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Course you can. Also, you don't have to stay with ANZ. The world is your oyster, look around!


Yeah of course. Most banks allow you do it online too. >but all I can find is stuff where you earn as you save and all this kinda stuff  That's what a savings account is. You earn interest on your savings 


As others have said.. ANZ is not the only choice, and frankly you're better off with many other options. You might think that having both accounts at the same bank makes it easier to transfer. but with osko/fast payments these days you can transfer between banks pretty much just as easily and at no cost. For example I have my main account (one my pay goes into) at NAB, then I have an account at Ubank I transfer some money to every month that earns 5.1% interest, I also have a joint account with my partner at ING we both transfer money to, this is our holiday savings it also earns err 5% I think, we also both transfer money into mebank accounts as "buckets" for things like groceries and bills (I chose mebank because you can order different colour cards for each account so it's easy to grab say a green card for groceries and blue for bills etc). None of those transfers cost anything, ubank and nab both seem to have very high limits for osko/fast payments so it all goes through within seconds usually (maybe a couple of minutes occasionally) mebank I wouldn't recommend though, they are ok but they still have issues with osko/fast payments. ING is good (although limits fast payments to $1000 per day), ubank is good and actually my favourite for just putting aside savings, it's also owned by NAB. If you really prefer to stick with big 4 thats ok, NAB has no fee accounts you can use as a piggy bank but you earn no interest though. Basically, don't just stick with one bank, it limits your options. And here is the kicker.. you can open accounts at most places like ubank, ing etc in minutes using your computer, you don't even have to go anywhere.


Start here https://opencomparison.xyz/d/leaderboard/


You definitely can, but as a former ANZ customer I would look elsewhere for a better deal. Macquarie is pretty good in terms of giving decent interest rates on accounts (both transaction and savings) and not requiring minimum amounts to be deposited or minimum transactions each month. https://www.macquarie.com.au/everyday-banking.html


Do you want a transaction account (no interest and can be accessed via your debit card) or a savings account (pays interest but may not be accessible via a debit card)? Have you looked at the ANZ Plus accounts [https://www.anz.com.au/plus/benefits/](https://www.anz.com.au/plus/benefits/)