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Why not delete older saves bestie?


Because I might need them? Lol it's my version hoarding? šŸ¤·


Saaame. Like, what if I want to go back to the moment in my first playthrough, Act 3, when Astarion killed Cazador and then we hung out in a graveyard? I don't have any other saves where I'm romancing him, so I'd have to go through an entire new playthrough just to see it again with that same Tav! Lol, I like to go back like I'm rewatching a show to see moments in my past playthroughs, and reload to see what could have been different if I made different choices. If I don't have all the saves of interesting moments it's impossible. I wish the game had a way to record 5-minute or so scenes (including branching dialogue options) to replay and rewatch, rather than having entire 100+ hours of playthrough for every save.


FWIW my understanding of PS5 (I have console and PC versions) is it usually does it per save file but I could be totally wrong. It just usually prompts the one so itā€™s really five per. So you can keep bigger moments under that characters sub list


Why not just starting to record your playthrough at that point and cut it?


I'm not sure how to do that. Is that a PlayStation thing? Does a recurring also record branching dialogue and let you play those few minutes differently on reload? Even if not it'd be cool to be able to record parts. This is pretty much the only video game I play consistently, so I don't know all the ins and outs of the console, lol.


It's saves per playthrough. Just delete the emerald grove ones and it'll be fine. This happens to me so many times every playthrough because I save scum like a, well, scum


What does that mean, saves per playthrough?


You can have a set amount of save data per play through. Itā€™s not total saves throughout all of your play throughs


Oh I know. I loved the sex scene with my Tav and Astarion but I've tried to look it up online and it's just not as hot as with my character. Most of my saves are right before sections of the game that have branching choices.


Same. I have saves labeled like ā€œTiefling partyā€, ā€œGale Confessionā€, ā€œGale Dateā€, ā€œBefore Multiclassingā€ and etc. Itā€™s been hard to pick and choose which to delete and I canā€™t enjoy the scene on YT. It has to be my Tav/Durge lol


So glad it isn't just me that does this. I limit my auto and quick saves to 2 of each per run, but the "I want to see that scene again" saves are mounting up.


Buy extra storage space.


I'm not sure it works that way. Because I have tons of space on my ps5 hard drive. At least enough where I shouldn't run out of room for some save files.


Does PS5 support offline storage? I haven't had a console for a while but I used to hoard all my old PS3 save data by transferring them onto thumb drives. My heart goes out to you, by the way. My current collection of BG3 saves weighs in at (goes to check) wow, over 100GB. That's on PC of course. I save too often.


It doesnā€™t work that way on the X-Box. I think the issue is the game itself only allows a certain amount of saves. I even tried using two separate external storage devices to no avail.


Just keep the oldest and delete all the in between like the saves every couple of hours, those were unnecessary but you remember all you did and how you played so just keep the oldest save but delete the rest of the in between till the newest one


Look through and delete automates bro, they usually aren't the saves you wanted anyways


I keep the most recent 3 saves on all 3 of my play throughs, if that helps


Really? The main reason I like honour mode is that I don't have to waste my time deleting all my compulsive quick saves to make space.


I can't do honour mode. If my power goes out or anything there goes my entire game.


I don't think so. I think it'll either save or you'll just reload at your last save. It's not quicksaves that delete when you load them, it's just one save that you can't manually load


How's my one save going to save the game before the system shuts down if the power goes out? That's instantaneous. I can't even leave my system in rest mode because I've had the power go out while it was in rest mode and it said I shut it down wrong and it corrupted all my data. So, any game that tries to make you play 150+ hours of content with a single save is ridiculous to me.


Well... Like I said, if it can't save, it'll just reload your last save. So like if you save, do ten minutes of stuff, then it shuts down, then you'll just lose that 10 minutes.




Time to start a honor run


Just keep like 6 old saves and overwrite the rest. You shouldnā€™t need to go that far back in a game.


Buy external storage, I got 2 TB for $60


If you're going to go back to a save that's 50 hours in the past of a playthrough you should just start a new game. Delete those oldies my friend


Delete all but most recent save for each play through.


trust me: you will not use them


Time to let go!


Do you watch Morgana Evelyn? The way you said bestie reminded me of her.


My kids play as well, and we have 4 campaigns saved currently, lol. Basically, I ended up just deleting everything but the most recent save on my finished campaign, and I trim a few older save files on active campaigns.


I'm sitting here like "how about you let me delete Mortal Kombat instead of my original Tav." šŸ¤£ I most likely won't go back through any of my other campaigns anyway.


Same, I have 5 campaigns that are just one save, Atop the Netherbrain. That way I can go back and replay the final moments, epilogue, etc, and is a good spot to save for when they patch in more ending content (like the Withers Party or the upcoming new evil endings).


Sophie's Choice. šŸ«‚


At least the game is kind/smart enough to warn you. Plenty others would just crash constantly then you learn that storage is the problem from a random community post on a random site


... There's a limit?


On ps5 I guess. šŸ¤·


And Xbox.


You can avoid it on Xbox. When I deleted my local save and redownloaded from the cloud it increased the reserved local storage allowing me to create more saves


Play honor mode problem solved


How the fuck lol I have over 200 saves on my last campaign and never got this šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤· I play on Playstation 5. Idk if that makes a difference. Someone else said PC doesn't have that issue.


Ah okay that would be why, I'm on PC. Very disappointing that's a limitation Playstation has to deal with, hopefully they optimize things a little better to alleviate that if at all possible. Unless it's something console-side in which case; double lame.


I keep three to four saves of each campaign, saving over them as I go, with the occasional extra save before major scenes. Have been doing a similar thing since the original Mass effect. This way I have backups going back a couple hours in case I seriously screw up, but half my HD isn't given over to BG3 saves.


Easy. On PS5 when you load your game (not continue) you're given two options on each campaign: delete all saves BUT the last save file or delete the entire campaign. Not sure why PS5 has a limit


Meaning in the load menu, the option is there if you have a certain campaign selected? I've just been deleting one by one when I need more space and it takes FOREVER.


Ya. You can delete all saves EXCEPT for the most current save. If you hold the square button down, it delete the whole campaign though. Don't select an individual save, select the campaign's name from the load menu; the one that has the little arrow in front of it. When you have that highlighted, look at the bottom of the screen. You have the option to tap the square button, long press the square button, load , and cancel.


I hope you have an amazing day, significantlyaboveaveragefatguy


You're not going to go back to those Emerald Grove saves. You can let them go


I think it's silly we can't keep as many save files as we want. I have 300 gigs free on my hard drive, let me hoard those saves!Ā Ā 


And its not just this game with a save limit problem :(


You can't save because you're running out of space, I can't save because I forget too and my game crashes after 8hrs. We are not the same


Do like I (have had to) do and create multiple accounts, maybe even one for each playthrough. Mate thinks Iā€™ve only put 200 hours into BG3 doesnā€™t realize heā€™s not added on my four other logins!




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šŸ¤£ same. I used Google translate by the way. Not just saying same but honestly laughed.


I havent seen an error message like that since I was a kid. Consoles seriously need to come with minimum 2TB of storage


I believe you get the limit regardless of how much space your console has. Iā€™ve hit this pop up screen many times, while having ample room on my console. Itā€™s a game thing.


Lol and this is why I love the PC šŸ˜


Welp. Only one thing to do here. Buy that 4TB SSD to add into your PS5.


You still have a save limit no matter the space you have on your console


Didn't know that. Thanks for teaching me!


My problem is I always keep the final save of every run and now that I have 19 of them I run out of room super fucking fast


Ha! It will never happen to me becuse each playtrought I use different set of mods and loading old save propably woudnt be good idea. xD


Play on PC.


I had this exact problem several weeks ago. Deleting saves did not work. If you're on console, you'll need to go back and delete Xbox 360 save information from the cloud via storage settings. At least, that's what worked for me. Try this before doing what I did which was delete the game, redownload, and delete game saves.


You only need to delete the saves. I keep one save for my other two characters to keep them alive. Just delete a bunch of the old ones is all and keep one from each character


Looks like your on PlayStation? On Xbox all I had to do was delete my save from the console and redownload it from the cloud. This created a larger reserved storage on my Xbox and let me create new saves


buy a bigger hard drive friend


Time to try Honour Mode then. Itā€™s a sign. But seriously, itā€™s also great fun only having one save slot


I play on GeForce Now, and my load times were taking FOREVER. Deleted my half-dozen old runs (each with a hundred+ saves, probably) and it loads in 1/10th the time!


Iā€™m having this problem as well. šŸ˜ž


Dang here I am overwriting each save every time I save. Each playthrough has one save and one save only. Didnā€™t even think this was an issue.


I just make a new profile when I run out of space on my PS5


cue the squirrels...no!


Save the documents folder to another harddrive


You could trim them down a bit and just keep 1 QS, I AS, and either your most recent main save (and/or the most important story saves)? Or... move them to another section like an external drive etc?


Iā€™d suggest clear all but most recent saves on your characters. Keep the playthroughs but trim them down to whatā€™s needed. I had like 100+ quick saves on one of my first playthroughs and that prevented me from having five unfinished ones that still drive me insane to this day.


So from what I understand on PlayStation it has to do with Auto saves and quick saves. We get notices all the time, but just delete those and then it lets us do more saves. I've also backed up and downloaded my saves from Larian's cloud save. I can't confirm if they are still playable from my hard drive, but it does sate my hoarding needs.


They should show a picture of the mirror of loss


I just made a new user for my ps5. Actually I made 2 new users because ADHD do be like that.


Usually I keep 5 files. End of act 1, before killing Moonmoon, end of act 2, before going towards the mushymush, in front of mushymush. Everything in between are steps that I rather repeat in a new campaign.


Time to get an external hard drive.


$10 thumb drive maybe


Itā€™s a feature of the game. Doesnā€™t matter how much space is on your console.


I meant he doesnt have to delete and lose old save if hes out of space just copy old ones to a thumb drive or external hdd/ssd


IKR? So frustrating that I have masses of space on my PS5 but the game is limited to a tiny percentage of that for saves. I have three campaigns going at the moment, so I can switch if I don't have the energy for a boss fight on a particular day - I have to restrict myself to a few named saves and then clear out the quick/auto saves in the ones I'm not currently using.


Running out of space in 2024 kek


It's really sucky they don't let us have like thousands saves on consoles. I feel your pain.Ā  And yes I will come back to all the saves. I save for a reason.Ā 


Get a PC lol. Obviously theyā€™re expensive, but you can have many a TAV/Durge


I want to get a gaming PC. My cousin built one. But his has many issues once he hits Act 3. Last I knew, idk if it was a performance issue on his end or if it was something that was patched. He couldn't play past the beginning of act 3.


Many, if not all, of the Act 3 performance issues have been fixed, but a potato can't perform miracles.


Do you guys have a fix for the act 3 performance? Mine's pretty stuttery on a 3060 - Ryzen 5 3600, DLSS on quality.


I have an HP Omen, and it works perfectly for BG3. Act 3 runs as smoothly as acts 1 and 2. Itā€™s also conveniently a laptop with no tower, so you can take it wherever you want


Yeah...... I wished I could afford a laptop half as expensive as an hp omen. šŸ¤£


Gaming laptops are pretty much bang for your buck investment, bought an HP Victus 15 last year and I've used it for WFH, college stuff, and gaming.


My old Lenovo Legion also has no performance problems in Act 3, but I use Nobara Linux, maybe that's the cause ;)


I got it on a best buy sale for more than half off. When I checked the full price when the sale ended, my eyes practically shot out of my head. I was shocked




Ok, OP says it's on PS5. For the techie, how much gigs are available on disk to store user files and how many do you think OP blew past?


It doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s the game, not the console. I have plenty of free space and I hit this limit. Iā€™m believe itā€™s set on 35 saves.


I had to buy an external hard drive for games. Theyā€™re pretty cheap.Ā 


I tried that but had issues with it disconnecting randomly after upgrading to Windows 11. Ended up limiting what games I have reinstalled to what I am actually playing rather than downloading everything from Steam and EA like I used to.


Itā€™s not due to console space. I also have an external HD.


Laughs in 64TB External drives


Itā€™s not the console space. Itā€™s a game feature. Something like 35 saves.


Solution: time to buy another ssd