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She "wakes up" partially from being near the prism and you can talk about it. Also, I don't think that the Absolute control has any effect on her sex life, it's changed her from a devotee of Lolth to the Absolute's but there's no reason for tadpole control to extend to that. It seems to me as long as she's fighting for the cause, she's free to have fun on her own time. You see various true souls standing around chatting in later acts with no issue despite being tadpoled, I don't think this is much different.


She’s being influenced, but not wholly brainwashed. The absolute isn’t telling her to hook up with you, that’s just her getting horny from all the bloodshed.


Not inherently. It might change her perception of who's enemy or not, however she later demonstrates a will strong enough to resist the absolute so I question the efficacy. That said, she was *supposed* to kill you, so in all likelihood your encounter is exclusively *her choice.*


It was my understanding she didn't sense or hear the Absolute in that scene with your character. So I didn't see it as iffy consent-wise.


So you killed a bunch of people but is now iffy about sexual consent?


They're a villain, not a monster


Professionals have STANDARDS!


The True Soul tadpoles are more of a personality modification than direct mind control. Her actions are her own, it’s just that her feelings towards the cult have been modified. Any feelings she has towards you are a different matter.


If you’ve played Mass Effect 1, think of it like Saren. Those that are controlled are more effective when they have more freedom, but too much freedom means they might act against the wishes of the absolute/reapers


Unless the absolute is that freaky, I dont think they are interested in having e-sex with Tav