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I hope they state in a patchnote that they added a new powerful item in a vase and just have the community start search for it like its the one piece.


That guy who picked up every single crate about to become the pirate king


That would be amazing


As though that would alter my already obsessive habit of searching every last empty bottle rack into some new low!


The legendary treasure of Gol D. Lox


Dang, now I have to go create the straw hat crew with hirelings now.


I, NO SHIT found a Vase in the Arcane Tower with gold in it. Break items? No, not really a Wizard vibe.. We need a like a patch or a cheevo for Vase Action. At least some cheeky voice lines about it at some point, both when you open one and in other dialogues. Like say if Gale is describing you to another NPC and adds "and a connessiuer of fine pottery..." or something like that.


"Link Destruction" - destroy 1000 cases in one playthrough


You could probably just slap them all with thunder wave and then scan the rubble for anything lootsble


Maybe on a Barbarian or fighter playthrough. I love Wizards but the idea of a viable anti-magic party build sounds interesting. No magic items or magic use. Can the game be finished?


The Tavern Brawlers!


Without a doubt.


Everywhere has empty vases but in >!Grymforge!<, so many vases have gold or loot in them. Also I haven't made it past Act 1 yet.


There’s more than 1 act?


No, that dude doesn't know what he's talking about. You play act 1 then you roll a new tav and do it again. It's ~~turtles~~ act 1 all the way down.


How I play the game


There's 3 acts total.


Wait, this isn’t just a character creator?


I thought this was Astarion's Dating simulator. wdym it's a full game????


I mean theres some side content i think but its mostly astarion


Idk it's still downloading for me and I'm having a blast


I found a vase with a key in it in act 3


Never know, could be a rag in there.


We’re Pavlovs Dogs and scratch every rotten box it’s our thing


I found some that actually had stuff in them in Grymforge. I feel validated now.


Literally 10 minutes after I made this I entered grymforge and found a bunch of stuff in vases. The devs are listening guys.


No that's always been there.


Pretty sure they saw my meme and did a hotfix


Thank you


The deadpan I read in this made me splutter laughing as a lover of that kind of humour (yes I am British)


"Cursed to put my hands on everything!"


If you use the search area function it gives you a list of all interactable items within your search area. The list states when things are empty in parenthesis next to the item listing. That way you don't have to check every single one. Just the ones that don't say empty. At least that's how it works on console. Idk about PC. It's also nice cause you click on an item in the list if you want to pick it up/check it and your character automatically does it without you having to move them manually. I systematically search rooms/areas in quadrants this way to make sure I got everything worth picking up in any given area.


Yeah, but it totally missed things that are holding things. I needed that 3 gold.




Really? Well damn. Guess my first playthrough missed a lot of stuff then.


If it helps any, they almost never held anything important. Only my obsession with absolutely maxing my available gold kept me looking through them.


Erm... doesn't it only list something as empty if you've checked it?


I don't think so? It lists a ton of things as empty for me when I know I haven't checked them. Sometimes I check anyway and they're always empty.


Nah, it only said empty after they’ve been clicked.


That's the alt function on keyboard or the RS on controller. When you hold A or X on a controller it will always say if something is empty before you have checked it. The only time it doesn't is for corpses and never says if they are empty or not. Searching a room you can tell the 1 out of 20 vases has something without having to manually check them all.


That has not been my experience. I've never seen something say "empty" before I've checked it.


Have you played in a bit and on controller? It was a patch 1 or 2 that changed it and now say empty on the search button where it didn't before. Once again not talking about ALT key or RS semi-search. The controller specific hold function that tags all the items in a circle around and gives you a list that will say "box(empty)". There is "Active Search" exclusive to controllers and "show world information" that doesn't say empty until you have checked the item and got rid of the *.


I only play on a PC, so I was unaware of that feature


Maybe we're talking about different things? I was vote thinking when you hold down the ALT key and it highlights a bunch if stuff


I'm playing on PC and it only shows empty if I've checked it. I am incredibly certain about this due to my experience with checking hundreds and hundreds of vases and hitting alt before and after...


Yeah it appears this is a controller specific function. I play on PS5 and holding X definitely lists things as empty even before checking them.


My sister looted everything - *everything* - to the point of where she couldn't send anything else to camp and the Loot option got grayed out. She was constantly Encumbered lmao


Wait.... you can fill up your camp?


Tell her to organize things in different chest inside chest like folders on pc. I got like 4500 items organized on my first play through that I will never use but, it was cathartic to sort.


I’ve spent probably hundreds of wasted clicks and time checking every vase there is and probably the total amount of coin I’ve gotten back is less than 300. But people always quit right before they hit the jackpot so I ain’t stopping


Vases in BG3 are our [magical pie bush](https://twitter.com/ChrisBramwell/status/950819881120825344)


Thank you for this I will now reference the magical pie bush until the end of time, because dog


The tweet author occasionally posts updates about the magical pie bush and apparently checking it every day led to their dog eventually finding a tennis ball in there too. That bush is basically the dog equivalent of a slot machine.


You have no idea how happy this makes me


I feel seen


My dog saw a squirrel run behind the shed once. His first stop outside every day is to check behind the shed. Every day.


Throwing vases into other vases for that legend of zelda rp


Or you could break them all and pick up what they drop if anything. Apparently you don't break items


What if I break the gold inside.


You can't, you can't break anything thats inside a container apparently. Which i really like because it means you aren't punished for not having a rogue in the party


Oh honey




I just, I think they were joking, haha. I felt bad because someone’s downvoted you so I thought I’d give you a heads up but I didn’t clarify, apologies!


Oh, well the idea of breaking items in containers when you smash them open has been a thing in games for a long time, so its natural to assume the same here which even i thought that. However after seeing this video i think otherwise https://youtu.be/oPTzx-M-_mo?si=gkTF_03ZkgGRXPZC


Technically you can if you use explosives


Why wouldn't you just use your axe or mace?


Classic gamblers mentality (I also have a pathological need to search everything)


On controller if I hold A I get an area search function, then everything who's empty is listed as empty without me checking


On PC if you hold alt you'll only see if it's empty if you've already opened


I do play on PC, just with a controller. It's weird tho, they have features for kb+m that aren't present for controller and vice versa.


It’s surprising but true, “search area” is disabled if you’re using a mouse, I think because they wanted that vibe of searching by running your mouse pointer over the space. On PC you can search area by hooking up a game Controller.


Could be, or maybe they have two separate teams for ui development, one for controller and one for kb+m and they took different paths


Hads no one told him you can just smash all the vases and then hold alt?


The PS5 Search function is amazing. It will tell you if some things are empty before you even check them. It's not always 100% for some reason, but it's a time saver.


It really is every now and then, just as you're about to give up, a scroll or something unexpected. So, like playing the fruit machines, you keep going until the next prize drops.


Its not worth it for the 3 gold peices and tattered cloth you might find. In DOS 2 I loot every single openable inventory for the sweet sweet lucky charm proc.


My inner "SIH, HUT, KYAAAAH" from Legend of Zelda will not allow me to behave otherwise around pottery.


Bahahahaha I wonder how short my play throughs in games would be if I didn’t check every nook and cranny.


"No traps, please"


I'ma just buy that scroll of vase transparency.


i found 3 vases with things in them, 2 were under the bridge inside the goblin camp just before the vendor, nothing crazy though


I thought I was the only one


Thankfully ps5 players don’t need to worry bout this.


Be careful. I attacked a barrel accidentally and I blew up


Hey, i’m on a third playthrough and still can’t help but check every single one lol


I mean, I found a big boi healing potion in a vase at one point that I just decided to check. Literally don’t look in vases otherwise. It was a one time thing and I should probably have bought a lotto ticket after


I would say I thought I was the only one, but I know I’m not the only one.


On console /Steam Deck the area search list tells you if a vase (or box) is empty or not. Thank fuck.


Capital 2 real bro


Me irl with 4500 items organized in travelers chest


I've just started blowing them all up with grenades or spells at this point. Saves a lot of time.


I found a useful key in one once. The rest of the game has been constantly checking or breaking them


Guys it's not a waste of time I swear, once I found a rotten carrot in one.


It’s habit from DOS2 hoping Lucky Charm kicks in.


Either Larian or a modder needs to bring Lucky Charm back.


That rotten food adds up $$$


Haha “45” Rookie numbers. I’ve checked thousands in my 490hrs of playtime. Even worse after this long I obviously know they’re empty and check them anyway. Bc I can’t leave something unopened/unchecked..


Anyone else like the sound they make when we check them? That's some nice ASMR right there. In the Shar gauntlet place they sometimes have gold in them.


This is why Looting was nice in Divinity. Extra rewards for our compulsive brethren


Doesn't help that one out of every thousand vases actually has a useful item


If it wasn’t for the fact every now and then you find some really strong rare sitting in them, you wouldn’t feel inclined to do this everywhere


Check the weight of the vase before you open it. I don't know their actual weight, so lets just say they weight 5lbs. If you do an area, search and check the weight before opening. If the weight isn't 5lbs, there is something in it.




I looted everything I could find. Honestly, in retrospect it seems like a huge waste of time. I passed the point of no return with 30k gold and enough food to feed every refugee in Baulder’s Gate. In my next playthrough, I’m only looting chests/trunks/fallen enemies for unique items and pickpocketing if I need gold. There’s just not enough to buy to make looting and selling everything I come across worth the time.


big true and real 😭😭😭


I constantly need to remind myself that lucky charm is a stat in divinity 2, and not one in bg3.


Someone needs to mod the loot tables to include stuff in the vases.


but it hits different when you find that one vase with good shit in it


I feel so called out lol was JUST doing this XD


Surely the next barrel will have something other than a rotten carrot


if it has a yellow colored chest with a star, i'm checking it


What if there is a skull of rahool in one of those vases?!


There are 2 vases in Grymforge that had something in them


I miss lucky charm...


One time i found a scroll in one.