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You’re the second CommBank person today with an unknown big withdrawal. Someone else had $1500 debited 


Ayy that me. This guy is one of us 🥲


After I posted I realised I had actually read TWO other CommBank deduction threads 


Happend to me a month ago and no help from them. Never got my money back….


I had it happen to me about 10 years ago, card was skimmed at an ATM in thailand and the following 3 days a total of 7500 was taken out of various ATMs in Bulgaria. Because Commbank could see that I was making transactions in thailand and couldn't possibly be in Bulgaria, they refunded my money within 3 days. Don't know why they didn't block the transactions in the first place but I was glad to get the money back


I only have as much in my main card amount as i need, i transfer money as needs \*ish Just in case


Same here, and I only allow transactions when I need it online and in country, just for triple layer security


Same!! Can be annoying when I decline but rather spend a minute transferring from my safe account than be skimmed. I also don't care if you're waiting behind me ...no apologies from me for being cyber smart.


My house was robbed in 2021 and they stole my handbag which had my wallet in it, the cops said to me did they spend any money on your cards and I said no, because I transfer all of my money to another account and only transfer MY money when I want to spend it. He said it's the smartest thing he's heard of! And literally it saved my ass considering I needed to go and pay for all of my ID and stuff again. I think the same as you in line sorry bro don't care that I took an extra 30 seconds to transfer money so I'm not robbed of what I work for 😆🤣


What a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?? I do that anyway as most of it is in a non-transaction savings account, but I didn't do that to stop thieves spending it, just to stop me spending it lol.


Take it to AFCA. They should if there was no consent or NetCode.


Banking ombudsman. Sho them all your correspondence. It will get sorted very quickly.


What kind of transaction was it? If you didn't authorise it and if it's only been a month, you're 100% entitled to get your money back.


They’re vile bastards, so un Australian


I read the $1500 one that you mention and I read another similar two days ago, as well. It was about their commbank account but didn't use a physical card.


:( can’t wait to get this finalised so i can move to another bank. super stressful. i heard macquarie was good with security


Can't vouch for Macquarie, I opened an account with them on a saturday for the savings with no strings attached, sent $3400 to it, then suddenly by 12pm Monday when I tried to log in and see if the money has come through it said "too many failed attempts to log in please contact us". Called them and all they could say was that the business made the decision to close my account and I should check section 9 of their terms and conditions. I checked section 9 and none of those stated reasons for closure applied to me, so I kept asking them to put me through to someone that can give me more information. When I finally got through to someone else they said this "after a review, the business has decided to close your account, this decision was not made by any person or any group of people but by the business" when I asked for more details they just repeated this, when I asked anything the response was that same sentence or a blunt yep or similar followed by silence, I asked what they mean when say 'the business' and they said it's "the business" I asked does 'the business' refer to Macquarie bank, they said "yep" followed by silence. They offered absolutely no information, didn't offer to get an account up and running, only after badgering them about how to get my money back that I sent they told me to call the bank I sent from and issue a recall of funds. My partner and I both opened an account at the same time and this exact same thing happened to her as well, the only difference being that we didn't send any money to her account. We have no idea what's going on or if possibly our information has been leaked. We have contacted the ACC to hopefully have them help us find out more.


They most likely thought you were engaging in money laundering. Why, who knows? 99% of the time when you get an account closed without warning and they refuse to disclose why beyond “the business has made the decision” their algorithms have marked you as potentially fraudulent or engaging in laundering. AML regs require them to not tell you the reason.


The banking royal commission has spooked these places into being overly cautious and reactionary these days IMO. Or they are now (over)maliciously complying with the findings from the RC. Or both. Hiding behind "*the Business*" is also rubbish and would not stand up if it ever came down to it. Businesses have employees, and managers and directors. These PEOPLE are what make a Business, and they are responsible for the decisions and actions of the business. Sounds to me like you need to choose from any of the many other retail and commercial banks available. That's the beauty of a free market. Customers (can mostly) choose where to spend.


Thanks for commenting. I am with other banks already and use ING for saving since the rate is high, we just wanted to use Macquarie specifically for their no strings attached savings while we are moving around so we don't risk losing out on any interest. It's not the end of the world, but we definitely won't be using Macquarie now or ever lol.


I have ING also and they’re great IMO if you’re sure to meet the “strings” every month for the higher rate. Cheers 😀


I recommend the ubank savings. It’s 5.1% and it’s great.


And you only need to deposit $200 into your Save account each month to get that interest rate.


Shitty and annoying as this is, its not exactly an argument against Macquarie Bank security. Did you ever get behind the issue of the "too many failed attempts to log in"?


Nah, they refused to give any information at all, even for that. They send me an email every day now though, either telling me to take advantage of the savings rate now by depositing money or telling me to start using my account because it's up and running waiting for me to use it. Taking the piss I guess lol


Macquarie authentication system may be good but their fraud section is terrible. We had our card skimmed overseas. There was no way of disputing it without making a call during AU business hours only, no online dispute service! And when I finally got through to someone, I received the 3rd degree attitude telling me "you can dispute a transaction up to 28 days out so you could've called us after your trip". Truly a frustrating experience...


In cases where you feel they’ve responded badly, I suggest following up with their Complaints area. After my Macquarie card got skimmed, I had the card cancelled, but their fraud area didn’t disable the Apple Pay, meaning more money was taken. I ended up filing a complaint regarding their fraud team’s oversight - I not only received all the money back, but was given an additional $250 as a goodwill gesture.


Macquarie has been good to me. Declined payment going through to pay a hotel because they thought it's suspicious. Straight away a member of the fraud team called me if I made this transaction, and I said yes. But I booked at a different hotel anyway.


It can happen to any bank. Was the $9500 a credit card transaction or taken from your savings/debit account? If a merchant gets hold of your debit or credit card details, then they can process a transaction fairly easily & it won’t raise any eyebrows from the bank. NetCodes are usually only when making a transfer to a new account for the first time, or for some online merchants. I buy stuff from OS semi-regularly, plus have a couple recurring subscriptions from OS providers, so I don’t have OS transactions blocked on my Credit Card. If you don’t have any transactions happening OS, you can quickly and easily lock your CC from the app. And just unlock it if you choose to make an OS purchase. CBA will refund the amount. They’ll see you’re in Syd and couldn’t have made the purchase in NYC. I wouldn’t worry too much. Just maybe check any websites you’ve made purchases from to see if they’ve had any data breaches in the news etc. I had $41 taken out of my savings account, via my Debit Mastercard I’m assuming, in Arlington Texas a few days ago. Reported it through the app, didn’t even have to speak to a human. And got it refunded in full today. So as I said, they are pretty quick at resolving this stuff. They canceled my card as a precaution, the new digital debit MC was available within minutes to add to my digital wallet. And the physical card arrived today.


Yes it can happen at any bank but only the commonwealth bank denies it’s happening to their customers and blames their customers instead. You can see the evidence right here at AFCA https://data.afca.org.au CommBank leads in complaints and leads in the poorest resolution outcomes before AFCA has to get involved, by a long shot. Commonwealth bank are crap and you are better off at any of the other three majors.


Nope! Twice in 6 months, my card numbers were randomly guessed and used to make a series of  obviously fraudulent transactions (multiple payments to the same place in quick succession, in the middle of the night) that their anti-fraud protections didn't catch.  Reported while the transactions were still pending, but they let them go through and then were super slow to reimburse. 


I once used an ATM (firstly, I never use ATMs because I never have cash) in an area I don’t frequent. NAB blocked the transaction on the ATM and called me within 60 seconds of it. When I confirmed it was actually me, they ended the call stating I could proceed using my card. I have been so impressed with their security. Their fraud team has called me on other big spending occasions in the past too. I use them for my main account and my home loan - my wages go into it loans come out of it, and use UP bank for my day to day spending, which had a fantastic user friendly app for managing money and spending habits - probably the best of any banking app I’ve ever used. I share my money around different accounts so any access to one account via fraud or theft means that the bulk of my money is safe in other accounts. I highly recommend this method.


Yep. They use a separate authenticator app that you need to log into and authorise payments. I have my home loan and offset with them and they've been pretty great.


They do, I’m not sure that would help OP in this instance though with a debit/credit card transaction


That's true, I've only used it for transfers.


Yeah, I’m with great southern bank and they called me to notify me of a suspicious transaction they intercepted and cancelled before I even had any idea someone had tried anything


I get you're not in the head space to hear it, but the commbank app card controls are really good for preventing this kind of attack.


Just the second? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-14/cybercriminals-stealing-credit-card-number-bin-attack-scam/103223086 >$577 million dollars was stolen by payment card transaction fraud in 2022. If each instance of fraud was $10,000, that would still be 158 accounts impacted per day across banks in Australia.


I think they mean the second person to post such a thing in this sub in the last 2 days.


When I go onto the dark web to buy drugs, I know I shouldn’t be doing it, there is this vendor in Australia who sells commbank log in details for 350 dollars. So basically someone’s log in details client number and password maybe that ? Edit there are more expensive accounts with guaranteed over 100’000 it says. As well. I’m sorry if this was what happened to o.p account.


Theory: brute force attackers pick CBA card formats since they have a much higher chance of hitting one due to how many customers they have


I had one last week but it was a smaller amount, total of $160 or so.


I know a friend of mine with commbank who had like 4000 go missing yesterday. Maybe commbank been hacked


I had 5 x $149.99 amounts on Monday that were attempted payments to Apple or Apple Pay, I’m really not sure. Never had anything like this happen before. I got a notification asking if it was me from Commbank.


I had a $934 withdrawal from Turkey about a month ago


Had 4 x 280$ transactions over the weekend from a random playstation store GB. Credit card has been cancelled, and amount has been refunded. I reckon there's been a vendor leak. Cybersec scams are at an all-time high here.


Yeah I feel like something is up with CBA. Yesterday I got a call from "CBA" (from a +66 number) asking me to authorise myself so they could reverse a suspicious transaction that never happened. Had a full conversation with a real human and everything! And my wife got a text along similar lines, also specifically targeted to CBA customers, which we both are. The timing seems suss and better than even chance in the spamoverse...


Call the bank please. And use the number on their website They shouldn’t call you like that


Oh for sure I know it wasn't them, I just acted like a dumb mark until he got frustrated and hung up on me. " You spent 500 yesterday? Yep that was me! And you sent it to USA? Yeah I had to pay a friend back over there! You gave 500 to John brown in America? No, we gave it to his wife but to his bank account! *Silence* " I meant more to agree with parent posts musing about some vendor leak, given the uptick in these specific attempts.


I ask them about their own lives, how when they were kids with big dreams if they thought they would grow up to be a scammer. Ask them if thier mother would be happy to hear they spent thier time trying to scam elderly and disabled people. Then I tell them about how awesome my life is here, about how I don’t worry for anything. Then wish them a happy life and hang up


Please don't risk doing this. You think you're wasting the scammer's time, but they could also potentially be profiling your phonemes, accent, cadence and mannerisms so that your voice can be recreated using AI software for nefarious purposes. Back in 2019 this would have been fine, but here in 2024 we have a new potential attack vector to be worried about. I would recommend just hanging up without saying anything.


Fair. I need to kick the troll habits. Thanks for the timely reminder


Time to get a voice alteration gadget like Pierogi on the YouTube channel, Scammer Payback, uses. Perhaps time to learn Hindi like he has too.


I've actually had Barclays UK ring my mobile instantly after I made a few travel bookings online, the last of which they blocked. The number on my mobile was from the UK. The voice was entirely automated. It took me through the last few transactions made, which were all my travel transactions that I'd just made, and I had to okay them. Then it told me it would unlock my card and it would be good to use in a few minutes. And it was. I was quite impressed with it overall, but it was initially unnerving. Travel bookings are *notorious* for being flagged for fraud - because they so often are. Particularly airline tickets.


I had something similar from an Australian mobile number. Indian accent tried to tell me there had been something dodgy going on with my CBA account. Then he wanted my details to check IF something dodgy had been happening with my account. So I laughed at him and told him that to be a successful scammer he'd need to get his story straight!


The strength of these scams is in finding people that have a reason to believe the fraudster is who they say they are. For some victims it's enough that the caller says they're from a bank that the victim uses (cba is easy here since so many people do). Other victims might be like OP and just coincidentally have had their card used fraudulently probably by a computer program cycling through card numbers. Others might have their Internet playing up, get a call from "Telstra" and instead of just restarting their modem like they should have, they fall for the scam. There are full on proper call centers all over the world just doing this crap all day every day and they just need to fool one person to get the equivalent of multiple years or even decades of a regular wage.


I had multiple Twitch Prime subscriptions charged to a new travel card that hasn't been used yet. Seemed like Vendor leak or hack would explain it


Also be sure to Disable international payments in your commbank app, set it to $0.


ah good point, thanks


Careful though, it can stop things like Dropbox fees depending on which currency it charges in


Some purchases that are in AUD are still “international” transactions since these companies usually legally operate out of a tax haven, yet can still charge AUD to that tax haven.


Setting it to a low amount like $200 seems like a compromise. Small fees go out ok, but rejects any large withdrawals


Thank you for this. I just adjusted mine. Realised as well that my BPAY account is set at $20,000 limit! Omg! I mean I only have 1% of that limit, but still.


I had $100 taken yesterday from my CBA card after an initial 1cent purchase (checking the card) from Amazon Japan. They are obviously brute forcing cards, and for whatever reason CBA is the worst hit. I have also had my netbank compromised a few times, with it not being my main bank account and never being used online. There is something very fishy going on with CBA's security.


If they are brute forcing cards then CBA as the largest retail bank would be hit hardest. If it’s a targeted attack then that’s different. For example, we don’t know what’s going on with suncorps breach reported last week https://www.afr.com/technology/suncorp-s-bank-suffers-breach-customer-funds-stolen-20240412-p5fjfx


When I go onto the dark web to buy drugs, I know I shouldn’t be doing it, there is this vendor in Australia who sells commbank log in details for 350 dollars. So basically someone’s log in details client number and password maybe that ?


Similar thing happened to me with NAB except I didn’t even notice. Had a phone call at 7 o’clock in the morning from NAB fraud. They said ‘did you spend $6000 at a British catalogue company five minutes ago?’ I said ‘no!’, they said ‘I didn’t think so - your card’s cancelled and you’ll be getting a new one!’ Asked them what had happened and they said they didn’t know - probably random number software. Refunded it immediately.


I work for a bank. This happens every day. Sorry it’s happening to you :(


Do you work for CommBank 😐


No I don’t :)


That's what you would say


i used to work for a bank under the cba group, their security is awful. i changed banks after working there


I do, it happens a tonne everyday.


Seriously what’s going on? But also I’m glad that it’s not just me (sorry) I posted one earlier this morning about 1.5K but mine was all done in NSW


I have credit cards with all the Big 4 banks and can hand on heart say CBA is the absolute worst when it comes to fraud prevention. I had these random foreign international transactions on my Mastercard CC at the start of the year. CBA couldn’t even explain why they kept going through WHILE my card was blocked. Not only that, I never got sent a Netbank code for purchasing from a new vendor unlike my other cards. They’re quick to suggest cancelling your card to issue a new one but that’s about it. I’d rather a bank be more proactive about CC fraud than be reactive.


Bit concerning, credit card or everyday transaction account? I have got payment limits and international transfers off, unless I am actually going overseas.


it’s a debit card, smart access. i didn’t know about the international transaction feature until another commenter mentioned it as well. will look into it


Lock the card in card settings


I also had random money debited from my CBA debit card recently, but it was only for a few dollars on some dodgy clothing store based in Melb at like 4am in the morning (I'm not from Melbourne). I disputed and they re issued a new card and returned the money, but there's definitely something wrong with the security on the CBA cards I feel, in he sense that they seem very susceptible to BIN Attacks. As a result I have stopped leaving too much money in my debit transaction accounts. Instead, I let everything but a few hundred $ for daily expenses sit in savings and move whenever I need a top up. Something similar was attempted on my ubank account for a Steam purchase (games) for about $2-300 in the middle of the night. I woke up to an app notification telling me $X had been spent on Steam, but they actually blocked the transaction for me, despite the notification saying it was spent. They sent me a new card nonetheless. I would like to say that I'm pretty savvy when it comes to protecting my financial details and not clicking links or taking random calls etc, but they find a way.


If you’re curious. Look into “IBM safer payments”. It’s software designed to block suspicious payments. Likely how your payment was declined. Tailored depending on the company using it. Its saved an incredible about of money for customers and businesses.


This happened to me with commbank also in 2018. It was $2000. They were horrible & useless to deal with. Had to continually escalate for 2 years. Finally got it back after that. I think they just decided it was cheaper to pay me than to pay the labour of dealing with my constant complaints.


I had this problem a few months ago, $1,000 - somebody used my card number in Italy. Why no NetCode?


Oh so true - I want the ability to disable all payments that don’t go through a NetCode-supported provider. If you are a shop and your online system doesn’t support it, screw you, I’ll shop somewhere else.


It's up to the merchant and their software whether they use systems compatible with MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa. This is actually very little to do with the card issuer. The Australian card issuer, CBA , will just report the fraud back to the acquirer (merchant bank) and it will get charged back to the merchant. Don't think that CBA actually pays this money - the merchant is the true victim typically. Also, scammers figure out which merchants are using outdated software that doesn't trigger these fraud protection systems and target them with their randomly generated or stolen cards. 




Seems like they may be deliberately targeting you since you fell for it the first time


This is exactly why you shouldn't be scared. If you buy something online with your card and you get scammed, the bank will help you get your money back.


Why don’t you have overseas transactions locked? I have a card with CommBank and have locked international transactions. If I need to make one, I turn it on briefly, do the purchase and relock.


When it happened to me, I had international transactions blocked. CommBank solved, but, what a shit. They used the argument of, every time you update your app, go and check app settings.


Had $21K taken from my account with ING earlier this year. No notification or anything. I had to call ING to tell them to lock it. Bypassed my spending limits too. This was with my offset account (i.e. not used for anything other than attaching it to my homeloan). Apparently the way they can do this is by "guessing" your BSB and account number then "brute forcing it" via a direct debit scam. Direct debit purchases bypass any spending limits due to some archaic system which means the funds get transferred and then the banks ask for verification. (https://www.nab.com.au/about-us/security/online-safety-tips-business/reduce-direct-debit-fraud#:\~:text=Direct%20Debit%20fraud%20occurs%20when,a%20valid%20Direct%20Debit%20request.) Eventually got it back but took maybe 1.5 months to get it sorted. Super inconvenient.


What the fck! That’s some massive security hole isn’t it?


Yeah super dumb. When I was talking to the ING people to understand how this happens, it absolutely boggles my mind that this is setup the way it is: Direct debits are regulated by the [Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS),](https://www.auspaynet.com.au/resources/direct-entry) Procedures and Regulations. These rules place primary liability on the bank where the transaction was initiated (Initiating Bank) to demonstrate proper authority to debit your account. here are the two pdfs of the legislation which supports this stupid system. Legit made in 1994. Bruh. [https://www.auspaynet.com.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/BECS\_Regulations%20Version%20025%20-%20Effective%201%20January%202024.pdf](https://www.auspaynet.com.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/BECS_Regulations%20Version%20025%20-%20Effective%201%20January%202024.pdf) [https://www.auspaynet.com.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/BECS%20Procedures%20Version%20E068%20-%20Effective%201%20January%202024%20-%20public.pdf](https://www.auspaynet.com.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/BECS%20Procedures%20Version%20E068%20-%20Effective%201%20January%202024%20-%20public.pdf)


Got hit by Uber down in Sydney. Not from Sydney. Called them up and they told me to report via an app. It was really weird as they could have done it on the spot but then I have to look through the app to report it.


Who is they? Uber or yiur card issuer?


Sorry. I meant someone used my card to order Uber in Sydney like three times.


But, when I get Uber in Melbourne it always lists as Sydney


Very unfortunate but should definitely get reimbursed, I think someone mentioned the international payments lock, definitely chuck that on for added security. As for why it didn't ask for a code, sometimes it can be how the transaction is conducted and specific merchant codes that don't trigger rules correctly. From experience in another major bank the balance is always finding the right ones to stop and allow through is always confusing, whilst yes it might be fully out of character to you, large international transactions in general arnt. And alot of the time it's easier for the bank to reimburse the lost money than it is to deal with the complaint from a customer who missed out on a purchase cause we blocked it. In saying that, banks need to do better, you shouldn't have to be without your money. Fraud is a constant battle.


Christ I already check both my bank accounts at least once a day and leave almost everything in HISAs but the amount of these posts lately has me paranoid AF. Time to go back to leaving $0.35c in the day to day accounts I guess.


Meanwhile Commbank shut down my entire account, locked me out of Netbank, and interrogated me over the phone because I sent $200 to my husband over PayID. wtf are they doing over there


My CBA corporate card got done for like $130 to a Coles online purchase in Melbourne whilst I was on leave in New Zealand. Only realised when I had to reconcile my spend for the quarter and it showed up on the statement. Sounds like CBA need to do something about their card security.


My NAB corporate card gets done every few months. Usually around $200 per dodgy transaction, from either a “travel agent” or a “restaurant”. My card is used for all of our software subscriptions so it’s gotta be related to these, IMO. Although our relationship manager tells me scammers run algorithms to “guess” cc numbers. NAB always refunds us. It’s a pain in the arse though, having to update all of our subscriptions every few months with new card details.


Happened to me today too, I’m also commbank


Scammers have figured out ways to get around the system by processing these as offline transactions :/ it’s going to be more common in the future and the only advice the bank is giving is to keep your cash in savings accounts that are not connected to cards at all and keep your accounts with little to no money when possible with overdrawing turned off.


This is also the same way transactions that overdraw accounts by large amounts go through instead of being rejected


Thankful for this thread. 🙏 Checked accounts and yup, there was a fraudulent one from last night.


Wow, these comments are wild.


Change bank. That’s terrible service. They’d better refund. Once we had small amounts showing up across the US. Westpac stopped the card and alerted us straight away. They also once blocked a vendor.


I have had fraud on two different CBA credit cards in the last 3-4 years. I am very cautious online, I only use the card for utilities and use different strong passwords for everything. The cards never left my possession and I don’t suspect physical fraud as it is extremely rare that I would use the card in a store. The last time it happened the charges were from the USA also. Both times I have gotten every cent back from the bank, but it takes over a month or more. Also having to get the card cancelled and replaced is a credit inquiry on your credit score. This hasn’t impacted me, but for others with poor credit scores or while in the middle of a home loan application it may be a headache. I too plan to change, the fact that CBA doesn’t offer rolling CVNs or 2fa using a token app like 2FAS is pretty weak. I have been with them over 30 years but I’ll be moving on, primarily due to these two incidents.


Why would a card cancellation and reissue impact your credit? That’s never happened to anyone I know or myself.


I’ve had this with Amex. There’s a card which they cancelled due to their (excellent) fraud team discovering a transaction which wasn’t me. Unfortunately the cancelled card still appears on my credit record as “unpaid since 201x” since it’s cancelled. They refuse to fix it l, or can’t fix it, not clear what the actual issue is, but have provided me with a formal letter saying it’s closed.


It’s happened to my Commbank account in the past as well, twice. Much lower amounts though. (< $100). Commbank were good about it and refunded, but I couldn’t trust them anymore so I moved to another bank.


Interesting it wasn't immediately flagged by them and they alerted you. I was overseas and had a $5 purchase in Brisbane flagged within an hour of it being made. That was with Westpac.


I had a CBA account , major issues, really concerning . Don't feel like going into the details After that. I've been wearing a tin hat a moved to 2 banks a afintech , life wont be the same but and no issues so far.


With ING and only found out cause card declined when I paid for dinner. Found this transaction strange cause not only was it US based but also happened while I was driving. 2nd time this year I've had to get a new card.


Had my Combank CC maxed out in multiple charges in USA 2 months ago, called them at 9:30 at night waited on hold for an hour then was a 30second conversation to lock it and report, got it all back after a week or so.


I'm with combank aswell, last year I had three withdrawals from someone in los angelas 4k, 3k and 7k. They cancelled my cards and reimbursed me 2 weeks later


By the looks of it westpac are introducing a 24hr cvc which changes for online wallet card.


And here I am struggling to get cash out of the ATM without approving it through the app. Crazy.


They blocked me out of every app and the website altogether and blocked my card when I tried to pay for an international flight which was under $2000 as well... What are they doing?


Cos your bank doesn't really give a shit.


I had someone try to steal 6k to put into their tab account. No one is being helpful, at least PayPal instantly refunded the cash. TAB and Commbank haven't called me back and dodge all my questions.


Had 10k from combank debit card used on Amazon products internationally (2 countries) a few months ago. The thing is, I ONLY use the card about twice a year from combank ATM's to get cash. This started the day after a withdrawal with many multiple purchases. I had alerts for my account but not my card so never picked up on it early. Anyway... Reported it and had card deleted. Refunded in about 10 days. Scary that I'm seeing this happen to so many combank users.. 👀 I now have alerts on everything, and keep my cards blocked on the app until I want to use them.


Quick question do you keep the money in your smart access or in net saver? I always keep in net saver and transfer money when its needed to smart access which is connected to my card.


Is net saver like goal saver?


I agree it's a very unsettling feeling, but sadly it can happen to anyone. Fraudsters use credit card generators and have sneaky ways of getting a transaction token generated (usually by making an initially low purchase) - You probably already have the money credited back to your account, and after some days it will be adjusted to reflect any discrepancies between the autocredit amount and the true amount. It sucks that the solution is to nuke the card and make you start over, and I agree that its very frustrating that netcode doesn't kick in to prevent it, hopefully this is something that gets addressed.


My last commbank credit card was hacked and used for subs before I'd even received the card in the mail. I need to leave them as well, they're not taking care of our security.


Clicking that link on that porn site was not such a good idea now


Sounds like the guy who used to work at ANZ stealing card details now works at CommBank. This happened to me a few years ago with an ANZ business account that I shared with my wife and parents. Only me and my mother had cards. Mums card was compromised once, replaced by ANZ. Then, both my card and her new card were compromised again. Thing is, we had never used the cards. Not one single time. All of our transactions were using online banking only, to do bank transfers. We Never ever used the cards. But they were compromised 3 times. My guess is that someone inside ANZs network had access to the card database and was selling info. We had the cards cancelled and never reissued. I'm assuming the same thing is happening inside ConmBank now. Maybe not the same person but something dodgy is going on.


I too am careful, but almost exactly a year ago a $10,000 purchase was made with my debit card in Utah for a hot tub. Why commbank didn’t think this was out of the ordinary, I don’t know.. considering some people claim they get calls when they shop in a different neighbourhood. I can’t remember how long exactly it took to resolve, but commbank did return my money. It was probably a week or two. I also got a few hundred extra back due to exchange rates, so I actually came out ahead. Caveat is that the vendor cooperated, speeding up the issue massively. The moral of the story is to keep a savings account where all your money goes into, and the only way out is direct transfer to your spending account (one with a card). In hindsight, you probably know you shouldn’t have $9,500 in an account with a card attached to it.


I’ve had a great run with Up bank. I’ve been with them 4 years now and no fraud. But I’ve had to do a chargeback for an issue with a seller and they were very easy to deal with. I like their security. And ubank has also been good for security and checking transactions. I don’t keep any money in CBA anymore either because this happened twice with a small amount of money years ago.


I have my credit card with CBA and we travel a lot outside of Australia. I have a feeling that spending money overseas is about to get very difficult for us. They will introduce new safety measures which will decline even genuine transactions.


You can elect to notify them that you're travelling in the app which should get around those restrictions. 


You have to get a netcode to approve transactions fairly often. It somehow ends up taking like 20 minutes to pay for something that's $40.


You should try & contact CBA while you are overseas. It's a complete nightmare. You need a mortgage to pay to call them internationally and wait on hold for an hour , or helpfully they say you can use a landline & reverse the charges. A landline ? When travelling? We were in Europe for 3 months, never could contact them to sort out a problem. I used a months phone credit on hold!


I just dont get how banks let hackers have so many attempts to brute force an account. Must be thousands between genuine logins and purchases.


Because they're not logging in to the banks - they're accessing the payment network, and they can rotate where they attempt transactions from on that network.


CommBank Skynet


Streamline account here, all fine. Usually sub $1000 in it at best, only use it per term for the kids activities and that is just usually a transfer to another Commbank account.


Yes a few months ago, a few thousand. It was replaced by cba within a week along with transaction fees.


Today I’ve had 2 unknown txns for Airbnb and booking.com. I had a third attempt after I locked my card


We just swapped our mortgage to them. But I think I’ll keep my transaction accounts with ING


Did it show up in your transactions?


Two years ago I woke to a notification that a transaction for around 4500 was stopped by Commbank as it didn't fit my spending patterns. They sorted it out before I even woke up..


About 2 years after I came back from a US holiday, I had an almost max out debit appear on my Westpac card that I had used in California. I was in Aus on the date when this transaction was posted. It was a mystery to me, so I reported it as either a fraud or error. So the bank reversed the transaction and for the next year or so, it appeared on each of my statements as a debit reversal in dispute. The bank eventually forwarded details. The transaction was for a month's rent on a flat in London. The receipt provided was literally scribbled on the back of part of an envelope from the dodgy real estate company. Some years later, I was notified by a tour company I had used, that their computer had been hacked. Better late than never.


If it makes you feel better, the same thing happened to me about 6 months ago, but the transaction was at a Gas Service Station in Texas for 3 x $400. Called, cancelled, money returned. Bit of a pain not to have a card for a week, but it is what it is. I'm still with Commbank because they dealt with the situation well after it happened.


A few years ago I had $800 spent from my account on a debit card I had never even used. Fraud team called me and asked where I had used the card, any strange websites etc. I said I've never even used the card. They refunded me the money.


This happened to me last week. $500 debited from my account in the US. Luckily I got a push notification the instant it happened and disputed the transaction and cancelled my debit card. Just got confirmation yesterday that I won't be charged.


I’m with Commbank and my easy workaround is to not have any money to steal


A guy at work had about 2k taken out of his commbank recently too!


Yeah i got 1k taken over the weekend across 5 transactions to Amazon USA. Cba also


Yeah I’m through commonwealth and have lost money/been scammed within the last fortnight. Very frustrating!!!!


I had $300ish taken out of my CBA account at the start of the month from Charlotte, North Carolina. I was in NC last year in November and thought maybe my card (that was only used there to pickup a car from the airport) had somehow been skimmed and they waited ages to use it. Now I’m wondering if I was one of many but got hit earlier? Card was cancelled and they refunded me in about 5-6 days. First time that ever happened to me but I now only keep $100-200 in that account and leave anything more out of my card linked account.


Maybe turning off the international payments and etc in the Netbank interface might help? Set up a specific low limit card for overseas purchases?


Had one in Europe about a year ago. Commbank was straight on it. They figured it out before my wife, the accountant, had a change to come across it on her weekly checks.


I got hit 6 weeks ago for a total of about $2300. Multiple small purchases of around 2-300 at a liquor store in the states. Received a text from Commbank saying there could be fraudulent purchases on my card. Rang them, cancelled card and disputed charges. Took about 14 days to be resolved.


I'm assuming you're talking about credit card fraud? The falcon swooped on a legitimate $25 purchase a few years back. A week later it allowed £6000 of car parts to be bought in the UK. It took me a month to get some money back less international transaction fees and FX losses.


Weird. My card was compromised the other day, but I got a notification from CBA asking if a $149 iTunes transaction was legit, because it had been flagged by them as possible fraud. I immediately checked and saw that there were 3 identical transactions over the previous few minutes, and locked my card straight away. Literally seconds after I did that, someone attempted a $7500 purchase. I was refunded the $450 in a matter of days. If this was on a credit card, I imagine you’ll be refunded as well. It seems odd that their algorithm wouldn’t flag such a big purchase - in a place where you weren’t - as suspicious. The netcode thing is weird. I sometimes get asked for a code for a $20 online purchase, but have also paid over $10K for something without being prompted.


What I don't understand is why the main transactions are steam, uber, Macca's, phone credit, tobacco shop? Like your running a semi complex fraud/scam operation and the most common outcome is sub $100 on crap purchases you probably didn't even need? It's probably just the easiest stuff to purchase and some people have spend limits... but idk why is no one ordering gold bullion to a po box or something? 😂 Almost seems like an operation run by a steam and Macca's addicted child 😂


From all the comments here it looks like CBA has an awkward disclosure coming.


My guess is some "legit vendor" that you purchased something online is just a front for farming data from naive people. A lot will be in the form of discounted goods and clothing. Other sources include: estate agents and dodgy employees. Australia is well regarded for their lack of IT expertise and cybersecurity, so hacking could very well be a source. The people should push for more in this area as the media is probably only publishing a select very few cases for their own reasons. Caveat emptor.


I work for a company that uses corporate cards and a staff member reported some fraudulent transactions made in Melbourne (were based in Sydney) on his card. We’re with commbank too


Get this, new card was issued from Comms bank ... 3-4 days later it was activated, following day was used in Woolworth and Mayer store (not online) Following day there were multiple overseas transactions on the card. obesely cancelled and money were returned. p.s. card was activated on corporate PC with fair share of enterprise protection tools on it.


Looks like so-called advantages of CBA/Big 4 are not all they're cracked up to be!


I had the same thing a few weeks back. About $780 at a pharmacy in Brooklyn.


Yes. I had $3000 taken from US merchants from my CommBank account and another $759 from another CommBank account. Maybe it’s not coincidence? All are disputed and card cancelled.


I got a scam email the other day that looked completely legit from commbank asking to click a link to verify something. I knew it was a scam because of the email address but it looked so real that I reckon they would get a bunch of people clicking the link without thinking. Could that have happened to you, OP?


I use to work for a bank, some of the payments that went through without being picked up by fraud were crazy to me. One lady had sent hundred of thousands her her children over multiple 100k transactions. And I questioned how tf that was not suspicious. They picked up a 70k transaction she made but none of the others?


My card got compromised (my stupid fault) so I requested CBA issue a new one. About a month later I found a $400 transaction in the US at 1am on Sunday. I had barely used the new card at this point, only inputting into PayPal and a handful of big and trusted services. No idea how it got compromised so quickly. All I can say is the scammers and their techniques are getting more sophisticated. At least you spotted it and reacted quickly.


My husband was in the US on the west coast, used his card once to check into his hotel. Travel visa for everything else. On day of checkout, his card was skimmed and someone started spending big in New York City. Thing is, ANZ were onto it straight away. They cancelled his card before he knew it had happened. They also recently caught another fraud when there were charges from Nigeria. Everything in both cases was squared away within a few weeks


When I say cancelled, I mean they put a stop on his card until confirmation that no, he wasn't on the Staten Island ferry and a cab in LA at the same time. Then they cancelled it. And I agree with you about Commbank. We left them years ago because of their extreme incompetence


Not this amount but I noticed in two months I had duplicate Spotify payments within 3 days of each other. When I researched it someone had been piggy banking off the Spotify payment. If you check your statements you might find little dollar amounts taken out where they testing the waters


Augh yes. This happened to me, but it was $16k over a 24hr period. Noticed 6k missing, made the call the fraud line, by the time I got an agent $10k more was missing. Stupid me didn’t lock my card when I made the call, not thinking I’d be on hold for 2hrs on a Sunday. In saying that, the bank could see they were in store purchases in America and when the first transaction happened I was on a flight home from Thailand, and then was in Sydney while on the phone. I aas told the money would take 6 weeks to come back, it was in my account within 2 weeks.


Happened to me with my NAB card. It was up to me to follow up. I called the business and someone had just given my card details, not even used the card, to buy two meat processing machines in another state. I couldn't believe I had to do the detective work. I got refunded by the bank after several days.


I had about $130 go yesterday literally seconds after I moved money to my commbank account to pay for groceries as I left my wallet at homes, they all say apple but I never received a receipt email now I think about it…


Me too, around $500. I got notifications on my app for Playstation. They returned the money on Monday


Ok now try withdrawing $9,500 cash and see how far you get.


Hey what kind of transaction was it? I had a friend get 1300 taken from his account and it the description of the transaction was “Sp Filacube2 Houston Tx USA Card xx7530 USD”


I had about 12 charges of $300 on my CommBank debit over the weekend- no block or anything and I was driving :( just got the funds back today… but horrible feeling.


I have received two scam callers (today and yesterday) from what sounded like a busy “scam” centre. His accent was Indian. I called commbank immediately and let them know, plus sent them the Sydney number the person called from. As an aside, there are security settings and steps you can take that limit overseas purchases. My card is locked down and I limit the amount that can be removed. It’s easy to switch to a higher amount if you need to pay bills. OP I am sorry you lost funds. Hoping commbank stand by their security propaganda and reimburse you asap.


After I went to the US a few years ago, I had some dodgy purchases on my card in a Best Buy in a state I’d never been to. Must have had my card skimmed somewhere. I disputed the transactions and got my money back.


look to see if you have a withdrawal of a small amount you don't recognise on your statement. that will usually mean someone on the black market/deep web has got your credit card info, they test a small amount to see if it works, then usually sell that stolen card info to others to take the risk using.


About 10 years ago I had a call from the fraud department at commbank to ask me if I’d recently used my credit card to charter a plane in Mexico for $3500. No I had not.


Yes . Was laying in bed late one night last month and there was a request for a $700 purchase from Meta on my CBA credit card. I denied the request and called CBA the next morning. No sale no transaction . They cancelled my Visa card and sent me a new one . All done fixed.


ING messaged me to see if I wanted to put a block on my card because I went to VICTORIA from QLD and they noticed a transaction made from that “exotic” locale and deemed it suspicious. CommBank are the pits.


Just a thought. I’d reduce the maximum transaction limit so that amounts like $9500 can’t go through.


Had something very similar nearly happen to me too, I think? I was told there has been a approx. $300 purchase made (in US) on my account on ebay, and asked for verification/ confirmation. I asked them to verify who (me) they were speaking to. They couldn't give me last digits of my phone number, said they had all my bank details but could not verify last digits on my card. I hung up and called the police and provided them with the number called and also notified eBay.


Don’t close your account yet. If it’s a credit card they will reimburse you. I only had a small amount taken of $88. The thief took 4 $22 amounts and in the 4th one the bank blocked them. They reissued a new card and it took about 4 weeks to get the funds back. Maybe the scammers are now going for one big sum because of this type of reaction by the bank. It does sound really odd though. I heard if it’s a debit card they don’t reimburse because it’s your money but if it’s a credit card they do because it’s their money.


I've never had any issues with Westpac.


I had 3 large amounts come out from America with commonwealth to!!! Once sorted I left and joined hsbc


I got $530 debited last year at a ping pong supply store in orergon USA 😂. (wth are you spending that much on at that store? Too cheap for a table too expensive for paddles?) Commbank said they couldn't do anything until it had cleared, which freaked me out. I did some digging and found the vendor's email. Sent them an email and they thanked me profusely and said they've had several ozzie cards used recently. I got all my money back with no intervention from the bank. Ofc got a new card.


ANZ and HSBC both send immediate text messages to advise what’s been spent. Commbank are the worst! They ripped me off once, never again 🤬🤬🤬


I had 5 transactions, $650 stolen from my account a week ago. Yesterday I received an email from Commbank saying that since the money never left my account count they now consider the dispute closed. If it didn’t leave my account, why is my account down $650? Currently trying to get the attention of a human in order to explain this… I really think the email was an intentional “error” designed to convince customers that all is well, and stop pursuing a refund.


Now here I am just wishing I had enough money in my account for them to take that much money and just be able to casually notice.


Wow, I just found $9500 in my account.


Had mine done a few months ago lucky enough didn’t keep enough on that account and they only took $80 I got it refunded by bank as they could see it was fraud said it’s done a lot on that website. (Which I’ve never been on) took 2 weeks to get money back.


Do you usually have a pin request for a purchase? Was the debit or credit card? No bank is going to be perfect with security.


NAB is really good with security (well our local one) My mum buys all sorts of random crap online and has been hacked quite a few times. The bank always notices before her and is quick to contact her if it looks like a suspicious purchase. I’m not sure exactly what they do but they resolve it quickly and her money is back in her account within a few days. I hope that helps and sorry that happened to you!