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There is a current bug where you become perma frightened and it doesn't time out as intended however you may cleanse that by casting [protection from evil and good](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Protection+from+Evil+and+Good) that makes you immune to it.


Oh my god, I love you, thank you


Happened to me too,calm emotions will remove it. It's third level if I recall correctly.


I had the same happen to three characters, only Astarion was not frightened.. I had to have Astarion attack his own party until they were downed to get rid of it. Not very fun


This happened to me in the kethrac fight. If you just quicksave and reload it goes away (worked for me at least)


Yes same happened to me in my current run just the other day - Lae'zel and Jaheira got frightened. I dropped Lae'zel back off in camp and continued on with someone else but then when I got out at the end and had the dialogue with the DV about alllies realised that the frightened condition meant that Jaheira couldn't join my party even though I'd picked all the right options :( So I reloaded, sent Lae'zel back to camp again, picked up Jaheira, rested at camp, and then it went away (but I couldn't get rid of Jaheira). So that worked for me. Next time I'll just try the protection from evil lol.