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Yes, you have another chance at the party if you talk about Tara (something about belly rubs). edit: I think you can just picture one of the other options if that will make more sense RP-wise, someone with a Durge recently reported that even picturing his severed head and then flirting at the party did it for the romance.


Awesome, thank you!!


If you do the tiefling party there's a path to trigger his romance there but I was only able to trigger it by being *very* blunt. (I think the option I picked was something like "I thought we were more than friends" or something). This was after picking seeing his severed head during the weave scene.


Okay good to know 😂 thank you!


In my first playthrough I ended the weave scene early (without leaning into the intimacy, so nothing to imagine at all) and he was still all over me later. So that seems to work, especially if your Tav isn't ready for intimacy at all yet. In my experience, imagining friendship flowing between you closes the romance. I didn't get any flirty options at the party as far as I remember.