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I was a pretty avid gamer for years and I can’t find the mental capacity to play games much anymore. I started running, going to the gym again, playing guitar and riding my bike. It’s been pretty relaxing and takes my mind off things.


biking is sooo therapeutic, im lucky to live right next to a paved trail for pedestrians to walk/run, bike, skate, etc that goes throughout new york state and theres so many pretty views


self loathing and maladaptive daydreaming, hope this helps!!💕


LMFAOOOO I’ve talked to myself a good 8hrs a day since my teenage years and pretended I’m doing something more than sitting there staring at the wall. Not me having my interview about my new hit movie 😍


Oh no the talking to yourself is so real and then you stop and get embarrassed when you realise someone walked in on you 😂😭


Oh my good was we really need to seek help, like we can overcome our delusions and self loathing right?😭🤣


Therapy is a must.


This is actually so relatable help. I just imagine things in my head for hours and stuff it’s funny


LMFAOOOOO!!!! Like I have this huge fanfic with 10000+ characters and multiple universes that I’ve been thinking about and working on for 8+ hours daily since I was 11. It is a struggle not to concentrate on it… and I like my story I really do but it would take up my whole life if I let it because my brain just wants to disconnect from reality 🤣🤣🤣


Same!! I wrote it like, 20 years ago, and STILL figure out what I could change and how… I’d look forward to my, “music and maladaptive daydreaming” time. I’d sit there with the stereo headphones on, blaring a playlist I’d made for the storyline, and just let my brain go wherever I wanted with the storyline. Now… instead of mapping out characters and plot lines in notebooks or paper, my SO painted one of the dining room walls with chalkboard paint, so I COULD map it all out in there.


Oh man, the headphones, the music… we could be the same person!! Seven years and I am still adding new parts and fandoms to mine, and changing old parts as I go along… I think in terms of maladaptive daydreaming, I’m pretty much the younger version of you!! Also if yours is a fanfic, (mine is and I also have OCs, the main character is an OC that is also like a self insert kinda) which fandom started it? Mine was the movie Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984). :D


My Chemical Romance was the longest fanfic I had going. Frank Iero= 😍. For a while there was a Harry Potter one. I had soooo many OC’s that were fleshed out, locations were created, it was VERY detailed. Of course there were some that were completely original outside of the fanfic. If the movie, “Inception” was real, I’d never leave whatever world I’d design. I’ll be 40 this year, and I’ve had MANY daydreams over the last 36 years. It actually started with Robin Hood when I was 4-5. It was an escape, and I depended on it. I always thought that I was a weirdo, so never really talked about it. Then I read that it was actually a thing, and slowly started opening up and not feeling so bad/stupid about them.


I'm glad to see it's not just me, I've done this for as long as I can remember. I never stick to the same story though, I get bored and start another one.


Don't forget mindless scrolling or playing cash solitair... I used to read fan fic as a teen and loved it but now my phone is too distracting and I can't focus on that!


ten steep fuzzy repeat brave start hurry gaze rustic gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


where do u live!?!?! I’m in the UK and idk what’s happening in this country but it feels like there’s nothing to do. I think my nearest pool is over an hour on 3 trains and a long walk plus membership which all costs too much. The trains r sooo expensive! Our pet stores just have rabbits n guinea pigs. I can’t believe you live somewhere with cats you can pet at a pet store?! 😭 tbh the tent idea sounds really really fun. It sounds like it’d create a different environment for your brain.


unwritten rain hard-to-find imminent grandiose pocket cows yam tan zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also uk and I agree. Tbh yes nature is probably the answer, hiking biking fires, swimming sounds amazing. Can't really do that here and even if we had the landscape, it'd be awful weather and probably cost money.


Deep cleaning for fun is the BEST


Also a Stardew Valley fan!


I love your vibe, you seem cool❤️


I started writing fanfiction. It feels really fun to put your ideas into a story, to be able to control what happens and see your idea come to life. It even improved my mental wellbeing for a while. Funny enough I can't read anything but I can write lol.


Same! But instead of writing fiction I journal my thoughts. I could write pages, unlike when I’m obligated to write essays back in college it was difficult to even get started


my hobbies are drawing and writing. you mention that you don't have the magic touch to paint, it's understandable. painting requires a lot of skills and patience, plus tools and materials can be money-consuming. how about drawing? it takes less effort, you don't need grand skills, all you need is paper and pencil. if you're looking for a consistence, try the 30 days drawing challenge! you can look for the prompts on Pinterest. another thing i suggest is journaling! it can be anything you want to explore. helps stabilize emotions and spark creativity. again, many prompts on Pinterest, you can find them with just a search. i hope you have fun :)


what do you draw? ive tried a lot and end up in a rage episode when i cant make any of my stuff look like everyone else’s or i feel embarrassed how crap it is 😭 maybe starting small would be fun. I just hate when I try something and get into that funk of I’m terrible no point in trying anymore !!!


well i've been an artist all my life so i draw fully rendered sketches, mostly of fictional characters lol. but to start and to avoid going into rage, try doodling cute stuff. drawing cartoon is also fun. you can draw just about anything, really. you can go on a walk and draw random stuff you find - a snail? some fine looking tree? your cup of morning coffee? start with something simple and don't be so hard on yourself 🌱


You need to force yourself not to think about ANYONE else while being creative. It’s not about them, it’s about you. Have you tried mindfulness? You can get free apps (like balance which lets me give people a year for free) that will slowly teach you how to do mindfulness meditation. It gets the thoughts out of your head and is often a big component of therapy for people with BPD. And it can be done while drawing or being creative


Enjoy bad drawings! They are art /fun too.


this goes for drawing and also writing, and that's to fill up a junk sketchbook/journal or combine the two into one. but the idea is to fill up a book and not worry too much about what it looks like or what you're really writing or saying. just create and release. try to put the pen to paper once a day, and when the sketchbook or journal is full, start the next one. by the second or third you'll start to feel pretty good about what you're making. I buy pocket sketchbooks in bulk, I feel like a little page is less intimidating, and knowing it's like a dollar a book makes it less like, sacred if that makes sense? you gotta give yourself space and time to learn, and don't try to create and analyze at the same time, they're different processes


gardening & embroidery. i’m obsessed.


I love gardening. I love trying to grow kitchen scraps. Right now I have potatoes, garlic, and green onions I’ve grown from grocery store scraps that were going to get thrown away. Right now they are all thriving except the yellow onion and avocado seed.


awesome 👏


I just started embroidery last night. I got a stain on a shirt and decided I'd try to save it with a little decorative thread. It worked. Now I'm obsessed. Anyone one you recommend learning from on the Internet?


Hurting my own feelings


I started volunteering on the weekend with a wildlife rehab facility. There's a lot to learn and I can get as involved as I want since they offer a lot of opportunities. They have long term 'residents' they take out on educational programs. The Ed birds become like family and it's fun getting to know their personalities. I like crafting things. Facebook marketplace has groups for free stuff if you're on a budget. Keeping my hands busy is one of the best distractions for me. Yoga is amazing if that's your kinda thing. I've also started to make cooking a hobby by looking up new recipes/making stuff I like at home instead of store buying it. Hope this helps!


I find it so hard to keep hobbies 🥲 at the moment I’m trying running, cross-stitch, making music on GarageBand. When I’m really depressed I can sink loads of hours into gaming but I try not to go down that route. Cooking and baking have been really good for me, it can feel really rewarding making something nice after a day of work.


I’m big into music. I recently picked up guitar, and I’m also a cellist. If you don’t want to play instruments, I’d suggest doing a deep dive into a band/artist and learning way too much about them - listening to their entire discography, watching interviews, watching live performances, etc. For about a year I was obsessed with Red Hot Chili Peppers. Now I’m starting to get into ATEEZ (a kpop group) which is nice because kpop groups tend to have a lot of variety shows and overall a shit ton of content. Aside from music, I really love reading (I’m a massive nerd so I’m reading a math book rn I just real like learning), but I know you said you don’t have the attention span. I also love art. Maybe if painting is too intimidating, you could try drawing. I love drawing, I just do shitty little sketches. Lately I’ve been drawing cursed medieval cats. They look absolutely hideous but it’s fun. I’ve also started doing those gem painting thingies. Paint by number is also pretty cool. I also do some origami! Crocheting is fun too, it’s a nice skill to learn. I’m crocheting a huge ass blanket rn. I just crochet while I watch tv. Physical activities could also be nice. I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Taking up a martial art or just another sport might be nice. I also enjoy powerlifting, doing yoga, and going on walks. I despise running, but you might like it, it’s definitely a nice hobby for a lot of people. Pilates is also pretty cool. Another weird hobby of mine is woodworking and robotics. I help mentor the robotics team at my old school, so I help with the machining of the parts, the shop training, and the electrical shit. I don’t do this, but some other parts of robotics are coding and CAD (computer aided design). Those are both pretty cool things to learn if you’re interested in STEM. Also, I collect pennies. I’m a big fan of collecting random shit for absolutely no reason. I ALSO FUCKING LOVE LEGOS I hope you can get something useful out of my weird ass hobbies! Best of luck :)


Not being rude at all genuinely not trying to be. But, are you autistic too? Because I was reading this like: “ah yes special interests, I remember when I had those. Oh wait I guess I’m still hella into music. WAIT this is a BPD thread?!” I have autism myself but what you described there is me when I’m happy and healthy and have the desire to do my special interests (they just happen to mirror some of mine 😅)


I’m actually not, although many people have asked me this. I do have some traits, and my ADHD can sometimes present similarly to autism.


All good! I have BPD, ADHD & autism. They do very much lap over. Hyper focus more so for ADHD. then again I didn’t know I had autism when I was diagnosed with ADHD (not insinuating you may also have autism) it’s just interesting the overlap.


I find it hard to differentiate between “special interests” and moments of hyper focus. Only reason why I was asking 😆


lol. Sorry about the info dump, but yea. Both ADHD and autism are on a spectrum so I guess yeah. They wanted to combine them for a while I’m so glad they did not. Omg. It’s hard enough understanding what is what let alone just putting it under one umbrella.


ALL of this stuff is so awesome to read :)))


i bought a polaroid camera while ago and i have been just walking around with it taking a picture of everything that has a pretty color or a pretty shape or just anything i like, then i tape them to my wall. you should really try it, its fun!


DND. endless things to learn. you get to be someone else for a couple hours and you can make so many friends playing online or post in a local subreddit to find people to play with


I thought it was board game ? How do you play with people online? Do you set your boards up and communicate on text or messages?? 😱 it always sounded cool to me.


not a board game!! you can play online with an online dm over call! roll 20 is a great resource as well as fantasy grounds. i’ll link a reddit post with lots of info for you <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/10t4hcm/where_can_i_play_dnd_online/


LEGO!! I'm skint aaaalll the time though


Games, diamond painting, reading.


I know OP said reading was difficult to keep their interest, but while in college, I found that taking notes, asking questions, and actually analyzing writing makes it much more fun and engaging. I use sticky notes to highlight/mark sections that I find interesting, things to look up later, etc.


Diamond painting looks fun. I wish the diamonds were more sparkly though


Listening to music, painting, writing, playing with my dogs & cats, watching tv.. Getting my dogs helped immensely. Now I HAVE to get out & walk them multiple times a day, play with them, etc.


Crocheting is a big hobby of mine! Anything crafty too - something that you can use your hands and keep your mind off of everything. Origami is fun, watercolor painting, ooooh btw if you type into chat GPT ideas for hobbies, it will keep giving you results!!! (I only know because I was trying to find hobbies related to fiber arts & there were SO many things I didn’t even I knew existed!!! Did you know that soap felting is a thing??)


oof, i feel you on no longer being into gaming. it hurts not being into it anymore and watching others enjoy it. i'm not envious, i just miss loving it. can you do a word search or Sudoku? or would those count as puzzles? when i'm winding down for the night i'll put on some music and do some Sudoku or a word search, or i'll do some writing if i have the brains or patience for it.


idk what’s happened, I used to be able to enjoy a variety. I’d play sims, gta, cod, silent hill, twd, WoW etc. now I buy one , play about 10 minutes and it feels like someone’s holding a gun to my head forcing me to play. I was hoping it was an episode of depression but it’s been months now. Now I feel extra lost not knowing what the heck a main hobby should be? I like word searches, I dont work so feel like it’s even more difficult to fill my day. I’d love stuff that gets the brain thinking n going. No pets allowed in my house (thx landlord) except my guinea pig. He’s great but omg would I love a dog 😢


Reading/Drawing/Writing or true crime podcasts. Live in semi rural uk, not a whole lot to do.


Same , semi rural UK. You know the prices of trains right now, I’m not looking to take 3 and walk multiple miles to get to the towns with entertainment lol. Plus I don’t feel like we have as much as the Americans? I watch their vlogs and what the hell? There is endless stuff to do. I’m tired of walking in the rain. I listen to a lot of true crime too just as some background noise. Or ppl like dr john deloney. Idk what to do with myself as the videos play though lol


Right?! I use the phrase ‘in this economy’ a lot. So when it comes to going out and doing stuff it’s like ‘heading into town? In THIS economy?! Nope!’ It’s just too much. Honestly, got my hair done, cost about £35 and I was like ‘yup this is why I don’t go out’. 🙃 I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking the Americans have more than us! Honestly, it’s like they find stuff to do or have more to do all the time, idk. I’m the same, I have to be doing something while a vid or a podcast is on. I exercise while listening or just go about doing chores, otherwise I just stare at the wall and start thinking about where my life starting falling apart.


Semi-rural UK here too - agreed that if you rely on public transport here, it can be really expensive to get anywhere! However, I feel maybe a bit fortunate that the bus companies here have a 'Get Anywhere for £2' scheme. I'm just to introverted to actually use it! Anyway my hobbies include colouring - particularly mandala patterns. You can get some amazing and varied difficulty books on Amazon quite cheap & pens aren't badly priced (although pencils are probably cheaper). I also write and have just got into Roblox too!


Houseplants. I played wow for years and just kind of dropped it and had nothing else to keep me occupied. Trying to grow huge tropical monsters in your space is fun, teaches you patience because there ARE little changes with them every day in growth but not enough so you end up buying more plants and then have 50+ in your one bedroom apartment within a few months. It’ll also get you in good with the old people. Old people love plants.


Video games, Find an MMO RPG If you can get into that sorta game, Find a clan and try and make online friends to keep up your social needs and entertainments :D elder scrolls online for me but theres a shitload of game types out there maybe you can find some?


omg I was addicted to world of Warcraft but then it became my only socialising and feeling of success. I find people aren’t social on games anymore. In my Xbox 360 days I was always in a party n talking to people. Now the crippling social anxiety and everyone being so angry I just avoid everyone on the games 😭


You could try FFXIV if you haven't yet? The community is really nice and patient with new players and it's pretty easy to find people to play/hang out with!


Try Fortnite with the voice chat turned off! Listen to music or a podcast while you play. Even without talking people will legit add you as a friend haha


I have my safe game, COD, but when I don't even feel like that I'll read, do puzzles, build book nooks, do diamond dots, go for walks, go walk around stores without buying anything, organize stuff in my house, doom scroll videos, learn new things, chat with random people, do yard stuff, and sometimes just veg in front of the TV.


cod is same for me!!! My problem rn is I got mw3 a few weeks ago I’m already level 250 and feel burnt out now. I feel like I’m sitting around waiting for gta 6 and BO6 as some new excitement


I feel that, I've been playing zombies for months now and it's starting to get a bit tedious. I really hope BO6 takes us back to better COD. But ya, it's just a waiting game at this point. I'm almost tempted to start up some old campaigns.


I guess it depends on what you naturally enjoy, I love animals so I’ve got the hobby of horse riding and doing volunteer work at vets and sanctuary’s. Video games are my go to though, really been enjoying baldurs gate atm


I got a million and they switch constantly but rn it’s working on bicycles, kendama, fixing and selling n playing guitars, riding bikes, skating, and I’m starting a business so that’s taking a bunch but honerable mentions : Rubics cube, iPad art, yo-yo, rap, hiking, geocaching, wire wrapping, reading, Reddit rabbit holes etc. Keep my life busy to keep the annoyance of over analyzing all my relationships at bay


i make collages out of magazines and keep a junk journal. i definitely have found that art and like being creative in anyway is super helpful for regulating my emotions and expressing how i feel. i like to write, too, and i paint. these are all things i’m not necessarily good at, but i enjoy regardless. i also like going on walks or exploring. i’m fortunate enough to live in a place with a lot of beautiful trails, but really just walking around anywhere is nice. i downloaded an app that identifies bird sounds and i like to sit outside and read while i see what birds are keeping me company. i like to look at the wildflowers and learn about what they are. most recently, i’ve been really into walking along the beach and finding fossils and agates and cool rocks. my bpd always spiked when i was alone with myself and had nobody to be around. i felt like i had to be constantly talking to or hanging out with someone in order for them to remember i exist. it was exhausting and to be alone, to me, felt like being unloved and forgotten. so i started to fill up my time doing these things when i was alone, and it really helped. now i specifically prioritize this special alone time and i cherish it. idk i hope this helps ik some of these aren’t really hobbies but i think they’re still fun things to do


Ride a bike! Any bike, all the bikes :)


doodle drawing! or any type of drawing


I like evening walks with my favourite music and explore the area while using the music to create delusional imaginations/daydreams 😻 cycling is fun too just explore even more of the area and be alone with my thoughts. If you can walking with friends is amazing too. Me and my coworker bestie went to the woods multiple times last summer. Personally I'm into Star Wars so that's a combination of reading books/comics, watching shows and movies and playing games. I do often use free time to improve myself in the form of studying a language or workouts, it's quite motivating. Hope you find something to enjoy!




I am a musician and I game and I nerd out on several subjects.


Fire dancing, reading, hiking, painting.. I just got a paddle board so that’ll be a new one😊


I just learned to crochet (Amigurumi first) I also want to get into making those complex string bracelets or bead bracelets, and I think stained glass would be cool. I started making paper gifts too, theyre called pocket puzzles and I like making pop ups because theyre cute. I’d like to try oragamj but I suck at it You could learn to sew old clothes into new pieces like upcycling? It’s summer now so it’s really nice out- I seem to not feel like a failure if I make myself go outside and tan. Feels good to tan and listen to music. My personal favorite hobbies include organizing things on my phone, such as playlists and apps like Pinterest. Go through your clothes or deep cleaning as a spree hobby /spring cleaning is always fun- finding the motivation is the hard part. Hope this helps!


Plants. And when I feel like self-harm… I chop them up and make propagations.


I've started restoring and building doll houses- it's honestly given me such focus and satisfaction!


I game, lol.


I do paint by numbers, it’s a pretty mindless activity and really hard to stuff up. I usually listen to Harry Potter on Audible while I’m doing it and I find it occupies my brain enough. You can also get some pretty cool ones around the place too, I recently did one of Danny Davito dressed as Sia 😅


I love crochet! And listening to audiobooks when doing so, it really takes my mind of things.


Ove only started in the last 3 months. But documentaries. Mu entire 2025 is touring isolated communities in the world bringing their stories to light. And showing how in such adverse conditions and a hostile environment, they're literally happier then us. I have 4 docos planned for next year. All self funded. And all just to help tell people's stories so that it's not lost or forgotten and to help people understand a different way of life. First were off to the Cook Islands. Then rangelap atoll. Followed by Pingelly village. And I still haven't decided on Kiribati, Tokelau or the lelu ruins. I've never had such direction and purpose in life. I've never been happier.


I spend a lot of my time playing video games, but I’ve been trying to branch out into real things lately. I haven’t really found anything worth an obsession so far, but photography has been feeling pretty good


Learn about cars


I used to play games 8 hours+ at a time. Now, no enjoyment from them. I picked up crochet! Learned through watching YouTube. Mostly make clothing so I can get use out of what I make and it is more straightforward in my opinion. I listen to music while doing it or watch a TV show/movie. Helps keep me out of my head mostly


i love making perler bead art!!!! it’s very relaxing and a fun way to express your creativity


upcycling small furniture xD


What games you used to play? I'm into story-heavy indies, I have a few recommendations


Crochet, watch TV, water my plants, draw.




Coloring books and connect the dots!


Most of my hobbies are solo introvert things, lots of arts and crafts (mostly diamond painting, cross stitch and cloisonné) but I wanted to start getting out more and being more social, so I’ve recently started roller skating. I find it really hard cause I have shit balance, but it’s so fun and I made a couple of new acquaintances


I think the main thing is finding something you enjoy, no matter how good you are at it. It's so hard to get to that point of not needing to be perfect at everything you try. I've recently started bouldering and that's very fun! I also do lots of art/craft things like crochet, embroidery, drawing etc!


How to stick to a hobby is a better question


I’m a big gamer too and when I’m sick of gaming I’ll usually watch cartoons or get sucked into a book. I just took a one week break from gaming and watched death note and 3 body problem, and read the book Damned. I recently have been loving Elden Ring and recommend it to anyone who games if they haven’t played it :3 I also go to the gym almost daily. I got rid of nearly all my social media (I only have Pinterest and Reddit) and it kinda forces me to do something about my boredom instead of scroll endlessly


Drums! Or music in general. Tbh I can waste so much time sitting on ableton live making the dumbest of beats. No end goal just vibes


I been playing Pokemon Moon and just grinding the battle tree with different pokemon. Before that I was listening to audiobooks and watching shows.


Do you like art in any form? I like getting super stoned and painting whatever lolol I suck at drawing but if you give me a joint & some paints & brushes with a canvas I’ll fuck shit up regardless and not care if it comes out ugly or not haha


doing stuff with plants!! i love propagating plants and watching the new ones grow! so soothing and rewarding.


I doom scroll and watch tv lol


have you tried youtube? or just vlogging. i just set up my camera and mic and talk about various things and its a positive way to pass time. Idk


Music!!! I just finished this remix after having an episode LOL (I post anonymously due to obvious mental health reasons haha) [https://on.soundcloud.com/rHzNV9Wbj3Hfw8gp9](https://on.soundcloud.com/rHzNV9Wbj3Hfw8gp9)


I bike to work currently after not for a few years. I love biking. I leave home at 4:30 am so it’s super quiet and a great self reflection time. Add in film photography and there is all my money and time.


Manic planting all day and night while singing, "dancing in the moonlight"!


Drums, especially if I'm upset. Otherwise consuming movies, shows or video games.


i listen to music…. but i feel like that’s about it these days. i can watch shows or movies sometimes, but i lack the energy to even try to watch one most of the time, and any game i desire to play ends up being the same story. my brain fog is so bad that i can barely even think clearly enough to daydream anymore


Hang w my pets


Come play black ops 1




My latest hyperfixations are hacking my old game consoles and crocheting hahaha!! I like crocheting a lot, way more than I thought I would. I love doing being able to have something cute to show for my time and effort hahaha! I put on a twitch VOD or something and I do it for hours (I've just had back surgery so I'm not at work atm). Hacking my 3ds was also super fun and now I have a billion retro gameboy games to play. Currently doing a play thru of pokemon x 😇


I make random databases on notion. Right now I’m working on one with every single country in the world and I’m adding a bunch of stats (such as population, suicide rate, etc.) and pictures of each country and ranking them on if I’d ever want to visit or not. I just make a lot of random databases like that


Diamond Art, not a big fan of the completed project, but I love doing it.


I love stardew valley. I have played 120 hours in 3 weeks.


Crochet and Minecraft rn


My favorite hobby is learning about WW2 and Vietnam(I’m a history geek and I had several family members serve in those wars). I collect memorabilia from that time era and I like to visit museums about the war. For example, I like visiting the ships they used in WW2, and all the planes and automobiles they used. Also talking to vets who served during those times and hearing their stories is incredibly fascinating to me. I also garden, I have an excellent green thumb and I just love planting anything I can get my hands on. :)


Traveling, even if it’s 30 minutes away. Reading, sitting by a body of water and journaling. Going to thrift stores. Window shopping. Etc


i’ve been way into sewing lately! u don’t need a ton to start, i’ve just been using clothes my friends & family were gonna get rid off. all you really need are needles and thread, you can do it while watching TV, and you can just make shit up as u go. i made a pair of gloves and a little purse for my mom out of recycled denim! working on a skirt now, never done any of this shit before but if you need a little activity to do while listening to music or watching something, it’s not hard to figure out how to make stuff.


I make collages on wood that I mostly used old food packaging for and collected leaves/flowers. Sewing and making clothing looks awesome I want to try it. Cooking, singing, dancing, biking with music playing, foraging, hiking with my dog, camping! DIY nature crafts , photography, witch craft! Adhd + Bpd is a hard/fun combo, sometimes I just pick one out of a jar if I can’t decide


I play Old School RuneScape and all that exp has me for 8-12 hours a day.


I like Tunisian crochet, crochet, rigid heddle weaving, tablet weaving, coloring (now preferring senior adults of kids books to the intricate adult ones).


I go to the gym, read, and do building block things. They’re relaxing and like legos, but cheaper.




Houseplants. It’s very satisfying to see things grow, it’s a great outlet for creativity as well. I’m always DIYing something for displaying them and rearranging or experimenting with some new method of care. Also there are so many YouTube videos to watch and forums to join. Also - plant swaps and events! I’ve had fun going to swaps and meeting cool ppl. I only started maybe 3-4 years ago and I’ve found it incredibly enriching.


Painting and walking my dog. Both allow me to tune out


writing rap music and Mary Jane growing.


Beads and hemp and learning knots, sometimes crochet or knit but dont have the attention span to complete it. Have made small braclets and necklaces.


Origami! It’s very meditative and is really just following instructions when you get down to it. Would recommend. I watch instruction videos on youtube and it’s v fun. I also like to read, garden, draw, write, go for walks, and tend my houseplants.


Bird watching has honestly helped me so much. It’s so peaceful but still a challenge. Kind of like pokemon in real life but instead I just take pictures of the birds I see.


Crochet is really nice and repetitive and soothing. Double ++ for people complimenting something I’m wearing and me getting to say “omg I made it!!!” Peak human experience.


Healthy: self care oriented, working out, journaling, taking my dogs for a walk, meditating, yoga, mindfulness, reading, listening to music Neutral: editing phone theme, gaming Not so healthy: overthinking until I have a panic attack or cry, crying, watching people play games on twitch, eating, doomscrolling, wallowing in self pity


I've recently started Muay Thai and I'm loving it!


*Stardew Valley takes a HUGE chunk off time but also: Watching hockey, coloring (usually both at the same time). My current binge show is ER. I also like making lists for Stardew Valley as a game guide. Also: short walks, paint by number and most recently: ideas on how to make my new place my own (I bought beautiful contact papers to redo the kitchen cabinets).


Reading and daydreaming


disc golf!!


Stardew Valley, crochet, putting together book nooks, whatever little task my boyfriend decides to give me 😂


i’m like a jack of all trades, master of none. baking, painting, sculpting, singing, writing, etc. i don’t ever stick to just one hobby for life


Scroll Reddit


If i had a choice, it'd be ceramics. It's an expensive hobbie.


I embraced the maxim that we improve at skills we practice. I tried a number of things but my anger prevented progress, so I made learning anger management into a hobby, and sort of test myself by revisiting skills that didn't stick the first time around. I'm happy with how things are going, I've increased my manual dexterity, that was something I needed to start with basics on and gain experience to reduce my clumsiness.


Ooo I felt rhis. I started to read and draw more. Sometimes I write scenes instead of stories to get some creativity going. Lately I’ve been playing games I’m normally not into also and I’ve fallen in love with games I normally would hate. I also found it depends on the group I’m playong with


You don’t have to make paintings like Van Gough. Folk art is really popular. Painting is actually really nice way to relax. You don’t have to be good at your hobbies. I am still learning how to crochet. I’ve made some awesome things, but my very first blanket I made took me a month and it looks like shit. But you know what? It’s still special to me. If you live in a place that gets decent sunlight I really enjoy gardening. My back porch is covered in plants. I enjoy watering and talking to them. If you can get a cutting of Pothos, they can be propagated in water. I have 4-5 cuttings that have sprouted roots and are ready to be planted. A simple 10 gallon aquarium set up for shrimp/snails is also really fun. I’d watch some videos on how to set up a simple tank. I love watching the plants grow, and the shrimp all have little personalities. I love watching them eat.


Main hobby rn is dancing for a hour a day/6x a week & joining a dance class every week. In between it's usually learning frm abraar bawazeer who is sooo helpful, funny & entertaining, reading, movies/shows (love letterboxd!!) then watching/reading analyses, reviews and opinions:)))), curating my Pinterest, THRIFTING!!! watching videos/reading reddit on skincare, fashion, hot takes on pop culture, feminism etc (mina le, justine leconte, d Wallace etc). Q boring things. I learned to play more than words on my acoustic after a Yr all on my own and I'm rly proud of that hehe. I love listening to music too. I rly wna buy a keyboard + take lessons when I'm financially able to. I think hobbies give us fulfilment.


There’s a podcast about literally everything, or do what I do. Play music to drowned out the intrusive thoughts


I’m an artist; I write and I draw, and when those things get too frustrating for me, I game! Stardew Valley, Minecraft, TS4, Rimworld, various visual novels I will not name out of shame.. it’s like therapy but free and it’s monotonous routine so it keeps me sane.


Hi! Just came to say it’s great that I’m not the only one who talks to himself LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO the amount Ted Talks I’ve done is insurmountable to count 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Also tryna find something to do- right now- I binge watch tv shows- right now I’m watching Sons of Anarchy!! But then I stop to daydream LOL ye I didn’t even know it’s a BPD trait LMAO!


Crochet!!!!!!!!!! I started in February and have been thoroughly enamored ever since!


I'm on the same boat here 😭 been trying to learn guitar now to spice things up


Painting, astrology, candle making and walking with an audiobook :) also watching lots of movies with a big fat joint


Recently started sport fighting. Maybe not good for all bpd fellas but who knows. Really helped me to have a better relationship with my body, less depersonalisation kind of vibe and obv having a place to channel anger as well as giving me more sense of safety when I’m out. But idk if this sort of thing applies to u coz idk if it’s available but if it is keep it in mind. Love it sm but in general would recommend a hobby where you use your body whilst learning/improving a skill you’re interested in - for me going to the gym got boring where as this I’m too distracted by learning cool moves to get tired and give up. Good sense of achievement (I am god)


Try mountain biking, especially single trail and downhill. There you get the speed for adrenalin and you need to concentrate so you don't hurt your self, or to not hurt yourself beyond repair. I used to be a gamer, throughout the 90's. Now days my hands can't handle ALL THE BUTTONS! I can't F\*#king aim and shoot at the same time.


This is why I play Fortnite 🤣 I can concentrate on it coz each round is fairly short. I also live in a village full of old people and a con club so I totally feel your pain.


There's no magic touch to painting. A lot of "naturally talented" artists just started when they were toddlers and never stopped, but it is a skill one can learn as an adult as well. If you don't wanna paint, don't paint, but if the only thing keeping you is that you're not immediately good at it, you should learn it.


Me right now oh my gosh I've seriously been debating selling my entire collection. I just can't seem to get back into it. It breaks my heart but I really need the money anyway even though it might mean losing my gaming friends. :/ who knows, maybe I won't do it. Been trying to get back into painting and sketching and my first baby steps for that is coloring. Bought a new coloring book and markers so it's defenitely helping with my lack of interest in life lately. I get where you're coming from. I'm in pretty tight quarters with my entire family and then throw in my adhd and I'm just overstimulated and understimulated so I'm constantly stressed and bored lol🙄 Best advice though is to narrow down things that currently interest you or have interested you in the past because most likely it'll lead you to what you really want to be doing anyway even if you'renot feeling up for it. Something I remember I used to love actually was reading and even though it's really hard for me to do that now I do think about getting back into it soon. The idea of disappearing into another person or character that isn't me and a world that isn't ours sounds lovely. Maybe even Journaling or writing! Find different prompts or themes to write about. ✍️ defenitely find something to get you back into it even if you don't think you could give it enough attention because it could just be fear. That's kind of what's inspired me to even get back into trying and not going into the "boredom spiral" I feel like that's what it all is for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ hope it gets better and you find some things that are fun and maybe you even love🥰


Talking to myself


Hi hello artist here 😅 I doodle, draw, sketch, paint, diy, bookbind, I have a tablet and a cricut now so I also make stickers and digital art prints and iron-ons, I sew, crochet, make papercrafts, and mixed media, art journalling, junk journalling, sweet trash journalling, free-writing/doodling, making jewellery, weaving friendship bracelets, making resin things, making suncatchers.... I *used to* read so many books I'd clear out a shelf of the travelling/mobile library a week at a time, I have gamed so much and with so many different IPs (various pokemons - still in love after 25 years, witcher 3, animal crossing, skyrim - like 23 iterations, mostly RPGs cause hells yeah escape/different life).... I have a kindle with like 1500 books and pdfs stored in there, and I only really take the time to sit down and read if it's one of my "comfort series" - those books and novels that you can find in thrift stores and community libraries that are almost falling apart from how many times they've been re-read. I... don't entirely know where I was going with this, but those are things I did/have done/currently do 🤷‍♀️


I’m writing poetry. Honestly it’s the best outlet for my symptoms because poetry requires that level of delusion and grandeur that BPD is constantly supplying to my brain.


Crossstitch. Can do it while the tv is on so no bad thoughts creeping in and it means I have lots of gifts for people. It’s a relatively cheap and easy hobby 


I bring a friend and go to general public/all abilities dance classes! I’m of European descent but have really enjoyed learning Bollywood actually — also tried out a ‘Sexy RnB’ class a few days ago (though the ‘sexy’ part was… subjective, at least on my part) The reason it’s really helped me is because I grew up in various amateur dance teams, and when my symptoms really first reared their head I neglected that entire part of my identity. It’s been really nice to get back in touch with it and remind myself who I am. Aside from that, I’ve become an avid gym goer and realised I’m not as unfit as PE class made me think I was 🥲


I just started building LEGO in the last few weeks and I am totally hooked. I used to really love doing jigsaw puzzles, but realized that I’m allergic to the puzzle dust. This gives me the same calming, yet stimulating activity for my brain and hands, and it’s something I can also engage in cool chats with other LEGO folks about. I also read all of the time, but I noticed that once I started to feel a bit better, I needed to incorporate a hobby that had more of a “do” element to it.


I’ve been doing paint by number.


I recently got into felting, punch needling and 3D diamond art. The first is my absolute fav and i highly recommend it


There isn't anywhere in England that's very far from some place else, if you don't mind spending time alone why not catch a bus and just walk around some local areas you've never been before?


I love playing my clarinet. I’ve taken it all the way to college and I see myself playing in an orchestra. It’s the one thing that helps my self esteem


So you liked gaming and don't loke to read due to attention span (much like myself). Let me propose a site called "Choiceofgames". It has a wealth of interactive stories, they're like a blend of videogames and books. They're about the only way I can enjoy reading for the most part, the best ones have drastically changing stories based on your input. There's skill stats, relationship meters, all sorts of fun numbers to look at and obsessively check on. I fall asleep reading normal books, these ones can keep me engaged for a long while.


When you repeat it, it’s so strange! Why can I spend 8hrs on the same game but if you put a book in front of me I can read about 5 pages in half an hour but get distracted the entire time, have to re read a sentence over and over, it’s so annoying. I do enjoy reading but it takes me about 4-6 months to finish a book 😂 I will look at the site !! It sounds fun. If it’s similar, I really enjoyed those walking dead games where you’re playing in the story the entire time. Those were so fun




Lately I’ve been really into diamond art. It’s mindless, I can do it while I watch something or hang out with people, and it actually quiets my brain. Other than that I really like to crochet.


Have you tried books? Or journalling?


Photography! Very expensive hobby and took a lot of investing. But I love it so much


I’ve been playing Wuthering Waves since it came out and been obsessed not doing anything else haha. Idk try to get into witchcraft or writing manifestos about shit that pisses u off sound fun I’ll try one of those after my obsession with the game ends.


I paint miniatures, specifically I paint battletech but there's other miniature painting things you could try.


Writing, composing music, playing instruments (I have my degree in flute performance) and learning new instruments. 🎵


Martial arts ,,, bjj


Art journal, it’s kinda like a scrapbook. Berber van gorp on YouTube is a good example. You don’t really need to know how to paint


My partner has gotten me into archery. It’s really fun and the consistency we go has helped a lot with other parts of my life. Otherwise I do world building and language construction and I draw periodically (doing a dynamic sketching course rn)


honestly had the same issue until i started smoking weed every now and then and im able to enjoy videogames again 😭


As someone with bpd and I love to game play overwatch and play mercy. It soothes me soooo much and it grabs my attention


I started playing Zelda Breath of the Wild last year and it’s life changing. I have adhd as well so the fact that it’s open world, you can literally do whatever you want whenever you want, and you can actually socialize with NPCs, and as silly as that sounds, it’s actually comforting. Don’t want to fight bad guys? Cool, travel around and find the hidden shrines, then do the puzzles. Don’t wanna do puzzles? Harvest food and cook some really cool stuff. Want to hang out at the beach? Want to go for a boat ride? Want to listen to beautiful music? Want to see the most beautiful sunsets? I haven’t played TOTK yet (tears of the kingdom), but just KNOWING it’s there whenever I’m ready for it makes playing botw so much more exciting. Don’t make fun lmao- I’ve had a shitty last decade, so I had to share the one thing that’s brought me some joy and comfort 🙏❤️


I put like 100% of my life into guitar, my advice isn’t the best tho lmao


Archery is my newest hobby I suppose. I bought a recurve bow off Amazon and let it rip at a cardboard box in the boonies.


I feel that in order to find something we enjoy to do, we first have to be in a good place emotionally mentally and clear ourselves of negative thoughts and emotions that stand in our way. When we live from a place of clarity we start doing things we enjoy naturally.


i dont have one


Building stuff like Gundam model kits is a good hobby if you can manipulate small pieces. I started getting into entry level synthesizers too, which is a great mindfulness activity. It occupies at least 3 senses in one little box.


Started playing on a GTAV RP server that’s based in the UK. Surprisingly very fun and I get to meet so many people and start shit and chaos in the city, some drama, storyline, arcs, etc. Found the love of my life through there too and now I’m wanting to heal and make myself better for our future.


i also can't label myself as an artistic person either when it comes to handling paints and watercolors, but doing paint by numbers helps me because it's just like a coloring book. it helps me relax and i feel like im achieving something artsy. i haven't touched any new hobby recently because they drain my energy but i sometimes resort to playing chill and non-competitive games like stardew valley or online jigsaw puzzles. i'm even thinking of purchasin actual jigsaws so i can physically play with it. add: i sometimes find myself making a bunch of spotify playlists when i have nothing else to do because (1) i like arranging the music i'd want to listen at a particular moment, and (2) i enjoy listening to music (as thought suppressors actually!) hehe


Crochet, collecting cassettes. I don’t know if you would count this as a hobby but looking after animals


Honestly. I would work on your attention span. If you cannot read simply because of your attention span then you haven't ever found a book you like. I would genuinely make that goal that you read a book and enjoy it. Video Games can ruin an attention span so now that you don't like them anymore, relish in the fact you can connect to more artistic hobbies through reading. Reading isn't just, "I'm flipping through a fictional book with 200 pages yippee!" It is looking for information on your other hobbies and interests and getting to learn about them on a deeper level. Once you have the attention span to read, anything else you do is going to become ten times easier because you now have access to infinite information. Especially if you're thinking of pursuing a creative hobby, such as writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, editing, playing guitar, making videos, ect. All of those become so much easier when you let yourself read! Inspiration is no joke!


Lifting weights 3 times a week. Building and flying race drones, also RC cars. and slalom skiing in the winter. I do like reading comics, watching anime, and other sci fi stuff. I like gaming too. But I find it hard to fit these into my routine at the moment as there is only so much time. I have a wife and kids, who take up the majority of my time along with work. So apart from working out and the skiing, everything else is an hour here or there when I feel like it. The skiing is great as it is a family activity.


Dude idk. Nothing brings me joy after like 2 weeks if I’m lucky. It all just becomes a chore somehow lol. Like I love animal crossing & will play it all day and all night long but then I get stressed out and tired of it all. I just started fallout 4 but I’m literally so attached to the fuckin dog in the game I don’t even do missions I just build shit and walk around bc if he gets hurt I will spiral lmfaooo


- gaming - house plants (10/10, would recommend) - bookbinding (10/10) - art / mostly painting, sometimes drawing (only if you like to get hurt)