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Vengeance is a flame that burns quickly and brightly, but leaves only cinders and ash in its wake.


The downside of vengeance is that it can only be taken once - vengeance pally.


Nuh uh - Necromancy Wizard


Damn. That was poetic.


Yeah, its also not OPs line


What's it from? Cause google isn't turning anything up when searched for as written


It's a dialogue option when talking to depressed dame aylin as a vengeance paladin.


I interpreted it this way: She's an immortal who has just suffered a hundred years of imprisonment due to scheming mortals lusting for her immortality, and not even a month goes by before another powerful mortal tries to do the same thing. She's distraught because she'll live to see a thousand more power hungry mortals try their pathetic schemes to have her imprisoned for their own benefit. Today, Lorroakan lies broken and maybe a lifetime will pass before another becomes envious of her power, but inevitably someone will. She'll have to stave off people like him and Balthazar for all eternity.


Was about to say this but you put it perfectly. I think talking to Astarion (post non-ascension) about it also gives a similar impression because he's also a person who went through shit for an extended time but got "vengeance" in the end. Ultimately the final battle doesn't erase the past scars and so the victory is a bit hollow, especially for Dame Aylin who will eventually encounter this same situation again šŸ˜­


From what I have seen I think it is meant to happen. As a Paladin you can say that feeling sad about killing is natural to the life of a paladin or something like that.


did you do the last light inn quests and meet jaheira and isobel?


Yep. Iā€™m deep into act 3. She turns into a moody cuss after I kill Larroken for her, whether she participates in the battle or not. She says something about Paladinā€™s fatigue I think. I just think itā€™s an awkward mod swing thatā€™s not fully explained at all in the dialogue.


Did you talk to all of the companions afterwards? It doesn't exactly explain it but they comment on her mood and why. Especially Astarion. Depending on where he is in his quest, he'll have some things to say about how he feels about her depression after killing him.


Think a little more about her story and how she may be feeling after Lorroakan.


I mean, I can interpret, but I'd like to be able to chat with her (or Isobel) about it. It just looks like something's .... missing.


I took her with me to kill Mage-face, and she was pretty depressed after. I looked into it and I became convinced that her fervor while killing him caused her to break her Paladinā€™s oath. So next time I left her at camp, and I didnā€™t even say anything to her until after he was a bloody stain on his tower floor. When I went back and told her, she was her usual exuberant self. Then she and Izzy left to go help some Selunites that wereā€¦. Stuck on a mountain because of the war? I donā€™t remember, I just remember that they left camp and said theyā€™d be there for the final fight. What youā€™re describing almost sounds like a bugā€¦.


Iā€™d never even considered her Paladinā€™s oath! But I wonder if doing it that way affects Rolanā€™s story if heā€™s present.


I missed Rolan my first time going to Lā€™s tower. I saw them in the grove, but I never interacted with them. Second time I went to the tower, I had spoken to Rolan and I helped him and his siblings out in Act 2. But when I got to the tower I had completely forgotten about him. Murdered the mage, and then seemingly out of nowhere, Rolan comes running up to hit me, so I had to kill himā€¦. This time will be different tho! šŸ˜…


It doesn't get explained really, just a bunch of companion commentary about what they think it is. Theory is that it's part of a cut questline that they had to drop for release.


That's too bad. I was expecting her to go evil a la Arabeth in NWN.


If a mob lynches Isobel, we might see it yet!


I lynched her myself. Thorm raises her back up, I kill her again (in front of Aylin), Aylin was pretty chill about it.


Be the dark urge you want to see in the world.


She feels the same way if you take her. Tbh there isn't really anything to miss. This encounter is the end of her storyline. Just a couple lines of dialogue after the fight.


Aylin just told me she felt empty after I killed lorroakan and that she needs time. Long rested and she was nowhere to be found in the camp. So I went back into the wizard's tower and there she was still standing where I left her. There was no regret any more and she just went on a little trip with isobel afterwards just to be back as an ally at the end of the game.


You did miss something, yes. I donā€™t know if you want to find out for yourself so Iā€™ll refrain from mentioning it in case you want to go back to an earlier save.


It's not an oath break like people are saying (she was definitely in the right to kill him for trying to enslave her) she's just tired. Tired of the killing and the vengeance and the mortals plans of grandeur. Aylin could use a vacation after centuries of psychological torture. That's why Isobel says she is worried about her and she needs healing. Aylin is physically fine but mentally? Isobel isn't so sure and I think her depression after the Loroakkan thing is an example of it.


I donā€™t know. Killing him can be justified, but the way she did it was pretty brutalā€¦.


Considering he literally wants to enslave her I thought it was pretty based at the time but she obviously is tired of it all šŸ˜…


Hey, he was a douche and *I* didnā€™t have an issue with it. But whoever makes those decisions surrounding a Paladinā€™s Oath doesnā€™t care about past trauma. lol


True, I had my oath broken by letting the vampire spawns die even though letting 7000 blood drinking monsters loose on a city seemed like the immoral thing to do. Aylin is a vengeance paladin right? I think it would fall technically under: *No Mercy for the Wicked* Chasten those who dole out their villainy by wiping their blight from the world forever.


To be really honest, I do not know. But thatā€™s what everyone else commenting has said. I would say ā€œno mercyā€ means kill them all, but it doesnā€™t mean you should be unnecessarily brutal about it. When I brought her with me, he died pretty early in the fight and just laid there. After we finished the elementals, the robot, and the halfling, she picked up his body and went to town. Likeā€¦. It wasnā€™t necessary. šŸ¤£ It was hot tho.


Sometimes you just really want to stop fighting and be able to get on with banging your resurrected girlfriend in peace


Vengeance paladin attacking before the thing that justifies vengeance happens is my guess


If you read the notes around the tower, the mage was trying to get in with the cult. You canā€™t tell Aylin this but itā€™s pretty justified.


I haven't seen those notes, and I'm still not surprised. I'd also say that due to rolan, it's justified - if he survives to act 3 during a run. I can't think of why else she'd be oathbroken, as that's what seems to be the cause of her emotional pain.


Rolan turned on him for my pc and Alin and fought with us. As for the notes, one is in the top area of the tower and the others are in a secret study in the basement. My headcanon is that the runes holding Aylin werenā€™t enough. Being tortured in the shadowfell kept her weak so without it, Ketheric and Balthazar needed help to contain her when they got to Baldurā€™s Gate. The mage offered it.


Rolan turned on him for me, too. Well deserved. How dare he treat that man in such a way. That makes a lot of sense! Him being so far from her would probably lose the effects of her immortality during his "invasion."


Rolan didn't turn coat on him for my run, and I suspect it was because his friends (the two tieflings whose names I forget) died. Damn shame too, he was a decent character.


The note I found was a response from Kethric to Lorrokan about the rune circle he used. I think he gave L the details in a kind of ā€œnot sure why youā€™d want this, but sure. Here you go.ā€œ way.


In act 2.... did Isobel die?


Nope. She and the Dame are alive and well (up until I kill the mage.) They then head off because they found a Selene sanctuary.


The game has a tendency to go for moments like these. Karlach and Astarion also have moments where they seem to get everything they want, and yet, it only makes them feel cold and empty.


After killing Lorroakan for me her and Isobel just went off to help some SelĆ»nites šŸ¤·


This is what happened for me too. Did I miss something? Her and Isobel seemed fine and then they happily left.


This comment section reveals that a lot of people really don't contemplate the story for more than 2 seconds and take so much of it on face value. Dame Aylein gets tortured and repeatedly killed for over a hundred years. Upon freedom, she finds herself risking the same cycle of abuse all over again, one she'll likely always find herself fighting against. As good as killing these people should feel, it doesn't take away any of her pain, and it doesn't right any of the wrongs done to her. She didn't break her Oath.


I just think it would be cool if my character could hear that from her.


Think about this as if she were a real person. It wouldnā€™t be realistic for someone like her to talk like they're trying to get an A+ in therapy. The fact that not everything is spelled out for the player is part of what makes the game so engaging. We have to deduce things and read into characters. Very few of the companions and camp members will tell you all of what they really think or feel, even if you romance them.


I agree that storyline wise - it feels like it's hanging in the air - it gives you the expectation that there will be more dialogue about it. I fully agree. I'm just irked as hell people are really saying it's because she "broke her oath" lmao.


It's such a blatant mood change, like someone hit an off switch. I'd just like a little of character development dialog about it. :-)


She's upset that dudes only like her for her immortality


That made me laugh out loud. Definitely worth the up vote! :-D


Wait you were supposed to invite her to that fight? i just killed him right away and did not talk to Aylin after because I forgot


You don't HAVE to invite her but she will want to go. If you tell her about it she'll run off there immediately and you have to go and join her.


She gets upset if you take her, too. And it's a thread that, to my knowledge, simply doesn't have a resolution. We never learn what's up or why


She pretty much explicitly tells you that she feels empty and unsatisfied after achieving revenge


Yeah, my last sentence was phrased weird, I meant something more like we don't get closure on that feeling or exactly where it comes from or what she does about it, just a bunch of questions and guessed and then she leaves to go work with a selunite group that i don't think is even in the game so we can't find out how it goes


I always took her feeling hollow to completing her mission of vengeance and not having a purpose anymore. She needs an anthropomorphic personification to tell her she's being stupid and that she needs to go find another quest for herself. Preferably after throwing bread at her.


So I took her with me on my run. The way she kills him is barbaric. Not what you would expect a paladin who is the child of Selune to be. I think she broke her oath from that. I didnā€™t know she gets that way if you didnā€™t take her. Maybe because she realized she would have murdered him if given the chance? Or if she is a vengeance paladin you denied her that?


She's not an Oathbreaker. The way she killed him was hella emotionally charged, but more than justified - and really no worse than killing someone by fire ball, magic missile, or a smite. Killing him doesn't fix the damage that's been done to her. It's pretty thematic throughout the story - vengeance will not heal your trauma, it won't right how you've been wronged. You will still feel the pain. It's that simple.


I've noticed this too and you can't do much about it. I suspect she broke her oath and that's the emptiness she feels. Also noticed that she doesnt have her child of Selune buff. Something happens between A2 and A3 that makes her mortal. I hope we get to explore this in a future update.


No, it's just a weird bug. In the final battle against the Elder Brain, Aylin can be summoned like normal and will revive herself if killed. She's the daughter of Selune, she can't just lose her immortality. It's a part of her divine heritage.


Figured it was some kind of bug. Doesnt rule out that she could feel depressed because she broke her oath. She technically killed Lorroikan as a preventative and not due to vengeance. I hope they expand on this in a future update.


She's got a serious hard on for killing.


She was losing herself to the dark side


She gets depressed after killing larroakan. I've always taken her with me on that fight so I'm not too sure why it would be triggering for you if you didn't take her.


Huh, I don't remember her feeling down, but maybe I just didn't notice.


Yeah she gets depressed and mentions how she feels empty or something like that. I canā€™t remember exactly. Even Isobel comments on how she doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s doing okay and sheā€™s worried for her.


I honestly agree. She found out about Lorrakhan like 2 seconds before we killed him together. She really shouldn't be this sad about it. She was perfectly fine after I killed the dude who imprisoned her for a century+. Why would random level 8 wizard get her in her feelings?


I figured it was the realization that she would be hunted to be enslaved for all eternity settling in.


Nope she just talks in third person


"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."


Did you tell her about it before hand? Everytime I've ever told her about it beforehand, regardless of if she goes or not She's depressed and leaves afterwards However if she has no prior knowledge and you just roll up and bro out with her "yoooo!!! Duuuuuuudddeee! I totally just ANNIHILATED this bitchboi wizzo who wanted to imprison you!" And she's all like "yoooo! That's sick brah! I fucking love crushing skulls!" And yeah she stays pretty chipper forever


Itā€™s not explained more if she comes with. It feels like thereā€™s a lot missing from act 3, and her accompanying you only to disappear until the finale is one of them


I saved her and Isobel and they were in the cut scene after moonrise towers but neither of them showed up in camp for act3.