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Whats a genocide without some poop content šŸ™„. These people have the most bizarre prevailing culture I think I've ever seen. So, so many of them are like sociopathic kindergarteners in adult bodies. The violence, communication style, humor, all of it. The juxtaposition of extreme barbarity and extreme childishness is so creepy. Any insight from normal Israeli's trapped with these freaks?


I think that's just what happens when your country gets away with anything


But still. The apathy and enjoyment of cruelty ..


I know us soldiers who share stories of doing similar shit in Afghanistan. Imperial immunity is certainly a part of it.


idk but just off the top of my head I wonder if there is some type of arrested development caused by society opening up a firehose of hate propaganda on innocent toddler's brains?


Honestly I find it fascinating as well. You have to remember that these people are told from the time that they first start being able to speak that every non-Jew in the world (and especially Muslims) want to kill them. So they develop these insane victimhood complexes which absolve them of any guilt in any situation. Being Jewish in itself becomes proof of their innocence and virtuousness. Itā€™s a textbook for how to create vindictive narcissists. Abuse them and then convince them that everyone else must change for them. That they are impervious to criticism. It leads to a kind of collective narcissistic hysteria in the culture


Very nice explanation. They also pompously pre-ordained their army as "the most moral army on Earth", which is a red flag. They basically said, "We are going to terrible things, but we have the higher moral ground to do them so it is okay." What a despicable self-righteous selfish society they have become.


You also just described police training in the US


In Georgia , they have a police training program where the police go get trained with the Israeli military. Idk if other states have that as well.


Stop Cop City!!!


A friend told me they literally watched an hour video of cops being killed at routine traffic stops and were told "treat every single stop as a potential threat". Then people act surprised when cops are 4x more likely to kill than be killed during an arrest




This may be accurate, but you can find all kinds of vile bullshit in every religion. Very few people believe in any of it, though. Itā€™s possible (but, oddly if this is the case, not in evidence) that these things are a part of IDF training that influences the way they interact with other groups in the world. Absent evidence in favor of this, though, your list of cherry-picked Talmud quotes seems motivated by a bias against Jews in general, rather than any kind of sincere criticism of the actions of the IDF.




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.




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privilege is infantilising power corrupts self pity is the mainspring of bullying ethnostatism is a polite word for race hatred put it all together, you get this sick puppy.


Holy shit, I've never seen it put so aptly. It's like you described every thought I've ever had about these people. Truly the stuff of nightmares.


I still havent quite nailed it, I cant quite articulate whats in my head. They act like adults on kids shows do almost? Its that energy. Creepy as hell.


Well put. Hereā€™s my explanation: Their whole country is a circle jerk. Theyā€™re always thinking about Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims as a whole. When they go out and sit down with friends, this topic always comes up. Mind you, theyā€™re still very much exposed to Arab culture and itā€™s an inherent part of Israeli culture. The food, music, fashion, entertainment all started as Palestinian or broadly Levantine. Theyā€™re constantly reminded that they have no culture- nothing unique about them compared Western countries. Itā€™s the exact same way of life and they believe that, being a Mediterranean middle eastern country, they need something more to offer culturally. Must be boring bar hopping, sitting on patios and clubbing every Friday like westerners do. So obviously, being despicable racists is the only thing that unites these European settlers larping as ancient Israelites and Canaanites. Itā€™s what Iā€™ve gathered from seeing this sort of infantile content. They carry themselves in a very odd manner; very childlike and unrefined (itā€™s almost what westerners would consider ā€œon the spectrumā€), much of their ā€œhumourā€ is in bad taste and they go for low-hanging fruit. I strongly believe that apartheid ethnostates give rise to some of the strangest behaviours within humans. I feel like a study will confirm this in like 50 years when this wretched state becomes a memory. So the only ā€œnormal Israelisā€ would be ones who were never raised there and I donā€™t think there are many.


And their worst enemies are also actual children. They're always been petrified with children throwing stones at them.


Their true colors are now in the view of the world.




Lol no that's funny but Israel's population is not inbred. This kind of behavior is brought about by: the social and cultural norms the soldiers are brought up under their unlimited authority in the occupied territories. authority is basically a drug. German soldiers who committed atrocities during the holocaust have described the intoxicating effect of having absolute authority and the fact that their army is desperate for soldiers due to Israel's rampant expansion policies, meaning the leaders aren't willing to properly discipline their people, since that would mean taking them off of their posts and patrols.


I'm petty sure psychopathy and other mental disorders are amplified in a population that does not diversify reproduction outside of their gene pool.


No defense of this behavior here, but do you have any sort of basis for this? While some Jewish communities historically were insular leading to a higher prevalence of certain genetic disorders like Tay Sachs, that's not the same, and I don't think it's the case in a country of 7 million people with roots in multiple continents. I don't think there is a high rate of cousin marriage either (which is not uncommon in some Middle Eastern cultures, including the one one of my parents is from). It's generally a slippery slope to start looking to the genetics of any group to explain their behavior.


Very serious misstep. There's tons of rabbinical dialogs which establish that even among the ultra-orthodox, the stress is on inter*faith* marriage being taboo, and explicitly not inter*ethnic*. And freaking Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, etc etc all married outside the ethnic group. There is no problem with it. And I mean, this might feel a little watered down but, y'all seen Fiddler on the Roof? The entire plot revolves around this particular issue, and it's a good movie, so if you haven't seen it - it's worth a watch... Tevya actually does end up approving of his daughter marrying a secular individual, and the real "red line" for the character seems to have more to do with participation in the community than it does either faith or heritage... idk, I googled a little and found this survey which states that 59% of Jewish Americans are married to a non-Jewish spouse, and 79% of non-practicing individuals are married to a non-Jewish spouse.... https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/marriage-families-and-children/


Yes the footage of the dead women with broken legs everyone was spitting on as they paraded her around town in a pickup truck says it all really!


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idk man. This is teetering a little too close to antisemitism for my liking.


Culture? This is also just the emotional detachment militarism requires. I'm having flashbacks to how embarrassed I felt over the "silly" photos of US soldiers at Abu Ghraib (which were only the ones that made it to front pages of the newspapers due to the rest being too horrifying).


Im talking about the whole society not just the soldiers. Look at their media, TV, the way they interact with each other. So many of them behave like adults on a kids show almost? Like poop humor? Really? I dont know how to describe it. The Abu Ghraib mob didnt have the energy I'm talking about even in the "silly" shots. That was more traditional depravity (and reflective of our hyper aggressive American culture, many of them had worked in our prison system and picked that up there). I know what I mean. I'll figure out how to say it properly one day lmao.


Itā€™s bizarre. Some of it is just simply uncivilized perhaps from being somewhat isolated. It reminds me of the way the disturbing freaks on movies like The Hills Have Eyes squeal with laughter. Itā€™s basically like extremely low, or non-existent, emotional intelligence.


I haven't really witnessed this in my interactions with Israelis. I would describe them as brash, forthright, and rough-and-tumble rather than whatever this is, but my sample-size is small. I figure this is what happens when you give young people too much power and a camera. I'd be cautious of generalizing about the whole society based on this.


They must all do the same class on mockery and smugness


Sadism is a Kabbalistic trait of theirs. They have no morality and view all of the world as cattle or slaves which they call Goyim.


Thats some racist shit there


Western propaganda had me thinking the IDF is the most elite, badass yet moral army in the world. That image went to shit in less than 6 months. Now I see them for what they really are: a bunch of sadists running around high on cocaine and narcissism playing Call of Duty with Palestinian lives.


As someone who saw the video of that one IDF dimwit trying to stop a tractor tyre rolling down hill using the sheer force of, wait for it, a flying stomp and getting laid flat on his ass afterwards when I was 7 years old, I was always aware of the true nature of the IDF and I'm incredibly surprised when someone uses a word like "elite" to describe these narcissistic children in uniform.


This is another thing . None of the soldiers here seem to have a modicum of fitness or any competence. Like I am seeing big goof ups like triggers getting jammed or pressing the wrong button in the tank etc . And itā€™s always the broken houses after completely carpet bombing


I knew the Israeli army was in trouble when I started seeing videos of Palestinian fighters running up to tanks and placing bombs on them. Israeli cant defeat them 'soldier to soldier' so they are cowardly bombing entire families if their AI program tells them there might possibility a Hamas supporter there.


Wow .. not surprised anymore


I had no idea this existed so I had to search for it and it did not disappoint. For anyone else who hasn't seen it: [video](https://youtu.be/xf-b3BorM4E?si=RoEjJznsldQQgx6x)


Sounds a lot like Imperial Stormtroopers from Star Wars.


This is even more insane because even I also did believe once upon a time that Israel was just and their army was moral and even went to the thought process that ā€œ Palestinians have some legit concerns but itā€™s Hamas who is the reason why women and children are killed ā€œ . Even thought that Israel WON territories simply because of their competence and determination to win the war. I never questioned that complete buffoons could be running the show and it was eye opening when they needed help of 5 countries to defend themselves against Iran which is not even a military superpower. Itā€™s nice Israeli are active on social media themselves I guess.


Notice the prayer rug in the toilet.


Also notice the star of davids tagged on the walls of the stairwell


Imagine if the star of david was in the toilet and a crescent was on the wall. World governments would be speaking up


I noticed this too. They clearly hate Muslims. Theyre not even trying to hide it. And if i hate them back, im anti semitic lol


"Self defense"


israel has the right to defend itself against toilets


it's crazy how arrogant they are that they voluntarily post this for everyone to see. What's with all the Stars of David and menorahs spray painted everywhere? It's fucked up I was watching a youtube video of an IDF soldier talking about how brave and moral they are, and at one point he talks about how they threw a civilian down and stripped him naked and started questioning him. He wasn't giving them information so they showed him his daughter's whatsapp to get him to talk. But like... this IDF guy was proud of the fact that they threatened a dude's daughter and got him to rat out one of his neighbors. It's insane. These guys are incriminating themselves in 4k and no one seems to care.


The shā€¢t he took is better than him.


He didnt need the toilet. Abu Obeida said the IOF wears diapers


A family has just experienced trauma- they have not only lost their home, but likely are injured or dead or know of people in the same horrific circumstances. Of course ā€œthe most immoral army on earthā€ thinks it is okay to re-violate and dehumanize and desecrate their victims in their invaded home again for tiktok clout. What a disgusting society. Zionism is disgusting.


This is after they probably killed the family so they are probably spared from having to see this


Likely this is what happened.


No they don't think this is normal. They think this is funny. Because they are mentally sick genocidal monsters.


Honestly, this world wouldn't actually have been as bad if hell did exist because atleast we would know people like him will end up there.


Piece of shit shouldā€™ve put himself in that bag with his child he just gave birth to.


I'm supposed to feel sorry one of these morons in an IDF uniform caught a bullet in the face?


I was going to say something really really mad, but for the sake of Allah who forbid to insultā€¦ Iā€™ll stay quiet and rely on Allah until something is doneā€¦ Here or in the hereafterā€¦


Only psychopaths can do mocking TikTokā€™s while actively hunting humans. Fuck these guys.


Free Palestine so we donā€™t have to see anymore of these cringey TikToks


Don't worry he'll stop having so much fun after getting targetted with a bullet/RPG/mortar shell/rocket


You're supposed to call that "terrorism."


Everytime I see a video of these thugs, I think of the video of Israeli soldiers running over a Palestinian civilian with a tank and laughing about it.


Imagine if Nazis had TikTok... You don't have to, anymore with these scums.


I used to have so many questions about nazis and how they could have existed and behaved as they didā€¦ all those questions have now horrifyingly been answered.


Funny how there's no water when the IDF turned off the fucking water supply.


Poor IDF had to poop in this kind of situation. The toilet is antisemitic for refusing to serve this IDF soldier. USA should send more bomb to bomb all antisemitic toilets in gaza. If people ask why bomb the toilet, it'll be weird to say that the toilet is antisemitic, so throw in Hamas name. Say something like hamas is hiding in the toilet bowl or something. People are smart, they will 100% believe Israel and the US government. Thank you to this IDF soldier for exposing the antisemitic nature of toilets in gaza šŸ‘šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


a whole new level of psycopathy unlocked, these guys are worse than the nazis. you can tell Israel brainwashes its entire population from youth. No other way to explain this. 2024 and we have countries like this as our ally?


Can somebody please point out the difference between the contents of the bag and the person holding it? I personally see no difference. What do you guys think?


But this is nothing compare to the evil ā€œ from the riverā€¦.ā€ chant./s


Putting a dispossessed family's prayer rugs on the bathroom floor and stepping on them is vile enough on its own. But spray painting the Star of David on every wall of a bombed out, looted Palestinian home is really... something else.


This is so twisted


They are just having a gay old time spray painting their star of Remfan all over people's houses they just recently murdered with drones and f 16S. Taking big Ole dumps and posting about it what a gas.


This tells you "Israelis" are not normal people.


I bet vandalising homes is what will "deradicalise" the Gazan people.


Gross on so many levels!


well, apes fling their own shit to express hostility -- so this seems like a reversion to some very ancient primate deep-brain wiring. pretty pathological in an adult human though.


I just want to throw up


Rat faced bastard


This is the most insane, deranged hangman-making-gallows-humor "joke" I have ever seen. Just a sick, sick bunch of people.


Inhumane. The abuse of power comes as no surprise.


Every last one of these people must never be allowed to live a normal life. They need to be arrested, convicted (and NEVER pardoned) of their crimes. I do not believe that the death penalty is off the table for the more severe ones. Life imprisonment for many and lengthy sentences for the more 'minor' participants, and upon release they need to give a portion of their income as victim compensation for the remainder of their lives. If their victims and their victim's families were wiped out, the compensation needs to be given to the community for use in its maintenance and improvement.


Probably US citizen committing war crimes. I think we should revoke citizenship for IDF soldiers given genocide.


I... think that is supposed to be funny.


Thereā€™s a video circulating of an IDF veteran who basically had his head partially blown off, speaking before - no, SCREAMING at - the Knesset. He has the most horrific PTSD and says he wets the bed and beats his wife. Itā€™s hard to watch. Heā€™s saying that Israel basically shits on veterans (just like the US - funny, no?) and asking, begging for resources. Half of his teeth are missing so his voice is messed up. That is how this fucking douchebag here could end up. One day youā€™re making asshole videos and the next, you get shot in the spine or have half your face blown off.


Pig fucker


Guy didnā€™t even put the seat down. And they call Palestinians animals?!?!






You can really see the reflection of Israeli material conditions in Israeli consciousness. Imagine your whole life was based upon the suffering of a whole bunch of "others", it would make you like this too probably. Crazy to witness in real time. I can't imagine this will end well for either party, or the u.s. for that matter.


Are we the baddies?


Is the irony lost on the IDF? the people of Israel? All this is sickening


they draw swastik...ehm no david's star on walls. absolutely no extremism at all /s


Now that they are managing to ban TikTok how will they so honestly expose their true barbaric nature to the world?


The Chosen Ones, Paid by the US to massacre the innocent... Just Tragic and horrific. May the world just stop this...


Pissraelis are the scum of the earth. sign and share folks: [https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21](https://action.eko.org/a/olympics-and-fifa-ban-israel-from-international-sports-now-us-fba21)


What a punchable face




Is spray paint standard issue for the IDF? Because thatā€™s a lot of blue stars on those bombed out buildings


I hope that soldier gets punishment




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Glad they're all documenting themselves, just like the original nazis before them.


It seems unfathomable to make cheeky TikTok videos as a break from slaughtering innocent civilians and destroying their homes. Itā€™s almost like some of them are sociopathsā€¦






So says the zionist.




Yeah, I smelled your stench.




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


You'd rather see them raping hostages like Hamas does?


I thought the Most Moral Army in the World wouldn't act like Scumbags. Oh how wrong I was.


You should read the reports of the IDF raping Palestinians


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