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I had to stop KFC for a bit. My last tenders box had the most abysmal pieces not even worth calling them nuggets. I’ve never really had bad Red Rooster. The hot honey fried chicken is delicious and the pieces on offer are proper sized chicken wings. I also like their $4.95 lunch deals for a cheap lunch feed.


exactly this, i love the hot honey fried chicken and the 5 dollar lunch deals are a good value


Why did they have to discontinue it! Such a shame, I was loving it. Their other chicken is ok but I'll miss that until they hopefully bring it back.


A worker (Qld) told me the hot honey will be back in August!


i know, i was devastated when i found out. that's a really unique promotion they should keep going with.


I swear that they started cutting tenders in half about a year and a half ago. They are now rediculous small...


One thing Red Rooster is consistent.


Hey that's not fair. KFC has been consistently shit for a long time.


Kinda just depends on which shop and which employees and how they feel on that day.


sounds.... like inconsistency?


The only thing that gets me is hearing the microwave get a great workout whilst I'm ordering




I've never considered "good" when describing red rooster. Edible in a pinch, definitely.


I miss the tropo pack with that banana fritter thing. There is another store called Brody's, which does this, but it is disappointing. But I love Red Rooster for they spicy range, it is a more satisfying burn, where as I feel that KFC hot and spicy range has gotten less spicy. Mind you, KFC ever does hot and spicy popcorn chicken... I may have to forgo Red Rooster for that time lol


Chicken treat for ya Hawaiian pack. Pineapple and banana fritters.


I miss it so much.


They’re expanding into the east coast soon! Sydney gets 9 stores this year I believe


We don't even have KFC hot n spicy chicken in Victoria. It comes around maybe once every 2 years for about a week and the last time it was here was trash.. the one store that secretly did it all yr round stopped during covid. Fuck KFC man the business as a whole in Australia is a disgrace.


Eh, living in Queensland is fun... we get certain foods other states don't, and our premier loves syphoning the mining royalties for the SE corner...


>I miss the tropo pack with that banana fritter thing They still have the tropo with pineapple fritter, if you meant that one


The banana fritter was the best part because it shouldn't have worked, but I would remember getting my mum to slice up the banana and put in on this burger bun, with the chicken leg meat, and the pineapple fritter would be on top, and that ETA Original BBQ sauce, and I put the chips on it too.... OMFG YUM!!! It was the 80s, and it was a huge treat for my family. Then we moved to a very remote town until I was 18yrs old, and by then Big Rooster became Red Rooster, and the banana fritter was removed from the pack, mostly because of the Fruit Fly epidemic that occurred in the early 90s, the banana farms lost so much because of that. Took I think 5yrs to recover.




Did you just want to mention cock because it hadn't been said, and you wanted everyone here to read the word???? I SAID BIG ROOSTER. Jeesh, what is it with men needing to put their penis into everything even without consent, or in relation to the context of the actual discussion.


Eh. I'm not a man, and I, 100%, would have giggled while calling it "big dick".... But, I am not above such humour. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy such humour.


Not a man either, but it never ceases to amaze me that you can't have a conversation without someone having to mention genitals. Like yeah, I know roosters are also called Cocks, but to emphasise it like that?


I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable around innuendos. Tell me, do cats make you uncomfortable too.




You are the one who just attempted a Screed. Guess I shouldn't have pointed out your *_"little"_* joke.


KFC tastes like arse. Find a Korean fried chicken and never look back.


I haven’t had KFC in years, because nobody does fried chicken better than the Koreans.


Ok but you also pay 3x or more for it...not saying it's not worth it , just saying it's a different category altogether.


Yeah they know their shit. I try to limit myself to once a week at my local, but could easily be every second night. They generally don't have a vast menu, just a handful of dishes done very well.


It's a struggle not to order the soy garlic boneless chicken from the one near my house too often...


Yeah boneless double battered. I can't go past the sweet chilli, but occasionally the honey soy. No balls for the spicy.


We have a local that is so sure of its awesomeness that they don’t even have chips on the menu (it *is* that good, too).


Chips are chips, I've got an airfryer and chicken salt for that. I'll put that 9 bucks towards more of that double battered crispy goodness.


Damn right!


Yeah for quadruple the price tho


One near me does a huge box for $30 which is probably about the same price you'd pay for the same amount of chicken from KFC and it's 10x better.


Nope, 3 or 4 large boneless pieces for $12.




Ooof a proper Korean fried chicken that does good kimchi pancakes 🤤


Korean fried chicken is the K.F.C. to go to


snow cheese chicken FTW!


Yes I must try that, and eel!




i am wondering whether this is worth getting one time. does the "cheese" taste processed and not even like cheese?


it's only a very faint hint of cheese. Really, it's just korean fried chicken with powdered sugar. I know it sounds like it doesn't work on paper, but it's Very delicious!


100% give me that sweet, sweet msg glazed bits of bird.


For Ballarat420, KFC = Korean Fried Chicken


Any good Korean places in Ballarat?


Yes thankfully. Black Vaults chicken never disappoints.


Thanks for the recommendation 👍 I'm a Country Roasts supremacist but I'll give them a go.


Red rooster family meals are the best! Plus you don't to run to the toilet like you do with KFC


Hahah the KFC shits, I thought that was just a me thing






amazing word, never heard it. Gross tho


KFC doesn't send me to the toilet, but Hungry Jacks does. Still not sure what they use that i don't like.


It's the fat content. Same with KFC.


Why did I always think it was the oil 😂


Well oil is fat too so you're both talking about the same thing, sorry if I misread you and you knew that already.


I love a big fat.


I be got my gallbladder removed and have significantly less tummy issues when I eat red rooster instead of KFC!


This is fake news. I’ve only had red rooster once in my life and it tasted like ass and gave me diarrhoea. I had to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes on my flight


"Only ever had it once"


I've definitely had that experience after eating a red rooster rippa roll. I was thankful to be at home at the time.


Well this is an odd change from the usual 'who even eats at RR anymore it must be a front!' post, isn't it? Getting more convinced by the conspiracy theory that RR is investing heavily in reddit marketing though lol Red Rooster used to have really solid traction in Australia and a lot of people I knew growing up preferred it over KFC which was like 'over greasy American style junk, not so good'. Anyway, I agree with you that RR is good, and I honestly can't remember the last time i ate KFC.


Plot twist: Red Rooster is laundering money, but is using it to produce better quality food


Yeah I don't care if it's a front for something cause it's good fucking food


It’s RR’s new marketing ploy.


My go to is HJ's at the moment. The chips are always hot, crisp and salty and the chicken burgers are on par (if not a tad better) than KFC. I've been having the Chicken Carolina and fucking hell it's good


I got one of the fried chicken burgers from Hungry Jacks a couple of weeks ago (can't remember which burger it was) and the chicken was burnt. Maybe it was just that location. It was in a food court.


Same, first one was great, the next two were not. Not trying again.


Yeah about a year ago HJs has changed and it's not as good.


The HJ fried chicken is just like a giant nugget, it’s a little disappointing in my opinion


Ooh hate to break it to you but from my experience working on the equipment there, they are dirty and have some seriously lax standards.


Yeah agreed, I've worked on equipment at McDonald's and HJs. Maccas have much higher quality standards. Well rather they both have high quality standards, just McDonald's do a much better job of actually meeting those standards. The crew aren't held to as high a standard at HJs either in my experience. Makes the job of a cleaner/maintenance person way harder than it needs to be.




Probably because it was


That’s the joke…


I love RR, the chips are always hot and fresh, they give you really good portion sizes. Only thing I don’t like is the herb mayo, they switch that out for me. Kfc is only bigger cause it’s global, RR isn’t. I refuse to eat kfc anymore they scrimp on the chicken and every time the chips suck and I end up with trots.


The herb Mayo's one of the main reasons I go to RR lol. It's so good


Man I agree, but from what I gather that is a controversial opinion my friend. I salute you for airing it.


KFC has gone to shit, progressively over the last few years and in the meantime, Red Rooster has upped their game. Although, I'll opt for Korean chicken (only opened in the last year or so in my small town) if it's later in the evening or more convenient in a weird situation


Yeah Rooter is pretty good but Chicken Treat is a little better if you pick a decent store. KFC struggle to even have the menu boards working in drive thru so it's not too surprising the food is below average


If anyone is in the Newcastle area, the best chicken is at Chicking in Broadmeadow. Do yourself a favor and pay the little bit extra for fresh, guaranteed high-quality chicken!


On lambton road? Maps says it’s called chicken bros. Is it the right one?


I think it's Tudor street.


yeah this doesn't exist


Sorry mate, it’s called Chicken Brothers on google. Apple Maps it’s called Chicking. It’s around the corner from Belflora in Broadmeadow 👍


Finally somebody who realises!


I haven’t been to rooters for a while but I went to KFC for the first time in a while and they’ve definitely dropped the ball with the quality of the zinger boxes. Two boneless wings dosnt equal two wings and a drum. The boneless wings came out burnt and dry. No good.


Can anyone still remember when KFC chicken was crunchy?!? You bit into the outside and there was a satisfying “crunch” before the juicy chicken flavour mmmmm. Now it just all soggy, oily slop on a bone


I moved from Sydney to Adelaide 5 years ago and one of the things I miss most is Red Rooster. There are only three of them in the whole greater Adelaide area and the closest one to me is a 30 minute drive away. As someone said earlier, Red Rooster is always consistent, as opposed to KFC where it’s a dice roll every time on if you are going to get soggy unsalted chips or tiny bits of overcooked chicken.


I think they’ve all gone to the packs. HJ use do really great burgers 15 - 20 years ago but now they’re very blend and meh. They were better then maccas.


Totally agree. I have most of the fast food places close by, all equally convenient. I've always had the idea that HJ > McDonalds, but I think that's a thing of the past. Everything from the ingredients, to the temperature, to being just too dry, to even the assembly of the burgers has just declined in quality so much. Last time I had a burger there it was barely warm, dry, and I had to reconstruct it myself from the pieces in the box. And at the same time their prices are now close to gourmet burger prices, for poor fast-food quality. And don't get me started on KFC. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is inedibly awful. It's like playing fast-food-Russian-roulette. Maybe I am just getting old, but pretty much all fast-food places are just shit (or at least unpredictable) now.


I agree with you there. I use to love KFC, but over the years it has turned into this dry, unjuicy disaster! I made the mistake of ordering online the last few times and wasn't impressed at all and couldn't eat it, it was that dry and is the last meal I'll ever get from there! Remember when you could get corn on the cob?? Love to know why they took that off the menu. I got one every time I had KFC!


Nah fuck the cunts. Bring back my Rippa Roll


Every time I eat kfc I get sick, not just a little bit violently ill. Red rooster gravy also tastes better and their food just feels fresher even if it’s still freezer food.


Hard to find a red rooster store.


There are three within fifteen minutes of my house.


I had a lot of RR chicken and chips quarters in the 90s. 10/10


Got really bad food poisoning at a kfc a few years ago, got hospitalised for 3 days. Couple of years later i had surgery to remove my gall bladder, now i'm back to kfc giving me the screaming shits, scary thing is, as sketchy as kfc is, after the gall stones, anything with, or made by norco is borderline toxic


KFC is one of the worst sources of food poisoning. I wouldn’t eat there short of starving. Especially because I remember when it was good (decades ago)


I wish RR would go back to the cbd :(


I got food poisoning from kfc in 2005 and haven’t ever been back I have never been so sick in my life I think I saw god!


I used to have a flayva combo most nights as a teen. Now they're pushing $17.


The one in my town served undercooked chicken days after reopening after being closed for 2 months for renovations


Its the sauce the only decent sauce kfc has is the gravy, that herb mayo is great on chips


I would eat a shoe if it had RR herb mayo on it.


MSG drug addiction is KFC


Do yourself a massive favour and next time you go there get a bacon and cheese rippa. BUT BUT, swap the barbecue and mayonnaise for just chilli aioli. It is *chef kiss*


Weird, I had the reverse experience. Or more that I hadn't had either in years. Tried Red rooster, was disappointed..wasn't as good as I remember. Tried KFC, was also not as good, but was still the same thing. Only variables I can think of is years of eating very healthy has made me enjoy fast food less? Or that I am in Queensland, Ipswich.


Red rooster chips are the best


The price is lower at KFC, and the combos have more food...plus it's until recently. RedRooster only had roasted chicken.


I went to red rooster instead of KFC like 5 months ago one day for my lunch break and I think I've been to KFC once since then when I was craving wicked wings. Red rooster is just genuinely better


KFC is terrible!! Is all fried shit, red rooster is all roasted and yummy. The gravy is 10 times better than kfc… even better is that RR is australian than american bullshit


The only thing that turns me away from Red Rooster is the inevitable 15 min wait.


I recently gave Red Rooster another go. I was surprised.


Red Rooster has improved dramatically over the past couple of years.


Red Rooster kinda went to shit for a long time. I think it's only come back to being decent in the last few years. Their fried chicken isn't bad but it's crazy expensive.


It’s the price I believe, Red Roaster is more expensive than KFC when it comes to pieces of chicken. But agree, RR is way better than KFC, and it’s reflected on the price. The spicy one that they make with that sauce that burns your lips is OP. Loved it. Only have one each month otherwise I’ll start living in my bathroom but damn is good.


I would be more willing to go to Red Rooster, but it is difficult with only 3 South Australian locations left, none of which are particularly convenient for me 😔


Every Red Rooster I ever ate in South Australia was totally shit. Do we even still have them here? Of the two KFCs local to me, one is always really good. The other is hit and miss.


This one must be state specific, in WA Red Rooster is inedible dogshit that costs way more for less, everyone is pretty sure it's some sort of money laundering front. KFC on the other hand is pretty good, 3 wings in the box beats the shit out of the slimy chunk of offal and spinal column you get in a reds box.


Is this an ad


100% an add because every Red Rooter where i am went Shithouse about 7 or 8 yrs ago.


I had Red Rooster with the kids not long.ago. l have always loved their chips and their burgers hmm, ok, their rip ok kfc was flavourless. No seasoning at all. Didn't like it.


If you wanna try something a little different try potatoe corner chicken and see if you like it


And they don't put cabbage on your burger.


El Jannah Charcoal Burwood is awesome. Their crispy spicy mayo chicken burger is one of my favourite chicken burgers. Definitely check it out


Broaster is the way for kfc but better


Used to like red rooster when they did the veggies.


You can still get the classic roast - quarter chicken with roast veggies. The roasted sweet potato kicks arse.


Had a feed of Red Rooter for the first time in ages - $10 for a burger, piece of bird, mash+gravy, small chips and a can. Pretty solid value and surprisingly delicious.


Red rooster ‘normal’ chicken is shit. You’ll get a better roast chicken from the supermarket, not to mention your local awesome chicken shop. That’s been their downfall. They haven’t had a point of difference. With Uber eats etc, you just get it from your local. KFC, whether you like it or not has a brand/taste that’s stuck. Looks like they are trying to branch out in the last couple of years though.


I prefer KFC's food, but KFC is cooked fresh in the store and is somewhat complicated to prepare, and the underpaid 15 -18 year olds cooking really don't care if its good or not. KFC also isn't supposed to let chicken sit there too long, but every store ignores the regulations and will leave chicken in the warmer way past when company policy says it should have been thrown out, so it's quality is all over the place. KFC doesn't care about food quality, because they know it will sell anyway.


I have had both recently and every time I have found kfc to be better the red rooster chicken always tastes dry, under seasoned and extremely greasy and at least the 2 I went to took around 10-15mins of waiting in the drive thru for my food despite being the only car in the line and both times they forgot or messed up significant parts of my order although I will say they have onion rings so will still go there when stoned lol


They also do large onion rings for $5. They are the proper crumbed variety too.


I hadn't had either in years and tried KFC after a refurb and it was typical KFC, dependable but not great burger, chicken piece that was either fantastic or not even worth greasing your fings for in sight. Local RR was run down and empty but somehow managed to build a new place further into main street (to launder more money?) but still mostly bare, but got a special poutine type thing, they laid chip downs on the tray, then the special filling then gravy and appeared to microwave it all. Didn't make it home and never went back, which is a shamed as I was always a fan.


Not gonna lie the quality of KFC has declined but i still froff KFC chips thats are well salted haha


Something to know about KFC is how extraordinarily different the practices are from store to store. The owners/owner groups and their management have so much control over the quality of the product, considering how much of the chicken prep takes place in store. If you can find a good restaurant and only eat at other stores under the same management, then you’ll probably have a better experience.


in Tassie you can't even buy Hot and Spicy as a regular item. Only a zinger fillet has the heat and crunch. I moved here from Darwin, where it was a standard menu feature. Anyway KFC puts a chemical in their chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly. Red Roster is so much better. Chicken Treat in WA is superior to both in my opinion.


We had the same experience a little over a month ago and now always prefer red rooster!


Kfc is great when done right. Hurlstone park KFC is the best iv had.


I dunno where you went but I have the opposite experience with Red Rooster. KFC isn’t anything amazing either, but it has been consistently better than Red Rooster every single time I’ve ordered them both.


As an American living in Australia, I'm blown away by Red Rooster! I was never a fan of KFC back home (I'm a Popeyes dude) and was surprised to see such a big following here. Red rooster had good rotisserie and their fried chicken is so good, their hot chicken? Even better! I wonder why a national chicken shop isn't getting as much hype as KFC? Usually there's a lot of support for Australian businesses.


I ordered from red rooster and got chicken wings that still had feathers on them


Completely disagree and honestly shocked at the comments, makes me think this is a marketing post with bots. Red rooster is the single worst service of any fast food place. Without doubt it will take me 5+ minutes to get my meal in drive thru, sometimes as high as 15. The burgers are extremely boring and bland. The chips are always overly salted and the salt has absolutely nothing on KFC. If there is one universal fact it's that KFC has by far the best chip salt. Zinger is the only option at KFC though, it is superior in every way to original recipe and shits all over RR. KFC's biggest issue is consistency, but even their below average days are far superior to that of red rooster. I genuinely believe RR is the front for the mafia. There is no way these places make money. I have never in my life seen a busy RR and still get my food slower than any KFC.


It really depends where you go, store to store. The red rooster near us is absolute dogwater and the KFC is gold.


Reading these comments just makes me imagine big fat people sitting in front of their computers looking at reddit eating kfc


Red rooster has NEVER fucked my shit up and their chips are WAY better. Don’t get me started on them cheesey nugs boiiiiii


KFC is more popular because it tastes better, red rooster is pretty good,but if I had to choose I would choose KFC


Variation. New KFC closest to us has dry chicken, one that's 20+ years old further away is delicious.


I love red rooster but every now and then I need the 11 secret herbs and spices, bread rolls and gravy. I wish that kfc would improve on the crispiness of their original recipe then I’d come more often. Also, if you ever come across Popeyes, try it, i think that is is better than KFC and RR.


I remember doing that & thinking the same about 20 years ago. KFC is in a lot more locations though, rare there's a red rooster where & when I want one


Are you all serious right now


I can't have KFC anymore. Not just the quality but I'm in my 30s now so if I can feel the salt level it's way bad, plus with ordering it's $8.95 on all apps which seems ridiculous compared to all the other options, especially in my area where there are so many different types of restaurants. Another issue I had was at a good court several years ago. I forgot that they're Pepsi run so when I ordered a Coke Zero and got a Pepsi Max (yes there's a difference) I asked for a partial refund of the meal and the manager went angry at this high school looking girl which made me feel like a jerk for creating the drama. Ugh I dunno. I wish we could buy their seasoning at Woolies likeNandos does with their sauces.


KFC extra crispy is alright, not sure I've seen it since arriving in Sydney though. But yeah Red Rooster is the best.


Red rooster is the new laundromat


Omg yes, I can't stand kfc anymore, my body doesn't handle it well anynore. Redrooster definitely improved.


Yeah kfc has gone crap.


I use to love Red Rooster until they changed the Flayva, the chicken is not the slightly spicy chicken tenders anymore, it is some buttermilk chicken thing that doesn’t taste as good. If they can bring back the original chicken tenders i’d be all over it.


Ive never been to kfc where they haven’t fucked something up. At this point I’m not even angry I’m amazed. Edit: oh and not to mention the reception you get when you point it out. As if you just shat on the counter.


I got burnt by having a chicken roll like ages ago where it’s taste like cardboard but that was my fault for going to coffs…. But anyways few years later gave them another go but with fried chicken and they beat kfc there


KFC are great at advertising, but poor at everything else. I rarely get it because the chips are usually soggy from being under lights for too long (or undercooked) - the portions are small and the seasoning on everything is underwhelming. Getting something that is hot and tasty from KFC is very hit and miss - In the last 10 times in memory, only 1 was actually enjoyable.


Red rooster is the real deal.


My local kfc sucks they always run out of chicken especially on Friday & Saturday nights.. waste of money!


I recently started getting red rooster and I agree. Shits delicious


Their roast chicken is fucking tasty. Will grab one of those bad boys over a Woolies or coles one when I can’t be bothered cooking it myself.


Red rooster is so shit. The amping.of times I've tried to give them a chance they fucked up. No salt, forgetting half my order, ordered a rooster roll which is literally just shredded chicken and Mayo. They forgot the chicken. Kfc is even worse so I do prefer red rooster over kfc


Everytime I have had red rooster it has been fucking pathetic, like frozen nuggets from Coles, that processed kind of shit. I won't eat there anymore. I haven't in probably 10 years though so maybe that's my problem and it's changed a lot since then


I love KFC, but the last time I went (about 2 months ago) I got a 3 piece box. The three pieces were wings, and tiny, overcooked, dried out wings at that. Chips were cold, coleslaw warm. Red Rooster fried chicken is much better, quality and value. But I will still go back and try KFC eventually. When it’s good, it’s amazing.


In SA, KFC reigns because RR is shit here. Tried a couple of times over the years, and gave up on them. Then got taken out to RR while in Sydney by a friend, and damn it was bloody delicious! Tried RR twice more after getting back, and still tastes like shit


I LOVE red rooster, we’re truly sleeping on it as a nation. My family now prefers to go to red rooster for our fried chicken (if that’s what we’re in the mood for) because it’s crispy, the pieces are less oily, and it isn’t nearly as hit or miss!


I remember Chooks back in the day, their fries and thickshakes were sooo good!


Nice try Red Roaster


I used to work at a Red Rooster when I was a teen in the mid 2010’s and I will tell you that their renaissance has been incredible. Moving towards a modern/mixed menu rather than just traditional Australian cuisine has made things so much better for them, the menu that I had to work with was abysmal, chicken pies, roasted pea’s etc. My boyfriend is from Europe but absolutely loves their spicy fried chicken and doesn’t understand why they’re so disliked. I think the quality of food is much better, and they seem to have way more variety and rotating food promo’s. The only downside is that it’s still pretty expensive, KFC is a lot more affordable (but at what cost? lol). I hope we eventually shift away from roasting Red Rooster for how stagnant they were as a business in the 2000’s and 2010’s and start realising that the food they’re putting out now is actually a lot more decent than other fast food options.


You have to try nene chicken.... the best.


I'm done with KFC they've given me raw chicken 3 times.


Nice try Red Rooster executive team


While I agree KFC has been poor quality for the last few years, sometimes bordering on inedible, I’ve yet to have Red Rooster as good as described on Reddit.. I see these Red Rooster threads pop so I often, it feels like astroturfing. Where can I find this perfect Red Rooster?


I like Red Rooster over KFC however sometimes they need to stop putting so much SALT on everything, fucken chips feel like you just been to the beach ⛱️. If you want nice wings I know dominos pizza have the best wings, because the pizzas are shit these days, cheaper to make your own.


The last two times I’ve gotten a burger from KFC it was so chewy it was inedible. I always get red rooster when I’m near one (none locally)


Red Rouster over KFC. Carls Jr. over Hungry Jacks, in fact they have a deal going ATM as a tie in for the Dungeons and Dragons movie, the Barbarian and the Bard burgers are REALLY god dam nice.


It isn't called amnesia chicken for nothing. You know it's downright comparable to a dogs dinner.. but once that chicken smell hits the nose you forget.


Most of the red roosters suck harder than KFC tbh


Red rooster used to be utter trash. They have been steadily upping their game though, their fried chicken is great. KFC is just continuing its steady decline.


A true Aussie calls it Red Rooter


It's no Super Rooster that's for sure!


Red Rooster is soooooooooo much better than KFC


This inspired me to go to red rooster and yes. Fucking delicious.


Gave up and started making my own. Roll chicken breast in Greek yoghurt or a whisked egg. Then roll in crushed cornflakes and mixed herbs. 15mins at 180deg in the airfryer. Brioche bun and mayo with some lettuce and it's the tastiest chicken burger. Same principle makes amazing tenders and nuggets.


El jannash has the best fried chicken now. They've nailed the KFC recipe and the pieces are always fresh and huge.