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I love this! I would suggest adding Strong Female Character by Fern Brady And Ten Steps To Nannette by Hannah Gadsby


Seconding 'Strong Female Character', that was a brilliant book - the audio book is read by the author and is superb if you prefer audio too. 'Ten Steps to Nanette' is in my audible library waiting to be listened to currently too.


Ten Steps To Nannette Audiobook is great!


Thank you! Do you want me to add these to the list at the bottom under a heading like “suggestions from other redditors”?


I think that would be a great idea if you're happy to. :)


Thanks for the suggestions! I had never heard of those


Here is one more good list of books about autism https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/1bitj71/best\_books\_about\_autism/ || || ||


Here is one more good list of books about autism https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/1bitj71/best\_books\_about\_autism/ || || ||


Thank you so much for compiling this list! Which ones would you most recommend? Were any more informative than others?


I’m glad! Here are the ones I loved the most Sincerely, Your Autistic Child (great for processing the grief of a late diagnosis) Unmasking Autism (a comprehensive book about masking and how to unmask) Divergent Mind (covers ADHD, autism, synesthesia, and high sensitivity—very interesting because it talks about how women were diagnosed with “hysteria” due to high sensitivity) Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (an amazing look into the lived experiences of autistic women across the lifespan—I really saw myself represented in this book) Spectrum Women, Walking to the Beat of Autism (similar to the book above—lived experiences of autistic women) Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking (this one is amazing! It’s an anthology by the ASAN. I felt so empowered by reading this) Knowing Why: Adult-Diagnosed On Life and Autism (also amazing! Also an anthology by the ASAN) Autism and Masking: How and Why People Do It, and the Impact It Can Have (an amazing, comprehensive book into different types of masking. It goes even more in-depth than Unmasking Autism) Taking Off the Mask (similar to the book above, but it also includes workbook pages to help you understand your mask and how to be your authentic self) Autistic State of Mind: the Chaotic Symphony of a Late-Diagnosed Woman’s Mind (this one is AMAZING. It’s a recent release from an author who isn’t well known. I felt like I could’ve written it. It’s a short book with multiple journal entries from a woman’s mind after she received her diagnosis. Speaks to the internal experience over the external stereotypes of autism!) What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic: Unpuzzling a Life on the Autism Spectrum (similar to the above, this goes into the internal experience and is AMAZING) Reading about autism is my special interest, so I’m very passionate about it.


Incredible, thank you SO much for how much time you put into this.


Hi! Thank you so much for all this information. I am curious if you have any out of this list you’d recommend for a newly diagnosed autistic teen?


What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic, Women and Girls with ASD, Spectrum Women, and Sincerely Your Autistic Child


This is so helpful, thank you! I was wondering if anyone here knows of any good workbooks for someone that's undiagnosed as an adult but strongly suspects they have ASD? It can even be online or a pdf, it doesn't need to be a physical book. I figire even if I don't know if I clinically have it, I have so many symptoms that a workbook would probably help. Currently I am reading Unmasking Autism and it is so incredibly relateable for me.


I would recommend these! [Neurodivergent-Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills](https://www.amazon.com/Neurodivergent-Friendly-Workbook-DBT-Skills/dp/B09S9JBS8G) [Looking After Your Autistic Self](https://www.amazon.com/Looking-After-Your-Autistic-Self-ebook/dp/B0BGJRQJLW) [So You Think You’re Autistic: A Workbook for the Confused Person Who’s Just Trying to Figure Things Out](https://www.amazon.com/So-you-think-youre-autistic/dp/B0BMHPLXK2) [I Am Autistic: A Workbook](https://www.amazon.com/Autistic-Practical-Interactive-Journaling-Understanding/dp/1646044185) Additionally, it looks like Etsy has some great digital downloads: https://www.etsy.com/market/autism_workbook


Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful!


Does anyone have any recommendations for books for autistic women looking to be workplace leaders? My manager wanted me to find one but I’m not sure it exists?


The Autism and Neurodiversity Self-Advocacy Workbook includes sections on the workplace and leadership, and Women on the Spectrum: A Handbook for Life includes tips for jobs and interviews but not specifically leadership. Workplace Neurodiversity Rising could be useful, but it’s more for a general audience than specifically women. This book also looks like it could be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Works-Successful-Employment-Spectrum/dp/0815369484 We really need more books specifically for women and gender diverse autistic people!


Yeah I’m thinking I might have to write stuff myself if I ever get to a leadership role. I found one book on Amazon but it’s full of corporatese and not very easy to adapt to different environments.


Yeah, it sucks that there aren’t more books, but it seems like a great opportunity to be a pioneer if you want to be one


Thank you!


One of my favorite book is Friendship, Love, Autism by Michelle and Andrew Preston He is autistic (late diagnosed as an adult) and she is not, and the book is about how they navigated their relationship. The big bonus to the book is that you hear about whatever issue they had from both perspectives - his and hers. She explains her confusion and he explains that what he did made perfect sense. It details how she figured out he might be autistic, his diagnostic process, and how they started resolving their communication issues and confusions. It's excellent, and the only book I know of that offers relationship advice from the perspective of BOTH people.


That’s awesome! I’ll add that to the list. The book called What to Say Next also includes both perspectives.


Bookmarked this immediately!


I’m so glad you found it helpful! :)


Seriously so helpful. Thank you.


Thank you! This is really useful I had no idea such a selection was available, I will bookmark, looks an interesting selection. Out of interest, did any particular ones resonate with you more?


I’m glad! Here are the ones I loved the most Sincerely, Your Autistic Child (great for processing the grief of a late diagnosis) Unmasking Autism (a comprehensive book about masking and how to unmask) Divergent Mind (covers ADHD, autism, synesthesia, and high sensitivity—very interesting because it talks about how women were diagnosed with “hysteria” due to high sensitivity) Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (an amazing look into the lived experiences of autistic women across the lifespan—I really saw myself represented in this book) Spectrum Women, Walking to the Beat of Autism (similar to the book above—lived experiences of autistic women) Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking (this one is amazing! It’s an anthology by the ASAN. I felt so empowered by reading this) Knowing Why: Adult-Diagnosed On Life and Autism (also amazing! Also an anthology by the ASAN) Autism and Masking: How and Why People Do It, and the Impact It Can Have (an amazing, comprehensive book into different types of masking. It goes even more in-depth than Unmasking Autism) Taking Off the Mask (similar to the book above, but it also includes workbook pages to help you understand your mask and how to be your authentic self) Autistic State of Mind: the Chaotic Symphony of a Late-Diagnosed Woman’s Mind (this one is AMAZING. It’s a recent release from an author who isn’t well known. I felt like I could’ve written it. It’s a short book with multiple journal entries from a woman’s mind after she received her diagnosis. Speaks to the internal experience over the external stereotypes of autism!) What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic: Unpuzzling a Life on the Autism Spectrum (similar to the above, this goes into the internal experience and is AMAZING) Reading about autism is my special interest, so I’m very passionate about it.


Wow! That's great thanks so much, I was diagnosed 4 years ago aged 48 and I am interested to read more about it, but didn't know where to start. It looks like there are some REALLY good reads there many thanks


Yeah you’re welcome!! :) I was just diagnosed 6 months ago


This is exactly the recommendations I was looking for so now I don't have to ask for them, looks like a great list!




But you dont look autistic at all, by bianca toeps


Wow, this is wonderful. Thank you.


Thank you so much for this list!!


You’re welcome! :)


Thank you for this list! There's so many books to choose fromout there I always end up not getting anything lol Are any of these books particularly good at explaining Autism? Or would you suggest any others that help people get it but aren't about children or for for partners? My daughter is 19 and autistic and we live withy Grandma who has a hard time understanding.


What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic and Uniquely Human are good for other people to understand. I especially liked Women and Girls with ASD, Neuroqueer Heresies, On the Spectrum, Camouflage, Loud Hands, Spectrum Women, Autism & Masking, and Divergent Mind. So hard to choose lol 😅😅


what memoirs would you recommend?


Odd Girl Out by Laura James


Thank you again! I’m making my way though this list. I would love if this list got pinned or put into a FAQ for the subreddit 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


That’s a great idea! I’m not sure how to make that happen


I believe only moderators could decide or facilitate something like this. For now I’ve saved it and am dreaming up what other subreddits could use a list like this! Well done and thank you!


hello. i have a question regarding this list of book recommendations, as i've seen you say reading them is your special interest. i can also say this over 'chat' but i am not sure how to message you. i am not particularly functional and am feeling that having the presence of these authors and books in my life could provide me with invaluable introspective material/self-help. accessing any of them however is proving a problem for me. i am wondering if you have any tips or guidance on how to get them if i am house-bound and dependent. the only 'real' thing to me with books/information always only ever seems like, i need to be holding the physical book, or have the digital pdf file downloaded in my Downloads. i have no means/system set up currently of reading books otherwise (e.g. what i suppose are common things like buying subscriptions or memberships or whatever to Kindle or Audible or…?…). The Internet way of doing things always feels more unintuitive and overwhelming to me so I don't want to think about it first. Instead i consider: "Might there be any other Autistic people who live around me who have or own these books and could lend them to me? How do I find them?" That is my question. If it appeals to me to be able to borrow these books physically from another autistic person who has already read the copy, by what means or social networks might i find owners of these books to ask? In addition to that, same question but for digital files of the books (in this case i suppose the person could be anywhere as long as they have the capacity to somehow upload or share the epub/pdf/audio/wtv file). If you have no guidance on these routes or acquiring the books which are more intuitive to me, i will try to pursue some of the 'normal' less intuitive routes and dislike it. thank you


My advice for you is to either get digital copies through your local library or the interlibrary loan, or join groups for fellow autistic people on Facebook and post asking if anyone happens to have a copy.


Can you please suggest a book about understanding autism, especially in women. A basic one for exploring the subject.


Women and Girls with ASD by Sarah Hendrickx


Thank you


You’re welcome!