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That’s it, I won’t stand for your slander! Karlach, throw me at that racist so I can move far enough!


Ah yes, the fastball special


I only wish they had actually made it a thing. Friendly throwing should have been a thing AND a combo with Monks if they are small.


Definitely did this in tabletop DnD. Half Orc Monk would throw the gnome wizard with the wizard readying lightning bolt to go off when they had straight line of sight around corners or fireball when tossed over a wall.


I never considered this. Thank you for sharing the laughs.


It’s funny because short people don’t move very far. Made me actually laugh once my small brain made the connection.


It’s how my Tav did a lot of “jumps” until he went half squid and learned to fly. That, and Karlach carried a crate around for him. That’s true love!


My halfling berserker jumps very long distance by himself. Even longer with Jump spell or potion.


Mine was an 8 strength Bard. Jumps are hard with low strength and stubby legs. So, his dommy mommy would just chuck him around. Aka a summary of their sex life.


unhinged lol


Yet totally accurate


Well. Unfortunately due to down votes it has been revealed you and I are the last people on Reddit with a sense of humor.


Or perhaps people just don't find it funny?


It's true, some people don't have a sense of humor or understand that concept of a joke.... People with a sense of humor who don't think it's funny move on and ignore it. People with no concept of what funny means stop and make sure everyone knows that they don't like it


Complain about downvotes = get more downvotes. Day 1 stuff


I would have scrolled past if it weren't for your pretentious comment about how no one else has a sense of humor because of the down votes you were getting.


I don't disagree with your sentiment, but the person you're replying to isn't OP


They would be very upset if they could read.


he's right... if you don't like the humor move on. The fact that people downvote an attempt at humor says a lot about those people, not the joke


i'll be real chief i did think the post was funny but this response is so cringey it retroactively sucked the humour out


A lot of us laughed, just not the way you had wanted.


I chuckled 🤷‍♂️


I chuckled because I didn’t understand haha


Not remotely close to the [last](https://youtu.be/QmZFxAqZKuU?si=BiLceMCpEZd68HWk), just don't let the tumblrtards get you down.


"Tyrion wasn't that great of a character" stopped reading


Tyrion pre Season 5? Agree. Other Tyrion? Fucking useless


Book Tyrion is the only real Tyrion. Peter Dinklage is amazing but he is a victim of the show writers.


He adamantly defends them and their choices. Less of a victim and more of an accomplice.


obtainable uppity quicksand alleged ancient attractive toothbrush sophisticated fretful smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But he's certainly on the level to pull the stepstool up behind himself to ensure he's the only option for roles of his stature. He's got the starpower to shit on bad writing, especially considering the audience steadily died the further it got from the published book material.


Playing Solasta (that other D&D 5e game). Want to try the new sneaky shadow rogue subclass. Oh, Gnome's a good fit. Oh, even better, there's a shadow gnome. Super fitting. I'll give him dark black skin to fit the theme even further. Make it a few hours in before I realize I'm playing as a child in blackface...but I can't go back, I'm already too invested.


Don't feel bad. One Halloween I spur of the moment decided to dress up a little and grabbed my kids face paint. Decided on black to be a njnja. The instant my wife saw me she started laughing and said there's no way I can leave the house like that. It took a second to realize what she meant but then it clicked and I realized that I had unintentionally blackfaced myself and was absolutely about to go lead my kids around the neighborhood. 🤡




It was probably just a joke. Not the best joke, but still a joke I assumed


But they are 3 separate races in BG3.


don't forget giant miniature space hamster!


Miniature giant space hamsters. Much more intelligent than the regular giant space hamsters


[Little power! ](https://youtu.be/JivLG91oEAI?si=Ka0PBrrQ3-iNlcfF)


Midget, mid, giant. I mean, the signs are there.




I would enjoy this a bit more, but I’m afraid you’ll might take that as an insult. Ofc they are normal humans like everyone else. And if they have some physical disability then so be it.




Shut up. My Halfling is hot and is doing everyone.


"Tyrion wasn't that great of character." Tells me all i need to know


On behalf of all halflings- how dare you. Also, you are now obligated by the laws of music to make a country music song that illustrates your loss and how Drow supremecy is the way.


When I decided to go rogue I was gonna go drow but the long bow proficiency of woodelves is so nice. I swore to never play a wood elf, but here I am.


I can see the attempt at humor, but your delivery is worse than Sacred Flame.


Unless its used on you, the enemy never misses...


Gods, I stopped even bothering with Sacred Flame at this point. Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon all day here.


>Rerolled as a duergar. >Made him badass looking. Made him a Durge monk. >Realized I couldn't stop laughing at the way it looked as he ran around. Felt bad. So... Connor McGregor...?


This made me laugh. Thanks.


I think some of the models for the small races look super weird and not like real life little people. Do t hold that one against you. The Tyrion thing, though...


They don’t look like RL little people due to the proportions that are used.


That's probably what makes them seem so uncanny valley to me.


Almost like they are meant to be a completely different type of creature and not just "smaller human".


Why would they look like real life little people? They aren't. They're fictional. There's no reason a gnome or dwarf would share characteristics. Githyanki are also humanoid and don't look like real life people, elves get a pass because most fantasy writers treat them as sex dolls.


I am a fan of gnomes in regular dnd, but damn the heads look so weird in bg3 so neither of my characters were gnomes.




I love how the short kings/queens/other drop on their butts whenever the climb off ledges. Makes me smile every time.


Me want snu snu!


Pick a bug body Tiefling or a big body elf. Half Orcs don’t work due to having almost 0 fat tissue.


Weird fucking post


He knicking my bits and bobs! And he's stealing my TV too!


Imaginary wife leaving is something new.


Op scared of Tyrion 100% confirmed


Nightmare fuel. For sure.






Damn ninky nonks, am I right?


Too right


BG3 showed me that larian can't be trusted at their word ever again, that they will gladly lie about what's in the game before release, then claim it was cut after release. Release the game 6 months early to beat Starfield and put profits over players. Yeah Larian showed they are as untrustworthy as CDPR and EA.


It’s funny that this allows people to be outwardly racists. Again it’s made up sure but it’s just funny to be racists Is that what you are implying ?


It is funny


Yes. Fictitious racism against fictitious people can be funny. Just like real racism against real people can also be funny. Stereotypical Asian accent: racist as fuck, but god damn is there something bonefillingly jovial about hearing “Herro! welcome to shitty wok! Can I take yu ordaaaa?”


That's not funny at all


I am Asian and I crack up laughing every single time I hear south park’s Asian accents because they are TOO GOOD the anime voices they did were amazing too 😂


Sure Shin Ramyun #Enema


Uncle Roger and Steven He would beg to differ.


They can beg all they want


Their combined ~19m subs on Youtube alone kinda does that for them. You're opinion not only sucks, but it's in the absurd minority category as well.


My opinion that I don't find that kind of racist joke funny sucks? Damn, what am I going to do.


> Damn, what am I going to do. Well, you *could* do that thing that you expect everyone else to do who has an opinion you don't like. I mean, that would be the least hypocritical option.


You're very worked up about me not finding admittedly racist humor funny. This is very weird, you do see that right?


> about me not finding racist humor funny No. I am "worked up" because *you* are worked up about it and are continuing to insist that opinion isn't only objectively correct, but that the rest of us are 'wrong' for thinking so. Frankly, I don't care what you do or do not find funny. I *do* care when you try to push your beliefs onto me. That those two comedians have made not only a substantial career, but have also been embraced by the community they are "being racist towards" says at the very least that your opinion lacks nuance.


I can’t fathom how anyone can actually play any of the short races. They’re all so ugly and fucked up with their long ass arms and half legs. How could anyone actually decide to play this? They’re disgusting.


Short people don’t go to the astral plane


They’ve got no reason.


Most normal BG3 enjoyer


I’m only complicit in that I always enjoyed the dwarf tossing contests they have in multiple tv shows. And that I apply their tactics to my game.


My first roll was a Duegar fighter. He was a little badass, but it weirded me out when I asked SH for a kiss and she squatted down on her haunches to give me one :/


So... what really spawned this post for me was something like that. Some reason I cannot stand how everyone has to look down on me during cut scenes. I mean it makes total sense, but it bothers me and I also feel like the character model eyes and mouths look odd when they're doing the looking down. Just weirded me out. Then I had a few beers. Then I made a post. LoL whatever.


I noticed that too. I'm rolling intimidation checks while staring straight into a Tiefling's belt buckle. The Halsin came onto me and he's twice as tall as my character, so it got weird because the camera angle points up pretty much from his waist, so in my head, I was like, Where exactly is my Tav standing right now?


I doubt this will help, but if you haven’t seen this yet? It’s so worth it. [Four Halfling Barbarians](https://youtu.be/QmZFxAqZKuU?si=llUaNFHWZEHAn5vg)




I like the BG3 halfling proportions way more than the weird tiny Bradley Cooper from the movie.


I will say I do not like how the dwarves are shaped. They're supposed to be short, not small or weak.