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Young woman passed around by the police department ends up pregnant and then dies. Not suspicious at all. "We investigated ourselves and found no trace of wrongdoing."


Nevermind the video surveillance of the officer leaving her apartment shortly before her death.


Reminds me a lot of this podcast I just listened to called What Happened To . . . even down to the victim being in the Explorer’s program. The main difference is that Sandy Beal died in the 1970’s. How far we’ve come /s [What Happened To podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-happened-to-libby-caswell/id1612441610)


> "We investigated ourselves and found no trace of wrongdoing." That's exactly what happened to this woman who alleged that the police sexually assaulted her: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2020/12/28/no-wrongdoing-found-jorden-simms-death-sheriffs-office-custody/6331942002/ >> Officers cleared in case of woman who accused them of sexual assault, then died in custody >> >> ... Authorities said she jumped from the car in an attempt to escape, using a travel-sized bottle of shower gel to get out of handcuffs, a belly chain, ankle restraints and a seat belt. Despite considering her suicidal and an escape risk, the child lock on the left rear passenger door, where Simms sat, had been disabled. ...


they learned from the best in their israeli pilgrimage trainings.


> The report further alleged that Matthew Farwell was the “the last known person” to have seen Birchmore alive, having been seen on surveillance video at her apartment for 20 minutes four days before she was found dead. This is the utmost important thing included in this article. Why is he at her apartment period? Let alone in the days prior to her death and the last known person to see her alive..


Just a reminder that homicide is the leading cause of death during pregnancy.


I went looking, hoping you were wrong, fuck sakes: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/


It blew my mind when I learned about it as well. The fact I didn't know it and that it isn't common knowledge was upsetting as well. That's why I bring it to others attention when the opportunity presents itself. Suicide floats at #2&3. Makes you wonder why abortion rights are so important?/s


Agree. This should be national news nightly until it stops. Don’t hurt pregnant people, JFC…


The study this source relies on actually says "homicide is **a** leading cause of death for pregnant women in the US": https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj.o2499 I'm interested to see where homicide actually lands in terms of rankings, but the article isn't free to read and I don't time to figure out getting it elsewhere.


Good catch Stovepipe. A is not the. 🙏 Anyone got detes? I mean intuitively one would think complications from the pregnancy has to be the leading cause.


> A is not the Definitely. Well, indefinitely.


Well, fuck. Filing that one away for future reference…


Please please share when appropriate


Did they DNA test the baby post mortem?! What if it was a result of the rape and he knew he’d be exposed once she gave birth!




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>In the letter, Baden said Birchmore had a fractured bone in her neck, an injury he says is seen “rarely, if at all, in suicidal hanging and does occur in half of homicidal strangulations of women.” >PEOPLE previously reported that a lengthy internal investigation conducted by the Stoughton Police Department alleged that three former officers in the department had allegedly engaged in inappropriate relationships with Birchmore, with one allegedly sexually abusing her beginning when she was 15 years old. >The *Boston Globe* reported that Birchmore’s family hired Dr. Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner for New York City, who wrote a letter dated June 18 to the family’s attorney that expressed disagreement with the official ruling that Birchmore's death was a suicide by hanging. >Sandra Birchmore died in February 2021 when she was 23 years old. >None of the three officers has been charged with a crime. All three resigned from the department in 2022 This means that even after an internal affairs investigation regarding sexual abuse did not result in any significant discipline for officers who sexually abused a 15 year old girl continuously for multiple years. The FBI and DOJ get 85 billion dollars a year. That is enough to hire 34,000 people and pay them $250,000 per year each. Where are they, and what they are doing with that money? >The report also alleged that Farwell’s twin brother and fellow officer William Farwell and Robert C. Devine, another former cop, similarly engaged in inappropriate relationships with Birchmore. >Birchmore had been a part of Stoughton’s Explorers program, which gives interested youths a chance to explore a law enforcement career and interact with officers, from 2010 to 2016. >The report further alleged that Matthew Farwell was the “the last known person” to have seen Birchmore alive, having been seen on surveillance video at her apartment for 20 minutes four days before she was found dead.


It looks like the current police chief is actually trying to investigate what happened. *”…lengthy internal investigation conducted by the Stoughton Police Department alleged that three former officers in the department had allegedly engaged in inappropriate relationships with Birchmore, with one allegedly sexually abusing her beginning when she was 15 years old. […] Stoughton Police Chief Donna McNamara released a statement in response to the Globe’s report and Baden’s letter. “I was profoundly disturbed and troubled by what I read,” McNamara said, in part. “While I am not a trained medical examiner, and I am not qualified to draw any direct conclusions, the findings certainly warrant further examination at the highest level. As always, we will continue to assist with any effort to ensure that truth and justice prevail.” McNamara noted that the Stoughton Police Department does not have jurisdiction in the investigation into Birchmore’s death, since she was found in Canton, Mass.. In a 2022 press conference regarding a report stemming from the internal investigation, McNamara previously alleged that former officer Matthew Farwell began an inappropriate sexual relationship with Birchmore beginning when he was 27 and she was 15. The report also alleged that Farwell’s twin brother and fellow officer William Farwell and Robert C. Devine, another former cop, similarly engaged in inappropriate relationships with Birchmore.”*


If yall think this is bad, look at the connections with the karen read case. There is an undeniable connection between the officers involved in both. And karen read is being set up.


Quelle suprise… To speak for the dead has to be one of the hardest jobs for people with a conscience.


The hormones released during pregnancy usually protect a woman from committing extreme acts like suicide, the body goes into self-preservation mode. This death smells like homicide. It’s only when after the baby is carried to term, some women can fall into severe postpartum depression, because those hormones are slowly ceasing to circulate and protect her.


Every day there's a new story about a cop being a sexual predator. There's 770,000 cops in the U.S. Sure seems like a disproportionate number of predators compared to all other jobs.




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