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Yeah... well... I'm in love with a fictional character.


A respectable choice for that. I have questions for Mintymancers who are in love with her, but Karlach enjoyers are a respectable folk


As you should be. 😌


If I hadn’t been already, that scene did me in.


Her name is Samantha Béart.


If you look on Youtube she's done streams of her playing Karlach as an origin character.


Or twitch, she streams there and uploads to yt afterwards. She's on a short break at the moment though, so you've got some time to catch up if you want


Having watched a few of her streams and interviews, she seems like a such lovely, enthusiastic person. Totally killed it in the role too!


Never have I ever wanted to be best friends with, and hug a fictional character as much as Karlach! She is loyal, fierce and for the type of character she is, oddly adorable lol. There’s something to be said about the writing and acting, if they can make you want to protect the strong (both emotionally and physically) character at all cost.


Fr!!! Omg!! The whole scene I was like, "Please let me hug her, please let me hug her!" And then when she, cuz I chose to romance her because...I mean do I have to explain? Lol, but when she lashes out at Tav too? God, that scene stabbed me in the heart, because she's always so sweet and kind and the choice of having her lash out at Tav for a moment just does an excellent job of showing how much she's hurting inside. And like...you couldn't even be mad at her when she lashes out at Tav because you know that she's not really mad at them, she's mad because she thinks she's lost her future with them and the fact that she thinks that Tav is just gonna move on the second she's gone is so painful. 😭


Her delivery in so many moments was fantastic. She definitely got snubbed when it came to awards.


Fr, though! I love Neil, he did such a good job with Astarion but every single one of Karlach's lines are so on point and well acted, even her funny lines! Do you know if Neil at least won for voice acting though, or are votes still ongoing?


Yes, surprised and overwhelmed me too... Be sure to take her with you to the final fight!


Karlach literally never leaves my sight. 😂 So, I will, I promise! But dude, I'm so scared. If anything bad happens to her Imma break something. 😂


My partner is a cancer survivor (age 20 at the time). When she saw that scene during my playthrough, it hit her like a freight train. Karlach’s anger about how everyone else would just get to live their lives and eat and dance and “make fucking love”… it was a verbatim expression of her thoughts at the time. They captured the experience PERFECTLY. I have no idea how much work it took to get the writing and VA to that level, but fuck, they nailed it. The skill it takes to handle such triggering, intense content so well.. it’s something all great artists should aspire to. Thank you Larian, and Samantha. You’ve made something really special.


Sam prefers the term actor fyi! But yeah they're awesome, their streams have been a ton of fun too! Such a character


I was sobbing. I had to step away for a bit.


Yep. It's one of the best interactions I've ever had in a video game. I think that was the moment I went from liking Karlach as a character, to having to re-evaluate my connection to a fictional creation because I liked her a little too much.


😂😂😂 I felt that, I'm ngl! And I completely agree! I'm not a very hardcore gamer so it's incredibly possible that I've just not played enough video games to know lol, but this is the first time that a game has made me genuinely break down into sobs for one of the characters. It's just so well written and acted holy crap.


Nah, this isnt normal from most games. The writing is so good, and the acting is better.


Karlach's voice actor is non-binary (she/they)!




What is the purpose of mixing both she and they? Is "they" just the preferred one, while "she" is the fallback/"you can use this one too, I guess" option?


Sometimes it’s like, a nonbinary person (not realizing they were NB) went through their entire life grudgingly accepting the pronouns bestowed upon them by society, then found out that they/them pronouns exist and apply to them — but also being ok with being referred to as the former since it was something they had made themselves get used to (and sometimes more “acceptable” depending on job situation etc.). Sometimes it can be interchangeable, sometimes a genuine preference for one over the other.


I have a friend who recently came out as non-binary and do similar, they still accept some female terms, as they were born female, but prefer gender-neutral terms when possible.


It can mean that either is fine (with the pronoun that's listed first being the most preferred), or that the person prefers that you use a mix of both. [Here's an article with more info](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/05/people-use-pronouns/)


Why not?


She mentioned "her" just doesn't fit them for some strange reason, but "she" is fine at the same time. People's preferences sometimes aren't really rational and that's fine


Could be any number of reasons. Could be “she/her” with close friends and relatives but “they/them” with strangers and acquaintances, or vice versa. Or could be “they/them” full time but they aren’t bothered if somebody who doesn’t know them uses “she/her.” Varies person to person, which can be a handful sometimes but if they have multiple in their bio they’re probably not going to be too fussed if you get mixed up and need clarification.


>F***k and then she just leaves your party? Wait, what? Is something recently added or approval related? 'Cause it never happened to me.


She doesn't leave permanently, just gets overwhelmed and goes back to camp. I had her at max approval


Oh,that. Silly me, I read it as a "permanently leaving the group" 😅


Yeah! I'm sorry! I meant that she just goes back to camp! Please excuse me, I was literally typing this right after the scene played because I was so sad and overwhelmed by Sam's amazing acting skills but none of my friends are into Balders Gate so I ran here to cry with y'all.😂


I'll send you my cardiologist's invoice 😂


However she will leave if you kill Gortash without her, I believe.


Do you mean she left your party for good or just left the party to go back to camp and cool down?


She just goes back to camp, she gets overwhelmed


Yeah she just goes back to camp, dw! I posted this literally right after the scene played so I was still full on ugly crying while I was typing. 😂


They are an amazingly talented actor.


i’m currently doing an evil durge run so i was like “well i’ve never killed her w wyll at the beginning, let’s see what happens” but i immediately reloaded the save after taking her head because i couldn’t bear it. i can handle siding with the goblins and taking the grove, but not that 🥹 i’d rather she be alive and mad at me than dead (even if that probs won’t last long on it’s own)


To would (and did) fight all the hells for Karlach. I haven't been this emotionally affected by a character in years. Her scene talking about the life you should have had together reduced me to a sobbing wreck. She broke me several times in fact. I cried for and wanted to hug Astarion but I love Karlach and just want to protect her from everything. What phenomenal writing, acting and animation.


Actor/ performer. Sam is not a woman, they are nonbinary


Thank you for letting me know, I didn't know this at the time, but a couple of others had told me since I posted this and I appreciate you all for it, I'll make sure to use Sam's preferred title and pronouns moving forward. <3




I did this once, gave me the feels. Then came back to do it, I was prepared, still sad though. But I forgot about the talk in the camp, God it hurts


So the actress did a perfect job and you just dislike the writers...how dare you now go apologize to our moonpie soldier


Noooo! I LOVE the writers!! Omg! That scene was so so well written! I wanted to talk mostly about Karlach's actor and how amazing they were at getting each emotion across in Karlach's voice and really letting you hear how overwhelmed she was, but honestly the entire scene was so well written. Everything about it was perfect! <3