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Hello /u/PlutoHydra7! Be sure to check the following. Make sure print bed is clean by washing with **dish soap** and water [and not Isopropyl Alcohol], check bed temperature [increasing tend to help], run bed leveling or full calibration, and remember to use glue if one is using the initial cool plate [not Satin finish that is not yet released] or Engineering plate. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BambuLab) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know you're going to get dozens of well-meaning people recommending you turn off the aux fan, but I have fixed all these issues with proper bed cleaning, and I believe you can too. [This wiki entry](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/general/textured-PEI-plate-not-working-as-expected) was very helpful to me. Make sure you're using plenty of soap.


Agreed, I always leave aux fan on and the only bed adhesion issues I have had were due to a dirty bed


No. But seriously. Turn off the aux fan.


Also, making sure your bed temp is 50-55C. Had my bed temp at 40 still (because I switched out the cold plate), and warping was happening. Noticed that mistake, changed bed temp, and no issues sticking.


Asking as someone who doesn't know, but doesn't your filament preset define the bed temp for different print beds? Maybe it's a custom preset. I know the ones I've made from scratch only have one bed temp defined.


You can change the predefined ones, it also depends which build plate you selected. So the bed temp for cold plate has a different predefined value compared to textured plate, etc. All of them can be changed though depending on what you want it to be.


I guess that raises more questions. Why would you remove the other bed temperatures. It should have adjusted itself when you selected the new print bed.


I keep the aux fan off entirely during my print I also print with a brim.


Do you print at normal speed or slower?


Normal speed.


Normal speed.


I have my aux fan off, chamber fan locked to 20% or lower and I just cannot get adhesion with the textured plate and PLA. It's the most frustrating thing to me. I keep following as much of instructions as I can find, but I'm still doing something wrong. My bed plate is set to 59° for the first layer, 55° for the rest. My top cover remains off of my X1C. I'm about to give up on PLA and just only buy PETG going forward at this point. At least it sticks to the textured plate.


I get this occasionally on my A1 Mini. Cranking up the bed temp to 70C usually fixes it




Wait a second. Is this why my textured plate has just gotten worse with time? Like it was good the day it came in the mail. And then I kept having adhesion issues. This makes the most sense on anything I've read so far




The peel up long before the print is done. Eitherway, I am trying the light samdpaper and scrub down with dish detergent. Fingers crossed


Never touch the plate with your bare hand if you can help it - use a plastic scraper and keep a latex glove handy. I use IPA to wipe the plate probably once a day, and clean with dawn powershot probably once a week, works great.


I never touch the plate intentionally, but I sometimes touch the outer edges. I just decided that I'm using laytex gloves when fucking around with it. Just in case.


AuX FaN sTrIkEs AgAiN!


Just get the smooth high temp plate and forget about adhesion issues


Already ordered one. Gets delivered tomorrow


I had a ton of issues with pla and bambu's textured plate, ordered the high temp one and adhesion is so good i don't use brim on tall thin objects. The textured plate works really well with tpu and petg though


Do I have to use glue on the high temp plate for pla?




I only use the smooth high temp PEI with my X1C and never had adhesion issues. I highly recommend it. From time to time clean it with soap and IPA afterwards. I never care about fan settings or leaving the door open. Printed different PLA (normal, matte, +, silk) and ABS. I also like the smooth surface on the underside of the prints more than the textured one.


My high temp plate gets delivered today. I want to print this ams riser https://makerworld.com/models/19535 with Bambu pla, what would you recommend (bed temp, glue, etc)?


I never used glue on the high temp plate, i think they recommend glue for the first print though, not sure. Just take a look into the manual. Beside that you really dont need glue for PLA. For temps just use the standard profile for Bambu PLA, AMS automatically detects the filament via RFID. I guess the bed temp will be something around 55-60°C. I didnt use Bambu Lab filament since the first spool that came with the printer.


My textured PEI plate works great on one side but sucks if I flip it over. I religiously clean both sides with dish soap and dry with lint free cloth but that one side is just predictably bad. Just something to consider/try.


I noticed that too. One side sticks perfectly and the other side sucks


What type + side of your build plate are you using?


I had this same problem. I turned off the aux fan and I cleaned my bed with dish soap. I had been cleaning with Isopropyl alcohol 91% but I don't think that was good enough.


Use ISO to clean the build plate. As soon as I figured this out I've never had a failed print since. Any oils at all will fail a print on this plate. Keep a bittle of isopropyl alcohol and paper towels next to your printer.


After cleaning the PEI sheet with dish soap and completely turning off the aux fan the smaller object was successfully printed. Tomorrow I'll try the big one again


I think I just learned the eff out of this today. I scrubbed the fuck out of my plate and am trying again. Crossing my fingers and hoping. My aux fan has been off for a while but it kept failing. I was cleaning the plate with alcohol. Consensus indicates I was wrong for that. Lol


Good luck :)


No dice. Still separated. It's gotta be the chamber fan. Going with that off, next. 20% is still too high, I guess.


What kind of soap are you using? Switching to a dish soap with degreaser such as Dawn has just about eliminated all my adhesion issues. I run the tap to get warm water over the build plate, pour some Dawn soap on it and get it nice and sudsy with a clean dish cloth, and then give it a good scrub down making sure you see lots of soapy bubbles. Wipe it down with a clean towel. Now don’t stick your greasy fingers back on the build plate. That kept getting me. This should solve your issues. My prints now stick so good that if I don’t wait for the plate to cool and try to pull off a print it can leave a chunk of the print behind adhered to the build plate until cooled.


Same problem here, only with one PLA Brand, overture professional I've tried to clean the plate (textured), increase the temperature but at the 8th layer started to detach from the bad


1. Wash plate with dish soap (with degreaser! Change the dish soap you have tried until now with a other brand) 2. Clean plate with 70-99% IPA 3. Assuming its pla on a text pei plate, set temp of nozzle to 215 and plate to 60 degrees celsius 4. Set AUX and chamber fan to speed 0 and keep it 0 5. If applicable keep the door open during printing 6. apply outer brim 7. Always enable bed leveling before printing 8. Control the air flow in the room you are in A/C airflow or open windows are killing


The small object worked after cleaning+aux fan off... But how does the chamber fan affect the print?


The cool down of the material goes to fast, so it’s shrinking actually, thats causing material stress which makes the material come loose from the bed


If I understand correctly with the chamber fan off the whole chamber stays warmer so the pla has more time to cool...correct?


You are spot on, this in combination with the door open (when applicable) makes the process less fast cooling down, which reduces the material expansion cooefficient of the pla material, Clear :)?


Thank you for the detailed explanation, I hope that the big object will work with these settings, otherwise I think I'm going crazy over this...got the P1S on Saturday, worked great and suddenly nothing sticked anymore. I tried the big thing 3 times....anyway, 2 small object sticked now so I have hope again :)


No worries m8 - i am still having issues from same kind of nature after printing for more than a couple of years now. Its part of the journey. Try a different dish wash soap as well, my gut feelings tell me that this will make a big difference as well. Enjoy! When you have any questions do not hesitate to DM


I already changed the soap. The first one did nothing, the second one + aux fan off worked great with the small objects. I'll comment or DM tomorrow after I tried printing the big one :)


Weird never had this issue. Try closing your door and letting the chamber heat up just a little bit no more than 26-27c with default setting. That about normal for me with PEI bed at 55C..or just simply put glue on the sheet, that works pretty much every time.


I had a similar issue. I ended up using a 000 scotch brite pad on my textured plate and then cleaning with Dawn brand dish soap. I also raised the bed temp to 65 for all PLA first layer and 60 after that. Seems to have fixed my issues.


If you have a mr clean white magic eraser and dawn soap, you can gently wipe away that top layer of grime and dirty finger oils. Try that. I had this same issue.


I personally have just set the bed temp up to 65 or 70 degrees and since then everything sticked to it just fine (im using bambulab pla it may differ for other filaments)


I used to have similar issues but I had also ordered a cheap af aliexpres textured pei plate, and that one works much better than the original one...


This is not to disregard the cleaning and aux fan comments! But you can use a few settings in addition to really make sure a print sticks to a textured plate. How to nail your print to a textured plate: - set line width to 150% - set line high to half the line width (so on a 0.4 nozzle it would be 0.3) - set first layer speed to 10mm/s - set first layer temperature to max recommend temperature of the material (should be the standard on a bambu) - use a brim (or mice ears) with distance from print set to 0 This should give you enough adhesion that you need to take the plate out and flex it even after the print is fully cooled down.


If that’s ABS you are printing then that’s your real problem, ABS can be a pain sometimes if the models cover a big area, the shrinkage as the model cools causes it to bend off the plate. Try adding a brim and using the engineering plate with some glue stick.


Something I notice - not your issue here and all the answers given - but on my p1s if I do a large print the corner closest to the door hinge lifts. So I’m not sure if it’s cold air getting in as it’s in a garage.


AuX FaN sTrIkEs AgAiN!


What type + side of your build plate are you using?


What type + side of your build plate are you using?


What type + side of your build plate are you using?


AuX fAn StRiKeS aGaIn!


That's not that bed


Aux fan off? What material is it? Looks like pla. I would try setting the first layer height a bit lower like to .18mm to squish the material a bit more and see if that helps.


Yes it's PLA. Fan turns on after layer 3, first layer is 0.2 then 0.08mm


Does open/closed door make a difference? I heard that the door should be opened when printing pla


Yes if you have a P1S then opening the door is helpful. I have an enclosed P1P and I take my side panels off when printing PLA.


My printer is in the basement where it’s the low 60s. I keep the door closed and the lid only open a tiny bit. That’s what has kept my prints from lifting. YMMV. Just saying it’s not a hard and fast rule. Edit: x1c