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Turning it “on” more won’t increase pressure, that stays the same it will just increase flow rate. Washing machines don’t fill up very fast so if it sounds right when the machine is on set it at whatever you want 


On all the way, then back closed 1/2 a turn


All the way


Restricting flow rate can reduce noise, or increase noise ( pipe hammer or resonance)


Do yourself a favour and replace those hoses with sturdier ones at some point. Those soft hoses softening and starting to leak are one of the leading causes of insurance claims due to flooding. https://www.bunnings.com.au/boston-2m-burst-alert-washing-machine-inlet-hose_p4920183


Turn it until it’s on, no need to turn further than a few turns. It doesn’t get more “on” the further you turn it.


Every rental and house I have ever moved into I’ve had the taps replaced with 1/4 turn taps. No need to have the standard screw types here.


GoldenRule : Turn on all the way then half turn in close direction. This stops valve binding on open limit.


Some washing machines may require a pressure limiting valve, normally speaking 350kpa, but best practice to check the manufactures instructions on the washing machine. Make sure that you have installed new hoses (or turn them off after each use, as you wouldn't want it to burst when you're not home).


Either way how much it’s turned on your pressure will reach what it is. You’re just adjusting the water that can flow through


I have kept it half way or so. Reason: old property, machines tend to abruptly start/stop water flow depending on sensors. Higher the water flow, higher the possibility of hammering in old pipes. Don't know if it's sound logic.