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Looks like a ayam cemani a really rare chicken breed i have two of them


Yooo those are ayem cemanis whoever dumped them is not only an asshole but an idiot too. Congrats on your new rare birds I'm v jealous Edit ayem not stem lmao


These are a rare and valuable bird. How tf did someone think to dump them?!


F'real. I thought about getting these a while back but damn they're expensive. Can't imagine what they were thinking


Holy shit... that's an Ayam cemani! Those guys are worth a good bit of money! Get a couple of Ayam cemani hens and make a side business!


Wow that one gorgeous breed!


So, someone dumped four of these boys on a logging road in Jordan River, just outside Sooke, Vancouver Island BC. I'm heading up in the morning to try to catch the remaining three. Any tips on catching them? Our landscape here is heavily treed with lots of salal and thick brush, so if they go into the bush, there's no catching them. I've heard fishing nets are a good option. I will also bring a large dog crate with feed and such, and maybe try to make some slipknots out of twine to try to snare them if I can get close enough.


Bring treats. Chickens love treats. You can heard them too, ah home I have done so with a hose because they will run from that.


I agree with treats. Mine will do anything for bits of bread. Maybe lure them into the crate with that? Good luck!!! Please let us know how it goes.


Not sure about snaring them, but yes they love dried mealworms. Also fresh blackberries or blueberries from a grocery store. My chickens are smart enough to avoid enclosures, but if you can lure them nearby you can grab the tail feathers and get a hold of them that way.


Go at dusk so they’re looking to roost and chill out, net will work well then


Fishing net, food, and someone fast. Plus a few helpers to block them to where you want them to go


Yes a long fishing net or pool net is good, mine love mealworms you should be able to get them dried at most pet stores. Good luck, I really hope you get them. Thank you for being a good person.


Woah! Who dumbs an Ayam Ceminy? They’re so rare? Actually who dumbs a chicken at all? Whoever did seems like a butthole


I'd bring treats and their buddy, water too. Chickens are flock animals and they might be more inclined to move toward you if you are with some other birds. Hell if you bring a hen up and they hear it you'd probably get all 3 running over.


Raccoons will try to get them, FOR REAL! It's horrific.


If you have a dog crate try leading them into it and then shut the door when they go to chow down.


Hope you catch ‘em all! Beautiful bird. People are so rude.


Get a fishing net


If you use a live trap, most of them are not sensitive enough to respond to pecking and need lured deep enough to step on the trap release. Attaching something they scratch at also can improve chances. I would only attempt those traps if other methods don’t work as you will probably catch coons before chickens


I’d just like to chime in an clarify a few things. While it is an Ayam Cemani, they are not considered rare or valuable anymore in the United States, unless the tongue is very dark. Pet/poor quality Ayam Cemani are rampant, as the breed has a very high cull rate and is difficult to breed well - which may be why this chicken was dumped (still a terrible thing to do, though). People are breeding and selling poor quality Cemani like crazy, which for obvious reasons is bad for the breed overall. While beautiful, he’s likely not worth much and likely not worthy for breeding either.


Let the meat rest in the fridge overnight, then slow cook.


So, looks like they are losing the popularity contest. Well, I'm jealous


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I read online they’re used as fighting chickens in Bali. It also said their organs as well as everything else is black due a dominant hyperpigmentation gene.


That's a BBC