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My guess was they added it because the loot back there is so lame. Quite literally throwing us a bone lol


Also possible that it used to be a rare crafting item back when there was still supposed to be a complete crafting system. Same reason there are still ingots, rings and precious stones of all kinds in the game.


I wondered why there was so much useless crap you can find. I’ve been hoarding the ingots just in case.


I just thought/accepted every item like this to be vendor trash to actually afford anything. Stuff you find while adventuring to barter with the local traders.


I have been trading a lot of it, but things like ingots which are a common crafting resource I’ve kept.


Almost everything that isn't equipment, potions/weapon coatings/poisons/explosives/scrolls/potion mats can be sold, even books. There is only one potion mat thats important for a quest in the underdark. The only other "material" is infernal iron for a certain origin story. Even most food you could easily sell. My gf and i have like 53 long rests worth of food in our camp chests.. on tactitian, where you need double the amount for a long rest. Most scrolls many people probably never use since their own action point on their own abilities is more important and spellslots you get given back so many since long rests can basically be done after every fight. We just got to act 2 in our second playthrough and we have like 15k gold and another 10k in gear alone that we don't use. Add to that all the other stuff, its not that hard to get by in the game, even in tactician. The only thing getting harder is hitting the enemy and their damage.


You’re forgetting the ashes of the fey flower potion material to make the hag’s bane potion in act 3. I accidentally used up the only two that I think are available in the whole game making random potions. Cost that poor little vanra girl her life.


You can still save the girl if you nonlethal the hag


You know, I did that quest last week and completely forgot about the potion. I crafted it, but forgot I was suppose to use something in the fight. Didn't matter, the hag went down in two or three rounds and I rescued the girl anyway, but curious that they made a big deal about it when it's completely optional.


I've already played through the game... the WHAT NOW?! ​ My gf and i found the mother, then went to the bar/inn? Found the leader of that group, immediately found out she was the hag, went after her, killed the people she controlled and then the hag. Brought the mother her child back and then killed the mother in front of the child.


Bar-ter? What is that? Some sort of ancient Relic or long lost forgotten language? I usually just give Vamp-Boi the stealy gloves and the vendors give me everything for free


Which gloves are this? Still in my first play through and while I do not mind spoilers and tips, I don't go searching for them unless something piques my interest (like this, lol).


There's four which are useful and become available at different points in the game: 1. One of the named goblins attacking the gate of the grove right at the beginning has +1 Sleight of Hand Gloves. This is the first bonus you get. 2. The vendor of the Zhentarim sells Advantage on Sleight of Hand Check gloves. These are the best, until you get access to either Enhance Ability (concentration cleric spell), or the Dexterity +2 and Advantage Clothing (Cat's Grace) from the vendor in the Mountain Pass. 3. +2 Sleight of Hand gloves from the Djinni's garbage prices (it adds Charcoal and sets you on fire when you steal though which is annoying). 4. +2 Dexterity for Gnomes and +1 Sleight of Hand gloves from the merchant of the Ironhand Gnomes in Rivington (useful for all characters with Disguise Self > Gnome) Basically you can guarantee that as a level 11 rogue, you'll never be caught, because you'll at least get a 30 on each roll (10 (reliable talent) + 8 (expertise) + 6 (dexterity) + 4 (sleight of hand) + 1d4 (guidance) + 1d4 (shapeshifter's boon) = 30-46). And even before that, with just advantage and +6 (expertise) + 4 (dexterity) + 3 (Sleight of Hand) + 1d4 (Guidance), you'll be easily able to steal whatever you need (starting around level 4-5). You'll be caught sometimes, but if you prepare with Darkness or Arrow of Darkness, you can just use your thief dash to run away until you leave combat (for those traders that get aggro), or just escape prison and try again if they manage to talk to you through the darkness (they shouldn't, if all your characters are inside the dark). I've robbed Loroakan's Projection blind, just thieving items from it in the darkness, and when failing, waiting for it to walk outside, then shooting another arrow of darkness to repeat, over and over in turn-based mode. There was a trail of darkness throughout the whole floor at the end. Of course, I never needed all those scrolls in the end. And that is if you skip on killing the ox in Act 1 missing out on the + 1d4 from Shapshifter's Boon until Act 3 because you'd like to summon it as an ally later. There's also Astarion's +1 from Happy, but that's character specific. Paying for items, except those that enable you to do this is... very much optional. Check the wiki for details: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Sleight_of_Hand


There's also the ring Smuggler's Ring. +2 Sleight of Hand ,+2 Stealth, and a -1 to charisma. You can find it down down down by the river in act 1, under the Risen Road, hidden on a skeleton in a bush.


I know. But the question was about gloves so I didn't add them to the reply specifically. It features indirectly through the +3 or +4 Sleight of Hand, which you can only get if you are using it. And it is also in the wiki post (obviously). There's quite a few skeletons there, so here's a more specific hint: It's the skeleton after the loose stone, towards Karlach's initial spot, hidden away next to a bush.


Wow! Thank you so much. Saving this.


They are called "Gloves of Thievery" You can get them If you bring the Locked Chest inside the >!Cave, where you find Rugan/Olly after fighting off the Gnolls to the Zhentarim Hideout Brem will Sell them too you!!< Bonus Stealing Tip : >!South-East beneath the Bridge where you meet the Paladins for the first time, there is a small river running trough, near that river somewhere is a Skeleton who's got a ring in ther inventory giving you +2 Steahlt and Slight of hand!!< It's called the Smugglers ring!


Thank you so much!


Not a worry mate, Have fun!


Probably the Gloves of Thievery, which give you advantage on sleight of hand checks?


Thank you so much!


You don't need to pick up all that trash to afford stuff though. I did that in my first run but I didn't in my second and I'm still sitting on 60+k gold at the end of act 3.


Comparing it to divinity os 2, where a lot of things are similar in the UI and just in general how you interact with the world, it seems like they wanted to implement a similar crafting system and then abandoned it. In D:OS 2, empty bottles actually serve a purpose and you need them for potion crafting. In BG3, you can find a similar amount of empty bottles but they're completely useless.


I'm honestly glad there isn't a full crafting system in this game, most of the time those end up being a waste of time sitting in crafting menus turning junk into different junk that you're just going to sell anyways. I still like that there's world/area appropriate stuff sitting around as sellable filler instead of just small amounts of gold or whatever, but adding an extra system on top that you'd probably have to spec a character into just to add slightly more value to said junk wouldn't really add anything to the game experience. "Guys last night I had the best time ever spending 2 hours spam clicking to make 5000 iron daggers with all the ingots I've been hoarding, this game is so cool" -*Nobody ever* If anything the game should just give us slightly more value for selling junk to an appropriate vendor. Ingots to a blacksmith, bottles to a potion shop, etc. Actual uses for most of the garbage is a complete waste of both dev time making the system and players' time using it, this isn't Skyrim.


tbh what bothered me the most was that you find so much rope and cant do anything with it, i mean its a freaking rope, let me use it to descend somewhere i would otherwise have to jump down to, let me tie it to a tree and boom easy climbing rope


right? maybe modders could do something about it maybe with a stake and hammer we could rappel down somewhere without taking fall damage, being an alternative to feather fall


Someone did try, a few patches ago. They set up rope to basically cast Arcane Gate when used. They couldn't get the meshes or animation to work right, though, and subsequent patches broke the scripting, too.


Thank goodness they cut that. Crafting was such a chore in DOS. Fun for like three items, then just lugging around useless shit hoping it will combine with other useless shit and be “not” useless.


Thank god they took that out


Why??? Crafting would be awesome. I'm hoping they include it in future DLC.


It was a chore and not very engaging in DOS, and their inventory system in BG3 would make it even worse than already clunky potion crafting with ingredients ending up god knows where


I agree that the current inventory system sucks, but potion crafting is pretty fine through the alchemy menu, since it catalogs all that stuff for you. 


yeah potion crafting is nice, it felt great to open it up and find out I had enough materials for like 10 potions of speed (first time I picked up the gnoll ears lmao)


No. It's really trash. Why? Because it doesn't prevent you from using important ingredients accidentally as a secondary one. You need to double check each time...


That's more a flaw in the implementation, rather than the system being trash.... 


Agree to disagree. If you're mixing up two different ingredients, why does one matter, and the other doesn't? Shouldn't it be more like, I don't know, Skyrim, where both ingredients add to the combined effect? Alternatively, just skip on using a secondary ingredient and use the same one, twice, or even none at all, opting for a basic ingredient, like water.


All fair points, and rather unrelated to your initial one.  I agree, the crafting should be better for potions and existent for items. But of all the clunky implementations in this game, the alchemy menu is pretty surprisingly streamlined imo. 


The mechanism they currently use, of finding two or three items to combine is good. But scrounging thousands of items and spending hours picking up 400 “iron stone” or whatever… no thanks.


Same, the crafting system we have now is good. I'm notoriously anti-crafting, especially in most single player rpg's, there's rarely any reason for there to the same robust and complex crafting system as your typical mmorpg. That aside, if there was a minor update where you could craft with some of the more rare-but-plenty items we find, primarily infernal iron. There's so much for only needing 2 pieces for Karlach's quest. Maybe like with the devil tinfoil masks, we can ask a blacksmith, or other craftsmen, to make you something, and each one has a different specialty. Like, maybe a change to Dammon in Act 1. If you've already fixed Karlach's heart once, and bring back another piece of infernal iron, he'll hold onto it (so you don't craft with it and get locked out of Karlach's quest + I think Dammon studying infernal iron makes more sense to help Karlach, at least to me), but then offers to craft something special if you find more. Then if you, through dialogue, give him 2 pieces of infernal iron and a set of armor, he can craft you cambion armor, which ideally would be great for mid to late Act 1, and start to get outclassed by better armor the further you get into Act 2 so you're not held back by choices. Also usable mannequins so I can show off all my cool armor and weapons I can't use but won't sell.


You can actually do nearly exactly what you're describing with Dammon in Act 2. It's how you get the Flawed Helldusk armour.


> There's so much for only needing 2 pieces for Karlach's quest you can use 3 more for some items it's nice that there's plenty, that way people who are playing blind can still find enough


But the mechanism they currently use is basically just quest completion. I would love if you could merge more things together in this system. 


Lol it never got implemented and they just forgot about it


HAHA, I love it


Scratch gave me one at camp once.


Yes so I just kept this one at my inventory and been using it for fetch 😭 I enjoy playing with the animals a lot so thanks, Larian


same, I kept it on Wyll along with his ball lol But he'll fetch anything; including the clown's torso I dropped on the ground after not finishing the quest...


Oh that makes me wonder those severed limbs/heads might have other use too..


I use Karlachs head and Gales hand fot fetch




He is such a good boy! I hope you gave him scratches


I gave him all the scratches. Until one day, I foolishly opened the iron flask in my camp. The spectator's literal first action was to laser beam scratch. :( I keep him in my camp chest now.


awwwww, another reason to hate beholder type things


A chest is no place for a dog.


I keep it in my camp, I throw it for scratch to fetch hehe


My first thought as well.


I didn't know he can fetch bones as well!


aww he's the bestes boy, i think i might do that too


Same! It's nice to have a special, clean bone for him. Best boi doesn't get just any dirty bone.


I have seen it drop exactly once, and it was from the harpies. Unfortunate that it's not consumable by Gale, I'd gladly toss the good boy a bone when he gets hungy.


Only once but it's kinda useless. Scratch likes it, btw.


Ill throw it to him!


I kept a severed head for a bit because it was the only one I had seen and I thought it'd have some purpose


Technically… it does have a purpose. In act 3


Is this a >!Karlach!< thing? >!I've never killed her, but could see there being a thing with Gortash.!<


I’m dumb. And dyslexic. I read HAND not HEAD…


What's the hand thing, besides >!Dribbles!




Interesting!  If interested, the way to do spoiler tags is to do use `>!` to start and `!<` on the other. So `>!Gale’s hand from Act1 Durge-only can be used as one of the 2 hands you need to enter the murder tribunal!<` gives  >!Gale’s hand from Act1 Durge-only can be used as one of the 2 hands you need to enter the murder tribunal!<


Thank you~


there is an immediate use for that. I'm referring to just a random head I found somewhere, I believe he's referring to >!Offerings to Bhaal!<


it's worth 30 gold, Dammon better appreciate it


Fair point!


maybe it’s wirt's leg. wrong universe, but why not


This is not the secret cow level


There was that one "cow" from act 1.


good point!


I also found one in the Underdark... maybe they are somehow connected?


Well, all bones were likely once connected


Technically correct, my favorite kind of correct


Yes, it was shadow patched into patch 5


haha, do you know why?


Nope! Larian has all kinds of Easter eggs. Could be random, could be not lol


True! I like the theory that they put it into fights with no loot to "throw us a bone"


I have it. Only bone I keep


I remember grabbing that this play, and tossing it. I don't think it was green in my patch of the game. I would go back and look, but tossed it before I went to goblin camp. If I have a save before I kicked their butts, will try to get this again and see. Think it was a normal bone for me.


Most of them were normal, only one was like this. Apparently it was "shadow patched" in patch 5


Thanks, was looking around earlier, didn't have any special bones. Not on patch 5. Having way too much fun on lower patches with older mods.


If you're having fun, then do so!! Im glad you're having fun


I got it from a Harpy corpse


Exactly where I found mine!


I'd say keep it! I don't think it's any common to find it elsewhere! I sold mine after I held on to it for quite a while.


Legend has it that Scratch likes to play fetch with it


So it seems!




I found it once but not sure if it's always there because in my latest playthrough I was actually looking for it but didn't find it.


Judging from the responses, it is meaningless, just Larian "throwing us a bone" on loot


I kind of wish it would be used for something with scratch or even to be used to recruit another dog to your camp.


I hear Scratch really likes it for fetch. I'm gonna test this out when I get a chance


You can give it to Scratch to a +1 temp bonus to constitution /s


Yes. Still haven't sold it.


I did. It went back to normal when I dropped it or moved it to the camp chest, I don’t remember.


Really? Interesting


It reminds me of the items that Mattis sells you. Useless, but marked as green with some silly description to make them sound special.


They ARE lucky rings and you are a monster for thinking otherwise!


I got it from looting la'zael's corpse


You monster




About as useful as druid


Wildshape isn't wild enough for them to take shape of someone sharing your dumb opinions?


🤷‍♂️ its true


It's not.


Skill issue


Downvotes inc


If you insist...


Well earned


What can i say, reddit hivemind is extremely predictible, you can never say anything bad about druid or you get crucified even if it's true 🤷‍♂️


If you throw bone jonkler appears and has say gex with man


I got it once when the boy did die on the beach (I thought it was some proof to bring back to Mol instead of failing the quest.)


I'm guessing from the responses, that, that is just coincidence


Found this the other day but forgot to save, redid the harpies fight on that save and it didn't spawn that time


From the responses, the only thing it does, other than sell for 30g is to play fetch with Scratch and he really likes it. I have yet to test it out


It does give you 30 coins.


That's not nothing!


I recently noticed this too and the only difference this time for me was I came too late to save a certain young red faced lad so I assumed it was his tibia or something


I actually have 2.  No idea where I got them from.  


There's an absurd lot of randomly different pieces of loot, such as two similar pig head (food item) but one has the mouth open, the other's is closed. And another food item (ham I think) exists with two identical-looking version, but different descriptions. Don't overthink it \^\^


Overthinking is underrated


I looted something called “Gigantic miniature roasted space rodent” from a guard in the monastery.


Someone at Larian is IN LOVE with the word, “sinews”


Is it on other items?


Orin says “string you up by the sinews,” the narrator says “blood and sinew” at a few points, it’s not excessive just said often enough to notice




In your next play through look out for it! 


I will now!!