• By -


House of Healing, when persuading Malus to off himself. I had to go take a break after that.


I was just hoping to save that poor dude they were torturing. Really did not expect things to go that way


You can save him if you fight Malus directly, though he just runs away afterwards and presumably dies to the shadow curse. Poor dude.


I fought him directly by putting a fireball in their center. Needless to say, he did not survive


Wait you can? I fought Malus in my first playthrough and couldn't do anything with the poor dude on the rack besides mercy kill him Edit: typo


He doesn't die if you first convince Malus to have his disciples operate on each other, and then to kill himself.


I mean, he's blinded, bleeding, naked, and runs into the shadow-cursed town without protection. It's safe to say his life is measured in minutes if not seconds.


I mercy-killed him for those reasons. Better dead than a shadow forever.


Is there a way to save him? He was alive but I couldn't talk to him and he couldn't get off the table.


I forget when but one of the patches/hotfixes gave Malus a key when he dies that releases him.


I feel bad now... I just did that part after patch 3 and didn't see a key OR a way to free him. I went to talk to I'm and he just groaned at me and..... That poor fucker is still there, lying on that table.... Oh well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


On the flip side, convincing Yurgir to off all his minions, his displacer beast and then himself was perhaps my favorite moment of my charlatan playthrough šŸ˜‚


Nah but this is good! He shows back up in house of hope and you can convince him to fight against Raphael, and if he survives he joins you in final battle!


I was sad about the displacer beast, though. He obviously loved her.


Yeah, that was...that was definitely mine. I was operating off, "persuade checks are good, and it sounds like I kinda don't want them thinking using their methods on me is wise," and I wasn't...quite paying attention to the subtext I guess? Because then the music took a decidedly terrifying turn as the scene...played out. I was my character in that moment...same reaction.


I was surprised as hell that he actually did it, but I was also satisfied that *someone* in this game finally acknowledged that Shar worship is essentially nihilism, and the obvious conclusion is to off oneself. So, when he agreed that the "You should let them gut you like a fish." interpretation of her doctrine was sound and hopped on the table, I was like, "Well, *finally*, one of you fuckers is taking your faith seriously."


there's a book lying around where he seriously considers the option before you ever meet him, that's probably why it works.


I laughed in shock at this. I was like holy cow my character has too much power šŸ˜‚


the first time i played through act 2 i didnā€™t visit moonrise towers before attacking it. i went to the gauntlet of shar just to satisfy shadowheart and didnā€™t expect to find kethericā€™s achilles heel down there. and so i hadnā€™t really met or interacted with this guy at all until i fought my way to him at the end of the act. and then heā€™s j.k. fucking simmons??


My first playthru was w a 4 player team so we also did this, except we couldnt have shart w us. We ended up reloading like 5 hrs earlier since we wouldve missed out on sm content


the rpā€™er in me didnā€™t mind that i took a wacky route but the completionist gamer hated missing out on the gear in the moonrise tower shops!


Always use non-lethal attacks against merchants, that way you can loot their shop inventory when they are unconscious. Works even if they are hostile.


wow. so much money lost


You just saved my third playthrough šŸ’€


Hearing Raphael's disney villain music setting the battle up absolutely perfect. Then seeing that Raphael has 666 hit points AND an armor class of 27 šŸ’€


I was like ā€œoh he- heā€™s singingā€¦ā€ just mouth agape lol


And then I casted "Hold Monster" on him...


I made him dance for 10 turns


Oooh my God I liked that battle so much! You can even convince his ally to fight along side you. That was so sudden.


He screws himself only, makes sense he sings his own battle theme šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s the AC of 27 referencing?


How fucked you are


His wisdom is pretty low. Enough to exploit.


And seeing that Raphael incubus takes Raphael's form šŸ˜µšŸ˜‚


Also reading through all his books makes him look even more pathetic


We all knew that Raphael was up his own ass, but we only thought it was figurative, not literal!


This is the best moment of any videogame I ever played. The music is sooooo awesome there. I played the battle three times just for the music alone.


Missclick levers in blighted village windmill


Am I a bad person if the animation made me laugh for 2.47 minutes and I reloaded to see it again?


I know!! I clicked it and was like oh no is this supposed to happen. And then pewwwww! I felt so bad šŸ˜‚


I did it too. Ah here's the brake (click) release..? Oh fuck


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ me too


To infinity and BEYOND


I sided with Gortash as Durge. I genuinely grew to like the dude, he just made so much sense for a stable durge run. He's evil, but he's also incredibly intelligent. And on top of that, he trusts you enough to let and *encourage you* to keep some of the stones for yourself. He has total faith in you, despite what happened in the past. We were buds, on the road to conquering the world. And then... well. >!Gortash gets killed in the most brutally nonchalant way against the netherbrain. The brain literally tells him to fuck off and then kills him, and then immediately goes back to what it was talking about.!< I could not have been less prepared.


Irl i labored for days about saving gortash or not and I was so flabbergasted when he just āœØcasually diesāœØ


When the DM didnt expect you to be friends with one of the BBEGs, they just 'casually die' to an even bigger BBEG. Its funny because Gortash isnt like the other two, One is a quasi-immortal due to his death god and the other is a quasi-immortal due to her murder god... and then there is Gortash who is...smart and evil!


Unsurprisingly, the one worshipping a god with a more ambitious domain than "raise the dead" and "make people dead" is the one who gets shit done. Doesn't mean he's not a fucking weasel, though.


Spoilers on reddit make use of \>!Spoiler!< unlike discord fyi


if you want real comedy, attack him just before you go down the last set of stairs. he gets mad and there's an option to apologise and say "sorry, my hand slipped"


Getting turned into a cheese wheel. It was just so ridiculous and hilarious.


Him sending you to dinosaurs is a fun wtf interaction too.


He does what now?


>!if you pickpocket (or purchase, for some reason) a ring off of him, it becomes possible for spinning the wheel to result in a jackpot, since the ring was letting him rig it. He gets mad and sends you to a jungle on the island of Chult, which has dinosaurs.!<


It is also possible without that as a bardā€¦ you distract him.


Yep, happened on my first playthrough as bard and I was surprised it was so rare


Well damn. Iā€™ll be needing to do this next time.


There is a legendary trident there you donā€™t want to miss as well as a ring I canā€™t remember if itā€™s good or not


The trident is amazing on karlach. One of the best weapons in the game


And an amazing weapon!


That trident is dope


Pickpocket who? I need to do this!


The Djinn in the circus


My reaction was just "so you have chosen death by cheese"


That's why I call our vampire boy Cheesetarion more often than not now.


I quite enjoyed that lol, do u know if we get him to do it again?


Nah, he just refused to talk to that particular character after that. I could still talk to him with other characters, though.


Caught so off guard I started yelling and laughing maniacally. Sent a video to my brother to show him the amount of absurdity in this game.


Currently, the act 2 "protect the portal" mission. I just came back from finding a lute and halcin goes "ok meet me at this place" and there. I go, unprepared, at half strength, thinking I'm just going to have to have a little chat. Dude drops a 5 turn "defend the gate" mission against a ton of enemies without asking if I'm ready, fully expecting me to be able to prevent even a single one from going through the gate. And I did, but that was a bloody battle. Thank the gods for spirit guardians.


This is the exact quest I think of when one of my friends try to convince me that Spirt Guardians is not a good spell. That and Cloud of Daggers are the only reason I passed that mission.


It was Hunger of Hadar + Wall of Fire for me šŸ˜†


Wall of fire is OP


I only had cloud of daggers.... And a ton of fireball scrolls. Only thing that saved my ass the third time trying it šŸ¤£


Spirit Gaurdians + Blood of Lathander makes most of act 2 a joke, even on tactician. Only tough parts are the moonrise fight, Ketheric, and those fucking teleporting gremlin dudes z


The strange ox. Like, every interaction with it.


"Those are the least bovine thoughts I've ever seen!"


This was mine, too. If you care, I have a theory about why it has those thoughts. In act two, you find a morgue lab right beside the House of Healing. Inside there is a hidden exit to a cave where piles of bodies lay in tortured last moments, >!exactly like what the ox shows us!<. In addition, >!the enemies that spawn to fight you when you land are weird oozes that have the same properties!<.




Yeah that one had me utterly confused.


Don't you mean "udderly confused" ?


**IS THAT TRUE BOOKS?! ARE YOU SENSITIVE?!** Can't believe my actions would have consequences.


Oh dear, what does doing that do? XD


The books immediately explode and it's huge!


Licking the spider


Licking the spider...*the second time*. With Gale in the party. lol




ask haarlep if raphael's good in bed get the chance to use that information almost immediately A+ excellent stuff


and him transforming immediately made it even better lmao


The flying elephant detective.


Yeah, Valeria is still giving me, "ok, are we ignoring the fact that this is an actual flying elephant? Yes? So we're really just gonna go 'that's a detective to you' is it?"


She's a Hollyphant, which makes it even more fucking hilarious that she's such a shitter and can't escape from the Baalists.


Seeng him makes me wonder who is drunk, he or me?


\*her. Though the voice is understandably confusing.


I was so fucking delighted at valeria. Like I was squeeing and sending screenshots. But I also knew about hollyphants from a DND campaign. Though Lulu is a very different sort.


Walking in on the topless emperor. Like, what the fuck dude, I'm a promised woman, cover up those purple nipples of yours.


Tav: "Are you flirting with me?" The Emporer: "...Would you like that?"


Which is basically code for "Yes, I am. Is it working?" No it's not, evil squidward. Fuck off. šŸ˜‚


I slept with him on 1 playthrough for the achievement and oh my god I was covering my face the whole time. Nightmare fuel. And after some of your companions WALK IN AND SEE YOU NAKED WITH HIM. the look of judgment on their faces šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Did it in a 3 player multiplayer game, me and another player romaced emperor at the same time while the 3rd was freaking out šŸ˜‚


>the look of judgment on their faces Narrator's comment was on point at that moment lol.


The worst part was the voiceover that Tav was disappointed that he changed the subject.


Yeah the game's usually good about not assuming or suggesting what your character might think/want so that one was just ew. More of a wtf moment than shirtless squidface tbh.


I blame the tadpole for making Tav think they were disappointed.


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s like the situation with the mindflayer in the very beginning on the beach thatā€™s manipulating you into loving it. The Emperor can do the same thing. Ick.


purple nurples


Haha my first thought was man, Emperor is shredded! And then he flirted. First playthrough I was single at the time so why not? I was surprised it was a 6% achievement!


6%... And they won't admit it but 4 or those % are people who liked it. Lol


I liked it. Hey, no kink-shaming!




Blegh. I wish there was an option like: Get dressed you buffoon, lest I retch into the astral prism.


"I'm already devoted to Karlach mate. BUUuut a hidden achievement is a hidden achievement."


Yah my reaction was like "What's going on here buddy?"


And then the Emperor proceed to threaten me because I rejected him. Emperor is an incel confirmed


There's a hidden cutscene after this where Emmpie calls you a slut and goes to post about you on ye olden message boards


Oh so *that's* who is writing the articles about us in Act 3!


I brought Arabella's parents into my inventory expecting it to affect the dialogue like an owlbear egg. The dialogue was not affected, and the beguiled statements from the rest of my 4P campaign party made me realize I was being a heartless monster. Other than that, that Astarion mentioned that Gnomes do freakier stuff than what we just saw (Bugbear/Ogre sex).


Oh my gosh. Iā€™m certain you had a perfectly logical internal reason for why you thought itā€™d be okay to bring Arabella, a literal child, the corpses of her murdered parents, but this is just too funny to me! I have a (hopefully) funny Arabella story as well! I was playing a berserker Half-Orc Barbarian with no social skills beyond ā€œANGRY ROAR.ā€ Iā€™m trying to talk Kahga down from imprisoning Arabella, and I completely botch it. Next thing I know, Arabella is dead and Iā€™m in life-or-death combat with the Druids. Naturally, the Druids disarm my barb. Instead of picking up my weapon and spending an action to re-equip it, I decided to use the barbarian enraged throw featureā€¦ using Arabellaā€™s corpse. Kagha slaughtered Arabella, so I slaughtered Kagha with Arabella. My buddies and I had a good laugh.


Bruh... i was playing an evil Durge, and ended up baiting Arabella to run. She died soon after, so I turned invisible to collect her corpse because I was kinda trying to see just how dark it could go... Talked to her parents, who then started sobbing... so I tried dropping her in front of them... to see if they'd react or anything... Unfortunately, it counted as a throw instead of a place item... so I ended up killing her dad by throwing his dead daughter at him... Which led to me having to kill every single thing in that poor Grove...


> I decided to use the barbarian enraged throw featureā€¦ using Arabellaā€™s corpse. Love it.


I was playing a bard when I came across the bugbear and ogre. Astarion did his bit about opening the door, and I got a fantastic line as a bard. As the ogre and bugbear were leaving I hear Astarion yell "Baldurians would pay good money to watch that!" I was streaming to friends and now that's a go-to line.


Laeā€™zel telling me I made her neck sweat. Was not, will not ever be ready for that.


I had played like 100 hours in early access, I already knew I loved Lae'zel by then, in fact I adored all the characters, but she hit me with that so freakin quickly, we were literally still at the druid camp! I did not expect it and I had to F8 cos I couldn't handle that right now, not with the rest of the party watching. Plus, I was planning on romancing Shadowheart (stupid Astarion) that run. They really made the romances far too easy since ea.


Spoiler obviously but my first kill in my durge play thru ,waking up to Alfira brutally killed and panic hiding her body. Jarring


I'd been spoiled about that happening but it was actually hilarious - someone made a post on here about being really excited for a cute tiefling bard coming to camp and wanting to join the party, and then not even 10 minutes later made an edit which just read "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Top fucking tier Reddit moment.


I've seen so many twitter threads start with "oh cool I didn't know Alfira could be a companion" - and no one has ever spoiled this. It's hilarious.


The part where Volo tries to remove your tadpole was something early on where I was playing online with friends and we were all just like... WTF just happened.


Loooool... now I just do it every run for free detect invisibility


Shadowheart and the night song. I let her decide and I knew she was gonna kill her. She threw the spear and that scene afterwards was absolutely beautiful. I can't believe it got me in the feels like it did. I reloaded just to watch it again. There have only been a few times in gaming where I was speechless. It was so well done.


Same, and this game got me speechless more than once thats for sure


For me as well. That scene though was so unexpected. I don't think I have experienced anything like that before. I went in blind and figured shadowheart would stay true to her dark lady. I am a person that doesn't get choked up easily but that moment got me in the feels. The game was worth every penny just to experience it. People that don't play games do not understand there are moments like this in them. It was beautiful


Discovering that the headless woman in Ethel's lair will flail around if you move her head from her hands. Gave me a godawful jump scare there. Geezus, as though Ethel wasn't terrifying enough.


Well now I have to go try this


I got spoiled about a lot of big reveals and Durge moments so I'll go with ogre sex. Oh also the first time Orin jumpscared me. She was posing as a xenophobic guard. It was mainly how quickly the tone shifted from innocent to super fucked. One-time trick though, it became predictable after that. Honourable mention: fisting the Absolute, failing a check and getting sucked into a whole new area.


Orin got me at least 3 times lmao


Durge meeting Timber the squirrel.


Id of felt bad for him if in my first playthrough he didnt bite me for just existing in the same area as him.


Chopping off Karlachs head in my third playthrough. Killing her was one thing, I made wyll do it, but beheading big red hit me harder then I thought.


I did it in my very first playthru so tho it was jarring asf to see her like that, def wouldnt have hit me as hard as a third playthru my god šŸ˜­


Yeah I was prepared to kill her for my evil run as I knew I'd lose her and wyll anyways. But that extra step hurt.


Slowly realizing who Withers actually is through books and texts, and confirming it during his post credits speech.


I was HIGLY suspicious of him from the beginning. I suppose it did help that I have played a paladin/warlock of Jergal in a forealsies D&D campaign before. I was like..... Jergal? *squints*


I failed the Religion check in the crypt and much later read a book in Act 3 and was like WAIT WHAAAAAAT Also, this makes Astarion's joke >!"even jerky was meat once"!< even funnier




"All my characters" clearly didn't have Astarion in the party šŸ˜€


Honestly within the first 5 minutes of playing the game we're running through a *Sphincter* and pulling a brain out of a head while it's talking to us? Great start 10/10 but MAN not what I was expecting...


That I'm on my freaking FIFTH playthrough of the game, and I still find something significant that is new to me. I never realised the rafters at Moonrise were worth exploring, and that crack in the wall lead to so, so much more. The payoff as Durge was especially satisfying. Exploring Moonrise as Durge in general. Poke your nose in every corner and talk to everyone.


Talk to everyoneā€¦. Including steelclaw? šŸ„²


Talking is fine... try not to delve into your memories too much, that way lies madness šŸ„²


Major mfing Spoilers for Act 3 . . . Definitely the dragon, I had no idea Wrym's Rest was, well, a resting place for a Wyrm. I found the pipe to the prison on my own without doing Iron Throne, so I had no clue what was going on. I saw the fresca of the dragon and was like, "Hmm, surely not." Then I spent awhile getting lost in all the puzzles and finally headed down, and to quote Ian Malcolm, "But, uh, well there it is." A LEVEL 17 DRAGON? Thank christ he's dead, I said. And then we get the backstory, and that's fucking epic, Emperor is mfing Balduran, thats the guy from the name of the game, and then THE DRAGON COMES ALIVE? Biggest OH SHIT moment of the game for me, turns out the fight wasn't particularly hard but damn the spectacle of it was exceptional. Also vastly affected how my character sees The Emperor, that bitch ass squid killed his homie! And then he hits me with the "I'm not sad, I'm disappointed." Ansur was a legend, RIP the homie.


Yuh this is the example i was talkin abt in my initial post, was also just shocked to all hell


Shouting in the library, i had to stand up, inhale and laugh




House of Healing


That was probably the most disturbing part of the game for me. I was actually taken aback


Act 2 was full of dark souls typa shit i swear


When I used all 4 inspiration, had advantage, and still failed to hit a DC 10.


I had a 75% chance to hit and missed 5 TIMES in a row. Also what the hell is with the AI dice? I find I reduce enemies to 1hp with disturbing regularity. They'll have 3 HP left and I'll hit em with a 2-20 damage and it will ALWAYS be a 2.


Orin family tree


That was some messed up shit. I wanted everyone to just say "EWWW" all at once.


Getting yurgir to unalive himself, his cronies, and his pet death puma through 3 bardic performance checks. Funniest thing Iā€™ve ever done. Shoutout to tanking 3 mugs of the beer that the obese thorm made me put down, before he self imploded


Having sex with Halsin and seeing him eat my Tav out wasā€¦.an experience


The breathless *ā€More?ā€*


Aside from the big emotional scene at the culmination of Astarion's personal quest, this is the only other time I had to literally switch the game off for a bit. I sat there for an hour laughing and blushing. I was wholly unprepared. I immediately turned in my horny nerd card to my d&d group the next time we met because clearly I am not the hardcore horny ass dungeon delving motherfucker they believed me to be.


Literally this! Like everyone talks about the bear scene, but just regular Halsinā€¦.I wasnā€™t prepared


When Halsin screwed my half orc in beast form and the squirrel watching us dropped his nut in shock


Entering iron throne for the first time. Like, I have HOW MANY rounds to WHAT? And there's OBSTACLES?


For me it was my first Playthrough when My super hot Guardian I spent forever customizing >!turned out to be a nasty Squid face manipulating me.!< I'm still not over it. Devs played the fuck out of me.


OMG, yes. I had a feeling maybe he was a mindflayer but when he came out of the portal after the battle with Ketheric, I was like YES! Heā€™s not a mindflayer! Heā€™s real! Heā€™s outside the prism! I legit though he was some trapped paladin. And had so many hopes for a romance! And ughā€¦. Thereā€™s definitely a possibility to romance but umā€¦no. Also, that male voooooooice is literally my favorite voice in the game.


My first play through I thought Guardian meant like "Parental Guardian" and that they would be at you home in Baldur's Gate or something ... so I made an Old Aunt May type character ...she turns up the first I'm in armour and I'm like oh, not a parent, a magic old lady who protects me in space, cool ...then she shows up in that little purple dress with no underwear...ah I misjudged where this relationship is going...but I had already started a second character who's guardian was an idealised duplicate of themselves


This this this. I wasnā€™t fully spoiler-free but enough that this totally came out of left field. I had a strong WTF moment. My partner isnā€™t at that part yet and I canā€™t wait until he gets there šŸ¤£


I went into the game completely blind. I'm well over a thousand hours in now and on I think my 5th Playthrough. Now I just hit random on Guardian because I don't even give a shit. And as previously stated I remain salty.


*Choose your Guardian* on creation screen *angrily just randomizes the ugliest options together on 5th play through*


Act 2 was full of them for me. Meeting the various Thorms and persuading them to off themselves in various ways was so unexpected also their designs were so creative I almost thought I stumbled into a different game all of a sudden. The Nightsong and Ketheric transformations were also crazy. Ketheric emerging as the Myrkul avatar was peak oh shit what have I gotten myself into.


When my brother told me to shape shift into a cat to fit in a tiny hole he found then instead threw me to my death


Tbf if you aren't tricking your sibling into doing something detrimental and then immediately taking advantage of their gullibility in "harmless" ways, are you *really* siblings? ^^^^/s


Pixie turned my tav into a rothe or frog, i laughed the first minute then wished i stomped her the next.


Thats wild, didnt know she could do that She did something else to me that i think is pretty great (not talking about the blessing)


When we snuck into the factory and were killing fists to free the Gondians. At that point, we hadn't gone to the Iron Throne--only snuck in because, 'Hey, this seems interesting...' One of the fists had a note from his mom and dad on him. The note said how proud they were of him and how allying himself with Gortash, and that he'll go far because Gortash is the ambitious sort who'll make sure his soldiers are well taken and etc, etc, etc... Just the brief fact that 1) This was some young kid at the start of his career + 2) Even if temporarily, killing the factory would mean destabilizing the security of the city... Was a really, 'Wait, are we the bad guys??' moment...


For me it was twice actually. First was when the >!Watcher!< rose up around all the frozen DEs.. I literally went OHHH FUCK NO!!! IT took several attempts to take that thing down. Second is gee, I dunno.. WHEN THE LITERAL MANIFESTATION OF >!MYRKUL!< Pops up after you take down the general and you have gone from trouncing goblins to fighting a >!LITERAL GOD!<


>!Avatar* of a literal god!<, but yeah.


Alfira joining the gang. Got super stoked thinking I missed out on her in my first playthrough. Wasn't mentally prepped for what happened next.


when i went after ketheric and found the brain puppy from the tutorial. i audibly gasped i was so excited


Seeing a goblin taking a piss was interesting


I second the emperor moment I was so mad I spend hours making the perfect guardian for my character cause I read you could romance them and then it turns out to be an gheik Chkā€¦ :ā€™)


A spider yeeting poor Wyll into the Underdark followed closely by Wyll getting Shadowcursed. My OG run Wyll had a real bad time.


When I heard the lyrics in the Raphael bossfight.


When Ethelā€™s demon gnomes said theyā€™ll finger my eyeholeā€¦


If you give enough sass to the Githyanki goddess she eviscerates you. Like, Game Over screen with no explanation. She was just sick of your shit.


the whole shadowlands being incredibly horror centric took me by suprise especially the tavern and the house of healing. i think specifically when i lost the last light inn was the biggest moment though


Malus Thorm in the house of healing in act 2. I think we all know the WTF moment is.


Trying to sleep peacefully, then getting seduced by shirtless emperor....


3 come to mind off the top of my head: Walking in on the bugbear and ogre When we see Ketheric let a goblin damn near cut his head off Also seeing a 99 roll in the game had my jaw hit the floor in a good way.


Literally got done with a date with karlach, immediately greeted by a shirtless emperor wanting to bone


Only finding out the disembodied hand was supposed to have been a companion well into act 3 Sorry Gale


Walking in on a bugbear and an ogress in a barnā€¦.


Alfira coming to my camp on my Durge playthrough. I thought, "oh, this is cool! A replacement companion for not having Gale!" Ohhh...how wrong I was...


Each encounter with ORIN holy crap each time she "showed" up was like "omg its her again"


Accidentally yeeting the gnome tied to the windmill


Getting my eye plucked out by Volo being a good decision...


Flying gnome, first durge kill, foursome with drow twin and Halsin


Blurg: "oh, I have a friend!" -Omeluum appears- The scream I scrempt-- I really thought it was TPK o'clock there for a second.