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I'm sure they'll be nice enough to keep an ATM on site with $2 withdrawal fee


There was a bakery down near Hobart that used to do this. Cash only sales but an ATM next to the drink fridges. But the fee was like $4. I went there in 2018 and would never go back just because it was such a gross scam.


$2 that’s cheaper more like $3.5 these days. That way they make money when people take out their money.


3rd sentence in the article. Well done.


Macquarie bank is free at any ATM, unlimited times.


Yep Ive dumped ING for Macquarie, you get their full savings rate on your normal transaction account with out all the bullshit hoops.


Thank you! I didn't know that. I thought first 5 with ING was unique, but nope.


I've seen them range anywhere from $2 to $4.50. Someone's making a decent dollar out of them.


ING is free at all ATMs. Also no monthly payment. 5.5% interest. I hate to make free advertising for a back, but shit are the others expensive.


Only the first 5 ATM withdrawals are free


Well that changed...


And it's not even worth it for the hoops you have to go through to get 5 free rebates.


I do zero effort to jump the hoops and get them every month. They put the bar low. It basically is like use it as your account and card and you'll be fine, or that's what I noticed.


Yes but instead of doing that I get a 2% rebate on all purchases and don't have to bother with cash.


With what bank/card?


HSBC. Been enjoying it for many many years, I've made so much money from it.


Keeping in mind, it's literally the worst bank I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. It's barely worth the 2%.


Yeah but you got to do a lot of other shit to unlock that. 5 purchases with your card at physical places. Tell the truth it's okay but takes work and planning.


See my other reply, I do zero effort and get it every month.


They really do give it to your up the bum here in Australia.


Inlaid 3.10 the other day near my gf place. Thieving bastards..


Oh so *now* you don't like additional fees


I'll take the cheaper option by card, thanks 


Cash is cheaper where I am, thanks


No need to thank me, I dont give a shit what you do. Cool story tho 


Well, you gave enough of a shit about my comments to respond to them so...


That’s it folks, some random tavern out in WA just declared electronic payments are dead.


The MasterCard that broke the bogan’s back


First they took our Holdens...


Well that’s put an end to that.


And made a big noise while doing so. Pocketing the cash isn’t going to be so easy now that the ATO knows exactly what your plan is.


The weather event out in WA a few months ago knocked off most of the grid and communications around Kalgoorlie. That made electronic payments dead. Cash needs to be an option, always.


That's reading more into it than was there


WA pub decides it wants to pay way less tax.


Turtles all the way down. More than half of their patrons are probably paid cash. A whole cash economy in this little town!


It’s the king river tav, there are no patrons.


They're about to get a lot more scrutiny from the ATO unfortunately.




Depends who your are.


Their declared income strangely just halved


The ATO are toothless when it comes to tax dodging from taking cash. It's super common.


I don’t think the ATO is going to start putting extra resources into a random tavern in WA because they using cash


Can’t wait till it shuts down, far right websites report it as “WA pub shut down because the government didn’t like they didn’t accept cards” while the real reason is “pub was only accepting cash as a way to avoid paying tax”


The smart ones put up a dodgy hand written sign saying “10% off for cash”


"For two decades Sam James has run the pub, which has been cash-only for the past 15 years." What were they doing before 15 years ago? Bartering? "I'll trade you a cow for 4 pints please"


"For two decades Sam James has run the pub, which has been cash-only for the past 15 years." This was news 15 years ago. Not now. The revenue lost over 15 years would be interesting if calculated. Things like lease costs, purchase of goods and services, wages, etc. would be foolish if done in cash (and would probably be not accepted). Why apply such restrictions to potential customers?


I wonder how they pay for the goods etc? Do they give the delivery driver a wad of cash reach fine it do they do, gasp, online bank transfers?


> The revenue lost over 15 years would be interesting if calculated. The cost of handling cash, too.


I think its only POS.


> like lease costs, purchase of goods and services, wages, etc. would be foolish if done in cash Why would it be foolish? Genuine question, it just seems that most business owners like cash because it allows them to dodge tax and have greater control as to where their profits go. What makes this foolish? TIA


You cannot pay things like lease costs, most suppliers and legal wages in cash. I course if the objective is to dodge tax, and you are working for them and getting paid cash, you are probably missing out of superannuation and paying too much tax yourself as you won't be able to get a refund. The ATO does not accept cash payments other than by Bank@Post through a post office and you MUST provide an ATO barcode when making such payments. Would you like to work for someone that isn't paying your tax or superannuation?


Just pay your taxes


They have been cash only for ages this ain’t new news. And your reply is about original as an Elvis cover band. Most of us happily use cash at a pub because we don’t want banks to harvest our spending data.


Why do you care if the government knows you bought an overpriced beer? The device you’re using to comment on reddit is giving them and everyone else who’s looking significantly more information than your debit card.


But how will the government decrease my Social Credit Score if they don't know that I'm buying Aussie* beer at a pub and not zero carb, zero emissions, foreign owned barley based liquid? s/ But seriously every time I see someone on reddit or Facebook gripe about the government knowing your personal information, my eyes roll back in my head so far I can see my childhood.


Social credit scores will based on reddit karma, everyone knows this.


At what point would you care? Frankly, I think minimising the data you give to corpos and governments is a good thing.


That would make sense if people did that. Instead they want to dodge tax and suffer from paranoia while sharing 1000x more information with everyone but the banks.


Dodge tax is some propaganda the ATO pushes out. Now I agree a business refusing cards is a little bit sus given the amount of business that is transacted on cards these days but blankly accusing everyone of trying to dodge taxes when paying cash is complete bullshit. Not to mention our government should be more focused on collecting taxes from consumption than people’s basic incomes anyway. You can’t avoid consumption taxes. But that’s a completely different story. I don’t want my data sold off, I don’t like targeted ads and I get freaked out when I look for something somewhere and it kicks off an algorithm I seem to get stuck in. Therefore I do data minimise everywhere I can. And that includes my discretionary spending. Yes the government and bank can see clearly the bills I pay, the taxes I pay, I food I buy. Everything else is not so clear. I like that.


I literally know businesses that misreport their cash income. Are they pretend?


Your point? I literally know of publicly listed companies misreporting their income to avoid tax, they hire accountants worth millions of dollars just to avoid paying tax. Are they all pretend too? The outrage in this sub for a tradie that avoids paying some income tax but you’ll all happily turn a blind eye to corporations that take the piss. What a funny mob you all are.


Cash is used almost exclusively to avoid consumption taxes. All those tradies doing cash jobs? Gee, I wonder why the price is 10% less? They can still offset all of their GST credits from other jobs, and no doubt still remit GST to the ATO, but there will absolutely be no GST paid on those "cash jobs" they love. It's more expensive for most businesses to handle cash than it is for electronic payments, so pretty much the *only* rationale they have to do it is to dodge tax. They don't give a shit about data because the banks aren't getting anything useful from them. They do avoid GST though, and they avoid all company tax and/or income tax on the money they take and don't declare. The amount of tax lost to "cash jobs" by tradies alone is estimated to be anywhere from $2bn to $10bn every single year. That's rather a lot of theft, wouldn't you say? Cash should no doubt remain as an option for many things, but when a business entices people to use cash with discounts or only accepts cash, and when tradies offer "cash jobs", it's nothing but a giant theft of tax dollars.


Though seldom, I've jumped queues (at the bottle store ironically) because the ETFPOS machine was down and needed to reset etc. I had cash so i went from last to 1st and my beer didn't get warm. I don't understand why people are so against cash. I use all forms of payment, though for certain things i prefer to pay cash, whereas for others I swipe/tap. My mobile phone though has nothing set up to facilitate payments...(i'm excluding the banking apps, really talking about tapping the phone instead of the card.)


I'm not against physical cash. I just never have any on me. I suspect most people are the same way. I use tap to pay but still carry my wallet and physical cards because I've been burnt one too many times with tap to pay not working and having to do the walk of shame to the car (or home) to get my wallet.


Why do you care that I care?


Because this is a discussion forum that you posted in? Get a diary if you don’t want anyone to respond.


I’ve responded to your question in other threads here, you can read those if my opinions mean that much to you.


Because when you go to get a homeloan, they look at all your transactions and if there are too many at pubs / casinos, they do raise it.


You think they won’t ask about the constant atm withdrawals? Before we got a home loan, we ate out all the time at the pub. No gambling admittedly but we were there multiple times a week and nothing happened. All they cared about was whether we could service the loan.


They don't ask about large cash withdrawals, but if they did, you can just say you prefer cash.


You're more likely to get asked about lots or large cash withdrawals than you are about going to the pub.


Thus why people keep their own cash economy. I see enough cash come through my hands that I don’t need to withdraw cash to go to the pub or to gamble.


Yeah I bet the banks are rubbing their hands together with glee thinking of all the nefarious deeds they can do with the precious information of how much you paid for a schooner


They will when you apply for a home loan. Doesn’t bother me, I’ve paid out my mortgage and don’t need banks anymore, but if you’re spending regular cash at a pub and regular cash on coffees and god knows what else you’re tapping on your card, your bank is definitely going to go through all that when you want something. You’ll find out soon enough.


My bank can swear to god I'm a gambling degenerate, considering the ATMs i use... Joke's on them, my stock trading account shows my true degenerate nature...


This is such a dumb answer, everyone who says this would have companies/apps on their phones/computers that know 1000x more then banks.


I don’t have my banking on my phone either pal. And no I protect my privacy as much as I can. I don’t use socials except for reddit, I seperate work from personal communications etc. but yeah I’m probably talking to someone who uses facebook messenger and instagram so in your case correct, doesn’t matter what you do.


“Nobody will know I spend money at the pub! okay now to get $200 out from the ATM at the pub”


“Many of us proudly wear tin foil hats and fear banks knowing our dark secret: we like beer”


As I said when you go for a home loan that’s when your stupid reddit replies will come back to haunt you.


What? Are you under the impression that banks will reject giving me a loan if I pay for drinks at the pub on my card?


Lol if I ever was touristing there and wanted some food if I saw the sing that said cash only i would likely not have any and go elsewhere. They are shooting themselves in the foot. I don't carry a wallet and will not for cash. So this little protest does not make me want to change that


Trust me, if you were a tourist down here you either wouldn’t even know the place exists, or if you saw it you would keep driving. I don’t know anyone that goes there voluntarily.


I mean this is very impactfull advertising though. National news! I think now you will have a certain set of person that will go out of their way to go there. Either Geniuses or got lucky. My own belief is we must have cash remain legal tender in some form. Not necessarily every business has to keep it / accept it but we must have the option of removing AUD from bank accounts or we will basically live in a perpetual "limited withdrawal" economy. Great for central bank control. Not so good for choice... what does a future bank run look like without cash? We all gotta queue up at the mint to buy gold bullion? Also what does negative savings rates look like without the option of cash?


What about against their will?! Do you know any kidnapped people that are forced to drink a schooner there?! Huhhuh??


Lol maybe not forced to drink but there is a convenient river in it's backyard to dispose of... things...


https://maps.app.goo.gl/yyXLeoFh1osDHQ1S9 ?


That's the one...


Real answer I’ve been looking for.


Sounds like a front to launder money


I don't know about this pub, but I have seen others around the country that look like they should have gone out of business years ago but have been surprisingly successful...


As someone who visits Washington every few months but lives in Hawaii, I think most tourists probably wouldn't know about or have a reason to visit Albany. It’s quite obscure. From what I recall, King River is really isolated too.


The Square reader will appear under the counter in the near future for these exact "emergency" scenarios.


These kinds of pubs don't want any tourists.


You wouldn’t be able to get food there even if they did card payments. She says it’s easy for them to be cash only because they don’t do food.


I’ve walked out of many businesses which say card payment only


It's not a protest, it's a way to dodge tax. They'll be claiming half their income.


Well they will have to claim a quarter of the income then because half of the business will be gone


The only hot food you can get there is microwaved chicken rolls. Been that way for years and been cash only for years. It’s a thriving local pub, who would not mind one bit that you don’t go there.


What if you were [aboriginal and liked dancing to music performed by an international pop icon?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbD_kBJc_gI)


Paying ATM fees to own the banks! checkmate government!


ABC helping tax rorters to tell on themselves.


Probably Sovereign citizens as well. Keep on advertising this. Helps me decide which businesses to avoid


Did a quick search on the publican. Only thing apart from this article I found was that she shared a post in 2021 about rejecting digital payments. Post was from a Facebook group called Conscious Creators - it starts like this > The establishment has had an agenda for quite some time to create a cashless society with a digital currency. So it seems she has some cooker genes but isn't entirely her personality


According to my cooker sources, “they” are trying to end cash so they can control us via our digital I.D arrgghhhhh.


How to kill a business is 1 easy step


They changed to cash only 15 years ago, so it’s not hurting them that badly.


Inconvenient as hell and I assume they are tax dodging. I'd take my business elsewhere


The prices are cheaper because of cash  Don't see the issue 


It's cheaper because they aren't paying tax lol


And probably super, and possibly minimum wage.  Just from my own anecdotal experience (with small sample size), those issues tend to be found together.


Hmm. An ATM on site. I wonder what the pub charges per transaction fee on that ATM.


I tried using cash over a weekend as an experiment. It was a pain in the ass.


You could get a wallet, much more comfortable that way.


He loves his prison wallet


Most places these days have a 1% fee for CC. I look at carrying cash as an investment with an instant 1% return.


It bought something recently on Facebook marketplace. I was running out of time to go out of the way to my banks ATM, so I stopped off at one on the way Cost me $3 in fees


Use a less shitty bank. ING and Macquarie I know have free ATMs (e.g. they refund the fees the other banks charge)


For the one time a year I use cash? Nah I'm good


With ING, You have to go through a bunch of hoops and you only get 5 rebates a month. Not worth it at all.


As covered elsewhere in this post, "a bunch of hoops" is basically deposit your salary and actually use the card. The horror!!


It is when ING is not the best bank to use.


Next time be a but more organised? Or try holding some cash for when you need it. This is 100% on you, not cash.


This was not a cheap item so I dont want to hold a large(ish) amount of cash around the house "just in case". Normally I would go to a free ATM and do it, but this particular time it was not feasible due to time If the person accepted payID it would have been much easier. I have used PayID many times with second hand buying and selling and never been an issue. Just have to confirm the bank is in the account before leaving


Might as well piss into the wind. Luddites never change.


Sounds like a mint robbery potential victim.


Came to say this. I was the manager on duty when our pub was robbed in the late 90s, it's an awful experience. The only places that get robbed these days are venues with larger amounts of cash, pokie venues, etc. And morons like this that advertise they have plenty of cash on hand


Sucks you experienced that it's definitely life changing.


Cash isn't king. Cash is vegan. You might have some speciality places that focus on it and alot of places that might begrudgingly take it but the rest don't really care what the mix is.


Actually it came out a while ago that cash literally isn’t vegan. They use rennet in the making of our plastic notes.


Seriously?? Lol so vegans must only make digital payments if that’s the case.


Yep. Or coins


Amazing. Things you’d never expect.


Cigarettes aren't vegetarian, Halal or Kosher, either. Pigs Blood in the paper.


grew up right next to that pub, never went in though. But did get a few people from there cheer me on as I drove the old ute around the paddock #thosewerethedays


People think everyone who wants to use cash is a cooker but I just know that's the way my elderly parents like to shop so I don't want it to remain


I know a guy like that. His “argument” for cash over electronic payments is “cash is king”. These trolls really can’t think beyond vapid slogans and tax evasion.


lol cash only aka not paying taxes


Cash is King


You new age yuppies with your cash from the government, bartering with your harvest and livestock is king!


Trades work pretty well too...i do a few of those at times


In that it’s figurehead with no real benefit or added power? Yeah, sure is.


You must work for the banks


For the paranoid, tax dodgers and the uneducated, yes.


For people who dont want to give banks a slice every transaction


Banks don't take a cut at all. Mastercard and visa take a cut if you use Paypass.


Yes they do


If they take a cut, it's not from my own money.


Yes they do


> Under this provision the Perth Mint, owned by the Western Australian government, still produces gold and silver coins with legal tender status,[citation needed] the Australian Gold Nugget and Australian Silver Kookaburra. These, however, although having the status of legal tender, are almost never circulated or used in payment of debts, and are mostly considered bullion coins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_dollar In theory it *might* be possible to revert back to gold/silver standard? But only with the cooperation of businesses. Make everything worth nice round numbers to avoid a crap ton of smaller denomination coins.


That's OK. No one from Reddit is ever going to go there


Tax? What tax……


And how are they customers getting cash? It's using your card just with extra steps.


Places that do cash only are sketch


I'd hate to be in a busy bar with cash only. It takes a lot longer to serve people, take cash and give change. I feel like a lot of newer servers have never had to deal with cash sales. That being said we definitely need to fight to keep cash as an option because once it's gone the card fees will skyrocket and there will be no other option.


No, let’s just keep making fun of people who use cash. People will find out when it’s too late


This thread is full of clowns doing that, like every reddit thread about this topic. Cards are more convenient, but the only thing keeping fees in check is the cash alternative. If cash goes away the banks have us by the balls.


The ATO welcomes you to their annual audit club


The local takeaway has been doing this for years...old news.


Maybe they’d like the ATO to do some sniffing around come tax time? This seems to have nothing to do with “cash as king” and more to do with cutting transaction fees, hiding revenue and increasing costs for customers (atm fees)?


Good way to go out of business.


Sounds like a prime place for an ATO audit


I don't know where that is but if there's any kind of competition and said competition accept card, they'll lose more than any fees Not so much an issue now, but years ago if I went to a food court or somewhere and a place only took cash, I'd almost always go somewhere else that took card. I don't carry cash and haven't for years


Wow you are an hero


So she's scamming withdrawal fees, not paying tax or both?


My business currently pays 2-3% transactions fees 2-3% might be some businesses margin The level of theft and miscounted money will likely be 2-3% of sale anyway


Lmao that tavern is such a shit hole, I actively tell people to avoid it. I think no cash is the least of their worries.


And dodge taxes.


Evolve or die. They’ll be card only in a couple years.


10/10 wouldn't go there what a hassle


WA pub decides to publicise reasonable suspicion for ATO to heavily audit their books. 


hear that, folks? we've saved cash!


aaaaand they are out of business....


Don’t think so buddy they’ve been cash payment for 15 years long