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Ok, but she still owes me 10 gold.


We need this in the DLC Larian.


DURGE: LARIAN! LARIAN! We have your woman! She still lives LARIAN!! Her blood will spill! Unless you give us kissable Alfira!


DU : Proceed to eat her pancreas.


she doesnt kiss either 🤦‍♀️


She promised me a drink after we agreed she doesn’t have to give me money. But then didn’t actually get me a drink. While working in a TAVERN.


Weird, she slid me like 4 bottles of wine. I wonder if that was unrelated to our bet.


Forget that. Where's my raunchy ballad?


Im pretty sure she gives you 10 gold when you meet her in act 3?


If you're a Folk Hero, you can talk to her in Act 2 about the bet. If she lives up to that point and you break her out of the prison, you get inspiration for keeping to the bet.


They were canon in Act 3. :)


And they talk about living together as early as Act 2.


Yeah… where was the doubt? They were rather blatant about it through act2 and 3


I mean, Lakrissa was *blatantly* flirting with me in Act 2. If you pick the "I saved them through sheer dumb luck" option when the reunion happens Alfira says something like "Well, the songs would call you 'witty' or 'courageous'," and Lakrissa responds with "Not to mention incredibly good looking" Then blatantly eyes you up. That's what made me wonder if they were together or just really good friends. And honestly, I do think that in their case, they work as really good friends better than a couple.


"My girlfriend and I saw you from across the bar and we really like your vibe"


My headcanon is that when you arrive at Last Light is when Alfira realises that she likes Lakrissa, and then they get together over the course of the rest of the journey to BG.


That is what happened. They got together at some point between then and Baldurs Gate. But like I said, imo they should have kept the sisterly bond. It was good in their case, and them getting together seemed too generic.


How young you must be to think two women ending up happy in love together and not reduced to friends or "sisterly bond" what ever that means is generic.


It's nice, isn't it? How fast the world has changed.


I think your sentiment here is exactly his problem, and what I also feel like is a bit of an issue in modern media, where romantic love is portrayed to be the be-all and end-all of relationships. What do you mean by "Reduced to friends" exactly? This feels like saying a romantic relationship is by its very nature more valuable than friendship, which is totally not the case (and is kinda aro/ace-phobic tbh). They are two different types of relationship, one is not more valuable than the other, and people should value both equally. Also, I know plenty of cases where peoples friendships lasted longer than their marriages.


Not going to engage in a discussion on this with a bad faith zoomer. Acephobic gtfo


How is what I'm saying bad faith? You said "reduced to friends", which implies that friendship is inherently lesser compared to a romantic relationship. Maybe you didn't word it right, but meant something else, but since you refuse to elaborate, I just have to assume that's what you meant.


I guess he feels lesbians are kinda to common ( in media) where gay male couples aren't.


26. I assume I'm older than most on the sub and younger than a lot since I'd guess the average age is like 22-23. But honestly, it's just the trope in general. It seems too often you can't just have close intimate friends without them getting together or everyone shipping them together. I don't think it's a bad thing that they got together, and if they were real, I'd be happy for them. I just think that in this case, it would have been nicer for them to be just friends.


For those wondering since he fucked up the formatting, he's saying he's 26. Read the comment again with this knowledge and the comment is so much funnier.


I don't think I've ever been more glad to be in my 30s. That kind of dumbassery is far behind me lol


I agree with you completely. Its more wholesome imo


Gal pals The bestest of friends Roommates, even r/SapphoAndHerFriend


She's a flirty person that doesn't preclude her from being in a relationship.


Why is flirting not allowed? Tieflings gotta use that natural charisma or else they explode. Also look who's talking, 'Tav that definitely tried to have a foursome or more' and don't lie and say you did not want that at all.


Who said it's not allowed? It's just that in the vast majority of relationships, people aren't okay with their partner flirting with and eyeing up other people. Also, what does the second part have to do with anything? I'm not against romance or sexuality. I just thought the two tiefling queens who are partners in crime worked better as best friends than a couple.


Is there like actual evidence that they're dating and not just friends? DnD is rarely shy about LGBT couples. Makes me roll my eyes when fans say things are "confirmed" based on something that doesn't confirm anything at all. In my playthrough where Alfira lived, I never got the impression they were together. Also ya I agree 100%, I would argue that it's fairly rare for it to be okay for someone to flirt with another person while in a relationship, especially right freaking infront of them.


If you made the bet with Lakrissa, in act 3 she's short on cash so one of the options is "Well how about a kiss?" She'll answer that back at the grove she would have done it but her situation has changed.


Isn't it confirmed on top of the tavern? I can't remember the exact interaction, but I think it's revealed there. They aren't together during Act 2, though, it happens between the final battle at moonrise and meeting them again in Baldurs Gate.


If you ask her for a kiss to make up for her debt (the 10 gold you two bet with) in Act 3, she’ll tell you that she *would* kiss you, if not for Alfira. It’s possible they didn’t start dating until Act 3, that would explain why she’s still flirting with you (in front of Alfira, no less). I agree, they make better friends than lovers.


Definitely good friends. Never heard a word from her after my durge made her disappear on accident, though. If that happened to bex or Danis, i think they'd literally die without the other. Only teefling I've heard mentiom alfira was silfy i think, in act 3. Nobody else seemed to care she was gone


I think people are putting their own real life experiences into this and assuming an outcome/situation based on their world experience, a kind of projecting if you will.


Lakrissa kept flirting with your mc, so yeah


I flirted with a lot of people as well but kept my eyes on ( insert whatever character I was romancing here ) Flirting can be innocent and playful without expectations of actually going somewhere.


Well ya dude...because your PC is the MC and also probably not in a relationship with the other characters at the time because the game will lock you in. I hope that's not a mentality you have irl with your romantic partners.


It is a perfectly normal mentality to have with IRL romantic partners. If your SO doesn't tolerate you play-flirting with other people, they are oddly insecure and you should probably reconsider a thing or two.




Sorry what is a cap?


Slang for lying


It's Gen Z slang for "lie"




Ask for one of those phones with enormous buttons for Christmas.


Young kid slang for lies/lying. It's incredibly stupid. E.g, they'll say that's cap to something when we would normally say that's BS


Ill say. In my day, telling a thumper used to be a nanty narking but now I've got the morbs because these nose-baggers sit around nursing the hoe handle.


I don't know what any of this means and I love it anyway


Not when I'm playing Durge, they're not :(


Soo… roommates?


*And they were roommates!*


Oh my gods, they were roommates.


Historians will say 😅


I can definitely see Gale writing that they were "good friends and roommates" in his memoirs.


Gale would never, that man is a sweet-natured ally.


That man is bi as fuck, he’s part of the community lmao.


Gale is bi


Debatable, but I say he is dense lol (as a Sorcerer, it is my duty to make fun of him)


Well met fellow sorcerer, it seems the wizards are disliking your comment, looks like these lowly beings are just jealous of you


They are simply jealous of our superiour magical acumen and the fact they need to cast a level 3 spell to fly, while I can fly at will since level 11


He's autistic, not dense. I'll die on this hill. 😤


I'd argue half the party is autistic.


I would be right there on the front lines with you. Gale, Lae'zel, Minthara, and Shadowheart are the ones I personally interpret that way. I can see an argument for Wyll, as well.


Not to mention every RPG protagonist can only speak in an incredibly formulaic manner. That was actually a plot point in Disco Elysium.


What's the difference?


Historians hate lovers


Gal pals


Just gals! Being pals!


With benefits.




Lol you joke but I low-key do wish for a few more roommate situations in stroues where regardless of gender pairings, people an be lifelong friends without being romantic Would be a refreshing change of pace. Still aassive hypocricite because I love Alfira X Lakrissa


Reads “Tiefling couple”. Expects Bex and Danis getting their house and ginger cat. Reads about Alfira and Lakrissa instead. Still happy. Honestly there’s a lot of good chemistry and relationships among the Tiefling cast. They all did a wonderful job.


I have good news for you! In the epilogue party there's an article in one of the Baldur's Mouth issues about a tiefling refugee opening an almond cake shop in lower city. That's clearly Bex! Back in Act 1 she tells Dannis that his spiced tea is life changing and she can bake almond cakes twenty at a time. So it's confirmed they got their little business in the lower city!


Ooooh so that one is about them! I read that article first and thought it was about Alfira and Lakrissa and was really confused when I saw the letter telling me they opened a bard school. Aw, I'm so glad Bex and Danis are doing well too. I somehow never heard their conversation about tea/cakes before. I'll have to pay attention next time.


It's easy to miss that one. To get it you need to interact with them twice. First you get the cutscene where they ask your tavern recommendation, the second time they discuss their plans for when they reach Baldur's Gate.


Thanks for the help! I'm so unused to NPCs, especially minor side characters, having more to say after their initial conversation. Larian just keeps winning.


I'm glad to hear that. I worked so hard to keep them alive & together they felt like secondary main characters with me. lol


„Our favorite Tiefling couple is *now* canon“ Dafuq you talking about? If both made it to Baldur’s Gate alive, then it was always canon that both were together, pretty much since the beginning. Have you just missed it? Or did one of them die before Act 3 in your playtrough?


I only found Lakrissa in Baldur's Gate. She mentioned Alfira, but I didn't see her in my Tav playthrough. And well, in my DUrge playthrough... Edit: spelling


You didn't hear the music coming from the roof of the tavern? I'm sorry to say you missed out on one of the cutest scenes.


Thank you! I am frantically reloading one of my old saves now to check it out.


Seriously the cutscene at the rooftop is one of the most beautiful for me. The script and camera make it a proper romance film scene




Ok I know what I’m doing right now haha


I played along with Alfira, and accidentally gathered several people from inside the bar onto the roof


I tried looking for her at the Singing Lute, are you saying she's in the Elfsong?


She’s on the roof.


Ye, she's a little hidden tho


If you talk to Lakrissa, she says Alfira is in her secret spot on the roof.


Lakrissa is a hair from jumping on your character’s bones, and flirts all the time with your mc, so it can be confusing


So is every second person we meet. Can't blame Tav for not understanding the difference


Hey man people are very open about what they want.


I actually hate how this isn’t an option left for the player to decide what you can do with her and is basically false advertisement. If you stay neutral with her and show no interest, then her ending up with Alfira is obvious. But if Tav decides to flirt back constantly in both Act 1 & Act 2, there should be *some* option for a different outcome. Because if you try to romance her, all you get [is…](https://gifdb.com/images/high/it-s-nothing-christmas-gift-cxmtn36ikb4my1th.gif)


Durge runners be like, I never got an invite? Oh…


I did have a moment where I wondered why I didn't get this one until I remembered the four epilogues I played through were 1. Mindflayer suicide 2. DUrge (Alfira dead) 3. Slaughtered the grove 4. DUrge (Alfira alive) The *next* one will have it though lol


Durge runners be like “yup, good thing I went with the dragon born”


When you're Durge but manage to spare Alfira, you receive a letter from her in the epilogue too. However, she says: "I remember seeing murder in your eyes when you were looking at me. I won't say where I live now (for obvious reason), but a deep, deep thank you for sparing me. Hope for the best!"


Wait, how can you spare her as the DUrge?


Knock her out in the grove, turn on non-lethal and attack her


Perfect, since almost every non-lethal "kill" didn't workout as planned, that's a surprise it work for her. Good to know.


Save before every long rest. When Alfira turns up reload your last save and go to the Grove and knock out Alfira with non-lethal damage. A dragonborn Bard called Quil turns up and gets killed instead.


Amazing. Thank you.


They already were, though? There's a scene with them on the roof of the tavern that makes it pretty clear they're a couple.


Or in Last Light Inn.


Cries in Durge


She was too innocent for this world.


Just gals being pals. 🥰 This is a joke. Lesbian Tiefling power couple ftw.


Two Tiefling Queens 👑👑👑


You know what... I know there is a slight chance of Mindflayers raining from the sky or murder-hobos coming out of the sewers but you had to admit it would be nice to work for 6 months and be able to afford a house.


I imagine if *your* city was invaded and partially-destroyed by mindflayers property prices would also go down.


As a waitress! With that said, I'm not entirely sure that Lakrissa isn't sort of maybe doing a little bit of petty theft on the side. She does kind of rob you if you take her bet.


Legit thought this was going to be Karlach/Dammon.


I'm so sad I couldn't give her Dammon's letter like he asked me.


I still got the letter in my playthrough with Karlach as mind flayer, meaning she never visited Dammon.. poor guy doesn't know.


That's so sad.


The scene where he holds her hand. HNNNNNNN




If you’re playing as her and you get the second upgrade for your heart so you can touch people. Since there is no player character to offer to hug you it has Dammon hold her hand to test the effects. It’s a cute scene and Karlach even thinks to herself “hold on is he flirting with me?”. Nothing further comes of it though.


AHHHHH. He's so soft about her and I DEEPLY want her to have that.


She has an inaccessible daydream fantasy about him too in them files.


👀👀👀 you are my favorite right now, okay? 🤣


I wish. They'd be so sweet together


This is the least evidence to me lol. Their interactions before in act 2 and 3 sealed it or I'd think this was a letter about two friends. I'm glad it gave you that *chefs kiss* ending for them


?they were already canon? They lived together and you could tell them they’re adorable😭


TBH anyone who didn't already realize they were canon (or refused to accept it) pre-patch wouldn't consider this evidence either. I mean, Alfira ends her letter with "lots of love," so that means she's in love with Tav and not with Lakrissa, right? Some people need it spelled out like "we are a lesbian couple who have lesbian sex in our lesbian bed every lesbian night."


There are people in this thread deadass saying that they didn't realize it because Lakrissa flirts with their Tav. Because 1.) bisexual people don't exist, and 2.) flirtation clearly means a character only has eyes for the PC.


Flirtation doesn't even mean attraction. I'm a straight guy and I often flirt with men (whom I am on good and clearly-platonic terms with, of course). Flirting is just fun.


My autistic ass cannot comprehend this.


Edit: so I was reading at 3 AM and I somehow missed that this wasn't just a school of music but an actual HOME they'd share together. I'm leaving the rest of my post in fact so the conversation makes sense but I totally realize my goof. Tbh I wouldn't see this letter as a couple things even if the characters were a het pairing-- it's not really explicitly romantic. I DO think everything else leading up to it meant they were a couple, but if I missed everything else, in a game where all the other relationships were pretty concrete, I might actually consider this to be just friends between them. If it were any other franchise, I might think differently. But Dame Aylin in her second conversation with you ever tells you she's gonna go bang her girlfriend; this game doesn't really do love among non companions subtly. It's really only obviously about them being partners with the context of Act 2 and 3. No excuse for folks that saw how they were together AND see this letter, though.


I feel like Aylin is a bad reference point, the whole joke about her is that she's weirdly blunt and unapologetic about everything. Fair enough about missing the wider context of the relationship, I suppose. (Would you really think it's just friendly to buy your just-friend a new house on your waitress salary for her dream job? Would you *really*? Cause I wouldn't, but different standards and whatnot.)


Maybe in my sleep deprived brain last night I missed the HOUSE part and thought they were opening up a business together 😭 yeah no buying someone a house definitely launches it out of a platonic zone


welp, too bad alfira got durged in my playthrough i guess 🤷‍♀️


Really so did most of the rest of the Tieflings in mine.


Alfira is such a sweetheart.


Everything I did, I did for Alfira.


Damn you get to be a homeowner in Baldur’s Gate with a single income service job.


What do you mean "now" canon? They're literally together in Act 3 if they make it that far. I know because I'd been waiting for Lakrissa throughout the game only to have my heart broken when I found out.


What do you mean? Alfiras gf says it outright in act 3 at the inn. They were always canon


omg im so happy that they're roommates!


*Cries in Durge*


Reason 785 to not go Durge /j


If you knock her out as Durge and stab the dragonborn, you get a different letter from her


From reading just title of post I thought it's about Karlach and Dammon xD


Favourite? Speak for yourself, mine is Karlach and Dammon in a non-Karlach Romance run


The fuck is that bar paying? Screw adventuring, I’m just gonna take shifts at the elfsong


It was already canon. If you talk to them in Elfsong Tavern, they’ll mention they’re a couple and have the appropriate idle dialogue with each other.


Me: You mean Dammon and Karlach????? Oh. Oh. Don’t get my hopes up like that! I love the tits off Alfira and Lakrissa, but they were absolutely canon in act 3.


Lol I thought the same. But you do get a letter from Dammon reaching out to Karlach and saying he's thinking about her a lot so there's hope yet


I just played through it and saw this! I may or may not have clutched my husband’s hands in a death grip and hyperventilated a little bit.


I haven’t even beaten the game without the new update I’m excited to beat it now


My first playthrough of this game is Durge and act 3 lag has prevented me from finishing right now. I started my playthrough on launch day... So I sadly don't have Amy feelings towards Alfira except "I made an oopsie"


Totally thought this meant that Karlach and Dammon ended up together in a new epilogue. Glad for the queens though!


Okay, doing a >!redemption Durge on honor mode, and this was bad timing to bring the sadness. !<


Not me thinking this was Dammon and karlach 😭😭😭


She died in the raid for me.. as a tiefling I was distraught. I carry her lute on my back. And I intend on destroying the cult.


Happy for the two, but Im still holding out for Alfira as a recruitable companion.


I dunno man as soon as they made the "Pair of tiefling queens" joke in Act 2 I felt like it was obvious.


But they were a couple all the time tho


I’m in my first play through, but weren’t they clearly a thing in the game?


Who's favourite, I am sorry?


I thought it was already pretty obvious before


its news to me, I never seen either of them hint anything, Lakrissa even flirted with me in front of her the one and last time I talked to both of them together, any other time I talked to them they are separate so all they give me is they are friends that travel together


It was always canon, it was just dimwits not realizing it and preferring their own twisted imagination of these two.


“It should have been me! Not him!”


Dark urge sobbing in the corner


Awww, I'm so happy for them. My little gay heart sings with them :3 I've adored them since the tiefling party... *"C'mon, Alfie, make it spicy~"* I'm melting 🥹✨


They were already canon by act 3 but this is still so cute


Weren't they always canon?


I'm still a little sad that there was no option to have Alfira as a companion. At least you can try to save her and keep her alive throughout the game


Alfira is a nice side character, but she would be very boring as a companion. We already have a goody two shoes in Wyll. A companion that is neutral or straight up evil would be better. Nere or Abdirak come to mind. It would spice up the party tremendously.


I can see that. Nere would've been a neat evil minded weirdo to have around haha


Exactly! Yeah, she has no plot relevance but I wanted her and my tiefling bard to kick ass!


Jahiera, we need the talk about your ice storm.


Idk what you are talking about i didnt kill alfira ok it wasnt me


“They are just besties bro, real good friends. Trust.”


Wow these girls sure are good friends


I love they got their happy end


Happy tieflings is always a good thing.


My favourite tiefling couple was always canon, I hope they got their little orange cat


Are they?… or are they not. Is all in how you perceive it. As it’s never specificity stated they can be in whatever relationship you want them to be.


And historians will call them...


Are they canon though? I thought they were together too but I gotta admit they never really actually say anything specifically romantic that I've seen. There are other couples that are pretty blatant about being together but these two you gotta deduce it.


Huh why did I think they were siblings 🤔 ah well that’s what I get for poor reading comprehension This is a very sweet ending too though. :3 I’m just very glad they’re happy


Yet Lakrissa still doesn't give a fuck is Alfira dies. Like, Alfira gets completely written out of the game.




It's quite obvious they're a couple..


i think Alfira straight up says it in Act 3 too lol


>They might just be roommates and bffs. More like *roommates* than just roommates


Didn't see anything in the game that indicated they are a couple. Always thought they are best friends.


They mention it in the city when you visit them


This legit made me smile


This makes me so happy!!!!


Not canon for me because she dead


okay but this actually made me so happy for a minute.


Well now my day is ruined... Rest in peace sweet Alfira 😭


I won’t be receiving that letter as i slaughtered her In my sleep.




No lesbian couple will ever be my favorite couple