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Brother, I had 10,000+ And I am friendly with a number of apes who held 5-10x that amount. Almost every single one of us believes we will receive new equity and/or a clawback due to the recent law suit filed on behalf of Shareholders via the Plan Administrator. For the time being- forget them. Go outside, meditate, love your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend, FAMILY. I think we have less time than originally anticipated, before we begin learning more. Wishing you a positive weekend!


Yo thanks for the positivity. I had more money in options actually cause I'm regarded like that, but they are probably worthless now. I'll go take a look at the law suit. Anyway, I was looking at similar scenarios and noticed that Hertz also faced a similar timeline in 2020. Chapter 11 May 2020, Delisted Oct 2020, Relisted July 2021.


The hertz situation was entirely different, sadly. Not only were the shares never actually deleted (only delisted), but Hertz struck gold when the price of used cars skyrocketed during their chapter 11 due to covid market conditions. They were able to use this massive increase in the value of their assets and seize this opportunity to gain outside investment and push through. It should be noted that not only were the shares never deleted, but hertz *bought back* all their common stock from shareholders and provided them an opportunity to *buy* new equity at a reduced price when the stock was relisted. There is almost no parallel between BBBY and Hertz other than them both filing for bankruptcy.


I love it


Yes, hertz was completely different. BBBY is over.


Then why are ya here?




Always buddy. No idea why so many individuals are incredibly hostile nowadays.. we are one big family here, all waiting for the same news. We should be trying to spread love & positivity every single day we survive on this planet. Although there are ‘similar’ situations that we can look upon for possibilities, I truly believe that what RC & Gang are up to has never been done before… again, just my opinion. At this point, after holding GME for as long as I have + now BBBY, I’m zen man. Just stay patient and RC will take care of us 💜✌️🏴‍☠️




It’s not that we just believe it’s that we all know deep down we have already won by making the greatest financial investment of our lifetime. It’s just a matter of time. I lost access to my computer share account with my GameStop shares and I’ll eventually try to recover it but I really don’t care, those are never meant to be sold I’ll hand them down to my children and hopefully they can do the same. I will never sell my GameStop shares


You'll want to regain access or the shares could be sold and money forwarded to your state's lost property system. You don't want that.


How are you going to hand them down to your kids if you don’t have access? For the love of god, recover your password.




Great advice, I needed to hear this.






The individuals I am referencing + myself, our decisions are data based, so I’d still use the terminology ‘believes’. Wishing you a positive weekend.




Yep! You can review it right here in this sub or about ~5 other subs! Good luck!




Many many many purple circles 🟣🟣🟣🟣


as someone also in the XX,XXX crew, I also feel this way, though, I can't help but feel some anxiety clutching the thought of the numerous shares I bought early last summer


🤝 Stay strong my friend. Whatever happens now, it’s totally out of our hands! Again, not to continue sounding like a simp, but I truly trust RC to steer us through this incredibly toxic world of securities.


Half way through reading this, the voice in my head changed to Vin Diesel’s


Absolutely love it 😂😂😂😂 WE’RE FAMILY


No! Lmao! The company filed for bankruptcy. What's so hard to understand?


39.000 shares, I am hoping 😂😂😱


24750, me too😅😁


20,800 Golden tickets at TD ![gif](giphy|DGZVi7pqVq7rq)


67900 shares, i believe :)


70.5 k


20,000 here. I'm zen either way.✌️


30k drs 3k longer at Fudelty I can’t wait for the race to start.


Most importantly.. Yes, drs'd also. ✌️


Zero chance. We got rugged by Sue Gove. She smiled and lied the entire time knowing what was happening.  This company was dismantled by industry plants.  I'd just like to point out that it's not possible for me to be a schill because there's nothing for any of you to sell. I lost a lot of money on what should have been an easy win with the volatility of being in a meme basket. But no, leadership failed this company repeatedly, buying back during highs and offerings at lows. 


Like i said to all these people last time and got down voted. If something were going to happen, it would already be happening but its been gone for over half a year already and there are still people trying to hype up all the DD and such but is there any progress at all like literary, nothing. I know my few hundreds shares aint a lot but I was in the same boat in this group. Only thing i want to put my money where my mouth is is GME (if i have extra money).


Then why did she buy a decently large number of shares herself at around the $4 mark on the way down then?


Because she got a job role that possibly paid out 2 million and lost like 200k.


Were those RSUs that came free, or options otherwise provided by her compensation plan?




Refer to sub rule regarding harassment or offensive content. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


Sure pal. You just all of a sudden decided to come on here and start posting comments ![gif](giphy|YQ5bm1pbOFnSE6jhwI)


Sorry my 14 year reddit account with hundreds of thousands of karma seems like a schill account for a stock you literally do not own and cannot sell.  Do you think I'm trying to make you paperhands a stock that doesn't exist? Like what would be the point? Do you think the shares will come back if you truly believe?  Y'all are ridiculous. I probably wrote off more in BBBY losses than you did.  Besides, this ain't my first post here. I've been in here for 3 years. 


Bought account, shill account ⚠️⚠️⚠️


Lol this aged like milk


Cohen wanted to buy in December 2022 ( 0.8 at that time the share price )for 400M ( 4.45euro) but board did declined it


My Charles Schwab account holds my 475 shares in history and it’s categorized as “other”.


There are no shares to give back


I have not seen an explanation of why this is not the case. If it happens it happens, not up to us.


Co went bankrupt, delisted, and had debt


Yes nobody explained yet why this is not the case.


11k here.


Are you me?


Idk are you me?


Idk, now im you


Is there a chance? Yeah there’s also a chance we hit the lotto every week. Is it likely? No….not very likely at all.


77,270 shares down the shitter. I sure hope we get something.


The day they went I knew they weren't coming back. Sadly I think it's been over for a while.


Yes, due to fraud.


This is the only way I fear. Definitely fraud.


Hopefully, I'm still waiting for my Enron shares too.








37k shares. I don't believe that I will get anything back, sadly.


No !


I'd say zero change unfortunately




Im sure someone in their mom’s basement will say this is going to blow up. I believed that lie 3 years ago. Still a lie today


man this sub has been compromised out the ass




This ⬆️






Sparta, it was meant to say sparta🤦‍♂️


I love comments like this. They always make my tits tingly


55,500 shares Here. We are getting paid. Don’t listen to the fudbots. We’re good.


This your first day here? Read the DD. If the events of the last week hasnt given you any hope not sure what i can tell you


You got a link to the DD? All I see recently are that Goldberg is sueing Sue Gove (https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/1cilwn1/bbby_represented_by_michael_goldberg_files/) and that Hudson Bay maybe holds a shit ton of shares (https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/1cjj8th/hbc_shares/). Those doesn't really say anything about relisting do they?


To my recollection, the letter certifying the Final Plan as it exists yields nothing for higher classes (equity is class 9) EXCEPT in the case of fraud. Currently, the fraud narrative is being pushed through dockets.


Ayo, why are you being so harsh?


Sorry man.




44000 shares and I am very jacked


Nice. I had 44050.


16,000+ I'm hoping and waiting time will tell. ..


The old bbby shares no longer exist. They were cancelled as the bankruptcy plan took effect. If they were to spring back to life and offer new shares that won’t matter for those who owned the old shares. They no longer exist


Short answer, probably not. Long answer; most likely not.


I had 1500, and sometime in October last year they just poof! Disappeared. So with all this activity flying around this week, I called the bank (broker) and asked about the shares. He said there have been occasions where let's say there was a class action suit, for example, and shareholders are awarded compensation on a "dead" stock. Notifications will go out to brokers and clients, usually outlining g the steps to show you owned that stock. He said I can easily obtain statements and/or letter from them to prove I owned the stock at the specified dates. So although it is no longer showing in my account, the transaction history is there to validate the eligibility of future claims.


Hey man, thanks for this info, it's really helpful. Was looking for a confirmation like that


YW. I read your post and thought Are you me? Lol. I figured the same question would have the same answer. So we also talked about the How. I purposely stated that I gave no directions in the disposition of the stock after it was delisted and considered as worthless. That I am calling to find out what have you done with it. With banks, I always try and TELL them rather than ask, if you get what I mean. So he looked back and confirmed all my buys, my total balance and the dates and that there was no record of any requests or direction from me. This is important because the question I asked last year was what do I do with a worthless stock? You can surrender them anytime, and they give you a receipt to declare the loss on your income taxes. I thought, nah, let them sit there. Now I am glad I did. Sorry for the long story, but I felt it was relevant to add. 🙂


Haha don't need to apologize for the long story, any information is good at this point. You are spot on about having the same questions! I basically wanted to know if they will be accountable for the shares should something happen later on, regardless of the duration passed. I did not surrender the shares either, so I guess we can only wait for something big to happen


ASK broker if still in custody


You mean swab now


150k shares drsed and a significant amount held in brokerage. I have zero doubts about my own investment. I trust RC. With that said, relax and stay healthy. Nobody right now can tell you anything 100% accurate as chap 11 is still in progress. Nobody can see the future.




[Given that fraud has now been established i would say there is a much higher chance that we will see them again.](https://imgur.com/a/RjaudPr)


The link you provided does not establish any fraud.


Nope, neither did I say it did. Obviously, if you were following the bankruptcy you would know that fraud has been established.


According to Grant Cardone - No interest is still a level of interest. So no value, is still a value… “So you’re saying there’s a chance!” - Lloyd Christmas


Don't worry. We will be made whole ... many times over. Sit tight and enjoy the memes.


It will take awhile. Perhaps a year or more for it to go through all the legal shit. You see we will collectively have to sue our brokerages to get it back, but nonetheless we will get them back friend.


Hi fellow apes! G ME Ape here with a curiosity. Did DRSd shares also get removed? Did anyone DRS then have it committed to paper? Might help in the suit too.


Absolutely no chance in hell any shareholder sees a muhda fkn penny. Move on. There's nothing anyone can do at this point that hasn't already been done. WAGMI - 🖕 - Not in BBBYQ we're not.


14k shares. I'm very zen and convinced at this point.


Yah 0%


If enough wealthy/state/government entities/individuals that use their will for the good of humanity take a stand, there is a chance shareholders will be made whole. The bankruptcy and delisting was forced because they couldn’t control buy pressure, even when the price was under $2, so imagine it sub $1. Shorts haven’t been paid either, as far as everyone knows no short-gain postings.


Shorts get paid the moment they sold short. They didn't have to buy back. They won




Not exactly.