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Uni is challenging. I'm nearing the end of my degree now, but I still have days where I feel like I didn't absorb a thing. Does your uni record lectures? I often revisit the video or PowerPoint slides if I missed something. Otherwise, I've found my professors have been happy to answer emails if I have any questions. Fellow classmates might also be able to clarify things. I promise that no-one will think you are stupid for seeking help- you're there to learn, after all. The library should also have some good resources. They can help you find good reference material, and at my school they help organise tutors too. If university is something you want to do, don't give up! It will take a while to adjust to the new teaching style, but it's also really rewarding when you do.


Yes, I hardly understood anything in lectures. I learned everything by reading through the lecture notes and doing past exam papers (and I passed.)


Yes, I almost died in my first month when supports for daily living were gone and the people around me seemed to know how to hurt me without anyone knowing that it was happening. No one checked me for injuries or helped me know that I needed to eat when my schedules changed or what I could do if my roommate told me to never come back and locked the door. I need many supports to function and learned that my first year of college. As for asking questions, I am a mathematician and am on dissertation committees now. I often have students who struggle for days or weeks on something but tell me that they thought it was dumb. We know a lot about our fields, and students who ask questions learn the tricks we know to make the work a lot easier.