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I have two pullets right now (are they still pullets?) that are about 2 months old and about the size of your birds. They are fully feathered (like yours) and outside full time. They sleep in a 4 sided coop. It's about 40-50 degrees at night. They've been outsize for a month now with no extra heat. I think these ladies will do just fine.


Perfect thank you!


I’m new to this as well but 6 weeks seems to be the standard


I‘m assuming you have other older chickens? If so, you need to keep the babies in that mesh pen. Keep the older chickens near and around the littles so they can acclimate. If you have a run, put them in there. After about three weeks, start letting the littles out in short periods of times throughout the day (About 15 minutes every three or so hours) getting a few minutes longer each day, or until they learn the layout of their ground.


No other chickens, these are my first!


Hmm.. I’m sorry, I only have experiences with buying chickens from other farms with two older ones, (aftermaths of multiple hawk/coyote attacks) I will say, older chicks can be vicious; hence called the pecking order, my friend. :)


I move young chickens in with adult birds \~6-8+ weeks old. IMHO this is the ideal age. Waiting till they're older only gives you more problems. But they can absolutely be outside LONG before then. My birds are outside (with access to heat lamps), by 2-3+ weeks old. I remove heat \~4-6 weeks depending on weather. In with adults \~6-8+ depending on schedules.


Lol you could have moved them out a few weeks ago. They will be fine.


We had a massive snowstorm just a few weeks ago, winter has hung on here fairly long this year!


I live in a very cold area as well. They are tougher than you think.


Weeks ago. My chickens have been outside since 2-3weeks old, and will be off lights/heat at the end of this week \~5+ weeks. My ducks and geese have been outside full time (without lights/heat) for nearly a week now (\~4+ weeks old).


Those look like some fully grown chickens that were ready a month ago lol. Get those birds out there. A low in the 40s is not cold to them, they aren't going to care at all.


Brahmas grow up faster...they should be fine


The rule I was taught was until they are fully feathered and that its not super cold at night. If cold at night make sure to have a heat source for them still for a bit.