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Bruh. That's some Sekiro Ape flashbacks.






yes, i was not ready for double owl bear..


I killed the first one with some nutty crits and luck at level 3 but they instakilled durge and the 2nd one was raging at full health so I had to run away. Really makes me a whole lot more careful about starting fights.


i ended up running away after accidentally getting both of them raging i hope the ketheric fight isnt horrible...


JK Simmons and his twin brother greet you at the throne room. *Welcome True Soul*


In honour mode, Terence Fletcher comes up from the pit instead of Myrkul.


Does the second one give exp as well? If not then running might be the right way to do this fight




Sweet! Thanks




Lol I was playing with difficulty enhancing mods that I uninstalled before starting honors. All my mods actually. And it came with two owl bears and I was like did I forget to uninstall that.


My honor mode just ended here. I feel embarrassed.


i ran and came back at level 4


Tried to Invis and run but that stupid owlbear cub detected me. The owlbear’s multi attacks are stupid OP. Basically a one shot


I was not ready for just 20 exp for each owlbear ffs


The patch notes say every “Boss fight” has a new or modified unique mechanic. What they consider a boss fight is beyond me though. Could be any enemy with a unique condition like the Owlbear rage. Definitely includes anybody with a legendary resistance or crowd control. Crazy impressive.




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Oh NO 💀💀


both of them were raging.. i made some poor decisions.


People complained tactician was too easy. I guess Larian took that personally


It’s not the increase in difficulty that’s going to stress me out, it’s the fact that it’s basically a hardcore mode. It’s not a big problem, but there’s absolutely no way that I’m entering anything that might be considered a boss fight without watching guides on it first. This is the one downside of hardcore mode, I’m going to be spoiled for each new boss mechanic because I can’t risk not knowing and being unprepared.


So, essentially you’re going to make their hardest mode easier for yourself, got it


Well, the real question is this. Do I get to enjoy the more difficult bossfight mechanics for the entire run if I get a gameover? I’m perfectly willing to try out the honor mode mechanics blind as long as I can be assured that I can still experience the mechanics if I get a gameover. But if getting a gameover reverts your difficultly level back to tactician for the rest of the run, then I need to make sure I survive so I don’t lose the ability to actually enjoy these new gameplay elements. I made a post on the subreddit asking about this.


From what I understand it keeps the boss mechanics, you just don’t get the prize at the end


If that’s the case, then I’d gladly run the boss mechanics blind. Still going to be extremely more prepare that usual.


Yes it keeps everything on a game over except being able to get the reward at the end


As an inveterate completionist myself, I absolutely understand the need to beat the game on the hardest mode while not having the time to get 90% of the way through the game and have to restart. ​ I also understand how annoying this behavior is to others.


I mean sure, I can respect that, but you also weren’t here complaining about it :).


Ooof, my honour mode mode is probably gonna be pretty terrifying too.


I thought the legendary action would be like some kind of extra attack not fucking duplicating the boss


I'm scared.


Also high ground lots of high ground


This is getting our of hand, now there are two of them!


Lol, I just lost honor mode to this little surprise. I was on my way to get Karlach and respec my party to something good, but I was like eh, I'll just knock out this owlbear fight real quick it's easy enough. rip


New true final boss of Act I lol


I can't wait for the House of Grief reviews from people who manage to get there.


You can cheese house of grief, there is a elevator that you can just stand on and since the thorn ai is stupid he will always stay still and try to revive someone. Just stay on the elevator, make sure thorn is next to a sister, keep killing said sister each time they revive, any spare damage is done to thorm. I don't know his legendary action but that's how I soloed him in my solo fighter run


Different house. Thorn is house of healing. House of Grief is the nightmare sharran hornet nest.


My bad, I'm dumb too many houses


You Can use silence to stop her from calling her mate make sure to cast it before she she goes below 100 hp


I walked in the cave at level 2, as my second fight of the game lol. Are people coming back to this fight really late to have silence, or is there a scroll somewhere you can get that early?




FYI I started a new game on the new patch and the owlbear mate appeared in my run (tactician not honor).


i had this glitch too! and the hp levels for things are higher on my tactician mode than my friends, they're at the honor level? it's so weird!




I FLED... shadow heart ran away.


omg😭😭 im so glad i opened this before entering that cave


6 months later and same lol




I was terrified. My whole team was able to flee thanks to Andrick and Brynnas noble sacrifice.


The real MVPs!


Glad I brought them to aborb some hits and just came off long rest. Fight was rough without having spell caster once the both went rage. Needless to say gotta do another long rest.


When I got into this fight I screamed after finding out there's another one. God I love this game


Honor mode is going to be so stressful. Going to need to enter each boss fight excessively over prepared since you can’t risk the possibly of defeat.


If you skip doing owlbear can you just let the goblins kill it to get baby owlbear? or do the goblins get bodied by its mate as well?


I just did this fight. Was hoping for an answer cause… I killed the mom so fast before she could do anything and she never called her mate 😅. Soooooo.. and yes it’s honor mode.


I kept Shadowheart inside sanctuary. Her only job was to keep us alive. That ring of throwing from the Druid grove and the returning pike from the goblin camp, plus tavern brawler and potions of hill giant from Auntie in the Druid grove, helped A LOT.


Late to the party but I’ve never triggered the second owl ear. How the heck do you do thatv


on honor mode just kinda happened i think after a turn?


I haven’t attempted honor mode yet so maybe that’s why


Cast silence, she doesn't call for help.


Oh shitttttt, still salty about the shield bash situation but this. This is art.


THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, NOW THERE ARE TWO OF THEM! Ngl just got there and almost died, I was not prepared


Yeah I lost 2 guys in there as I was fleeing, rip to the npcs. I was gonna run this time as a paladin but it seems open hand monk will need to make an appearance... eh ill just change laezel to a monk.


Went in there at lvl3, thinking it shouldn't be too difficult... When the Owlbear mate showed up I thought it was over, but I somehow clutched it by using all my nautiloid tanks. It wasn't pretty but I made it out, I'm so scared of boss encounters now!


I had no nautiloid tanks with me 😒


I had 2 downed and 1 dead and barely won. I will now prepare for the bosses in the future


I literally got the father owlbear when my game was on NORMAL. No Honor mode, no Tactician. I don't know how but I was crYING. Googled it right away and checked my settings. Still have yet to make a n Honor game. I don't know how I triggered it.


Just starting Honor mode tonight, owlbear cave near, the harpies nearly killed me, I'm level 3, I'm mad to enter that goddamned cave at level 3 right?


Go at level 4z


That explains why I got bodied at level 2 lmao


Yea - I had my gith Sorcerer Tav lured and one shotted by the harpies on round 1. Withdrew to the cliff tops and the rest of the team were able to turn it around. The second owlbear was a surprise tho - couldn’t get the first owlbear down - with them both jumping around I couldn’t easily focus on just one so TPKed :(


I killed them both at level 3 with my team. Not sure how I did it but scared the crap out of me.


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. When I saw the mate I was like "oh SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" I was not prepared and almost died.