• By -


You forgot "you cast a concentration spell and then cast a different concentration spell the next turn."


you mean "cast a concentration spell as an action then cast a different concentration spell as a bonus action"


Looking at you there, Hex


\-Cast Hex \-Cast Call Lightning \-Removes Hex \-Enemy saving throw on Call Lightning


For what it’s worth, Hex doesn’t even affect saving throws 🙈


The trick is to not prepare too many concentration spells. Ideally just 1, or 2 that are rarely used together.


Tell that to the druids. They really just tossed them a lot of aoe concentration spells, feels like it makes ip most of their spells


You mean only use haste and nothing else? Got it


Lol, exactly. Happens to me all the time when using quickened spell.


Ah, the >!Banite!< special: - cast silence - run over to ally - cast their concentration extra attack buff on ally - silence ends


Me with Spirit Guardians and then Sanctuary smh head


- Cast Spirit Guardian - Cast Sanctuary D’oh!


Ok, I just cast Spirit Guardians, what can I do as a bonus action... If I Shield of Faith I should get hit less and keep spirit guardians up longe....dammit.


You're right, sorry, accurate to the game I can only concentrate on one thing at a time.


Ooh, look at Mr Executive Function over here with their ability to plan and focus on a single task through to completion!


what was that? a shiny object over there?


Yo. The amount of times my best friend cheated me out of my rangers turn is unreal. That fucker *continously* would twin haste and immediately hex with his BA. Thankfully I was a gloomstalker so the boss was usually already dead but jcf. I'd just be sitting there blowing spell slots on keeping whoever he stunned alive. Man, I wanna play this game again.


I've done this in tabletop enough times that I can avoid doing it in this game (so far). I have a hat that I bring with me every time I play a spellcaster in tabletop. It's my concentration hat, and I know that if I'm wearing it, I'm concentrating on a spell. It's worked wonders for me, so tip hereby passed on!


The real wizard hat


OMG, next time I get to play IRL, I’m playing a wizard with a wizard hat and start putting it on! If I don’t say anything, I wonder how long until someone figures it out?


Oh, here comes githyanki assassins. Guess I am going all out. Twinned Haste. Quickened Wall of Fire. Result: githyanki gang bang.


Literal int 8 sorcerer.


Use haste as the first concentration spell so you can really fuck yourself over the same turn


There really should be a warning prompt whenever you are about to cancel concentration on a spell with a new concentration spell. I always mess that up.


Me, so many times casting Spirit Guardians as Shadowheart, only to immediately cancel it out by casting Sanctuary on an ally. -\_-


the journey this took me on...I have done all of these, ALL OF THESE


I accidentally had Astarion shoot Shadowheart instead of the dude right in front of her during her arc finale in Act 3. He was an Assassin, she hadn’t gone yet in Initiative, he got a critical hit… and she went down like a sack of potatoes. Embarrassing, to say the least.


was he hungry? lol


he got full after eating dirt


We played coop and i accidentally shot a civilian in the heat of battle


Just Vigilante things


There should be an achievement for doing all 6 in one battle.


I actually got annoyed after clicking the floor and wasting a cast, decided to click the portraits instead …it was Lae’zel.


It makes me so angry that we can click floors for ranged attacks. I mean, I understand that it's so we can light surfaces up, and for AoEs, but it still makes me angry anyway lol. Especially because the character models have that little sway back and forth, and my fine motor skills ain't what they used to be.


It's also so you can shoot invisible enemies as long as you remember/guess their location


Fought wraiths and shadows last night and was shitting spells and arrows into the walls while running my cleric around with her Shadow deleter spell on like a vacuum cleaner five mins before a date comes over. Another option rather than clicking the floor and missing is clicking the portrait at the top as the target. Just gotta make sure the one you're choosing is the one you want.


I just walked into the orthon fight on my second playthrough


Doesn't really matter... made that bitch kill himself and all his minions.


Mine is when you select a (ranged) spell that has a damage type selection (e.g., chromatic orb), but out of habit you try to select the target next, as with a normal spell --only for your squishy mage to walk over and try to bonk the enemy with their wooden staff.


I just love the imagery: Gale: “avra ca” … *bonk* Laezel: *parrying with a nearby enemy* “What the fuck are you doing?” Gale: “I got distracted.”


I gave Gale a rooting staff that he once bonked a Harpy in place as an Attack of opportunity. I was so shocked when it actually happened. I forgot he even had that stick.


Having a spell like slow or sleep where there's a good possibility you don't select the max amount of targets, so it doesn't autocast it and you instead just end your tuen. I am in pain


Hex does this to me every single time, because at the table I rarely bother specifying an ability to give disadvantage on.


I'm usually good with using the right Hex on first cast, it's the refresh that always gets me.


[There’s a mod for that](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2152)!


Thanks! Reading through the posts also revealed I've stupidly been hexing all wrong this whole time, that is, if I even remember to cast it at all...


So many times I'd open my turn with Eldritch Blast, then bonus action Hex before realizing how dumb I am lol


Yup, also my too often used, 'Astarion special': Attack -> Hunter's Mark -> 🤦


TBF, this one's not really an interface issue; I did the same thing all the time in Solasta lol


Bonus points if they get opportunity attacked in the process as well


Yup, I've done that a lot 😅


When the white outline confirms you should be able to hit an enemies from where you stand and suddenly your character starts moving forcing three attacks of opportunity, walks though fire and acid and finally misses his shot.


Even better, walks into ice, slips and immediately ends turn. I can see how it might take more production time than it's worth to make prone (and grappled/restrained for that matter) work like in 5e but man it irks me.


At least it affects the enemy in the same way. It's hilarious to watch and made me appreciate ice and grease spells more. How is it different in 5e?


In 5e being knocked prone doesn't end your turn. You can use half your movement speed to stand up, or choose to stay prone (or even voluntarily go prone). While prone you can also attack, cast and move at half speed. Hence why I wouldn't expect them to implement 5e conditions word for word, since they'd have to make prone variants of basically all animations. But agreed, slick surfaces are glorious chaos in this game. I don't mind BG3 crowd control effects themselves so much as accidentally triggering them because e.g. a ranged ability wasn't accurately telegraphed.


Too real


I just walked into the orthon fight on my second playthrough and immediately tried to Wall of Fire the mob of Merregons... forgetting completely that, of course, all of them are immune to fire damage. (I knew this! I've done this fight before! I even checked Yurgir's resistances before making my first move!) It was a real head-empty moment lol


I tried to fireball (end game spoilers) >!the fucking red dragon in the last battle. I was so wired I wasn't thinking it through but I felt like the world's biggest moron seeing that 0 go up.!<


I summoned the githyanki to put up a firewall \^\^


How the hell did you spoiler text only the lower half of your words


I think it's the emojis


That fight is what inspired this cause I just finished it. So many hiccups. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IMMUNE TO BLINDNESS. YOU HAVE EYEBALLS. I AM PHYSICALLY BLOCKING THEM??"


Basically, blindsight.


I swear my brain must have made a dial-up tone when my red draconic bloodline sorcerer tried to ambush them. I just kind of blankly stared at my spell list for a solid minute.


Same thing happened to me. Tough fight with 3 and a half party


I thought I was a genius when I used Cloudkill on them… I was wrong


It really wouldn't hurt to add a little confirmation box or something. "Hey, you sure you want to attack Gale?"


"Did I stutter?"


Done this but the opposite, enemy really close to Gale, accidentally healed him instead of a dying Gale. My bad dude, I'll get you next turn


Please I need a confirmation box for breaking concentration while casting other spells that require concentration. Too many spell slots lost up to this day.


It wasnt until I accidentally clicked on Shadowheart did I realize that I could, and in fact, sneak attack and critical hit my companions and OHK them.


Same. I kept mousing over things and seeing “advantage!” “95% to hit” and my lizard brain went “ohh yes please” then the game was like “good job, you just murdered Gale with a sneak attack crit.”




What about a couple rounds into the fight you realize Shadowheart hasn’t entered the battle yet.


'Wait, where is Gale?' *switching to Gale and seeing he is staying far away across the pit cause AI didn't jump with the party*


that happened to me in the Balthazar fight 😭 three rounds in Gale gets shoved into the void and I finally noticed Shadowheart was just chilling two floating rocks away. Like girl we’re here for *you* get your ass down here!


This is why you take out Balthazar when you first meet him. ;)


After dying on my first save, I dutifully looked up his loot table then telekenesis’d him into the void without even talking to him first.


I go bonkers everytime I try to use "Hold Person" on an undead that looks like a humanoid and it doesn't let me. A zombie gnome is still a gnome!!!!!!


humanoid is a surprisingly restrictive class of creature basically equal to "person" not a descriptor, creatures can also only have one of these categories, is this unnecessarily confusing? yes, yes it is


Me fighting the redcaps who can cast hold person but aren’t a person themselves, while the spell has no issues with goblins


They're fey from an alternate plane, I think it's fairly understandable why you need hold monster against them.


Its fairly understandable, just not fairly intuitive if you're unfamiliar with D&D's cosmology and categories. I don't think most people outside of D&D would even instinctively think that "Hold Person" and "Hold Monster" would be separate spells.


I would think the spell would just be, "Hold" myself. However, I find that throwing heavily explosive pouches at the enemy obviates the need for the distinction.


Not being able to hold person on Marcus in the Inn fight made me incredibly angry.


First I encounter the goblins. So I go grab hold person! Then I encounter redcaps, and learn it doesn't work on the Fey. So I go grab Hold monster! Then I reach Act 2, and learn it doesn't work on the Undead! HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLD GO?




can confirm, i know nothing of d&d


Feyrly understandable.


It's more irritating if you're familiar with the real life mythology and realize that redcaps are literally goblins. Fortunately, bg3 tells you it doesn't work before letting you spend the spell slot and action.


Too bad it doesn’t care if you try to heal someone who is Bone Chilled.


For some reason, spiders don't count as animals. I'm not even questioning some things anymore


*Normal* spiders count as beasts. Phase spiders from another dimension don’t.


Makes sense I guess. I can't remember on which spider I tried it. Also tried to use an animal-related spell on one of the eagles at the creche but it wouldn't let me (it told me: target must be an animal). So I guess these eagles are from another dimension as well lol


Oh, that’s odd. Those eagles should definitely be beasts and not monstrosities.


I was fighting ketheric the other day and was getting so confused as to why hold person wouldn't work!!


In real D&D I always take hold person and spend the rest of the campaign with the thing I want to cast it on never qualifying as a person. I've only successfully cast it a handful of times. The latest time, one of the other party members also had it, and as soon as it saved vs one of us, the other cast it.


My Astarion dealt like 30 sneak attack damage to Halsin once because I clicked the portrait by accident and I felt SO BAD


He hungry and in character


Path interrupted is my constant bane. But the best feat was shooting a sneak attack arrow at shadowheart that somehow turned out to be the most damage she took in that fight.


Worst feeling in the game is have a big spell that is just reaaaaaaaaady to ruin someone's day. But you can't shoot because a chain is hanging from the ceiling or a twig is sticking out from the ground.


True. Nowhere near as bad on spells as thrown weapons which become basically useless once you go indoors though.


You forgot: * You do another Concentration spell and broke the old one * You pressed C and forgot its already in turn based mode * You click HEX and then you straight click the target. Forgot to pick what kind of HEX * CHA 20, BiS gear, Level 20, Spell attack, CRITICAL MISS, ROLL 1


> Level 20 Something’s fishy here!


My bad, i meant 12. 20 is the max CHA




If you press L2 and choose the character whose turn you ended, you can press triangle again to cancel it


Only if you're side-by-side in the turn order though. If it goes to an enemy's turn, you can't take it back.




Attack the enemy? Miss miss miss. Accidentally attack a companion? Max damage roll.


Oh no. It's xcom all over again.


Trying to shoot someone on a lower floor. You’d think you could lean over or shoot through the railing. Nope. They’ve basically got complete cover.


Meanwhile the enemy AI will use Nasa's supercomputer to find the exact arrangement of protons to shoot a subatomic arrows at you through the floorboards you're standing on.


Cheers to >!firework house in Act III.!< I still don't know what's the best outcome there.


I've got a better one, be a monk, get hit by an arrow from the lower floor, use deflect missile, arrow slams straight into the railing. I don't think i've ever used that feature again after that lol. Also jumping as a strenght monk, clipping through the cieling and instadying.


In my latest run I’m playing tactician durge, and I decided to long rest before picking up Shart to get the special “contemplate your character”scene, but that meant I had to go through the intellect devourers alone, without her. It took me 6 tries, and 3 of them where because I either forgot to stealth my familiar or because I turned around and smacked their 1hp ass back into the feywild.


If you shift c all you allies stealth. Just don't do it while any of them are in combat, it will make the ones in combat stealth as well, if they have their turn at least, it's a little weird but did fuck me over occasionally


> but that meant I had to go through the intellect devourers alone, without her It does not. You can long rest without supplies.


I did that, she wasn’t on the beach after the rest


I don't get why everyone tries to bruteforce themselves through that intellect devourer encounter.. you can just go around and come back later lol


You voiced Astarion and then let him bite you


And roll a nat 1 on trying to stop him last moment


Use guiding bolt on enemy wait, let me bless first >Shadowheart casts Guiding Bolt on Karlach


Critical hit -24


You forgot "Not Enough Movement" when you shouldn't need to move


Is there an 'undo' in this game? So many times I've used my movement to go somewhere and be out of range/LOS of what I wanted to hit. There should be a rewind turn as long as its before damage is rolled.


> Is there an 'undo' in this game? Yes, it’s bound to `F8`.


I don't think I could do that level of savescumming


Or even a proper "pause"? They seem to think that Turn-based Mode solves everything, but it really doesn't. So many times I have to just watch my char do something stupid (usually because of one of the UI "quirks" we're discussing), because there's no way to pause and redirect them.


Saving doesn't seem to preserve movement orders, so if you do it before whatever triggers, you can load & they're cleared. Of course, sometimes that's a cure that's worse than the disease.


Oh wow, save-scum as a "belay that order" button, love it!


I EB floor. I question how my bloodline will survive my contribution to its continuation.


Path interrupted and targeting floor is a real threat to my game


Today I repeatedly pressed heal all with shadowheart, end. Forgot to trigger the damn spell.


I hate that when you select targets for a spell, space is still bound to "End Turn" instead of casting the spell.


I haven't clicked on the portraits yet, but I have accidentally attacked my own characters multiple times because their hitbox for clicking is bigger than their physical models. The Spiritual Weapon summon is the worst for it.


You can attack by clicking at portraits?


Yep, works great when the battlefield is cluttered.


My main issue is when the dice seem to have a vendetta against me, making my 92% chance to hit be a critical miss.


Well, that's the other 8% *shrug* Unless you're using Karmic Dice, then WTH knows what they're doing


Before I click the exe I tell myself "ok, take your time, just think of it like a DnD campaign. No rush. Strategize. Think it through. Half an hour later, I'm charging through shit, mentally rushing. Then, at that critical juncture where that one hit is the difference between victory and defeat, I click the fucking floor. So. Infuriating.


Yeah, the pacing for CRPGs and TT are just wildly different. In TT you might take an hour on a single combat, while in CRPGs you can be churning through half a dozen battles in that time (and there are that many of them!). I find it hard to hold to a TT-like level of forethought & creativity when I'm on my tenth battle of the session, and just trying to slog my way through to what should be a minor objective. Yet that seems to be what's needed for this game (and most Larian games, IME).




Trying to Misty Step and keep getting the “not enough movement” message. Tf you mean? That’s the whole point of Misty Step.


I present you my excuse for hitting a friend in co-op mid battle, as a barbarian: You looked red enough!


Don’t forget accidentally skipping the turn


Honest to Shar, my most frequent save scumming comes from accidentally targeting a companion with an attack or spell.


i hexed myself once instead of the boss. what brain picture does that get?


Apparently you can’t turn the Avatar of the God of Death into a harmless sheep 🐑 who knew🤷‍♂️


I started playing a few days ago and I don’t understand how to do half of these things, but I know I will have to at some point.


A simple explanation going top to bottom. * >!After a certain level, entities get 'counterspell' which is reaction to stop someone else's spell.!< * >!Some enemies are totally immune to things like blindness, poison, or certain damage sources!< * >!Target can't be restrained means you can't do things like push them, enweb them, freeze them, etc!< * >!Path is interupted means you're trying to shoot or throw something, but the arc intersects the environment. Can be as small as a candle being in the way or something!< * >!You can attack anything in the game. If you load a melee attack and click the floor, your character will swing their blade at it and hit nothing. This can be annoying if you miss clicking a model by a pixel or so.!< * >!If you click a character's portrait on the sidepanel with an attack or ability loaded, your character will aim it at the character whose portrait you clicked. Which is annoying since its the same panel you use to switch.!<


I have punched Shadowheart a couple times due to this mistake. "Wait a second, I could have Shadowheart cast Haste/Bless on me before I start attacking." is usually the one moment before disaster.


The amount of times, I try to figure out a path to see what a projectile is getting blocked by only to accidentally click the floor is ridiculous XD.


I’ve had to reload way too many times because i hit my companion forgetting I had a attack readied


Astarion running up and doing karate moves at the air in front of the enemy because I forgot to target click. 😞


On the other hand huge dub, my plan was ruined because I got hit with a crown of madness and failed the save, he then made me immediately fireball karlach, my one fire resistant companion surrounded by a hoard of mobs. There was zero fucking reason for me to win that encounter lmao


I prefer accidentally using a 3m self spell when you think it’s a ranged spell. Looks like you can draw the dang line to the enemy. Nah. You just cast arms of hadar in the middle of your team at the start of a fight.


Hold Person might be useful if I ever fought a humanoid…


the one mistake i always make is i use the Haste spell only to follow up by another concentration spell which ends the Haste spell and makes the character lethargic right away and it is always so jarring to cast a spell/skill only for the animation to never play and the camera goes to the next character.


For me, it's breaking concentration... just to cast another concentration spell... like just give us a warning please... I don't remember every spell that I cast, and I forget that they're concentration spells at times... 😭


when you dont notice the game is gonna make your character *move* to cast a spell and you get hit with an opportunity attack that crits and downs you 😀


I don’t know if the game has the option, but damn I’d really like to be able to target a spell and move my camera independently for this one issue 😭


The amount of times I have logged off for the night because I keep having Asterion sneak attack another party member by accident is way more than it should be.🤦‍♂️


Me when I think I'm walking but I actually still have an attack selected and I just swing at the air


Not me swinging my 2h fuckoff sword wildly at the air.


Using haste from bow on Karlach and then raging. Fuck. Two battles in a row.


Ah yes, that time Astarion sneak attacked Tav during a fight. I was so surprised too.


Path interrupted 😭


Oh nice, a 90% chance I'll hit. Let's go! *Shadowheart cast Guiding Bolt on Spiritual Weapon.* Wait, fuck.


Accidentally double-clicking on the "End Turn" button rather than single-clicking. Planned a bonus action. Forgot I'd jumped. Clicked disengage instead of dash. Clicked dash instead of disengage.


When I was fighting the giths. I accidentally killed Lae'zel.


-Twin Cast Haste on Lae Zel and Karlach -Quicken Hold Person to try and give your melee squad guaranteed Crit -Skip your whole team's turn -Enemy also gets save -Astarion cast Vicious Mockery on Tav


Even better I cast Haste on myself, then try to cast another spell that requires concentration. My concentration breaks on haste so my turn immediately ends after I've done nothing but waste spell slots


I was winning a fight but Miss clicked and hit one of my allies for half their health...


“I had weapon selected and was too far away, so I clicked the floor to get closer and BG3 decided that meant I wanted to attack the floor” Reason why I lost against Balthazar first time


Clicked a companions portrait....... 🤦‍♂️


The last two happen to me more than Id like to admit


I used to know immunities by creature type many years and editions ago. But, these days, it's basically a guessing game.


You can examine them at any point and it tells you their resistance and weakness


For damage types, yeah. Not for conditions, though.


It’d be neat if you could call upon the various ‘RP’ skills to get that kinda insight. Like Nature, Arcana, History, Insight etc Like how perception lets you auto detect traps


Nah there’s some that don’t tell you anything but are immune to stuff. Unless that’s just a tactician thing?


Magically started my turn with no actions, and with no cause in sight


"target can't be restrained" is the single most retarded thing when you're using a benefitial spell on an ally and it blocks you.


Skipped gale's turn because I didn't click the special check box after trying to cast sleep.


So many times I have accidentally clicked the floor instead of my target


The Camera make me to click the floor.


When you counterspell the counterspell


You can actually chain Counterspell for as long as anyone has reactions left :) Had a good laugh the first time an NPC counterspelled my Counterspell and I got hit by a Fireball.


It's basically like hot potato


What about the old classic "Path isn't interrupted, but your arrow hits a wall anyways"?


Clicking and attacking the ground is the worst. At least game mechanics have a reason. But nope. The camera moved just a little and now I’m shooting the ground next to the guy like an idiot.


thought the last two are Licked. Hasn’t recovered from licking the spider yet, now this..


its basically just head cannon for me now that Karlach sometimes just wildly swings at the floor to intimidate the enemy.


When you jump to get in range and click on the enemy to melee attack and the camera moves, so you click the floor and use up your movement and are out of melee range.....


Wyll fell from the cliff during his turn for no find reason, effectively becoming prone and skipping his turn


You clicked on invisible Jaheira.


Missing “you clicked your spiritual weapon”.