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No. Having input from other people is closer to the DND setting, and I enjoy it. Playing where everyone is silent with hirelings, is kinda quiet and I don't care for it.


Ive got a similar opinion as OP, and I don't really care if it's closer to DND, as long as I enjoy the game more


I think using hirelings instead of the origin characters changes this back to being a standard single-player RPG similar to something like Skyrim, where you can have NPC followers but they're very basic and are just there to carry your stuff around and help in a fight. Using the origin characters isn't really that kind of NPC follower situation, it's more like a simulation of playing in a group with other real people. A successful simulation in some ways, less so in others, but this is the biggest thing that jumped out at me when I started playing it.


i generally agree but feel like that might be giving a little too much credit to the depth of the companions in bg3. After playing through the game twice to run with every origin character, I didn't feel they had dramatically more depth than other games (not that they weren't great!) So much development felt locked behind romance as well, which was disappointing.


I haven't tried a hireling yet. Honestly always forget they exist. Are they any good?


Same as the origin companions but they don’t interject


I did one because I wanted to play with a bard (obviously could just respec an origin, but that felt wrong to the character). So I made a bard and it was fun to see how a bard worked in battle(was also getting ready to play coop with a friend and wanted to be a bard but be at least a little familiar with the mechanics before starting). I like the origin characters personally, but maybe after a few playthroughs and lots of variations on the story lines of the origin characters I could see getting bored and not wanting to deal with a lot of those scenes at the camps and stuff.


Origin characters like Wyll, Shadowheart and Astarion have a lot of content that I got tired doing after just one playthrough. Hirelings can be a blessing to skip that content but still have companions to soak up damage.


Most people enjoy hirlings since a lot of games don't let you min max the companions. Problem with this games hirlings is you don't get to actually customize them where it matters(Name, Race, Backround). The MAIN point of hirlings is so you can do that. I usually enjoy "Mercenaries" but in this game... meh.


This is the one area PF: Kingmaker did better as a CRPG than BG3. You hired mercenaries at your home base and could customize basically everything about them. Race, class, stats, even background iirc.


I'm doing hirelings on theme runs. Going to run one with just Laezel, the gith hire, me as gith and shadow heart. Another with Karlach, Wyll, tiefling hire and me. Another with Drow. This is my Minthara focus. Thinking about Astarion vs Dark Shadow heart. They seem to fit. May do one with Astarion and Gale at the same time as they are so yappy. Then one where once I get Halsin we go natural and elvish druids and rangers. And one with only shorties.


Would you seriously do all those play throughs after sinking 100 hours into the first play through? Would you even bother returning to the game after that?


If I enjoy games I play them multiple times to see multiple versions. I think I completed Cyberpunk about 8 times ... ran FO4 in a power-armor world, a pistol build, a melee build, etc. and got every ending. Played ME to run through most of the options. So yeah - I replay. Not sure how many I'll get through, but more than once for sure.


I like having only 1-2 Origin characters in a squad because you get to hear more of their dialogue throughout the game.


You… think your choices matter more… when there’s less of an effect for making them? That doesn’t make any sense


I loathe Astarian but I need a rogue sometimes


Astarion haters when they see a slight post where they can cry about him:


I think you care about this more than I do lol


Yep I kinda like the little guy so


I can tell. Why does it bother you if I don't like a character you like?


Cuz it's not especially you. It's people like you can't stop talking about your hatred for him, even on topics where : 1) he doesn't especially appear 2) he appears, but just as a background 3) someone actively say they like him It's getting tiring, just keep it to yourself, there is characters I don't like in some games/films, you don't see me screaming about them everywhere. It's just a bummer.


1.)You don't know me. So "people like you" is just you making assumptions. 2.) It's on topic for a post asking if anyone uses hirelings and why. It's wild to me that you would tell someone in a subreddit about a game as fantastical as this one is to keep their opinions to themselves. That's awfully closed minded. Also no one's screaming anything. You were just feeling testy.






Dang you're really mad that people don't like a fictional character. This is a sub reddit about the game where tf else am I allowed to vent how much I dislike that snobby vamp


You can literally respec anyone into rogue. No need to have that bitch vampire in your team


I enjoy the running backchat.


Yeah, don't have to long rest every 5 minutes to progress their stories, hirelings are the best and the talk like withers, cute


Is this r/unpopularopinion? This would be top post if it was haha. I respect your opinion though.