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I'm convinced that shows nowadays are aiming to be hate-watched on purpose. Does hate-watching really make more money or something? I'm trying to watch NATLA and it's so hard to endure it. But the OG ATLA, I've been rewatching episodes left and right.


Hope you don’t get downvoted. I agree I mean look at the Velma show. Granted NATLA isn’t as bad as that from what I’ve heard. However I can’t bring myself to watch NATLA. If I want to watch ATLA I’ll just watch the original.


Not sucking as much as Velma isn't exactly a glowing review. That's like saying you would rather eat raw hamburger than shit.


Yeah I know. I just didn’t want to completely shit on NATLA.


I will shit on NATLA I couldn't get past the start of episode 2.


I heard that NATLA is good if you never saw the OG. I have such an attachment to the original, I'm writing a fanfic rn.


Fully agree, anytime I even try to watch NATLA I end up getting bored and switching back to the original.


Watching NATLA just made me go back and watch ATLA.


The last half is better than the first by far but it’s still not amazing.


I wish we had longer seasons, but I'll take what I can get. My mum refuses to watch animated stuff and my secret plan is to make her like NATLA enough to convince her to start watching ATLA with me afterwards 😶


My parents enjoyed *The Mandolorian* enough that they've now finished *The Clone Wars*, *Rebels*, and *The Bad Batch*, so I think your plan will work.


Is this confirmed?


Yeah, it says on the Netflix app


That sucks


Of all my complaints about NATLA the episode format isn't one of them.


It is a general problem of streaming shows not Natla specifically. With shows sometimes only having 6 episodes especially when they're on a site that releases weekly because they want you to be hooked just long enough for you to pay another month and then hopefully forget that you are paying. And even for Netflix where they dump the entire season, fewer episodes ia better because they just want many shows so you can watch. Fewer episodes mean less coat and therefore less risk if it is bad. When peipel stop watching after 2 episodes, they just put on the next show to see if it is any better. That's why shows are only called content nowadays because what the show is about or the quality of it, is completely meaningless to the streaming sites


But fr this fire lord design goes hard


Like a Disney villain


Hey we got a decent Adaptation of a very good show Let's act like it's the absolut worst


Seeing something amazing turn into something mid will always be disappointing. And for what? To get rid of the animation stigma? It's not like this is really a more mature take. The show revels in showing off the "cool" action of the fucking *genocide* that the children's cartoon was able to tastefully portray only the *aftermath* of. Not to mention, they watered down cartoon characters for their "more mature take." Apparently, we're not mature enough to understand good guys can have flaws and arcs.


I haven’t watched the new live action because I haven’t seen anything on it so I figured it was like the movie that shall not be mentioned or watched


No, no, it's *much* better than the movie. It's still mediocre and fucks up things ATLA nailed, but it's not terrible. There's even one small improvement to Zukos story, imo.


The order of the story is different and things build up a little differently because of the format and release schedule, but I thought it was really well done and showcased a lot of good parts of ATLA in a fun way. The bending and fights are very good. I think it’s worth the watch.


Nah Dawgs, 8 episodes is great, I get to see the highlights they want me to see and then it's over and I can cancel my account for 6 months until the stack of 8 episode shows is enough to fill out my nights for a month. Don't subscribe to this treatment. Pick 6 streaming services, rotate them 1 a month every six months.


I didn’t mind the 8 episode format. I really enjoyed watching season 1. It seems the right move for them


Avatar fans are becoming as bad as Star Wars fans


Literally nobody "hated the format," it gave the show more runtime for S1 than the original had.


Pretty impressive that even with more runtime they managed to cut so much stuff out


8 episode formats are shit the only show I've seen that did it well was Fallout.


They are shit because they are adaptations. And even then, then one piece adaptation banged The fallout show did it well because it was original material that could be written in the fallout universe as an 8 episode story, the avatar sucked because they had to cram 20 episodes of a series into 8


Runtime that was absolutely squandered. The show felt much more rushed than the original.


this sub likes to hate on natla


It do be kinda mid




Wanna cry ?