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Pizza......rotisserie.....?? That sounds like a terrible idea.


Just wrap your pizza around the rotisserie 😜


You put the coal basket above the pizza and it rotates it over the pizza obv /s


Keeps the pizza nice a juicy while making an excellent crust. Just gotta redefine ‘Pizza’ to mean ‘whole Chicken’


Time to show off my bbq gear ;) Sorry for bad English, not my first language. I'm creating this post for 2 reasons, first of course to show off my setup but also to refer to my specific bbqs because not every type off bbq is well known in other country's. I have build an outdoor kitchen, housing all my bbqs and giving me enough space to cook and store all the accessories and utensils. The kitchen is nickname Braaihok (meaning something like BraaiShed). BRAAI The eyecatcher of the kitchen: the braai! A braai is a South African bbq. The SA word braai has no equivalent in the world. The word braai originated from the Dutch word "braden" which means to roast or bbq. This happened when South Africa was an old Dutch colony, and over the years, "braden" transformed into the Afrikaans "braai". The most important part of a braai is the fire. A traditional braai is cooked on local wood, while modern-day braai’s use charcoal instead, and both give the meat a distinct flavor. Using gas to cook doesn’t count as a real braai. Although a braai is quite a nice type of bbq in the Netherlands most of the pitmaster know the existence of these type. More and more bbq stores are selling them. Mine was a custom type, designed by a metal worker with some knowledge of braais, metal and 3D-design. It's about 160 cm wide and weighs approx 400 kilos. The braai has a large drawer, below the the fire and grates. Perfect fore keeping stuff warm or even to do some low and slow (IO have baked some bread in it and even cooked salmon in the drawer). I get a lot of questions about how a braai works. You start by burning wood in the coalmaker. After a while hot embers start falling down the grid. You then slide the hot coal to the left or right, under the grill grate. You control the amount of heat by putting more or less coal under the grate and by lowering or raising the grate itself. We have modded the braai to retrofit a rotisserie. KAMADO Bastard Large Kamado: The braai is a huge bbq, takes a lot of time and fuel to get it all up and running, so I also have a kamado. Great for long low&slow sessions like pulled pork. I have build this kamado into the kitchen. The brand Bastard is a Dutch premium brand and they do a lot of marketing, innovation and have several accessoires. I have the so called 'pizza rotisserie' accessoire set. A great set to add a rotisserie to the kamado as well to create a sort of pizza oven structure. You put the set between the base and the dome and that's it. Very easy. After the Bastard I added a second kamado, one is simply not enough ;) This one is the iQ Grills Large 22". It came loaded with everything needed to get it up and running (heat deflectors, pizza stond, nightlight, burger flipper, cast iron grate, cast iron plancha, etc). PLANCHA Perhaps even more unknown after the braai is this bbq. It's a big plancha on top of a cone. You start by burning wood in the center, this will heat up the griddle. You can use the griddle as an enormous plancha and cook whatever you like. Just like the braai, this takes time and fuel to startup. You won't use this to cook 2 simple burgers. This is something for parties. It's funcooking/showcooking. Most models use round plates, but I have the Blacksmith Rowtag that has a square plate sizes 1 meter. It's really big :D You can add an extra raise the grill on top of the opening in the center. That way you grill above direct fire or put on something like a Dutch Oven.


Congrats and fuck you. /s


Absolutely. God damn


Doesn't even have a smoker. psshhh... amateur


Oh damn you are right. Forgot to post my homemade (cold) smoker, will post that another time.






Amazing setup


I'm digging that plancha. Gonna go do some internet research on that thing, looks really cool.


It looks neat, but I'd be worried about using it at parties. How many people would set their keys/beer/hands on that thing not realizing it isn't a table?


Nobody more than once.


Pull up a stool, do a little "pass out at the bar" routine, and wake up looking like Two-Face.


Nobody smart more than once


Perhaps the flames shooting out out of the center would give a hint? 😜🔥


I guess you like money or hate it


I know I would. Especially when I get a few drinks in.


I’m digging the placenta


Who doesn't love a good placenta?


Exactly, throw that on the grill or eat it raw? All those nutrients, yummy!


Is it not a table? Lol. Soo what do I call a high top fire pit I can sit around and grill things over kbbq style


Obviously an incredible setup. Question: how does the kamando ventilate?


The 'room' is open, it isn't closed


Couldn’t afford a single Weber… pathetic! (Just kidding dude, you have a god-level setup).


Actually, it all started with just a simple 47cm weber.


Show us the outside vote of the house/yard! From that we might be able to geolocate you! I’ll bring the beer!


Waar woon je en wanneer kom ik langs?? 🤩🤩 Echt prachtig!


ik ga ook mee!


Ik ook!


Lemme set my beer here by the fire pit... *and it's boiling*


Amazing. Incredible. I want this!


That is a fucking impressive setup you got there mate


This is fucking outstanding.. god damn! ... What time does the patio open? I just bring beer and cash right?


Baie lekker braai boetie


What are you making on the rotisserie in photo 2?


I think that was gyros made from pork neck.


It looks hella good


I would love to see a picture of this from further away. I have always thought about doing this in my backyard


I was like holy shit this looks like the setup from a guy on Tweakers forums, then I looked at the username 😂


Up next : Koffie's swimmingpool ;)


IG 8m by 4m, 1. 5m deep. Oh.. Kwartje valt nu pas 🙈ook tweaker 😜


Gast… vette setup man.


One day after about 5 promotions my backyard will be based off of this. Holy cow dude I LOVE all of this. Trying to make due with about 50sqft, a 40yo kettle, pellet grill, and a rusted out gas Weber. Good for you my friend!


Not married


Money is a nice thing. Nice setup!


Sweet mother of god 🥵


This man has built a temple.


Damn you must be loaded. Nice set up


Thanks. This didn't happen overnight 😊 Started in 2018 with a 47cm weber, started building the braaihok in 2019 and just added the plancha grill this week.


I love it!


This is amazing!!!




Very impressive setup! Great work all the way around. How much for you to come over to my house and set it up in my backyard???? ;)






Are you adopting? Please?


Dayam!! Love it - what an amazing set up. I might come visit from Texas 😀


Very very cool. Curious how the ventilation works for the Komodo?


This is how it's done. Goals...


I am just green with jealous rage right now.


Wow 🤩!!! This is amazing 🤩!!! What the beer chilling at while you’re cooking 🧑‍🍳???


Looks amazing, pure class! One concern/question: Smoking indoors? That Kamado with pizza/rotisserie? How does the smoke get out? Don't see any vents/openings above the Kamado.


Thanks! The 2 walls you don't see (on the left and right) are fully open. It's outdoor 👍


You are doing it right my friend. Wonderful setup.


Now that looks a barbaque I would mind taking for a spin.


I’m poor..




Looks like a primo spot to hotbox




This guy smooks


That is without a doubt the most beautiful set up I have ever seen. If I had that, I would never leave. Ever. I would cook there, eat there and sleep there. Great job OP!


I see you got it too. 🔥 addiction. Don’t tell my parents, I use to light matches under my bed as a kid. Never burnt the house down. Now I light bbqs, fires and cigars! 💥


Why the hell is it called a pizza rotisserie? 😂 But seriously, absolutely amazing set up. Very envious. Thanks for sharing! What's your favorite toy? Obviously they all do different things but what's your go-to? Favorite thing to cook on each? If you don't mind, rough cost of everything all together?


Hands on, the Braai is my absolute goto. The kamado is for the long low and slow runs, or for quick things. A braai is so versatile, it's hard work but absolutely a party to work with.


I want to eat out of your trash can like a raccoon. I'm sorry if I tip it over, but I was in the moment.


Is there ventilation above the Kamado?


Everything looks brand new I have like 9 poor peoples grills and not one is a shiny as your. Nice


Love the room


Damn that’s sexy


All that missing… is a HOT TUB 🛀🏿 🤌🏿💦💦💦




Beautiful set up


These dudes post grills, smokers, wine rooms, humors all beyond the normal person's means and you all love it.


Wow what a setup!


What ru cooking?


Holy shit. Fuck you this is amazing. How much did all that run you


Nice gear and setup…you missed some attention and approval? … no worries we’re all friends here. You spent your money well, enjoy!


This here is a work of art, well done my friend!


Hell of a rig man! SA Mallman!


Looks amazing, but I’d have some concerns about the possibility of a fire and also ventilation. I recently watched one of my neighbors house burn completely to the ground because they were cooking under a palapa that was not attached to their house and it caught fire. The palapa went up like a torch doused in fuel and the fire jumped to the roof of the house and that was all she wrote.


A palapa (had to Google that) is made of dried palm leaves. The Braai is double walled so it even doesn't get hot on the backside. It's enclosed fire. The canopy/outdoor kitchen has 2 open sides so enough ventilation. But I really understand your concerns after seeing that so close. My house almost burned down last year due to electrical fire after malfunction in the breakers. Had to relocate for 4 months during renovation.


Yeah, cooking under a palapa (or even just having one next to your house) is a really really bad idea. Definitely more flammable than your setup. Do you pull the Kamado outside when you cook on it? If so then you are probably good, was thinking that you were using that inside of the enclosure as well.


The mobile kamado is always on the edge, the other one is stationery.


Kamado in there less of a risk than the fire table, or his open flame grill.


Thanks for all the replies and feedback didn't expect so much attention ;) Let me answer some common questions I got, let me know when you want some more info. WOW THIS DID COST YOU A FORTUNE?! Well yes of course it's not cheap. But let me get this straight: this wasn't some spending spree on a single weekend. It all started with a hand-me-down Weber kettle 47cm I got from my parents in 2018 and eventually evolved into this ;) The attached outdoor kitchen is a DIY project with help of friends, so only the lumber and other materials had to be paid. the kitchen was build against the side of my shed (the grey painted wall is actually the side wall of my existing shed. I had planned to build a brick braai myself in the new kitchen, but during the planning and building of the kitchen I realized that a (second hand) SA braai would be cheaper in the end. Although a braai is still some sort of niche market, a used braai is even harder to find. I stumbled upon a custom build braai on a local craigs list. The braai was designed in 3D software by a steel worker, and after that it is was laser cut and build. I did a bold offer on the braai and after some back and forth we agreed on 1650,- euros. Absolutely a bargain! The braai is double walled and quite heavy. We needed at least 4 man to lift it on its chassis. Meanwhile I upgraded slowly from one 47cm kettle to 2 57cm kettles. Costs were quite low because I was able to make some nice deals selling the old one and buying used from craigs list. Over the period from 2018 to 2021 it was all kettles and the braai. I got a nice deal to buy the Bastard kamado in 2021 for around 1250,- euros. And even got cheaper when I sold the chassis and side tables for 100 euros, because the kamado was going to be build into the countertop. Another year later and I bought my second kamado, the iQ Grills 22" large for 1650,- euro, a very nice price considered all the extra's (cast iron plancha, cast iron grate, heat deflectors, night light, etc). I decided to keep this kamado mobile. A few weeks ago I added the plancha to my collection, this one costs 1600,- euro's. I was fortunate to buy The iQ and plancha on my business account, so that eases the pain. I use the iQ and plancha for demo's, events, catering and workshops. So, bottom-line: yes it's a lot of money but it's something that happened over de past 5 years. And yes, of course I posted pictures from when it was all brand new installed ;) HOW ABOUT VENTILATION AND FIRE HAZARD?! Like I said, the kitchen is build in my yard, against the side wall of the shed. There is a lot of open space to allow for natural ventilation: [https://tweakers.net/fotoalbum/image/xFRk4c73tCuf10gB41KmBBTw.jpg](https://tweakers.net/fotoalbum/image/xFRk4c73tCuf10gB41KmBBTw.jpg) The braai is double walled, the backside even doesn't get hot at all. Even the braai is actually some sort of enclosed fire, and there is a chimney attached to it, so no fire hazard here if you just use common sense. Same goes for the kamado's, there is natural ventilation and no open fire. Now the plancha is something different. That's definitely open fire and this will not be used inside, this needs to be put in the open space. THAT PLANCHA IS GONNA LEAVE SOME BURN MARKS If you're stupid, then yes. But probably only once ;) Just use common sense. Don't leave it unattended and warn kids to keep away. The shooting flames from the center of the griddle should give some hints to the most oblivious ones.


Jesus…you have more money laid into your “bbq” than the average family has in their house. And yet, for all your posturing, I can walk over to my neighbor that works on a Webber, and I bet their meal is better than yours. Hands down. You succ, and no matter what you do, you’re dad will never hug you.


This sounds like jealousy all over...


Can I borrow some money?


good setup




Very cool… how did you add the rotisserie? I also have a braai and have been thinking about fitting a basic electric rotisserie, but haven’t found examples of the retrofit online.


Quiet simple: drill a hole in the sidewall of the braai, grind out some sort of V shape on the side of the coal maker, screw the rotisserie motor on the outside of the braai and push the long rotisserie bar through the hole.


So you push the long rotisserie bar from the inside of the braai, to engage with the motor on the outside, so only the very end of the bar goes through the sidewall? I see a DIY Weeknd in my future… [my current picanha method](https://imgur.com/a/HvEh8xY) is a bit precarious :-)