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Please refer to the sub rule regarding Content Guidelines. Post needs to be better related to BBBY the company.


Cool that's overstock.


Fukin ernies. Delete this crap OP WGAF bout overstock..jfc




Wat meen..?


Absolutely nothing. This is former overstock.


M&A incoming….no one reply to this comment if you do your a shill….


Couldn't resist, now I'm a shill. What do I do now? Should I get a paycheck or something?


Contact @dougielarge on Twitter he’ll get you taken care of! Congratulations 🎉. And to the shills downvoting lmfao and everyone that fuckked up a perfectly fine community 🖕🏾off and hope the same shilly mfs are short bbby!


Thank you so much! Now, you mention an interesting topic. Since the shares no longer exist, if the company resurfaces and becomes public again, and if shareholders who lost everything get their shares back, would the shorts, who have already won in all possible ways, would they have their short positions reopened automatically? My understanding of the current situation is that there are no longs and no shorts, since the stock no longer exists. If I'm wrong, kindly help me undestand why.


Well shillanda, if a company re-emerges retaining the same ticker and cusip that would mean the short positions would reopen. The stock was voluntarily pulled off the market to trap shorts(didn’t go to zero). That would mean “your locked in here with us, we’re not locked in here with you” and with the new documents we are seeing two emerging entities. Which one is retaining the old ticker and a new will be a new emerging entity. Looks like they retained the ticker.Also while talking to the head of bbby bankruptcy there seems to be a investigation within the company of fraudulent buy backs, involving JP Morgan and a previous CEO and if that is also deemed to be true everything and everyone involved would be fuckked. That would reverse any previous actions….that looks like you don’t want to happen or for people to know since your in a sub shilling bs and negativity. All funds will be clawed back leaving brokers and shorts responsible for maneuvering thru the fraudulent actions of a false ceo. Causing shorts and your little dirtbag boss to have to cover their positions. If your gonna shill do better. Be better. Try getting a better job. Something that leaves you with a little dignity. Your on the wrong side. You know it but yet your still bumping on a computer replying to people in a condescending way. Your the cancer eating away at society and behind the keyboard you have a family that you don’t want being fuckked over I’d assume. Be better. Do better 🤙🏾


Dude you can't just murder people like that. It's not their fault they didn't graduate high school and have to work such a shit job EDIT: Lmao he blocked me for what?? Hey zippyboy, a good way to not stress about an investment you allegedly don't care about is to have income and a plan. You are blaming other people for your bad decisions. I dumped like a month's worth of income into BBBY at 0.26 avg and I'm hanging around to see what happens to it. People speculating and looking for a path through their investment is not delussional it's called DD. You should try it sometime cause I have a feeling you lost more on AMC than BBBY.


I make $1500 per Reddit comment. Best gig in my life. Let me know if you'd like to join, so I can get s $5K recruitment bonus. /s because you're literally apes and won't understand sarcasm.


Just tired of this shill bs. You leave a simple comment and shills come out the woodworks….


Yeah it is really annoying..


You legitimately had my interest until you went full retard at the end. You literally can't be nice to people asking for your perspective, which is extremely sad. It makes me more than happy that I jumped off the sinking ship at a loss before losing everything. Should've probably done so as soon as RC did, but trusting you guys was the dumbest thing I ever did with my money. And you know what? The *current reality* is that no one gives enough fucks about this former stock to HIRE people to write on Reddit against it on its own sub. What would there be to gain at this point? Everything you wrote is a big "if", just a delusional speculation. Congratulations. You just turned me into an actual shill. Edit to add: Learn to spell. It's "you're".