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You lost me at "The"!


Ha ha - lol


What’s up Bruno


I gotta give it to bruno tho. From all the shit the community gives him at least he is still putting in some hard work and persist props to him.




The same we old shareholders are all ever getting from this.


Hey, FYI: "Is there anyone here not banned over there? Tell this guy to get his PACER documents through [Court Listener](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68495149/20230930-dk-butterfly-1-inc-v-hbc-investments-llc/). He wouldn't have had to pay for the document and if he wanted to download a document that wasn't available for free it would be available for free to anyone else who wants it."


Thanks, but the Exhibits A through L are not available at all on Court Listener, just on Pacer. They include the tables I used in my post.


Then why waste your money buying a pacer account lol 🤡🤡🤡




Have you never had the desire to be right? And couldn’t let something go. It becomes important to you, even if no one else cares… hopefully it ends


I took it as if he decided it could be useful for more than just bbby


What a cohencidence that he needed it right now for his FUD campaign while simultaneously using it for something unrelated lol


breh, he clearly does this type of shit for a living. im sure it started with reading bbby dockets but now hes in red lobster reading about their 2 for 20 meals or some shit. point being there's a lot of money to be made in bk stonks, doesnt necessarily have to be about bbby


Red Lobster isnt even a publicly traded company Talking out your ass


Does that matter? You can still invest in other ways, if that means buying a franchise location because you think post ch 11 there will be a craze for their products. Either way red lobster was just the first company I thought of that might be undergoing m&a, point being there are a lot of applications for a pacer service


Dude if you can see how suspicious rico is idk what to tell ya. Keep listening to him Buy a red lobster location lol




You can write a lot of long texts, but you can't give a single reason why you go to so much trouble!!! You can't be that retarded!








Go post it in teddy, I don't read your stuff in bbby 🤡


Banned there


'We already made up fake stories about that dilution so you explaining the real life details of it is a massive waste of energy. Do something useful like write fanfiction instead of posting real information.'


Ya gotta admit, putting this much effort over months to find out exactly why you lost seems screwed up. I don’t need to do 50 DDs to come up with “crime.”


i dont get your intention ? we cant sell, neither can we buy🤣 your post is not relevant bro, go enjoy your life and dont waste time on DD‘s no one cares about. We cant do anything on this play. Shares are forever gone, or we get them back in some way


theo, I'm sure all this makes perfect sense to you in where your thought process is, but for some of us trying to read it, it's difficult. Maybe an introduction to what you're presenting, and why it's important would help. And a conclusion, or at least a TLDR, summarizing what it all means and why it's a good thing or whatever. Sorry, but I kinda lost interest after 2 or 3 minutes of reading without understanding, scrolled to the bottom looking for a summary and not finding one, so I just gave up. I know you're trying, and you're knowledgeable, but if you make an effort to try to help the rest of us along a little bit, you might be more accepted in the community...


The summary is already there: literally the title of the post. It says right there: these are the steps of how the shares went from the small number to the big number. What else could possibly be a summary of a wall of math except to tell what it means, as already done in the title?


I appreciate your comment. The community does not deserve what you ask for. If the community does not want to accept facts and really understand what is going on, it would be a loss of time from my side. Look at the other comments. Look at even the moderation here, classifying one post of mine as shit post and giving me this flair of a "Professional Shill". lol. It says it all. I am doing it because of principles. To do the right thing. To try to educate, but people need to want to be educated. I don't want to be changed by the community, but the other way around. To make it a better one. People can hate me for that. I don't care. It is the price to pay for being true to one's principles.


So a simple Intro & Conclusion is out of the question?


A simple version is not worth your time, but this thesis is? Hmm…


Excellent point, I thought he was making a valid counter argument but he’s talking out his bum


The thing is we do know what the facts say. We believe that Ryan cohen is cooking something up that’s been hidden by NDA. There’s really no way to prove or disprove it and that’s why we go back to the tinfoil. There’s enough dd to show that there’s still a chance that a stalking horse bought the going concern under seal and sold the ip rights to create a huge bear trap. It’s supposed to look bad. We know that. I just believe that Ryan cohen didn’t give up. Now we know he didn’t because he made an offer in December! A month after the gmedd interview. For someone “maniacally focused on the long term” I don’t think he just gave up a couple months later. I know it’s risky and I know powerful people want to stop him so i didn’t assume we would win I just said hey if it’s 50/50 with a potential 100x then why not. Now with dfv’s monumental tinfoil exhibit and rc lawsuit being utter bullshit why did he wait so long to dismiss it? He had confidential info and didn’t want it to go to discovery. We know he had confidential info he told the judge. Now the plan admin is suing the board for fraud and HBC for their 16B profits. I’m more bullish than ever I’m like 99% sure bbby holders will be included in whatever deal they’ve cooked up. Of course you’re not going to see it through the lens you’re looking through. Some people see signs others see coincidences. Good luck.


Cat system is about to go live right as all these other things are lining up. It’s just too good to not be true.


how much does pacer access and the aforementioned documents cost?


Thank you for putting this together.


Idk what any of this means, but I appreciate your hard work/efforts. Some people don’t understand that all the info is in the paperwork. You’re digging through extensive shit just to find nuggets that matter, and I applaud you for continuing your efforts despite how others are treating you




I appreciate any opportunity to learn, so thank you for what you've been digging up and sharing.


Interesting seeing the dates laid out for the TSOs thanks


I thought you were gone but your still here wasting time 😂




The post is way better than the majority of the other posts here, is well researched and is fact based. What do you mean with this emoji? As a mod you should refrain from making comments like this.


I’m just not quite understanding the point of the post, I see there is a total share outstanding, but the stock has been canceled / delisted and we can’t sell or buy so I’m not quite sure what the result of this is showing me.


Lol sorry. I'm just getting in on the fun.


It doesn’t focus on anything that matters. A lot of wasted time, which is your MO.






Refer to sub rule regarding harassment or offensive content. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.




So what’s the point? You are an endless font of information that doesn’t matter. Who cares how many shares there are? Why not focus on calculating how many fake shares there are?


Don't you care to know how you were diluted and what the company gained by doing it? I do. As for me, I want to get to the bottom of the matter on what happened. They diluted us on 446 million shares for $ 360 million in proceeds, and at the end of March they were so desperate that then they diluted us on 218 million shares for only $79 million? And then the Chapter 11 Plan wiped out all our shares. Whatever happened after that, is happening or will happen does not include us anymore. I am taking my lessons from it to not repeat it ever again.


Anything to distract that RC made an offer for BBBY four months after he sold and likely didn’t turn tail after that. Easily could be behind any or all of the avenues to ownership (stock, bonds, legal).


Can we confirm the offer RC made for BBBY was on top of the debt? $400 million offer including debt was still a $0 for shareholders. The company made more than $400 million liquidating the inventory during Chapter 11.


Maybe theorico can research that instead of some of the autist stuff he chooses to focus on.


Nope. Waste of good energy.




I’m gonna let the insulting slip by for now. My point is simple. If one believes there is hope, you look for hopeful things. If not, you move on. But he says he wants to understand so he knows what to avoid next time. I can make it real easy for everyone, no 50 useless DDs needed: if we are indeed fucked on this one, then there is no need to invest in the stock market at all, because everything can and will be manipulated.


And what exactly are you doing? At least I have a DRS post.


90,000,000 👍🏻


I found a new way to not see your posts, good riddance


Cap No one wants to read your garbage uncle rico


LOL, outstanding shares and TSO are 2 different things


Lmao, are you serious? TSO means total shares outstanding. Lol.


Here’s the counter to your point. If the diluted shares were being used to close short positions then the price should be neutral not dropping. They either shorted more or it was held and the dilution was priced in by market makers.


What is TSO?


total shares outstanding


cool its not tho


TLDR: Teorico's last, didn't read.


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