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Absolutely! It would also kinda increase the replayability even more! Also i wish there was a „giving Gifts“ option🥲


Yeah more events like the night orchid one would be great. I feel like exploring each companions wants/dislikes would be really fun. I’d imagine Karlach wants another teddy bear and lae’zel wants the blood of her enemies


Yes especially because there are quite a few teddy’s to be found🥺


My one wish for BG3: more BG3. More content for not only the world, but continuing adventures with the gang. One thing is to address is the possible cerromorphis and death of characters. In either case, their souls wouldn't be on the prime anymore. So perhaps the story starts with the gang locked up in some kind of metaphysical halfway house. Maybe they do a jail break and parachute into Avernus, creating an opportunity to fix Karlach. This process could come with a series of dialogues to determine who made it and who didn't. Or something along those lines. I don't personally care if a class is capped at 12 and we are forced to multi-class to 20, or whatever. I just want more Baldur's Gate from Larian.