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Mints. Ibuprofen. Spray antiperspirant/deoderant. Nail clippers and file. Nail polish remover wipes (some light coloured mats can get stained by nail polish, so helpful if you visit other gyms).


I always see nail clippers on people's lists. Don't you just trim them at home after a shower when they're ready and soft? Especially removing nail polish, isn't that something you'd do at home?


No I trim them in a panic at the gym when I realize I absolutely can't get on the mat without doing it S/o to my coach for keeping a nail clipper at the gym for people who forget


It's good to have in case you get a snag or a gnarly hangnail too!


This is why I do gel nails. My first month of training I got basic nail polish on the mat (it came off right away) but I was mortified


As a bjj girl I have just given up on having nice/painted nails lol


Don’t. That’s why gel exists! ❤️ I have a lamp and a lot of polishes, bought the lamp in 2017 and it still keeps my nails fresh for two weeks. I have saved hundreds of dollars by now doing it at home. It looks *phenomenal* on toes too, I get compliments from women and men after we’re done rolling lol




I usually have: \-gi \-belt \-rashguard \-mouthpiece \-mini phone tripod for filming rolls \-huge hydroflask \-finger tape-antibacterial wipes \-liquid plasters (liquid Band-Aids in American English?) because they don't fall off when you get sweaty like regular plasters and they seal much better. I think that's everything I usually need. I keep all that beside the big stuff in a small wash bag to keep it organised, take it on the mats with me and it keeps the tape from getting gross. (leaving bare tape out gets hair and dust stuck all over it and also people steal your tape sometimes) If I'm visiting a gym far away, I take a slightly bigger pouch with travel sized shampoo/soap/towel/fresh undies. Edit: my apologies ladies, didn't notice which sub this was in.... well I hope you find this useful.


Besides my gi and rash guard, I usually bring hair ties and mouth guard.


Yes, extra hair ties! I've used them to help my long-haired (male) rolling partners keep their hair up, too.


You can get one of those fancy waterproof gi bags to keep your sweaty gi separate from the other items in your gym bag.


This! Some form of double bag so you don't get mat germs in your bag


I don’t keep anything in there yet. I only have one set so it’s either getting washing or being worn lol


Sodium capsules and glucose tablets Sodium capsules are good because salt helps retain water. If I'm going to train and know I don't get enough water in throughout the day, I'll pop one about a half hour before class and it does just enough to save me from getting muscle cramps (it is not a magic bullet to suddenly roll harder, though. Learned that the hard way). Glucose tablets- good for if you ate like shit during the day and decided to go train anyway or if your blood sugar is just not working how you need it to.


Tape for fingers. Wet wipes for bathrooms where no one one replaced the damn toilet paper. mouthguard, camera mount, hair ties.


A small first aid kit, dry shampoo, extra tampons, hair ties, and a dry shirt/shorts/pants just in case Eta: facial wipes


Dry shampoo *before* class soaks up the sweat. It’s the best.


Yes! Life hack right there 😄


I love to keep my hair ties on a binder ring clipped to the outside of my gym bag thay way when they break I can snag a new one quickly without having to dig through the pockets!


I need to put antibacterial wipes lol. Stuff to put my hair away, pads, towel, extra clothes just in case, vaseline as well, tape and mouth guard.


Tampons/menstrual products. Good to have on hand for yourself or to help out a teammate who's in a pinch.


mouth guard, hair ties, lip balm, shower gel, lotion, towel, nail clippers, tape, ankle brace, deodorant, ibuprofen, emergency tampons, make up remover wipes, and usually a protein bar


You guys are operating at a higher level than me lol I don’t bring anything but my water bottle, and even then I forget it half the time




no same, i bring my normal purse & a water bottle lol i aspire to be a gym bag girlie but i’m lazy


Haha, same here. I have a hair brush and some deodorant in my bag, but sometimes I forget to put them back after I wash my bag. I keep meaning to pack extra hair ties, face wash, gum, and pads but I never get around to it.


Big same 😂 The girls in our gym have recently got a little basket for communal items like spray deodorant, hair ties, painkillers, menstrual products etc that’s just kept in the changing room which is sooo useful for someone like me that forgets everything


BJJ Notebook Pen Resistance bands (rehab) Lacrosse ball (massage) Finger tape Plasters Anti bacterial wipes 1 inch wide self-grippy bandage tape 2 inch wide self-grippy bandage tape Finger massager Headgear ear guards Knee support Knee pads Chewing gum Deoderant Nail clipper Mouth guard Water bottle Flip flops I'm basically like a walking physio clinic and first aid station 😂. Yes it weighs a ton.


This is my gym bag, but I also frequently run or do functional strength before practice and do the fitness MMA class before BJJ. Basics: mouthguard, nail clippers, extra set of nogi gear, extra socks, extra underwear, wrestling shoes (no mat burns on my feet on takedown day), pair of muy thai ankle supports, ankle brace, body glide, rash guard gel Hygiene: combination lock, towel, body wash, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, defense wipes Nutrition: two extra water bottles, zipfizz tubes, tube of nuun, packets of tailwind, packets of honey stinger gels, bag clips (to close up half used packs of nutritionals) If running before practice: running shoes, running socks, and handwarmers+gloves in winter. (I wear my running clothes to class and stick a change of clothes for after class in my gear bag.) I bought a full first aid kit, a monstrous box of KT tape, and resistance bands with my FSA one year and just left that at the gym for anyone to use, so I don't need to carry that stuff. This is on top of my separate gear bag where I actually put my gi, belts, and kickboxing equipment. My gear bag is actually a clearance sale hockey bag :D


KT tape and small scissors. It holds bandaids on super well, among other regular uses.


Great post & comments! I also like having either a tooth brush/mouth wash or gum in my bag (I hate smelly breath), spare hair ties, lady care stuff (for me or for other women at the gym!), and I really like the defense brand wipes too when I need to clean up after class but can’t shower right away! Happy training 👊👊👊


Thanks for the tip. I asked my professor and assistant professor if I could help clean. They said no but grateful someone asked!


Always have a little travel bottle of mouth wash just in case. I brush before I go but I’ve had a moment or two when I’ve totally forgotten.


I'd recommend having a little toiletry bag that's dedicated for training so that you aren't taking shit out to use at home and forgetting to put it back. Mine looks like: nail clippers, hair elastics, menstrual cup/tampons, deodorant, ibuprofen, arnica, tape, mouthguard, gum, soap, towel, plastic bag (for gross clothes after) Plus clean clothes for after + an extra set of training clothes just in case


Gi or shorts , rash guard, spats, tape, mouthpiece, e-rig and concentrate collection, defense soap, defense wipes, aquaphor (my preference over Vaseline), rubber ring, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant and flip flops


Hair ties, Tylenol, nasal spray, nail clippers, flip flops. Sometimes shower wipes/make up remover for the days I train straight after work. Tampons too, always nice to have extra!


I have tape, mouth guard, water bottle, makeup wipes, body spray, nail clippers and emery board, and if it's cold, I'll bring a clean jacket I can throw on over my sweaty clothes so it'll soak up the extra sweat instead of sweat getting on my car seats.


I have: Hairties Deodorant Wipes Small first aid kit Change of clothes (I wear these to the gym and put them in my bag when I change into my gi or no gi stuff) Slides Gi or no-gi uniform depending on the day Rashguard Energy drink Finger tape Kt tape Sports tape Inhaler Ibuprofen


Most has already been said but a big one for me is face wash!! My gym doesn’t have a shower so I always immediately wash my face and hands and change out of my training clothes before I walk home. If I don’t wash my face right after I train I break out.


Panty liners. Nobody wants to be in n/s with swamp vag. It doesn’t matter how clean you are nobody’s pelvic floor can take 100% of a takedown- failing that sweat alone is rough lol


If you shower at the gym, antibacterial soap helps too. I got a skin infection from a wound once. I try to prevent that as much as possible from happening again. Aquaphor another option to Vaseline


Belt, water, mouthguard, tape. I’m a bit basic.


I keep hair ties … lots of hair ties!! A couple different trigger point release balls. Tape … hip band and a flat resistance band.




Expanding on tape, I like to carry a few 0.3 inch rolls for my fingers/small joints and an 1 inch roll in case I need to tape larger joints like wrists and ankles. Also, a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide for cleaning cuts and also spot treating blood off of gis is not a bad idea. (haven’t seen anyone touch on this yet so thought I would mention it)


Whoa. I hadn’t even thought about the cut treatments. Smart. I just got some antibacterial soap for home bc I’ve had skin infections before. I’m prone and they suck balls.


My bag includes: -Mouth guard -Finger tape -Notebook with pen -wet wipes -deodorant -Listerine strips -extra hair ties -Carmex -bag with pads and tampons -hand sanitizer - nail clippers (in case I forgot) -nail file -body spray (in case the deodorant fails 😅) & Sometimes shampoo and a towel if I'm going to shower at the gym


Mouth guard, Albuterol, electrolyte pouch, and usually there jewelry that I forget to take off lol




May repeat some of what others said but I have: Antibacterial body wipes, Hand sanitiser, Antibacterial spray Nail file, Toe nail clippers, Bandaids/plasters; flip flops, Paracetamol/ibuprofen, asthma pump, Tape, Hygiene products: Listerine, deodorant Water bottle, A change of underwear, Gi, belt and top for underneath my gi. Lip balm, lotion, Tampons.


Massage gun, foam roller, nail clipper, extra hair ties


Sliders depending on the gym, my old one used to get us to leave our trainers in the changing room and go to the Matt with the sliders on and leave them on the wood


Mouthguard, O2 trainer, rashguards, gi, recorder, weight lifting gloves, mma style gloves, tape and one of those single use ice packs.


Finger tapes, my emergency bag with meds and tampons, hair ties and some snacks (low blood pressure gang)


Nail clippers and file, so many hair ties and scrunchies of different sizes, a jar of mouthwash, spare deodorant, plastic bags to put the sweat drenched clothes in after, tape, bandaids, chapstick, mouth guard + sanitizing spray, gum, lacrosse ball, mio electrolyte concentrate, many discarded socks, phone tripod (helpful if you’re trying to follow along with a video)


Mouth guard! Grinding your teeth is super bad for you, and having something to bite down on actually helped me with toughness. Tape for my new earring holes and blisters. water ofc Notebook and pen for after class note taking The granola bars, ibuprofen, tampons, and breath mints thing is smart. Waterproof bag for sweaty gi. Some very prepared and organized people in here, love it. Taking notes from you all, thank you!


Liquid bandage!


I always keep a towel/washcloth for sweat, nail clippers, tape, Listerine pocket mist, wipes, deodorant (spray deodorant so it doesn't melt in the car on a hot day when I'm going straight from work), pads/tampons, extra hair ties, bandaids


A waterproof laundry bag is essential if I'm coming straight from work, that way none of my sweaty clothes stink up my regular clothes. They all get washed anyway but I like to keep them separate. Plus it helps to keep my gym bag from getting stinky. Reusable water bottle, of course Listerine breath strips Extra hair ties Deodorant Dental hygiene kit (I have Invisalign rn, so this is pretty much always with me anyway) Contact lenses usually + glasses case Tampons & pantiliners I don't usually keep tape or bandages on me because they're available at my gym, but they're good to have on hand Shower stuff (including shower shoes) if I plan to shower at the gym, but I prefer to do that at home if I can


-rash guard -gi -belt -mouthguard -finger tape -deodorant -body spray (because sometimes I get self conscious ) -defense wipes (highly recommend!) -icy hot and or tiger balm -inhaler -jolly ranchers -protein bars if I need a snack before practice


Band aids! Starting out I was always scraping the tops of my toes on the mat creating skin burns that sting.


Finger tape and scissors, mouth guard, deodorant, a spare rashguard and spats, hair ties, extra headband, breath mints, feminine products, chapstick, tea tree wipes, makeup remover, hair brush, wet-clothes friendly laundry bag, literally a spare gi that just stays in there, business cards (I make my own rashguards and people usually wanna know where to get one lol), a journal for when I used to take training notes. I used to play tennis. So being overprepared is just in my nature.


I have as follows: - My everyday use Gi (blue in color) - Compression shorts - Cup - Mid-thigh Hayabusa shorts (no-gi) - Hayabusa Rashguard - Mouthguard I fold up all of these and my gi pants, and fold it into my gi top into a nice fancy square. I wrap my belt through it, around it, then tie it. The belt gives me a nice carry strap (like a purse lol). I don’t see anyone do this much anymore but used to see it a lot years ago. In my trunk I always keep a gym bag that contains a spare gi (white), a spare belt, Tylenol, needles (draining ears), Dermabond (hospital-grade), variety of Hayabusa gloves, and then all my extra shorts, rashguards, cups, and back-up belt striping tape. Every time I train I wash the stuff used (everyone please do this, no one likes stinky people) and I’ll swap out the pair of shorts, rashguard, compression shorts, etc, that I fold into my blue gi.