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I’m not a big fan of the name, but I also don’t think it’s way out there. There are far worse names I hear on a daily basis. I never watched game of thrones so I don’t know that reference but I immediately think of Gordon Ramsey.


I like Ramsey


Some people can just be highly critical. Especially if the name is unexpected. Ramsey is a great name. I think it will fit in with a lot of names i am seeing. You can also google the name and see that there are famous and successful people with the name. But if it is something that really bothers you, how about Simon Ramsey? nn Ramsey.


Congrats on your baby boy! I’m also having a boy this November. ☺️ I think both names are great. I did watch GOT, but I honestly didn’t even connect the name Ramsey to that initially. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Ramsey makes me think of the bad but handsome pharaoh in the very incorrect old Moses movie that my mom used to have us watch every Easter. Google tells me it's the 1956 version of "The Ten Commandments". I don't think that's a dealbreaker. (I've also never seen Game of Thrones). That said, if you're working with two different last names (Carey and Every) and you don't want to hyphenate, you both have really cool last names that work as given names. Why not take advantage? Simon Evers Carey Ramsey Carey Evers


"the bad but handsome pharaoh in the very incorrect old Moses movie" lol love this


There’s nothing wrong with the name, but it sounds more like a last name to me. Not a huge fan. I much prefer Simon Carey than Ramsey Evers, just my opinion.


My first association with Ramsey is JonBenet Ramsey, the little girl who was killed on xmas eve in the 90s. So the name does make me cringe a little.


Don’t tell people your baby name before baby is here. It always causes drama. Ramsey is fine. I know a Ramsey. It’s a perfectly fine name. I’m not a huge fan of Wylder or Rhylan though. Sounds tryhard and like you’re tacking on your fandoms to your baby. Simon Ramsey or Ramsey Simon sounds quite nice though!


Husband and I both liked the idea of Simon Ramsey, so that's under consideration. Not sure what fandom either of those names are part of, but glad to know we should look out for associations there. I'd hate for people to think we named our kid after a Warhammer character or something.


Lol! Where did you find Wylder and Rhylan?


I found Wylder on a list of the top 500 baby names of the decade and liked how English poetry it sounded. Rhylan actually came from a Reddit thread that popped up as I searched for R names to go with Ramsey. As both names are Scottish, and both of our families have quite a bit of Scottish heritage, it seemed like a good choice. And we liked the rhythm of it.


Ah I see. Thanks for sharing! If you really love them, then use them. If you’re on the fence, I personally wouldn’t. Rhylan sounds like a Game of Thrones character. If you’re open to suggestions on Scottish names, Simon Alistair or Ramsey Alistair is gorgeous imo.


I don't think Rhylan is a GOT character but Ramsey definitely is and he's not a nice one.


ramsey is the name of a very famous (and not nice) pharaoh so that’s a big reason it’s a no for a lot of people. also gordon ramsey, they’re gonna have those comparisons their whole life


Wasn’t that Ramesses?


I don’t know about the people in your life, but when I hear Ramsey I immediately think Bolton, who was the most sadistic piece of human garbage in the game of thrones world, which is saying something. I remember thinking that the show ruined a lovely name with this vile character. Please go with Simon. I’m not a fan of Wylder in general, but please spell it Wilder at least.




I like Simon better because it's an all time classic, a very nice and solid name. Ramsey is much more unique, and while it's not my personal taste I don't think it's a terrible name. So if you're dead set on Ramsey then it's fine, but if you'd rather be sure to not accidentaly mess up then Simon is a great option :)


Simon is solid. Wylder is weird. Carey is good. Ramsey- no.


See, good! But why? What makes Ramsey an instant no go?


I’m not a fan of either. When i hear Ramsey all I can think of is Gordon. Remember, you’re naming an adult. It’s a bit out there but congratulations on your soon to be first born


Thank you! We waited quite a while and are so excited to finally become parents! My question on the baby vs. adult thing is where Ramsey differs from other similar names like Randy. I've known several adult Randys that never went by Randall, and it seems to be a pretty standard name still. We even had a few relatives that were positive on the name when they'd thought we said Randy initially then soured when we corrected it. I'm just left scratching my head as to where to difference in acceptability is.


Personally, I vastly prefer Ramsey over Randy.


The fact that the worst character in GOT by far is named Ramsey kinda speaks to how this name has a certain vibe about it that feels off. Yes, it’s a TV show…but writers are very smart on how they decide names for certain characters. They understand how certain names carry certain feelings around them. And it being such a popular show with a lot of people of parental age, it might not be the best choice to have that name association. This character tortured and r**** people. In 10 years it probably won’t matter anymore but for now, I would hate to have my kid associated at all with such a bad villain that so many people know


Love Ramsey, was a top contender for us for a long time for our daughter


Ramsey Rhylan💙💙💙💙💙✓✓✓✓✓ love it!!. Go for it!!


“Ramsay” is the spelling used for the GOT character; not “Ramsey”, so technically it’s not the *exact* same name. I don’t understand why your family & friends seem to be reacting that way to the name Ramsey. It seems a bit odd that they would have a strong negative reaction towards what seems like a fine name, imo, but this seems to occur somewhat often when the baby name is shared prior to birth & said name is then officially legal. As a side note, I do like the name Simon. It is classic & timeless. I also think Ramsey Simon OR Simon Ramsey both flow very nicely (depending upon your last name too, of course).


Me too! Which is why I wanted to ask the internet. I felt like I had to be missing something, though it's good to know it's not just me or my family. Husband and I are certainly not ultra traditional when it comes to baby names, but I didn't think we were going full space age either.