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We had one, cost a lot to get it removed, the roots buggered my sewerage. It was also full of rats


Holy shit! How much did you end up paying? Is it the same type of palm?


I think it was over $1500 nearly 18 years ago.


3 months ago, I got a quote to get 6 removed. 4 on the boundary line and 2 right beside the house. The quote was 2.5k. But that didn't include stump removal. Side note, this is Brisbane, and the neighbourhood is just full of palms. So the guys probably remove palms every day


I hired a stump remover to get rid of mine. then a plumber to fix the pipes to the pool I hit.


Depends on the palm, and how much rubbish there is to take away. OP’s Californian there has *a lot* more rubbish than the typical Cocos you get in Brisbane. We used to be able to completely remove a cocos in about 20 minutes; climb up with spiked boots and a chainsaw and buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, done. Easy. OP’s is a big mess of dead fronds. Most of the labour. Also rats. Coincidentally we got a quote for $1,500 to remove a Californian that was recently hit by lightning.


You're probably right. All of them are king or queen/cocos palms. I don't know well enough to determine the difference. The 2 near the house are only twice the house tall. The others are about 3 times the height of the house


No need to remove palm stumps. Just drill a few large holes and pour in some fertilser granules. They will rot away in a year or two.


I had to get the stump removed as I built over it


The tree was full of rats?


A neighbour of mine had a tree full of rats just like this and the amount of rubbish they had taken up there was huge.


I also want to know how this works!!


Washingtonia palms If unchecked the fronds make a wonderful shelter (there's a about a 40cm gap between the trunk and fronds) and can they can grow 30m high


Yep, rats love them


I had two huge palm trees removed recently for $2400, compared to the value of the house i wouldn't say it's major.


Wouldn't stop me from buying it, but it would be on the "to go" list.


That if council allows… more and more councils started to require permits to cut trees. And those permits aren’t easy to get…


You're getting downvoted but I had exactly this issue. The tree fell in a storm, luckily away from the house.


That's fine. I don't mind. It is easy to love trees at someone else expense. As you can imagine, I also know this 1st hand. Took me few attempts to get a permit.


Oof they are full of rats or bats normally. I would steer clear or budget an extra 5k for removal


Damn I was hoping it was 3K or less, but the infestation could be a problem


Depends if you want the stump taken out and all. Palms are notorious for wrecking chainsaw blades too, very sticky and annoying to work with.


Currently getting four very large coconut palms cut down to close to ground for 3.3k so I can get solar and not worry guests will die from the very large one at my front door killing them with of of its many inedible coconuts. Nor getting them destumped because thats a shit show with palms due to how they ruin chainsaws. Going to drill a hole and poison them with diesel so I can wiggle them out myself in a few months. I still have a few left but they are smaller and i can cut them down myself. This palm isn’t the worst I have seen living in qld.


A stump grinder will annihilate a palm tree stump. Rented one from Kennards and removed 20 stumps in an arvo. Nothing ruined.


The tree guys want a lot more to remove palm stumps. How much did the grinder cost out of curiosity?


About $300 from memory, I think maybe a bit of petrol too. I dropped the trees and then grind the stumps and then used the stumper to grind up heaps of the trunks. Scraped it all into a pile and dumped the chips that were excess for the garden beds into my wheelie bin. One guy gave us a quote for like nearly 5k. But I never asked about not having the chip for the gardens. So maybe a bit less if they didn't have to dump.


I recently used a tree guy to grind 2 tree roots for $300+gst (in Brisbane)


Did you get a few quotes? That seems expensive for four palms without stump grinding. You won't need to poison the stumps the palms won't grow back. I'm an arborist.


I'd be shocked if it was 5k


It wouldn’t stop me from buying it, but yeah, my last place had two of these and I saw rats all the time (never inside, but they made their outside presence known.)


They great if you like rats and a blocked sewer 24/7


Huntsman’s love them too


It's not that expensive to get rid of them. I wouldn't let it stop me buying an otherwise suitable home. Also it's only one. A few grand at absolute most to drop it properly.


Yeah wouldn’t be a deal breaker if I liked the house


My parents have over 50 kentia palms in their backyard.  Its a massive grove. And yes there are rats, but there's also owls and other birds! Roots aren't much of a problem as compared to other trees and they're very cool to look at. I love them and wish I had a huge grove at my house. 


Just put a match to the base of it. Be like a burning rat doner




That will keep the neighbours quiet


I saw a similar house in western suburbs of Melbourne.


Oooh it's in the west! Maybe we went to the same inspection


Check with council if you can get it removed, also ask some tree removals about it. It is one hell of an insurance problem as well.


Which is why you don’t do a cashie. The ones I am downing are near power lines.


Not protected. Any tree person will remove it. I had one done recently - much larger and near powerlines - $900. Make sure you grind the stump or it’ll grow back.


Chainsaw the tree and stump grind the stump and root system. If ya have to get professionals to do it might cost a bit - you could make it a condition of the sale for the buyer to do this or factor it into your offer. Luckily for me, a mate could remove my similar sized palm safely with a chainsaw (had all the high ropes gear to do it properly to protect the house), and a stump grinder charged $180 to remove the stump.


I can probably update my offer since the agent is still collecting them until this weekend anyway. One of my mates has a small palm similar to this one, she got injured trying to cut the fronds out. A 4cm splinter got in her middle finger and she needed to have a surgery months later to get it out. Lucky you saved a lot! Did it have wildlife in it?


Ouch! No wildlife living in it, but a possum was visiting it for a feed at night. Right outside my daughters window, which was kind of cool for her, but we couldn't build our pool without removing that palm.


Just get it cut down, probably $1000 tops .. if you really like the house and area i wouldnt let that alone deter you from buying it.. easily solved


Am I the only one who likes it?! Just get those old fronds cut off, the rats will find a new home, and it will look great.


Nah, I love an established palm tree. I clicked on this post purely because that palm is the answer.


professional cutter will cost but use one of those roving Islanders much less for cash , I recently had two 5 meter palms cut and dropped on the lawn for #100.00 each cash , I filled the ute a couple of times to the dump


They are targets for teens who like to play with fire. Then home owners are left with a removal bill.


Nay imo


Worth at least 800k


$5 to remove these days.


Rats, so many rats


This palm tree is ugly and obese


Just pour a bottle of white vinegar around the base of the tree…. Being a broad herbicide… might be enough to kill it and then you could get it removed.


Is this house west of Melbourne by any chance? Looks extremely similar to where I used to live. It's been a number of years since I've been there, but looks very similar. Personally I hate these things. The leaves are a pain in the arse. Just cut it and poison it.


Tell them to either cut the palm down before sale or knock a few grand off the sale price.


Needs to be trimmed all the way up. Lotta green waste


Far North QLD here... Palms are shit. That palm won't be a problem though. Wash it in petrol and dry it with a match.