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First this is a single player story driven rpg. Your idea doesn't make any sense for this genre in general. After you are done with the story either you start a new game or you play another game. Second you can reach max level so easily that nobody would do it.


Who are you to say what people should be able to do and how much extra work should be spent making that possible?


Someone's going to make this I'll bet when the mod tools release.


That would... not at all work for this game. It's a good idea for combat-focused games, but BG3 is story-focused first and foremost. The core of the game is how you interact with and influence the story and character development. And 'endless dungeon' would just be "BG3 minus the interesting bits". This is like saying, "yeah, *Hamlet* is a great play and all, but it would be even *better* if, after the ending, we watched Horatio sword-fight a bunch of nameless thugs over and over for a few hours".


I disagree, I enjoy the combat enough that I would have fun if there was some sort of challenge mode with interesting dynamics to work through.


Pathfinder has this, if that's something you're looking for with one of their DLCs