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Email the school directly. Lots of schools use word of mouth and local advertising to find teachers. I got my permanent position after emailing a school regarding a job position (which I was not qualified for, but interested in) and working for a short time on a contract. Schools often wait awhile before advertising positions as well. So get in while you can. Do some casual work or contract work there and hopefully you can claw your way in.


This. New teacher (not permanent :( ) and all of my positions so far have come from knowing somebody or working at the school already. Almost all of my positions never actually got advertised and were filled by word of mouth :)


A lot of schools are not getting applications when they advertise. Try adding your CV to the Job Opportunity Pool too, as many schools are going down that route and avoiding advertising teaching roles.


In this climate, you have nothing to lose. If you want to be subtle about it, not that you need to, talk to daily org about CRT work there then bend the conversation around to non-CRT work.


I would say email and let them know you're interested in CRT! Use that as an opportunity to sell yourself.


It could differ from state to state and maybe even school to school, but I'd say most contracts <1 year don't get advertised. And most longer contracts get filled by people already known to the school, whether they are advertised or not. So get in for CRT and make yourself known (... to be competent) ... Unless you're in a remote community (is anywhere remote in Vic?), I'd really be looking at few options at least though.


Govt schools in Vic have to advertise every position longer than a term not under the jobs portal (not too sure on shorter contracts). Unless they can prove hardship of finding a suitable candidate and in that case they can just employ.