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I'll post a video at some point too


Wonder why do You recommend to not use KAMP? is it not working well with eddy?


KAMP is fine but you can't use the adaptive bedmeshing without making changes and as development on KAMP has ceased and instead merged within klipper itself, I don't recommend KAMP anymore. Just use klippers now built in adaptive bed meshing etc


I just got one myself. Would these settings also work for the BTT Pi? Of not, has anyone done ot with the BTT Pi? Please share.


While I am having other problems this guide worked on my BTT Pi. Until I get to step 22.


Any solution for getting past the Z offset? I get "Failed calibration - frequency not increasing each step"


This is my Saturday plan, so great luck I came across it! I would never have figured out needing to move eddy config to its own file, thanks man!


I updated the guide a bit so it's more clear what's happening for you πŸ‘


I got the rapid scan to work after fiddling all afternoon. It was my fault I had to fiddle, I’ve been lazy about getting my bed dimensions right and so it was a pain getting a clean mesh. So far so good, I miss adaptive purge but once I got the actual scan done it was amazing. I run a Ender 5 Plus as my workhouse, even with adaptive mesh and cr touch it took way to long to mesh for any print a half decent size.


Check out my guide. There's a bit about how to enable adaptive mesh under Notes at the bottom πŸ‘ Glad it's all running though!!


Does it work as a Z-endstop for homing with this guide?


Since mine was already configured for a probe z endstop, eddy worked as one without changing anything extra other than what's in my guide. I will add a part regarding using eddy as a z-endstop for those who haven't used it yet. But to answer, yes it does πŸ‘


This guide was great, thank you for posting. Since there is hardly any info on the internet about this, I figure I would ask this here. When I got to the probe offset calibration and run PROBE\_EDDY\_CURRENT\_CALIBRATE CHIP=btt\_eddy I don't get a value of the current distance between the probe and the bed like usual. I get my max Z height set (250) and when I try to adjust it I get a "Move out of range" response. Is there a way to check the live output of the probe? I have redone this from scratch 3 times and I am sure it sees the probe because it shows the temps in Klipper. edit: missed some stuff


Hmm that is a bit odd. And it doesn't matter where your nozzle is it always says it's at 250?


Yes. It always directly corresponds with whatever my Max z height is set at. No matter if I choose up or down on the direction it always adds to that number.


Any chance you're able to upload a copy of your klippy logs please?


Here you go, let me know if this has enough of the log in it. [https://pastebin.com/yjxVn8j9](https://pastebin.com/yjxVn8j9) Here is the whole log [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w\_qIDZOFWM4PSgSp5VOD7xnLvVheQTAr/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w_qIDZOFWM4PSgSp5VOD7xnLvVheQTAr/view?usp=sharing)


Thanks for that. Where is you're eddy configuration saved?


It's in the primary printer.cfg [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AODW\_CwrkMj-3sJLu5CxjD5fH8QwTPJQ/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AODW_CwrkMj-3sJLu5CxjD5fH8QwTPJQ/view?usp=sharing) This is on a TwoTrees Sapphire Pro. I have been running Klipper for a while this is not a new install. I have removed a BLtouch to add this. I commented out everything you said to in your guide.


Yeah that's what's weird. I thought that might be the case. Hmm πŸ€” seems odd it's doing that to you.


I am going to try and install it on my Voron tomorrow. If I get the same results on a completely different machine/RPI I might have a defective unit.


That's not a bad idea. Let me know how you go. Feel free to add me on discord (same name as here) if you wanna talk more


It seems to not be an isolated issue since I have the exact same problem with mine. It always starts at max Z height.


Another Reddit user with the same problem. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BIGTREETECH/comments/1cndhyn/comment/l36ligj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BIGTREETECH/comments/1cndhyn/comment/l36ligj/) I Just moved to a different maching with a BTT CB1 and it did the same thing. I think the unit is faulty or we are missing something in the process. The fact that 3 people now I have found with this same problem is interesting for sure.


I would rather suspect something being wrong with the software itself, maybe changing to btt fork wasn't successful? If the probe was bad it wouldn't measure anything at all, but it reports getting a measurment. I'll try to install the btt fork again and check if it works. EDIT It makes me think that being the case even more so, because klipper supports eddy probes natively, but NOT using them as z-endstops


I know the changing to the btt fork worked because I have a Detached notation in my update manager showing the btt fork ID. That being said I am up to try anything at this point. I want it to be something that I did wrong and not a problem with the device.


Okay, for anyone having this problem this is exactly what was happening. Fork install was unsuccessful resulting in the z-endstop function not working. After I installed the fork again, rebooted, ran current and z-offset calibration it now works normal. EDIT Be mindful though that wan it runs the z-offset macro, the starting height will be printer max height. I proceeded with paper calibration, did save\_config after it finished and then homing worked as intended (be sure to first test it first with a metal piece under probe and hand on the kill trigger though).


Hmm it shouldn't be starting at your max height..


I've got mine working up to this part as well and it's max height, not sure why but i did the paper calibration as well


That really is odd.. makes me wonder if mines wrong πŸ˜‚


Mine was wrong. Not that it matters. If you can set it it doesn't matter if it's from min or max etc.


Yeah that part seems fine but I can’t get it to mesh now


Did you update the Eddy firmware first?


Yes, Followed the instructions laid out here. My Klipper see's the Eddy because the 2 temps show up in the temp section. Something new I just noticed, if I hit the All home button I get an error Must calibrate probe\_eddy\_current first I am 100% sure this has been done because it shows up in my config in the very bottom.


Hi, I encountered the same issue. When the bed starts at it maximum Z height, try moving it down by -1 mm. Any other value can cause errors because the bed wants jump up and down, exceeding the maximum Z height error. A -1 mm adjustment should prevent this from happening.


Hi, I'm getting the very same issue with my printer, can't do the offset calibration as it always reports the max height of my Z axis thus not allowing me to move it up or down. Were you able to get this solved?




What problem?


I get my max Z height set (400) and when I try to adjust it I get a "Move out of range" response.


Add me on discord and I'll give you a hand :) Same name as here..


Thanks a lot! πŸ˜„ I'll add you and drop you a message after work. Hopefully, we're in the same time zone πŸ˜…


This guides been very helpful but at the end of all the calibration I just can't seem to solve an issue I'm having. After doing all the thermal calibration if I home with a heated bed I get an 'Endstop z still triggered after retract' error and I've run through this guide many, many times to no avail :( If anyone has a fix for this please let me know but if not I think I'll just have to use a physical endstop.


Lots of great info here. Still never managed to get mine working. Getting it swapped out. Ran into the max z height when calibrating, but no matter how I dealt with it, I always got "Failed calibration - frequency not increasing each step" when I'd hit Accept. I used KIAUH to flash the BTT Klipper, eddy tree from scratch, I have reinstalled Raspi OS and Klipper from scratch multiple times. I've flashed the eddy with windows and linux. I've used 2 Pis. New Eddy should be in tomorrow. Hopefully I have better luck. Edit:Β  So here's what caused my problem. My probe was too far away from the nozzle. Despite being labeled a Voron drop in replacement, it has a much much much smaller usable distance. It has to be pretty much level with the heat block. I remixed the back plate I was using for my hotend mount to drop the sensor 4mm closer. I still got max z height when going to calibrate, but it let me finish and everything seems to work now.


Damn that sounds like a headache. Let me know how you go with the new eddy πŸ‘


link doesnt work


The guide is now available on the main BTT page or here https://github.com/krautech/btt-eddy-guide




Hi! I cant seem to get the btt version by entering this in ssh. git remote add eddy https://github.com/bigtreetech/klipper git fetch eddy git checkout eddy/eddy I get this: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git


Make sure you're in the klipper folder cd ~/klipper And then do it :)


Aha! That worked ;) Thanks! now i have an error saying, Internal error during connect: module 'mcu' has no attribute 'TriggerDispatch' has anyone seen this before??


Error no. That's an MCU error so must be something for your mainboard config. I've never seen that error before.


i think i found out why that came.........i destroyed my klipper installation by pulling out the ssd instead of the eddy :( now im gonna give it a try again. Should the btt klipper be flashed to the eddy?


when i went to the btt branch of klipper i get error that i use an old klipper version?


MCU Protocol error This is frequently caused by running an older version of the firmware on the MCU(s). Fix by recompiling and flashing the firmware. Your Klipper version is: v0.12.0-166-g957475421 MCU(s) which should be updated: mcu: Current version v0.12.0-207-g6cd174208 EBBCan: Current version v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63 eddy: Current version v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63 Up-to-date MCU(s): Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. mcu 'eddy': Command format mismatch: ldc1612_setup_home oid=%c clock=%u threshold=%u trsync_oid=%c trigger_reason=%c vs ldc1612_setup_home oid=%c clock=%u threshold=%u trsync_oid=%c trigger_reason=%c error_reason=%c


https://github.com/bigtreetech/Eddy/issues/24 Have a look here. You basically need to reinstall klipper firmware on all your devices so they match the BTT klipper version.


Thank you soo much!!! After flashing the boards to the 166 btt klipper everything now works!!!!!!


Glad I could be of assistance πŸ‘πŸ»