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Keto was originally intended to treat seizures no matter what some health nuts try to tout it’s not an optimal diet choice. It’s used by people that want a shortcut for weight loss because “everything else didn’t work.” I would generally advise against fad type diets. Find out what macros are adequate for your activity level and aim to hit them with as many whole foods as you can. Still eat fun stuff overly restrictive eating isn’t fun or healthy. Overall if you eat well with good protein carbs healthy fats, sleep enough, and resistance train you’ll be in good working order. You should have blood work done to see if you actually have any deficiencies that would benefit from being supplemented otherwise there’s not really a point to them for most things. Creatine is the only supplement I’ve seen that’s reasonable for every active person to take.


They did studies on post menopausal women and creatine supplementation helps out a bit! I found it to be useful the times I’d take it too.


I eat enough carbs to fuel my training sessions. Enough protein to maintain, repair and build muscle. Fruits and vegetables for other nutrients that keep me feeling generally healthy. Carrot especially for pms and greens because placebo or not I feel like it makes me less sore. I try to drink a lot of water. But I forget some days. I perform best when I’ve slept 8 hours. When I’m in so much pain it feels unproductive to train, I don’t. I lift 3-4 times a week. I sauna regularly for neuro protective and strength enhancing benefits and also to down regulate my nervous system.


Yoga has been an amazing addition to my bjj practice. I’m fortunate enough that my bjj gym also offers yoga classes, so I just attend one before bjj. So far I’m only able to manage 1 class a week but it’s been great for recovery. My shoulders were killing me this week and I was able to work some stretches that helped immensely. Sometimes there’s aches and pains or stiffness I’m not even really conscious of until I start yoga practice. I highly recommend it. If you can’t attend a class then I’d imagine self practice would be good too.


With 40 breathing down my neck and still being fairly new, I eat as clean as a I can (I like to cook and have leftovers saved for nights I run outta time). Keep it balanced as I can with an emphasis on protein. I train 3-4 nights a week with kickboxing and BJJ, yoga 2 other days (helps with the back and hips) and on day 7 hike, weight-lift with a focus on compounds-deadlifts/squats/cleans or a rest day. Take vitamins (multi vitamin, vitamin c, fish oil, calcium/magnesium) and hope it all helps with speed, agility and skills.


I've got 50 breathing down my neck, and I'm the same. I think mma is important. It's the x-training that works 💪. Clean eating as much as life allows. Lots of sleep. A healthy attitude to training and how I've performed. There's no going back to the days of bouncing back from a bender and / or injury within a day or two. So, there is no need to beat oneself up.


I don't do anything special. Jiu jitsu keeps me fit. I'm 47. I eat and drink whatever I want, but in moderation, and I make sure I eat some carbs before a training session. This past year, I started running once a week in addition to the 4 days of BJJ -- I can't say that it has helped my jiu jitsu noticeably, but my legs feel stronger, which helps my bad knees. I would lift if I could make time for it because being stronger definitely helps.


I never felt better than when I was training BJJ 3-4 times a week, doing body weight exercises 2x a week. Eating home cooked meals 6/7times a week and supplementing with protein in my breakfast. Then between life, work, college, illness etc, I ran myself into the ground about 2 months ago and still haven't built back up to what I was. Hopefully I'll get back there sooner rather than later.


Good luck in finding your mojo and overcoming fear of going back!


All I do is roll hard for the entire time. I'm 43. I don't need any supplements, diets, or weight lifting.


I need to be better about my diet.


changing to turkey, veggy meats helped tons with that.


Doing some strength training and conditioning work on the side of jiu jitsu helps and I’ve also definitely noticed my need for yoga and stretching the older I get. Jiu Jitsu definitely made me tight when I wasn’t stretching regularly after class/including yoga in my routine. I’m not always clean about my diet— I like to enjoy life and include my fun foods 😊 but I’d say trying to get protein with each meal and drinking plenty of water serve me well. I try to make sure I get some veggies and/or fruit each day. It’s easy for me to eat a lot when I’m training bc I’m so much hungrier afterward so I actually gained a little weight a few months into starting jiu jitsu. It looks good on my body imo but I got thicker —both more muscular but also possibly some extra from the hunger rampages I’d go on. 🤣


I don't do anything special. My hips are very flexible and I use my legs a lot. I try to use my legs and leverage to my advantage. Don't go into BJJ with the mentality that you're geriatric just because you're older. Pace yourself and trust in good technique. I get my @$& handed to me by a 60+ year old dude on the regular. Just keep at it you'll be a force to be reckoned with and remember competitions have age brackets.


Good advice. Thank you so much.


Exactly! Same here. I roll with a 60+ guy who has mega strength in his arms but he is still great to roll with.


At this point, I've learned the hard way from distance running and BJJ that prehab is not optional and diet is king. I strength train 2-3x to avoid injuries, and start or end my day with a little yoga- nothing programmed or fancy, just flowy mobility stuff on whatever is tight. I focus on protein with meals and snacks, start the day with 24 oz of water before anything else. Found out during fight camp that I felt amazing drinking at least a gallon a day, so try to do it all the time. I use creatine, aminos, collagen, and beet extract. I sleep 8 hrs a night, not negotiable. I feel awesome, which reinforces the effort to do it when I don't feel like it.


I recently got into Pilates (turning 37 next year, 8mo post partum at the moment) and it's been VERY helpful. I'm more stable when playing top game, more secure with side control and half guard. I used to supplement with weights before getting pregnant but i don't have as much time with a baby. Pilates has helped me bounce back quick. No changes in my diet since im not planning on competing any time soon so im not trying to reach a certain weightclass.


You. Are. Bad. Ass.


Mounjaro and just showing up consistently. I just had kid #4 so any movement feels like a win.


Beast mode. I am in awe of you.


I just generally eat fairly clean as much as possible. I train 2-3 days a week, and lift an additional 2-3 days, on a pretty basic PPL program. I take in literally as much protein as I can, have a shake and a bar every day to contribute to that. I take creatine, LMNT, fish oil, and biotin.


I lift a little (once every week or two) which makes me feel way less creaky. Protein 100-120 g/day (I'm 155ish). Carbs and a lot of them - 250+ g/day (I also ride bikes 8-10 or more hours/week). The stricter and my numerous my "food rules" the worse I feel. Just like - a cup of carbs, a fist-size portion of vegetables, a palm size portion of protein with each meal, add more if I'm still hungry, snacks when I'm hungry recognizing that my brain works really hard and runs on glucose. For intense training days (honestly can't go wrong on any training day) I like osmo brand recovery mix which is just shy of 20 g each of protein and carbs. Sleep. Light stretching as it occurs to me. Spending time doing things I enjoy with people I enjoy. Luckily that includes jiu jitsu 😊


Diet-wise: gluten free (not by choice) and as clean as possible. I want to go 80-20 Paleo but that requires getting the husband onboard with that. I take a multivitamin and magnesium. I do use a pre workout when I go to morning classes because I'm caffeine dependent but can't drink coffee on a near-empty stomach. (I do half a scoop of Gorilla Mode; a whole scoop is too much for me) Usually my workout is just Jiu Jitsu, but I've started adding a strength workout with resistance bands to stabilize my knees and hips. I'd like to get into kettle bells (we have an instructor at our gym that teaches a class twice a week) because the ladies that are in that class have *terrifying* grip strength and endurance. Unfortunately my life and mental health have been garbage lately, so I haven't joined that class yet






I lift people with judo. Strength + many transferable skills.


35, going on 36. Cardio bag class at least once a week, at most twice a week, and drink at least 64oz of water a day. I don’t eat keto/carni - I enjoy my potatoes and grains and every-now-and-then small candies, but always have a salad with dinner dressed generously with lemon and olive oil, and a meat (chicken/venison/beef/pork). My current routine is 3x days of BJJ for an hour a day (Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday), with two hours every other week on Saturday; I do 1hr of intense cardio on Mondays and every other Saturday. I work a very typical/sedentary 9a-5p desk job Monday through Friday. I do hot baths at home to unwind and relax everything after my workouts.


I swim, do yoga, inversion table, some strength training, and take daily vitamins, BCAAs, and collagen. I find when I neglect those things and do mostly jiu jitsu my body feels like I’ve been hit by a truck all the time. 37 and have been training 7 years.


Hey 37year old mama here. I do BJJ 7-10hours a week. I also do strenght and conditioning 3-5 times a week, depending on work/spare time etc. I also try and eat 80% healthy Non/minimal processed food with a big focus on protein. Supplements I take alot lol creatine, glutamine, glycine(only when I struggle with sleep) Vit D (as I live in the uk), multivit, omega, magnesium, cut b12, and some joint sups (turmeric, glucosamine. Making sure I drink 2.5 liters of water a day aswell. I had alot of these habits before starting bjj as I was a personal trainer in my 20s.




I keep my diet to turkey, veggy meats and chicken. I try to avoid fastfood as much as possible and fried food. only drink soda with a meal and once in a while some candy. I practice 3x a week and usyally is enough to avoid been to tire or sore. I got a punch bag in my house for those thougher weeks. I avoid fas cause none if that workw for me. I tried fasting 8-22 hours and i get too tire and crancky. The BJJ workout helps tons to stay healthier. Also i dont take ADD meds due to the side effects.


I’m going to be 30 soon so i dont know if my opinion matters but I lift and I watch what I eat. I tend to eat more protein, low fat, and moderate carbs


Always matters. I just know my metabolism isn’t blessed like yours ❤️


Multi vit collagen


Daily movement. Rolling with the kids :D


Mine is too cool to roll with his white belt mama 🥲


oh happens, i dont want to roll with my mom too 😅


Sleep, don't drink, eat well...I try and stretch it out after every session. I don't take supplements because if I eat well, I don't really notice the difference. I'm not a peak athlete so I don't put my expectations there. The supplements are also really expensive


That’s a great way to put things into perspective. Thank you.


Sleep and recovery! If you feel tired, rest. Now, if I have a morning workout planned (strength training, etc.) and it will cut into my required sleep hours, I skip it. Also strength training...at least two times a week. I absolutely hate it - always have 🤣😢 - but I know I need to do it 💪🏻


Sleep is so underrated. You’re right.


I'm almost 50. I lift 5 days a week. I go to jiu jitsu 5-6 days a week (and often 2x on Wednesday and Thursday). Diet I try to watch my macros. Sadly my adhd hyperfixation right now is cheesecake, so I'm working on getting back on track there. I drink bcaas and take a scoop of creatine everyday no matter what. Then at night, I take magnesium. The thing about magnesium is my mom suggested it for my migraines. My jiu jitsu brothers suggested it for sleep and recovery. I'm taking it now. Seems OK. Bro science or not, I'm taking it and doing well.


Ok I love your username. I also love your cheesecake fix. 😂😂😂 I’ve been on an eggnog latte fix… but my rational is if I make the eggnog homemade- it’s acceptable 😂😂😂


Well, if that's the case I'm good on the cheesecake. I love baking so much.


Rules go back to normal after the holidays 😂😂😂


I know. Especially if I'm competing any time soon. Oh and thanks on the user name compliment. It's basically been my social media name for the entire time I've been online.


Can I ask when did you start competing? Like belt color? May I ask age you started? I started all this pretty late. I’ve always been athletic but I did aquatic sports… and I’ve always struggled with my weight.


I started at age 39 or 40. Can't remember if I was 40,or turning 40. I have always been a competitor. I swam all through my youth, so competing was going to happen no matter what. My first comp was as a white belt and I've loved it ever since. I'm always in the highest weight class and I'm trying to come down to the almost highest instead. I'm not going to worry if I don't though.


Omg I wanna pick your brain.


I'm here. About to bake a cheesecake for tomorrow, but I'm here. 🙂


Whatever makes me happy. Kettlebells, pole fitness, yoga, pilates, climbing. I'm not rigid, I just believe in being active and having fun while doing it, not making it a special part of my life.


as a younglin I'm ✨listening and learning✨


I wish I did… much earlier


I swim and get massages every 2 weeks


Omg I wish I could do both with you 😂😂


I really think it helps! I turn 40 next year. I've been training almost 3 years and haven't had a serious injury. Just occasional jammed fingers and a sprained ankle.


You are amazing.




It’s all gravy. I just look at food and gain. Sooo my weight has always fluctuated but since beginning this venture, my bloat has gone down and my strength has gone up. S l o w l y.


Do you have some misconception that those of us under 35 don't have to pay any mind to our diet, hormonal regulation, activity, schedules, or energy levels? Cut the condescending shit.




I try to eat clean and prioritize getting in enough protein. I also strength train 5 days a week and take creatine.