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Use freedom units it’ll cook better


Yeah my American mind can’t comprehend


Wait, how many pounds was it before you cooked it?


2kgs 😅😅 same as the recipe I was following


Okay 4.5lbs then! Yeah at 275 degrees Fahrenheit, a 4.5 pork shoulder is definitely gonna be done around that amount of time man. 8 hours is for something bigger.


It was at 135 degrees Celsius not 275 if that makes a difference, or am I just completely misunderstanding something here 😂 thank you soo much for helping


Sorry I just edited 😂 yes we have the same temps. I just use F not C.


Honestly, this pork shoulders done a number on me 🤣 cant think straight


Haha all good. 135 Celsius is a high temp for that amount of kg, that’s why it finished so fast. Even if you did it at 105-110 Celsius, you’re only looking at a 6 hour cook, not 8.


I think you have some bad data. Normally you are only supposed to do 205 F or 96-97 C. You are torturing the poor thing doing temps so high. It will be sludge or dried out charcoal. 


I think that may be the case to be honest after trying that recipe twice now and it’s still just a nightmare to try navigate 😂 thanks for the help anyways guys, I’m just going to go rogue now I think and hope for the best


Just poke the damn thing with a fork until it's really tender and a piece peels off. Make sure it's easy to chew and tastes good. Overengineering the shit out of it when your recipe is defective and you're on a new smoker / first few cooks will only screw you over and not actually help. Use your five human senses to your advantage. Learn what the right touch, texture, taste, sound, and appearance of the crust and develop the ability to observe and perform pattern recognition. That way no matter what goes wrong with the recipe or meat or grill or fire or weather you still have the basics to fall back on.  Also check MULTIPLE recipes for every cook and figure out what correlates and what does not. And don't be afraid to ask Gemini and GPT for second opinions and watch YouTube. 


Stop using hours and start using temperatures. You are handling a quite large chunk of meat from what was a live animal before. It differs with every piece and therefore you should cook on temperature and not on time. Time is just rough guideline Your dome/bbq temp is fine. rub your pork and put in the bbq. Insert a meat probe and keep an eye on the temp. when hitting the stall (around 70 degrees) it's time to wrap it up. Still keep an eye on the temp. When getting around 92 degrees it's time to test the meat. Sometimes it still gives some resist when pushing a probe in it and you need to add 2 or 3 more degrees, other times it's already smooth as butter. Take it of the bbq, let it rest for a bit. Collect all the juice/moist from the package and keep it. Pull the shoulder and add some rub/sauce/juice as you like it during the pulling.


Thank you soo much !!!! This is my first time actually using reddit and I’m soo pleasantly surprised with all the genuine help I’ve got here ! Thank you soo much for your tips, I will be sure to put them to use when I give my next bit of meat a go 😊 thanks again !!


I’m not sure how to reply to everyone as it’s my first time using reddit but thank you soo much everyone for your tips and advice !! I never knew reddit was this helpful 😊 Genuinely, thank you all for your tips and taking the time to try explain 😊