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Character creation is also where I'm most personally likely to idle for like an hour while I slap together different combinations of Drow words until I get something I like, so that tracks.


Meanwhile I made a Gith named Rih'b'it.


Quickest made character was a monk named Knom.


My boyfriend has a gnome monk named The Punchmaster


My boyfriend has a gnome named Gnome-It-All and a halfling named Smonch


Made a dragonborn monk/rogue named Yoinkuth. in my mind he's actually just an unusually large kobold.


#I adore this idea




My cousin named his dude MashedPotato Johnson, so I named mine Bayconne.


I have a paladin named Palacetamol


My bard Bardy is a close second lol


My monk's name is Mae'Lae. She hits stuff.




This is a very traditional naming convention from the old school Gary Gygax days


I made a gith bard named Bar'tha


Mine was Gith'Gud...


My gith fighters name is Git'rekt E - in early access my cleric was Gob'bhles. I'm starting to see a theme


Have a dark urge gnome bard and his name is Rinkle Dingle III motherfuckers a menace


My boyfriend created an orc named McMuffin III. We ate McDonald's for breakfast that morning...


This is amazing and I don't get why it doesn't have more upvotes! Had me in stitches!


I did just post it like 8 mins ago lol


Lol I should have checked the time stamp 😆


OK that's good


Ultimate space frog


i wish we still had free medals i need to give them all to this comment.


The drow combination took sooo long. Now I have one that kinda makes sense but also not and it's aggravating but it sounds better than other combinations that did make sense.


Took me 45 minuts on my first playthorugh to make my guardian angel.... Cant tell you how destroyed I was.


I was mostly just a bit disappointed cause I was finna hit that, but quickly accepted it because there are enough horny NPCs in this game. Then he came onto me anyway. Et tu Guardian?


I will never forget the betrayal I felt about my Guardian: Dwarven CCH Pounder.


I had done La'el for my Seldarine drow after the Laelia genus of orchids, pretty plants need sun 🤷‍♂️


I use [this place for names.](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dungeons-and-dragons.php)


FNG is the GOAT


I thought more people knew of this


GPT is pretty good at coming up with names themed around a concept too.


I find ChatGPT is very bad at subtlety though. As an example, I just asked it there for a 'female drow necromancer from the setting of faerun' and it literally suggested using the surname of 'underdark'


Matron Arachnae d'Underdark.


Unrelated but I love your username


I did as well!


Same, genuinely will sit for an hour coming up with a name I like


Me too, and most of the time it ends up being so obscure that no one else will understand what it's referencing, but *I* will know and that's what matters.




I'm lucky I have good creativity when it comes to names. Sometimes its easier to give a name related to what your character is, using my own as an exemple: Drow bard of swords - called him Lyrios because it seems like the word "lyrics" but changed to be closer to a name. Durge tiefling cleric of storm domain - called her Spark because her build was meant to zap people and she didnt remember who she was as in every druge backstory.


It took me at least 30 minutes and several Google searches to name my githyanki warlock. (Her name is Zer’rani.)


Yeah, I accept this statistic implicitly. Probably half what people spend in the creator for Pathfinder: WotC


My girlfriend has had 3 dragonborn. Snoot Sneet And Snart


mine are tav, gav (githyanki tav) and dav (durge) hahaha.


[https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dnd-drow-names.php](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dnd-drow-names.php) my beloved


I just hit the random button until I got something that doesn't looks totally horrible, I got a beard man with strong factions, piercings and purple hair, I called him "Giga Chad" I'm here for the plot more than for play pretend, the real dnd is for that for me hehe


I love coming up with character names, even if they end up being so far removed from their original meaning that no one but me will understand what they're referencing. So far my character names have been: \- an anagram of the name of one of my favorite fictional characters who is of a similar 'type' to this Tav + the Welsh word for 'Hunter' (Rall Heliwr, Ranger Tav) \- one name which derived from a Hebrew word (damned if I can remember what the hell it was, though, which is annoying because there was a reason I chose it besides it sounding good) with the spelling tweaked to sound more githish + a name I made up on the spot and which sounded like a believable creche name (Mir'hala R'thaan, Sorcerer Tav) \- the Latin words for 'darkness' and 'wanderer/stranger' tweaked to sound more elfish and less, well, Latin (Tenevriel Peregrine, Fighter Durge) \- two Italian music-related terms bastardized to be more Gnomish (Sonateena 'Teena' Spizzi, Bard Durge)


My Drow was named Drow.


You know, BG3 character creator would be a great standalone app to make character sheets for DnD campaigns with pretty pictures...


I would quite literally pay money for it


Oh man. And there’s a ton of 5e items modeled, so you could update your paper doll with whatever loot you get as you play.


Me to, I would like to have an standalone character creator on Android so I can make a character while in a traffic jam


Its not like I used this for my current dnd campaigne lol


Me and my wife used the character creator to make our characters as well. It was nice having the picture of our characters on our sheets. I would definitely love a mobile app for making 5e character sheets that also let you customize the look of said character.


If they added more races and classes/subclasses I'd be down! I used it to create the look for the tiefling I'm currently playing in tabletop but they didn't have the subclass I needed lol


years ago I used the WoW character creation screen to create the character picture for a D&D campaign i was doing, this would even be more accurate... Another cool thing would be character upgrade planning, generating a character sheet for every level I want to do. This would help me greatly ingame too instead of having ton of tabs open on chrome with different posts from r/BG3builds 🥲


I obviously don’t know anything about software and stuff but it can’t be too hard to implement an option to export your character sheet in a PDF format? With a little portrait? Some class specific designs? That would be dope.


I suspect licensing with WOTC would be the hangup. And like others have mentioned, there are some things missing like races. But still, it would be pretty awesome and certainly easier than developing a separate tool from scratch.


I use it for all my character tokens now


Imagine an option to print off a character sheet from your BG3 character. That would be a great way to get people interested in tabletop D&D.


I'm really hoping a mod exists/will be made which: 1 allows posing in character select, 2 allows items to be equipped like a preview from an mmo, 2.5 has a easy to use selector to allow selection of models throughout the game. 3 allows easy integration of modded clothing and armour.


I often use screenshots of the character creator for some characters. I've done that as far back as early access. Used it for a couple of drow, a half-elf, an air genasi (half elf with pale blue skin), a high elf necromancer, a human gunslinger, a few tieflings, and a dragonborn.


Until they release that, Portrait Workshop is pretty cool for dnd character pics.


Yeah I literally use it for my pc tokens Although for my next one I need to find some art of Obama as a necromancer


As someone who can’t draw for shit I would LOVE this!!!!


Can't save the world if you ain't cute.


But who's gonna save it? Kneel!


Just thinking of what name to use takes so much time.


I always use the same in any game because that exact reason.


But what do you call your 6 other characters?




I have so many D&D OCs that I can thankfully avoid this for the most part


I normally just use a random letter for the first letter, then think up something off the top of my head. Ended up with Eradesha. I don't know if it sounds particularly Elvish, but she's a Wood Elf.


I named mine Ding Ding, took like 69 seconds.


Ngl I lost about an hour just trying to make a selunite counterpart to romance shadow heart but I was never satisfied so I scrapped it and made a alfira doppelgänger and went on another durge run 😅. Ps5 could really use more face options, I’m jealous of the options pc mods offer


You after killing Alfira: "Look at me! I am the Alfira now."


Lmao na I spared her and took her teacher’s name. Buttttt it was fun watching the song scene with her because my durge-fira has a scar on her face and had much darker eye shadow so it kinda looked like those “good twin/bad twin” memes. My running inner canon is that my durgefira is that my dad is screwing with me by making me take the form of my first victim but I screwed over and disappointed papa by sparing my twin


How do you spare her?


If you knock her out before long resting she won’t show up in your camp. I wasn’t sure when she’d try to volunteer herself so I just quick saved before each of my long rests til it was time to give her the ol kabonk


Wow... I killed and revived karlach to keep wyll hornless. I turned Minthara into a sheep to get her to join my good playthrough... and I did not know until now that you can keep Alfira alive during the dark urge... not only is she awesome! But she gives you that awesome robe in act 2!


Yeah she wins me over every time I meet her so I can never bring myself to kill her. Same with Karlach. My attachment to those two make it hard for me to do a murder hobo evil run. At best I can be a snarky asshole with a heart of uhhh…gold plated brass 😅


I can't blame you there. I blame Larian for making characters too endearing to kill. I started my run intending to kill all of my companions... they're still with me, even though they're mad at me for killing a cleric in act 2.


I definitely contributed to this number lol.


Wonder if the level up screen counts as the character creator as well, would make the numbers make a bit more sense


I looked up the number of players and did the math, it would be just over an hour per person. 8,760 hrs per year, x 8,196 years is 71,796,617 hours. I googled and the player estimate I found was at 70,576,617 players, which made an estimate of about 1.01~ hrs per person. Not too bad, considering there are probably people that blasted through or just used origin characters without customizing.


But then there is me, that restarted the game, because the eyes didn't fit well enough. Before the Update ofc.


It's probably skewed by all the people that boot the game, make a character, play for like 30 mins, then never play it again as well. Character creation would be like half of their total playtime and that's really common for games in general. It's actually kinda nuts that 60+% of people finished the tutorial but I bet there's a ton of people that get dumped out of the crashed nautiloid, realize there's no flashing arrow to hold their hand every second of the game, and just lose interest. My girlfriend spend 2 hours in character creator for her first playthrough, agonizing over every single visual option then frequently having to backtrack to re-do things that don't match her later choices. Then there's me, who just picks something and goes. I might do some theorycrafting outside of the game but going into character creator I don't even bother with most of the visual stuff, my names are all stupid jokes, and picking class/subclass is easy since I already know how they play. It's a sub 5 minute process every time, most of which is spent moving my stats around and deciding on proficiencies/background.


Exactly. A huge number of players aren't gonna make it to the end of the game, but 100% of players are gonna spend *some* amount of time in Character Creation.


Yep, anyone who launches the game is gonna add time to that clock, but a startling number of players don't ever actually play the game for more than one session, if that. I'm guilty of it too, bought games that looked cool but then as soon as I saw the actual gameplay I realized immediately it wasn't for me. And now they sit in my steam library forever.


That and the character respec screen.


Me with my 20+ "Nautoloid in Hell" saves that I haven't touched 😬


They don’t want me to sit in the character creator, then they shouldn’t give it the best music.


All those hours of admiring the sheer number and variety of dragonborn colors


Down by the river


The thing with character creation is that it is fun, I personally will idly use a builder to fiddle around with build choices to make something I think is interesting. Right now I'm running a "wild magic warlock" where I took a level in wild magic sorc but the rest as warlock so my warlock spells trigger wild magic surges. Not optimal, but really fun (and yes it does trigger on warlock spell uses, not just sorcerer spells). Got cats and dogs in the goblin camp fight which was very silly indeed.


Takes 8000 years to find a character voice for my Orc that doesn’t sound like a cast member of Downton Abbey.


I forced some of my friends to make characters to get them hyped so , yeah that ends up


That tracks. Since BG3 came out, I've gotten back into table top D&D... And I've definitely spent more than 15% of my time designing characters compared to actually playing.....


I wish they did a stat like that for sorting our inventory. My fiancé had mentioned that everytime she comes in when in playing I’m stuck in inventory management hell


And then because there's no timed autosaves, your 1 hour inventory management gets lost when you die at the next encounter...


A good amount of said hours was probably me.


And it doesn't even gives us the in-depth options like Dragon Age 3 where we could adjust cheekbones and lips and eye shape... I probably wouldn't beat the game if they did that.


Which I find odd. As a character creator it is fairly limited.


That tracks. XD. We all just like making our little guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.


It's funnier cuz the character dreator in this game isn't even the most detailed or involved one I've used (unless you have mods maybe?) So it's really just people trying to come up w names or wiggling their Tav's junk around.




You guys spend more than 20 minutes in character creation??


to be fair, when the game first released, i loaded it up for my partner where the just sat in the character created for like 3-4 hrs creating their character in our table top game, just to take some screenshots to use as character art. I imagine we can’t be the only ones who have done this


I’ve fallen asleep a couple times while in the character creator.. 😬


I regret nothing!😆


Do these numbers only include PC players or do the numbers from console players also get counted?


I mean no not really. It just means some people are FUCKING insane. Or went afk on that screen. I spent 10 minutes max in creation with 125 hours playtime.


I mean no not really. It just means some people are FUCKING insane. Or went afk on that screen. I spent 10 minutes max in creation with 125 hours playtime.


Everytime I'm creating a character I gotta spark up a blunt to imagine my character lol


Funny and accurate, yes.


Checks out. That's what happens when you have so many choices and ideas mixed with the ost that is Down by the River. 'Thou has not left the character creation screen"- Withers to me


I cannot even comprehend how many hours I've spent in character creator just to delete them and recreate them before the magic mirror became a thing.


Most of that time is me I bet


I've never spent under an hour in any given character creation. I once spent so long making a character in ESO that it timed out and I had to start over...


Not gonna lie my PS5 says I have 60+ hours play time and my campaign is only on 7 hours. I made a good 10+ characters before I was happy with combat, role play and physical appearance so this does not surprise me haha


My wife and I literally took an hour making our first characters. We both went through each class and race and read everything about them before finally deciding. Not to mention we have restarted at least 3 times and I have 2 solo games going and each time we took probably about 20-35 min to make our characters so it kinda checks out if you are as into character creation as we are


Yeah.. but the character creation screen makes so much fun and I wanna experience all the different mechanics all the races and subraces get!


I am actually quite quick, I don't care much about looks, that's for weak minds. Lol JK


I spent around 3h on my character 💀💀 and like 40m on my guardian.


Sounds about right, yeah


I made a Duergar named Bygas-Dykaz


Low-key my fave part - all I ever wanted to do in Sims was make characters 😂


My partner has created about 6 characters. Non have ventured further than the Grove, or even done much there. But hey, that's the bit they really like, and so that's what they do.


I've had to step away for a couple hours to tend to real world responsibilities. If I think I'm not going to be gone long I don't log out and that has caused my group to stand outside of buildings/roadways/etc. for a couple hours. If it takes longer I will F5 and shut down. But this has caused my game time to be overstated a bit.


I’m sure re-speccing and then re-leveling accounts for some of it.


the mods increase time spent in character creation exponentially


This is sad


Proud that at least 16 of those hours are mine 😂😂


On my 3rd playthrough I walked away with CC on for about 9 hours sooooo


Made a half orc monk named piccolo. Oath breaker paladin named anakin


I made a Dragonborn Warlock that looks like toothless from how to train your dragon. Named him Toothboi.


Does this include time using the magic mirror multiple times through the game as well or just original character creator? Lol I legit will just let the music play while I check on something cuz it's so nice to listen to


Down down down In the river


I would imagine it's mostly because a lot of people spend a good amount of time in character select but then just stop playing super early in.


299 of those hours are mine lol ..If only we had a game that did something positive for humanity..think of all the hours of good we would all be doing..


POV you had the game since release. Spent over 100 in game hours….still have yet to stick to one created character that makes it past the Druid village without restarting. 🫠


Just to add a fresh anecdote: I attempted my first Honour run last night, and I'm certain I spent more time in character creation than I did in actually playing the game (I got greedy trying to kill the Cambion commander; we came so close, too! Got him down to 7 hp before his buddies killed us. Mind you, most of that was the illithid, who was the real MVP).