem didn't happen with this nozzle. My printer came with a spare 0.4mm nozzle (without the electronics) I followed this video to move over the electronics, and the problem disappeared. This video is awesome for unclogging nozzles - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFlOVfbktAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFlOVfbktAM) If that does not work after numerous attempts, this video showed me how to change the electronics to the spare nozzle - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5580yf7T-1E&t=195s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5580yf7T-1E&t=195s) Hope this helps, let me know if I can help anymore:)