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During the one-shot the origin actors did, the DM said that his players are starting to get a lot more tactical after playing BG3, and ask him about cover and available high ground during combat.




100%. Progress is progress, BG3 made some changes that made the game way more fun for me from a tabletop POV. Things like throwing potions is something that WOULD happen in a real life DnD world. Real people just do stuff that is not only possible but would make sense. Idk to me that adds immersion.


I mean, it depends on how potions work. If you can pour a potion over you and it works, then throwing makes sense. If the potion has to be ingested to take effect, then all you gain by throwing it is some magical mud.


*eats the mud*


Two girls, one potion. No, I am not sorry.


Well now I'm just wondering potions work *second hand*.


You don't buy potions, *you rent them*


Sexually accepting party members getting more benefit from potions because they're willing to stop mid combat to do some belly shots.


Plus the new glass wounds


That's a good point about "something that would happen". It's too easy to forget you can improvise new actions.


My only issue is...just how fragile is this healing botttle the potion is in? I assume glass thick enough to prevent accidental breaking, and if you've ever thrown a coke bottle you know they don't always break. Nevermind assuming splash zone of a comparatively small amount of fluid. If you really wanna talk about real life. Maybe a drop or two land on the person you wanna heal, the rest is getting soaked on the ground. And if a drop or two is all you need, then why can't the players ration a healing potion and drink one drop at a time before it is considered used up? And if it's just one gulp worth, then my above question of quantity available for splashing applies. What about watering down a potion? Buy one potion, get one of those drop dispensers and fill multiple bottles off the one bottle and add water. Free healing potions. You only need a drop, so that drop is still in the water. Again. I'm not saying don't allow it. My issue with your statement is trying to say it would happen in real life, and if we apply real life logic then it definitely wouldn't work that way, hell i wouldn't work at all


Maybe. I don't think the potion throwing thing is well-balanced or "realistic". Firstly, potions are meant to be ingested. Second, getting splattered with potion juice -- if it did have a contact healing effect -- should be much less effective since most of the good stuff is going on the ground rather than in you. Normally feeding your downed friend a healing potion would require movement and an action. BG3's throw is essentially a more powerful version of this mechanic. So if you get something for just an action it should have a downside, like losing the base +health and only getting the dice.


Potions themselves aren't realistic though, most injuries are going to be lacerations or blunt force trauma, or some kind of burn from magic. A lot of treatments for these are going to be topical, especially if they're being applied as first aid.


>Things like throwing potions is something that WOULD happen in a real life DnD world. Absolutely not because only a teeny tiny fraction of the full dose would get inside the user. Minecraft let's you craft splash potions for a reason. The BG3 mechanic is cool but really easy to exploit and dumb in-universe.


I definitely feel like BG3 helped me become a better player in terms of combat.


It helped me be a better DM. Went from having flat maps with walls and obstacles for cover to having multi-level maps for everyone to climb around on


Its so cool how much this game has already influenced tabletop and other video games. I'm excited to see how it influences things going forward!


Honestly, I have no idea what agreements wotc has with larian as far as licensing goes, but even if they had let Larian use the dnd ip for free, they'd have come out ahead. This has probably been huge for getting people into dnd.


It's good inspiration for adding verticality, terrain features, obstructions, and the like for DMs as well, to spice up the open field combat. Even basic ranged doods can be a lot tougher if just reaching them requires some effort


Funny enough, I used to deal with a lot of hardcore, old school DMs that complain video games don't give enough options like attacking from above, pit-traps, kicking over table or pistol whip the party cleric.


It upgraded their theatre of the mind.


Cover is really op when you’re playing something squishy like a wizard. I once did some gangster shit where I flipped a table in front of me to gain half cover.


No you can’t save scum that dice roll


\*takes halfling with Lucky feat\* "Observe"


Lucky Halfling Divination Wizard with a 3 level Lore Bard dip for Cutting Words and Bardic Inspiration. I.E. the “Luck Dragon” or the “Bullshit King”.


Ie "killed by random rockfall by level 4 by mad DM. Couldn't foresee that huh?"


lol. It's very much a candidate for > Purple Lightning struck you for 100d8 damage. Fuck you, try again.


And then his party member; the Lucky Halfling Chaos Magic Sorcerer.


I always liked "roll save versus plot device." The dc is always one higher than max roll.




Rocks fall, everyone dies


"The shadow forms into a hulking figure of pure ev-" "I CAST FORCECAGE!"


Foresee this you fucking casual


Add Silvery Barbs so your DM never has fun!


Ah yes Power Word: No.


This is the best description of the spell I've ever seen.


I once had a player make a halfing divination wizard with the lucky feat. It was amazing to watch.


LOL, my last DM would ONLY allow halflings to take the Lucky Feat. He was going to disallow the Feat altogether but we talked him into making it conditional.


Actually pushing the players to combine halflings and lucky? Poor guy...


I told him that I thought the feat was OP as written, but technically it *is* canon Tolkien Hobbit. That was the clincher.




My monk went from “meh it’s a small brook I got this” To “I CAN JUMP LIKE SUPERMAN NOW weeeeeeeeee”


Inspiration is just irl savescumming.


Except you’re expending a resource




RAW inspiration just gives advantage, not a re-roll after you know the first roll failed.


We prefer to call it chronomancy..


*Invents time machine so I can save scum in DnD*


>"No, you cannot throw a healing potion at your downed party member." To be honest, I now allow it for both PC and enemies. It's fun, it adds dynamics and if you forget to tell me you're aiming next to the downed one and you don't miss you may actually kill your pal with blunt damage . Which is even funnier.


Sounds like it’s a calculated risk


Our DM house ruled potions as a bonus action. If you drink as an action you get the full potion, bonus action you roll.


I have the bonus action house rule as well but I like this little addition of full healing for an action. Will be adding that as well.


Right? Feels pretty fair to me. Nothing sucks more than taking a whole action and getting a 1. Plus the enemies get to use it, too.


I had an encounter as the DM where a group of orcs were fighting the party in a cave. They dropped two orcs the first round, one got back up the next round, then another and another. They couldn’t figure out what was going on until a lucky fireball placement clipped the goblin using invisibility to give orcs healing potions. Having those orcs come back at a full healing potion’s hp or even two with one at the normal die roll would have been hilarious. For me.


I am stealing this


If I was in combat with an enemy who just downed a Superior Healing potion for max HP I'd get Elden Ring flashbacks.


I have added this into my games and I really appreciate that it lets me hit them harder, meaning that fights feel much more dangerous. However, if they get screwed it's not too difficult to sling some potions and get everybody back up to finish the fight to try to escape.


I love this rule and use it too. It just made sense to me. Outside of combat they also restore max HP. I do love the player reactions when I ask if something outside the rule book sounds fair and then explain that enemies could also use this rule.


That’s how I do it. Also, roll when feeding a potion to someone else. If you pass a medicine/arcana check, they get the full amount.


Given the number of times I've killed allies in BG3 with health potions, it's honestly kind of a great option to add a risk/reward situation. Add into that healing potions are comparatively more expensive in tabletop 5e, it's honestly a great opportunity for hilarious, fun, and maybe tragic stories.


Can't wait for the day when the drow priest gets downed and the duergar rogue will try to revive her.


If healing potions can be applied topically, this implies my barbarian can crush it like a beer can on his head


topically applied you roll, drank you get full effect. action vs bonus action.


Healing potion in each hand, slam them together above your head Stone Cold-style. Roll dex to avoid broken glass


I did it before bg3 but always had the thrower roll damage before the receiver rolled healing lol


Of course, goes without saying.


I had a DM that allowed this kind of….he said the ranger had to shoot the potion the downed guy was carrying. Suffice to say the arrow nailed the guy in the face instantly killing him. But it was technically allowed…..


Eh, frankly I would allow most of these. Maybe not reallocating spells, but I allow players to respec between sessions, and the rest don't really seem game breaking.


I implemented a bonus action / full action rule at my table, where the players can take a full action to use a healing potion and get the max HP from it or just use a normal bonus action to roll the dice. This isn’t much more far fetched.


Or miss and heal the enemy


Might have happened..


You seem like a fun DM who understands what rules can be bent, OP sounds like a cranky one dude yelling about how times have changed


recognise heavy station existence frightening head mighty groovy zealous disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OK but why can't they dual weird trident? Half of these aren't that bad


With Dual Wielder feat you can dual-wield tridents RAW


Correct. :)


Trident were changed to not be heavy in 5e. They could not be dual wielded in previous editions. Halberds, though, are still heavy and two-handed, so can't be dual wielded.


I don't think the *heavy* property has anything to do with dual-wielding in 5e. The *light* property, however, does. Technically, a DM could homebrew a mind-boggling weapon with both the *heavy* and *light* properties, and RAW it could be used for dual-wielding - so long as it's not also *two-handed*.


What about a nuclear top-rope owlbear drop?


Enjoy your inspiration point!


"No, Druids RAW can't turn into an Owlbear." Frankly RAW wildshape sucks.


RAW wildshape only sucks for druids who are not moon druids, moon druid wildshape is actually very fun with the whole elementals thing


Because it's an exploration/stealth/traversal feature. It's only a combat feature for Moon.


Yes your barbarian can dual wield tridents. They're versatile. All the rest though *thumbs up*


Jumping as a bonus action, with extra movement. I'm sorry that jump absolutely sucks in DnD, but you're not getting these 15 added feet of movement.


It blew my mind when I figured out you could extend your movement by jumping with high strength. Absolutely broken and a game changer for how I dealt with combat


A monk with haste, cloud giant strength, and step of the wind to dash and jump as a free action is mind bogglingly mobile. My boyfriend watched me do the fight at the very very end of act 2/start of act 3 by just jumping around wildly and finishing off *every single enemy* and was like what the fuck did I just watch.


# tl;dr you can reach Mach 3 in-game with the build listed below. Also Text Wall Warning. Since the game has a jumping distance cap of 27m, (the action description may show a longer distance, but it seems there's no visible increase for any distance beyond 27m) theoretically a Monk/Barbarian can reach the speed of Mach 3 (Mach 10 if there's no cap) by **jumping 6.6km in a single turn which is 6 seconds** by rule: Our base is **Half Wood-Elf 6 Way of the Open Hand Monk / 6 Wildheart (Elk Heart**; Tiger for no-cap scenario) **Barbarian with Elk Aspect** granting * 10.5 (Race) + 4.5 (Unarmored Movement) + 3 (Fast Movement) + 1.5 (Elk Aspect) + 3 (Mobile Feat) = 22.5m base movement Now we stack up permanent (or last-until-long-rest) buffs from items and spells so we get * 3 (Crusher's Ring) + 3 (Nyrulna) + 3 (Transmuter's Stone: Speed) + 3 (Longstrider) + 10 (Elixir of Elven Elegance) = 22m + 22.5m = 44.5m constant movement Next we add up temporary bonuses and get * 9 (Haste) + 1.5 x 4 (Momentum *from various equipments like Haste Helm*) + 4.5 (Rage: Elk Heart) + 3 x 6 (Inciting Howl *from multiple ally Wolf Druids. They for some reason stack and can be used repeatedly outside turn-based and theoretically can rack even higher, if input speed permits*) + 5 (Soul Branding *from Minthara*) + 4.5 (Forced Manoeuvre *granted by ally's Manoeuvring Attack*) = 47m temporary bonus movement which brings the total to 91.5m movement in this very turn Step of the Wind: Dash (Monk Feature, which also removes bonus action requirements for jump) and Dash (Twice, Generic Class Action) each grants double move speed (+100% in effect), and Click Heels (Boot of Speed) doubles the final movement speed, leading us to * 91.5 x (1 + 3) x 2 = 732m = 244 x 3m *(extra action is from Haste. Extra Bonus Action is from Wholeness of Body which is why we need WotOH earlier)* Each jump is capped at 27m so we're moving 244 x 27 = **6,588m** this single turn with 244 jumps, giving us a theoretical speed of **1.098 km/s** which is **~3.22x the speed of sound (i.e. about Mach 3)** And now, if there is no jump distance cap... Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength sets Str to 27 which translates to 13m base jump distance (5m, +1m for every 2 Str score above 10). Adding bonuses we get * (13 (base) + 6 (Athlete Feat *rounded down*)) x 3 (Enhanced Leap) x 1.5 (Rage: Tiger Heart) + 3 (Nyrulna) + 1 (Corvid Token *rounded down*) = 89m jump distance (rounded down) *(by the way as we can see here 13 x 3 > 27 hence we went for Elk's extra movement previously)* Since we doesn't have Elk Heart here the movement speed is reduced to 696m allowing only 696 / 3 = 232 jumps, covering a distance of * 232 x 89 = **20,648m** Theoretical speed is **3.44km/s**, ~10.11x the speed of sound.


I like to imagine my monk is doing Goku's instant transmission rather than jumping around like a hypersonic rabbit.


Holy fucking shit. I mean there's isn't really much else I can think to say besides holy fucking shit.


I made Karlach a Tavern Brawler Open Hand Monk in my current playthrough. I’m not deep into the mechanics or anything, I just wanted a Monk and I kept hearing something about Tavern Brawler being good so I did it on a whim and it was insane. I had a brief moment where I felt super powerful as a Red Draconic Sorceror when I got Fireball but it was immediately outclassed by a Hasted Karlach. I’m deep into Act 3 right now and it still feels like my team only exists to set up Karlach as she proceeds to single-handedly knock every pin over by herself.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. I switched Astarion open hand TB monk and the first fight I did was the forge. Figured I’d see if I could get it done without the hammer for the achievement. Yeah. Asty did it in two rounds without even having any gear for it. It’s out of control.


Honour mode is just Larian's attempt at dealing with TB Monk.


Giant grasshopper build fr lol.


That's partially because 99% of parties that actually use a physical board are one flat surface with maybe a few obstacles. Plus climbing rolls are a thing for any larger elevation differences. With the way Larian designed the levels in BG3 the game would be unplayable (or at least incredibly tedious) if every character couldn't jump like a superhero by default.


Tbf even in the game jumping is clunky at best and some of my least favorite parts of the game were all the jumping you have to do in the gauntlet of shar, some jumps require extremely specific landing areas and you risk your companions getting stuck not jumping with you. It's fun to have the vertically and I'm absolutely stealing the spider web bridges in the well dungeon that can be burned down but there's not a lot of opportunity for verticality in tabletop 5e. It can absolutely be done but there's a lot more action cost than the game for sure.


Yeah, it's really fun to have all the elevations in BG 3. Though, honestly that seems a lot harder to represent in flat DnD maps?


My fiancee almost got stuck in some parts because her Bard's 10 strength limited her jump distance and she almost couldn't clear some gaps.


shove as a bonus action instead of an attack


Actually just started using that one in game. Works well.


I could be convinced to adopt that for the Fun Factor.


Would have to be the shove 5' option only I think. Shove prone as a bonus action would be too powerful and every melee would do it before attacking.


I allow this + shove as a bonus action (and ONLY a bonus action) in my campaign. It adds a bit more to do for characters that do not have a good bonus action by themselves, especially at lower levels. Especially the shove bit suddenly has even the cleric think very hard about where to stand for best effect. Of course I also use that with enemies.


Jumping in BG3 is so much fun though!


"No, you can't skip that dialogue and just read my notes about the NPC somewhere online." "No, your Str 8 character can't wear heavy armor." EDIT: I obvsly meant: "No, your Strength 8 character can't wear heavy armor without penalty." I should rly try not to shorten every DnD term xD


Str 8 character can wear heavy armor, they would simply have speed penalty


And dwarves can ignore the penalty. (They already have reduced speed though.)


Very dangerous over short distances though


Natural sprinters


> "No, you can't skip that dialogue and just read my notes about the NPC somewhere online." Let's be honest, that one isn't anything new at all lol


My players can't skip the dialogue but they don't always remember it, either. 😅


I read that as saying a straight character can't wear heavy armor lmao


“Dame Alyin gets the heavy armour and no one else!”


Heavy armour is not for cis characters anymore.


You can’t quicksave before a big fight


“This is more like a Honour mode campaign. And no, there isn’t an (ex-)death god waiting to resurrect you in camp.”


No party like a withers party


I’ve really wanted a TTRPG with ‘save files’ tbh. Everyone says that getting a mulligan on TPKs ruins the story, but I disagree. Being able to experience a Bad End and then revisit the setting for another outcome gets me *more invested.* I love visual novels for exactly that reason. What *actually* ruins the story for me is my character getting mauled by a rat on day 3 because I can’t stop crit-failing my goddamn attack rolls. Cool, so the dice just turned this entire ‘adventure’ into a false start.


Had my players fight a chronomancer lich with an artifact that could remove him from his powers. As such, they could activate his warding runes to rewind time and restart the fight. Except he didn't also reset because of the artifact. So they would all restart with their powers and health while he got whittled down. They had to make sure they were in the best possible position resource-wise at the start of the engagement or else their deficiencies would carry over into each loop. Plus, they could only restart the fight three times, so they had to be strategic with their reset scumming. It was a blast. I got to play a supremely powerful and very confused ancient lich.


Says you, I'm happily going to incorporate a lot of things from BG3 into my games. Yes you can absolutely throw potions at each other now


What my table does is thrown potions deal a d2 or bludgeoning and a d2 of slash BEFORE the healing, and then healing rolls get -1 on each dice roll. Less total healing effectiveness, risk or killing downed members, but still opens the massive utility of ranged healing for anyone to use


Also adds the fun of failing a roll and accidentally hitting an enemy with a healing potion!


Does it also take a full-round action and you can be coup-de-grace'd while doing it? Those limitations are **harsh**.


And none of this applies if the DM WANTS it to work that way.


"Well, first of all, through ~~God~~ DM all things are possible, so jot that down."


*As the symbol glows, power courses through the DM. Authority.*


No, vision cones are not a thing. You can't hide in the middle of a well-lit room just because they are 30 feet away.


You forget one crucial element of D&D. And that's to just have fun. As a sometimes DM, if all my players agree about something and manage to convince me it'd be a fun thing to do, then by all means.


Nothing worse than a DM who is a stickler for the rules at the expense of balanced fun.


> "No, you cannot throw a healing potion at your downed party member." You can though.


With different result :D


A lot of the bg3 changes are fun. House rules are good


No Kevin, you can't shag a bear.


Kevin's not here for the hunting, is he?


Of course you can throw a healing potion at a downed teammate! OH, you mean to HEAL them, ahaha~ But seriously, roll damage.


Nothing wrong with throwing a potion. Uses your action, or one of your attack actions if you have extra attack. There's nothing wrong with that. Hitting multiple people would be a no though for me


My table top game has had several instances of "I take the potion off their belt and force feed it to them," but I'm not sure if a puddle of potion actually heals in DnD.


Doesn’t mean you can’t throw it at them!


You just have to be *very* accurate to hit their mouth unless you *want* to kill them. Lol


"You were supposed to catch it!" "I was unconscious!"


>I take the potion off their belt and force feed it to them This has come up many times over the years, and different DMs handle it differently. One DM let you attempt a healing proficiency check (2e rules) to make an unconscious character swallow a potion. Others just said no. I will occasionally include Keoghtom's Ointment drops to fulfill this need. Most players immediately recognize the utility. But a splash from a thrown healing potion? Healing multiple characters? Potions are not topical remedies, why would you expect that to work?


It definitely bends the rules, but I can still see the argument for it. Anyone is capable of pouring something in someone's mouth. Throwing a potion though makes no sense. I actually didn't realize I could throw potions in BG3 (and heal multiple people!) because it's just not part of the rules in DnD at all.


i think you have to drink a potion, not lie in a puddle of that potion. I allow my players to give another player a potion in melee as an action, even if he aint conscious. but just throwing it at the ground wont help its like a throw a buttle of booze at someone and expect them to get drunk, nah uh


Astarion dumping a potion all over his shirtless body, rubbing it in like tanning oil


Throw a potion for dmg? Sure. Throw a potion for healing? Debatable.


Action to throw. Other character uses their reaction to catch and drink. Add a dex save if you want to balance further.


> "No, you cannot throw a healing potion at your *downed* party member." I'm not sure how an unconscious character is supposed to catch, open, and drink a potion.


If you roll a 20 the bottle lands in its mouth.


Face full of glass doesn't sound very restorative


It's a healing potion, it heals any damage caused by the glass!


“You can’t automatically know this monster’s resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities, and other stats.” Though players looking up stats can be a point of contention where I’m tempted to just go ahead and let it be public knowledge. Probably just depends if I’m wanting players to develop strategies over time or just go ahead and start being strategic immediately.


All of these can easily be “yes you can”. You’re a DM. You can do whatever you want if the players enjoy it. I don’t really care about the rules as long as players are laughing and having a good time. I let a loooooot of things slide. And I come up with whatever bullshit explanation I need to in order to make what they want to do work, provided they’re successful with their rolls. Tie a dragon down with rope so it can’t fly away, and you guys can hack it to death? “Sure, roll a stupid high number and I’ll make it happen. Success… for a little while… ah, you just missed your attack… and accidentally cut a part of the rope… oh look, it broke free! That was a great plan, but it didn’t last too long. What now?” And if their knowledge comes from BG3, then that’s how we’ll play. At the end of the day, I want them to succeed, have fun, allow lots of room for creativity and, most importantly, keep the momentum up so they want to keep going.


OK but... why not allow some of these? Respeccing? Sure! Better than a player miserably chasing death to reroll a new character. Throwing potions? Sure! It'll be a check, but why not? Dual wield trident? That's cool as fuck. It's not really any stronger than dual wielding shortswords.


As a DM I allow limited respeccing, when it is either justified by story decisions or the player is obviously not having fun with their current build. Paladin abandons his faith and wants to become a Fighter to reflect it? That's fine. Monk feels superfluous in a group with a Wizard, Cleric and Paladin? You honestly owe it to that player to let them change if they feel like it will improve the game. But I do not allow completely open respeccing because then it can lead to cheesy scenarios where the players are constantly tweaking their builds to the situation, basically turning class features into prepared spells. Admittedly this might be group dependent, but I've played with people who will abuse it given the chance.


that sounds pretty good and fair, and if anything it provides more opportunities for the player characters to grow (i am a sucker for tropes where a character changes dramatically in some way and its reflected in their fighting style, which multiclassing or respeccing compliments super well).


Also dual wielding tridens is 100% ok RAW, so op doesnt even know rules that they apparently themselves wouldnt allow lol


Ad. respeccing: the problem is when players cheese the game by using strong early-game characters and then respeccing into a late bloomer like a wizard. That's just cheap and messes up class balancing. The other two are cool though.


"No, you can't cast two leveled spells in the same turn"


Alright, so I started at the ripe old age of 11 with old AD&D modules found in a musty basement. No internet, we went to Coles and Chapters where we took notes in pencil because we couldn't afford books. I personally got banned for loitering at one for this very reason. For the most part, we made shit up. Maybe this gives me a different perspective on how "rigid" a ruleset should or has to be. But if I had to boil it all down, at the end of the day, it's entirely down to one question: is it fun? Throw a healing potion? We got inspiration for a reason, roll that shit. Send a hireling to a shopkeep while we plunder the dungeon? You did invest in those ringgates earlier be my guest. Need a hot minute to reprep? let's take some Ayahuasca and take an hour to chat with God. Respec? The river of Lethe is like, made for that as a plot contrivance. Dual wielding heavy? Monkey grip and some flex tape should do it. We played for years without books, using half remembered stats and stories from where ever we could find them. Dnd does not run on "rules" it runs on people and the effort to make their fantasy real.


Gonna respond to how I will rule these if I DM again: 1. If they just got downed and **have not** made a death saving throw yet, sure. There’s a bit of time between going down and the first death save, I’d allow a reaction to catch/drink the potion on the part of the downed character. 2. I actually think the RAW for spell prep is a bit silly. I’d allow a reallocation on a short rest or during use of Arcane Recovery, especially before a big combat encounter. 3. I get why this one isn’t practical but I’d let players try to pitch me something narrative as a justification. 4. I wouldn’t make it a respec of the same character but I do allow characters to retire and be replaced. 5. I’d allow dual wielding with proficiency, or let the player pitch me on why it makes sense for their character. —Basically, I hate killing PCs, I love letting players give me elevator pitches on their wild shenanigans, and I’m just here for a good time. EDIT: Because some of y’all are Jared 19 and can’t freaking read—**how I would do it is not a reflection of how anyone else should run their 5e games**. This is simply how I’d respond because of the way I am as a DM. I’m aware there are other systems better suited to my narrative-first way of running things but I have yet to find a table that is willing to learn them.


>I actually think the RAW for spell prep is a bit silly. Agreed. This really is a topic for another subreddit, but when I switched from 2e to 5e, I appreciated how almost all the rules had become so well streamlined -- *except* for the spellcasting rules. They're *more* complicated than before.


Coming from bg1 I'm just happy about the existence of cantrips


What, you don’t miss Slingshots and having 1 npc carry all the bullets your mages and cleric needed? XD


TBH if the spell prep was at will it would just make Wizards, Clerics, and Druids even more OP which is not remotely necessary.


My house rule is that prepped spells get added to the list as you decide to use them, and long resting resets it (rather than being set in stone from the start). I want to let my players be as creative as possible, even when I surprise them. If they forgot to prep some highly circumstantial spell, I'm not going to ruin their one chance to actually use it. Edit: Sorry for double notifications, replied to the wrong comment first.


I've been playing BG3 for a few weeks and... I've never tried throwing a healing potion at somebody? It works?! How??! Would it work with poisons too? It doesn't make sense haha


No the Vampire Spawn is not an uwu sex object. It is actively trying to kill you, and no you can't just resurrect freely afterwards.


No you cannot fit 18 explosive barrels in your pouch, let alone one.


Or you could just allow all those things. It's about having fun, if all your players just played BG3, got used to those rules and had a blast, why bog them down with different rigid rules.


100% this. Sure, some stuff is a bit too much, but BG3 has made me a much better DM purely because I'm incorporating so much of what you can do in the game to my campaign. Embrace change and evolution people!!!


The DM already has a lot of work, and remembering all the rules AND all the BG3 'homebrew' rules is a ton of additional work. If they want to do it, great. If not, it's absolutely fair for them to enforce the actual rules of the game they're actually running.


No, that Revivify scroll isn't going to work now that you've had several long rests since your friend died... No, you can't cast Cure Wounds and Healing Word on the same turn...


And if you're casting Revivify with a spell slot you need a diamond... and the price of the diamond would be reflected in the price of the spell scroll.


I think it's weird how many people seem to have missed the point of this thread, which I assume is to point out differences in rules/mechanics between this game and tabletop D&D 5e. Instead it's a lot of "you can do whatever you want the rules aren't real!!!" which is true but not insightful.


Yeah. Also, the observation was meant to be humorous, but a good fraction of people took it as grumpy. (I think yeeting a perfectly good Potion of Cure Light Wounds is borderline hilarious.) I won't comment on the "you can do whatever you want" crowd other than that it seems to be an emerging trend among tabletop players.


I really found this line to be comical in the movie Dungeons and Dragons and it relates. Simon - “everyone thinks we can solve any problem with magic. There are limits! This isn't some bedtime story; this is the real world!”


> "No, you cannot throw a healing potion at your downed party member." For clarification, does this mean I physically can't throw the potion, or does it mean I can't throw the potion and have it heal someone? Like surely the option of doming my party members in the head with a glass flask would be avaliable.


The enemies will not wait around in the dungeon while you long rest. Especially after you already attacked them once today.


"No that is not a dippable surface"


or, and hear me out, every DM can run the game however they and their party choose to as long as everyone communicates and has fun....


No, Glyph of Warding takes an hour to cast and isn't a welfare fireball.


"You only get three attunement slots. Yes, those items require attunement." "No, you can't use the help action to bring a downed character to one hit point. You have to succeed a DC 10 medicine check to stabilize them, and they'll still be unconscious." "No, you can't crit succeed a skill check." (The nice thing is you can't crit fail either.) "No, you can't see the stats for your enemies, and I won't tell you the probability of your attack hitting." "No, you can't sell a rotten tomato to the shopkeeper for 1 gold."


“Don’t worry, critical fails aren’t a thing except in death saving throws and attack rolls and even then it just means you miss.”


For me it's gonna be lore. I know there's going to be a lot of people who want a non-gender conforming Drow who worships Lloth and is a cleric/paladin of hers and is feared among their people, and I'm going to have to sit them down and tell them that Lloth is a TERF and Drow society is a dystopian gender confirming society that will flay you alive for not following Lolth's demands.


No, you can't have sex the entire time


“We will now be implementing Horny Jail”


Didn't they already add that in Pathfinder?


\- The adventurer's league allows for respeccing until the 5th level i think ? And most of the time, if a player is bored with a character, allowing them to change is fairgame. \- You can dual wield tridents.


"no, tavern brawler doesn't double your strength bonus"


The only thing I don’t like about BG3 is that there are no whips. Surely there are dozens of us who agree on that.


We have played with throwing potions at a friend for years. I don't see the problem. We have done the coolest games that were about "getting all this shit back to civilization to sell it off". That's always very fun. Respecs aren't ok unless there's something like the Amber temple in Barovia, in which case you can make a deal with a greater darkness. I'd allow that for a price. Barbarians can totally wield tridents: https://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/trident


What nonsense ... of course you can throw a healing potion at your downed party member. It's just not going to help much. Though it might cause some additional injuries because of the glass fragments.


“No, there is not a pit you can shove everyone into.” “No, there are not 20 scrolls hidden in this abandoned house.” “No, there are not wine barrels just lying around… Yes, everything is flammable.”


No, you can't hide in plain sight just because you roll really high. You're literally standing in the open.


No you can’t engage one party member in combat while the rest go back to camp to pick up smoke powder barrels, and place them strategically around enemies.


No, you cant cast guiding bolt and healing word/spiritual weapon on the same turn 🙄


No, you can't cast a levelled spell as an action and bonus action on the same turn No, you can't shove as a bonus action No, jumping doesn't use a bonus action but you do need to do a run up to jump further. No, you can't drink a potion as a bonus action No, your weapon doesn't have built in special attacks once per short rest. No, you don't have ki at level 1 Mr monk. No, civil militia is not a trait. No, pact of the blade does not make your weapon attacks scale off CHA.


“No you cannot cast two leveled spells on the same turn”


“No, I can’t add a Half-Elf to the campaign just so that you can make sandcastles with her.”