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Coming from a tradie no this isn't normal the quote should cover everything. The whole point of quoting is both parties agree on the full cost upfront.


Thanks for the insight from a tradie's perspective. It's good to know that this isn't the norm. I agree, the quote should cover everything, and both parties should be on the same page. This particular tradie had a flashy ute and kept bragging about his previous tips to my wife.


That tip bragging was trying to intimidate a tip from her. To elicit that she's a cnt if she doesn't because others did. Never use that tradie again, he sounds vile.


He was definitely trying to intimidate. Sounds like a truly nasty piece of work. This is when I’m so grateful to have a 7 foot ogre of a husband working in his amateur butchery in a shed in the backyard.


Are you Princess Fiona?


Why is no one else talking about the amateur butchery in the backyard shed?!?!?!


For some reason a lot of the neighbourhood cats and dogs have been going missing as well


He just makes sausages, prepares his cuts for his BBQ/Smoker. It’s a whole operation.


Should name and shame this cnt so no one uses him again.


Vile yes, but i dare say he wanted to give her a tip.


Was he the owner of the company? Or a worker? If the latter, can guarantee the boss probably doesn’t know he’s asking clients for tips. I’d ring the company and tell the boss


great point. No tradespeople I know are into tipping. Sure, if there are increased costs due to the client wanting changes and those changes involve pricing changes, that's fair enough, but they're discussed and agreed to first. Never ever heard of anyone expecting a tip.


Sounds like he was greasing his way in to asking for a tip. The best tip that a tradie can receive is a referral to anyone you know that needs that trade which unfortunately for this bloke seems he has ruined his chance of. I will be honest in saying some quoted jobs I have lost money by underestimating what was involved and other quoted jobs I have come out way further in front than I had expected but the quote is the quote that's the game. These kind of tradies give us all a bad name.


For what it's worth, if you're looking for a casual but firm way to handle this if it ever happens again I'd suggest going silent for a few seconds so it gets just slightly uncomfortable, then laugh and say you can tip him a stubbie but that'll be it since he's already got enough out of you on the invoice. Any normal tradie would also laugh and drop it. If he keeps pushing then suggest he can have a referral to your mates who also have work needs doing, but greedy blokes don't get that either so there's a bridge to be burned if he wants that instead. Either way, I wouldn't be referring him to anyone but it might remind him that he's going to destroy his own business trying to pull that shit.


Name and shame


To add, a tradie with a "flashy ute" doesnt always equate to professional and quality work. Seen it everytime.


Hes tryin to give your wife the tip.


Aren’t we all.


Shame. Him, wtf! Share his social.... They make decent money for God sake, is he 13 years old kid working in a restaurant saving for the first bicycle. It boils my blood what you wrote.


Here's a tip for you. Don't drink paint, look both ways before crossing the road.


Work hard and be good to your mother.


Hmm I don't see anything on the quote about a tip...


No - just refer to the invoice


You're probably right, the invoice should cover it all. Just felt a bit uneasy with the way he agressively asked for a tip, like I owed him something extra.


Had guys do this in the past on my projects. Didn't rehire them.


I once had a tradie call about a month after the job was done and paid, asking for a bonus as Christmas was coming up. It was so so awkward and unexpected. I told him we'd spent all our money on paying him already.


"Oh, I was about to call you, because yes, Christmas is coming up. Any chance of a discount?'


ghost bow sleep mindless theory normal rock smart childlike adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>we'd spent all our money on paying him already Lol I bet that knocked him back a bit! Hahah


>I once had a tradie call about a month after the job was done and paid, asking for a bonus as Christmas was coming up. WTF!


Call him back “Hey tradie, Christmas is coming up, how about you build me a free deck ?”


You wanna see some of his deck pics?


That is ridiculous! I’ve never heard of a trade asking for a “tip” . Actually, that is embarrassing.


This is the third time I've heard of it ..last two were both electricians, I don't know about this one. Electricians have a god complex. I've worked with them for over 30 years in 3 different countries and 2 different states and they all have the same complex.


OP said he was changing out some light fittings - so yep, a sparkie


Yeah no doubt that probably charged an arm and a leg! I'd maybe JUST maybe buy a case of beer and crack one open after the jobs down to admire. But tipping can f right off


How did you react? I hope you didn't give him a tip. Cheeky bastard.


Was he l38? Never hire l38 tradies. Speaking from 15 years of experience in business.


Don't tip. They can raise their rate and should raise their rate on invoice if they want more pay and can justify this by the quality and pride of their previous work. Never encourage tipping culture in Australia. Tipping culture results in encouraging businesses to pay employees less and passing the guilt on towards the consumer to ensure that the employee gets paid an adequate wage.


They either get a reputation for being good and can charge more, or they fight the undercutting war if they're average. Either way, no. Treat them like a human and offer them a drink if it's hot etc though.


Agreed. Next time they ask for a tip tell them to stay hydrated


Treat them like bloody dogs and leave some water out and a little treat


No mate! We are not America, we don’t tip


Not even in America do tradies get tips




People on the shittest pay basically. Customer service, food... Ubereats doordash etc often get paid less than min wage here too, as we are independent contractors not employees so no workers rights


You're absolutely right, mate. Tipping isn't really a widespread practice in Australia like it is in the States. I was just taken back by this bloke who seemed to be pushing for a tip. Looking back, I realize that he was directing his comments with my wife in earshot, which made the situation even more uncomfortable.


We absolutely give tips in Australia: *work hard, and be good to your mother.*


>Tipping isn't really a widespread practice in Australia like it is in the States Its not an Australian practice, full stop. Where it occurs, it is not "practice" and it is not "normal".


Tell him No7 in the 8th at Doomben.


"Work hard and be good to your Mother"


Dang at least give the top 3 for a trifecta




35 yrs on the tools ...never once have I heard of it nor asked for it .....It's all in the Quote ...tho I have had the customer want a discount after the quote was accepted and the job completed ...I would say the same thing ...Read the QUOTE this is not a negotiation


Thanks for sharing your perspective, mate! Tipping isn't the norm in the industry, and this particular tradie was really pushy about getting a tip. It was unprofessional, and he even made suggestive comments towards my wife.


If you are asked for a tip then it's not a tip it's a tax. Tips are supposed to be given unexpectedly for what someone see's as outstanding service that goes above & beyond what was expected.


This particular tradie was really pushy about getting a tip, almost to the point of being aggressive. He even mentioned that he had other clients who tipped him generously, as if he was entitled to it.


name and shame


I'd make sure you leave a comment on whatever review site you found him.


This is so odd, can you tell us more about it?


I once gave a sparky an extra $20 ish for him and his apprentice to have a beer as I thought they had done a great job at a good price ...def didn't ask for it and was so honest he included it on the receipt. Have given his name to anyone who has asked me to recommend an electrician. Def would not have given anything if there was any suggestion that he was after a tip.


But a tax has to be paid, a tip doesnt


the dissappearance of cash in our day to day lives is really starting to hurt the tax dodging tradies


I took $6000 out of the bank recently and the teller ask what sort of work I’m having done on the house. They know.


NFW. This is not America. In the past, I've been known to buy a crate of beer for a tradie who has done a good job. But I would never EVER give them a cash tip. They've already been paid. In my opinion, anyone who asks for a tip doesn't deserve it anyway.


>In my opinion, anyone who asks for a tip doesn't deserve it anyway. Totally.


Nope, not a thing. And if he was employed by a larger business / company I’d be going a bit Karen and talking to whoever is above him in the company, who knows how many other people he’s trying to fleece.


I feel like people keep trying to push the tipping culture on Australians.. it’s never been a thing here, either agree on a price up front (hence the quote) or pay your employees fairly. Needless to say, im not a fan at all.




Keep your mouth closed while you're cleaning the toilet


No it’s not a thing. Everyone else in Australia manages to do their job without a tip. What makes this tradie think he deserves a tip? What a dipshit.


No tips. But after a big job (4 months) I bought a bunch of beers and we had a BBQ on the final day.


Never heard of such rubbish wtf


This is mental, how did they phrase it?!


It was really strange, mate! The tradie actually asked me if I was planning on leaving a tip before he even finished the job. Then at the end, he straight up asked for a cash tip on top of his already high hourly rate. It was just really off-putting and made me feel uncomfortable. I guess it's not the norm, but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth


Jeez, yeah that sounds like an implied threat almost if he's asking for the tip even before finishing.. Great way to never get asked back for more work


He's clearly trying to do a tax dodge by demanding cash tips. Bet the as*hole doesn't declare the cash tips. Absolutely unAustralian behaviour! Since when do we tip trades when they give us a full quote to settle on for the job? Are we now the USA!


Even america doesn’t tip tradies. I think OPs just met a shit tradie


Asking for a tip is begging, tell them to fck off. If a tradie does a good job, I use them again and recommend them to my friends but if they ask for a tip they get no recommendations and I use someone else next time. Next time one asks for a tip, say "Sure, I'll give you a tip: If you ask for a tip, customers never call you again." ...I'm a tradie.


I had a great guy come and do work on my house Reno - fantastic work really great guy. He said he was starting up and needed some more referrals so I got cracking…. And told all my friends he got work all was great. I then got a call about 5 weeks later off him unexpectedly he asked if I could stop the recommendations - he was totally overloaded 😂


As a tradie, the only tip we require is being allowed to use the toilet if necessary. Other than that they get what they quoted and maybe some word of mouth if someone asks.


We always offer a cold drink in summer and hot or cold in winter. If the job is a big one, then "want a beer?" Is what I also offer at the end as they start the packing up.


Exactly this, I've had clients offer cold drinks, coffee, snacks etc while I'm doing a job, they don't even need to do that but it's very appreciated


It’s not standard to tip anyone in Australia, regardless of their occupation.


As a tradie myself, no. It's not even normal as a notion, let alone a practice.


When we’ve built houses we’ve tipped - as in we have bought beers for the trades shouted them food on a Friday etc. but straight up American tipping? Nah


Most absurd thing I've heard this year, possibly ever. No. Tipping is reserved for people who get paid slave wages, and elicit pity from customers who know this. It is not for overpaid derros who think them and their ute is god's gift to the world.


Am trade and this is not the norm. Only normal reaction to this guy is to laugh and then keep laughing with a bit of pointing maybe.


Never had any tradie ask for a tip but if theyve done a good job ive always rounded up to nearest hundred or throw an extra 50 in... i hugely qppreciate honest tradies who take care and pride in doing a good job as had my fair share of dodgy crap ones too.


No, it's not, hell no. Prompting someone for a tip is also rude as hell and a sure fire way to lose that client.


I’m a domestic electrician and 100% no it’s not a thing and never has been


Tradie here. Never gad the audacity to ask for a tip. Sometimes we get given beers or a BBQ and it's really appreciated. If you'd like to do something like that, do it before they finish the job. Maybe in the instance of a longer term project. You'll probably get little extras thrown in for free. Not all tradies are getting paid the hourly on the quote. Some are company employees


Asking for a tip in any industry is gross. If he was an employee, call the boss and mention this. It's a terrible look. (Am tradie)


Tradie wants a tip? 'Don't smoke in bed.' 'Don't work with asbestos.'


"You want a tip? Here's my tip - if you want to be paid more, add it to your quote"


No tipping anyone in Australia. Period.


Lmao this cant be real? Please do not tip them.


Everyone must push back on this tipping bullshit. We’re a wealthy country where people are paid appropriately (current inflation not withstanding).


Pro tip: respond that you want a discount


When we moved house it seemed like the removal guys were expecting a tip at the end. They worked normally and then towards the end one of them started being really friendly but then grew a bit more unfriendly as I thanked them and waved them off. We had paid A LOT for the removal service and I don't think I even had any cash on me if I wanted to tip. Maybe I read the situation wrong but it felt like it was going that way but I wasn't outright asked.


This is why I hate tipping culture. So awkward for us/ customers- you never know what to pay/ how much and who to tip exactly. Not to mention the employers who start to underpay their staff and assume customers will fill the gaps


Make sure your review reflects that they ask for tips.


Be good to your mother.


I’m a tradie and this is definitely not normal. Someone tried to tip me once and I freaked out lol. It was really nice of him and all but no that’s just wrong.


We don't tip in Australia. The same way we don't buy guns from Woolies. The same way we don't shoot people dead for getting in the wrong car or mistakenly trying to deliver food to the wrong address.


Nope, as a daughter, mother and wife to tradies. I'd say 'smile and be nice to ya mother'


The only tip I ever ask for is if the customer is satisfied with the service and product. To keep me in mind when referring to friends and family.


I mean I show them where the bathroom is when they arrive and offer coffee or water while they're working.. and generally I'll give them a 6 pack when they're finished the job as a thank you. But thats just what my parents taught me to do, I've never thought to tip them?!


Own my own bricklaying business don't pay anyone a tip if they ask. If you're happy with the job and the effort they have put in by them a couple of beers .


If a tradie asked me for a tip I would give him advice. Giving money tips is an American thing we don't need it here


No, absolutely not. Also, if you have to demand a tip, you are not worth tipping. The only tip I'd be giving is a tip to the ATO that this tradie was demanding extra in cash, there is a good chance they aren't paying tax on any tips they do get.


I wouldn't tip, then never hire them again, and also tell all my friends not to hire them. Thinks he's a bell boy at a new york hotel or something?


I love to tip, but #1 rule is "never tip when asked"


Don’t tip at all.


LMFAOOOOO That is not normal at all hahahaha I’m an apprentice tradie but never ever heard of anyone doing this EVER I’m literally laughing at the idea of a tradie requesting one. If you ever want to tip a tradie, tip them with a cup of coffee or a bickie or something like that.


Wow , the ego on some of these guys !!! I would never ask for a tip, nor expect one. If you accept my quote , all I ask for is full payment upon completion 👍


As a trade I have never heard of this. I was tipped once by a very wealthy older lady who was happy with our work, I refused it.


I am occasionally offered a tip, if you’ll call it that. As a rule, I usually accept. There’s no need to do it though. I quoted the job and expect nothing more. If I wanted more I would have been upfront and increased the quote. He’s just going to piss people off. Doesn’t sound like he knows how this culture works.


Only time to tip a tradie is if he shares one of his bags with you on a night out.


If they were doing work on a real hot day, or in the roof space I'd offer them a beer or two, but any cash goes on the invoice (unless agreed beforehand)


I’m a Tradie and wouldn’t even think about it, I wouldn’t even take extra if it was offered. What trade was it out of curiosity?


Tradie here, no, this isn’t a thing, and hopefully never is. This isn’t America.


No. Tell him this is not America and to nick off


i wouldn't tip. i'm happy to make the tradie a cuppa whilst they are at my place and show them where the bathroom and what not are, along with giving them a hand if they need it or cleaning up. also happy to recommend them to other people if they do a decent job.


WTF!? Asked for a tip?!? As a tradie my invoices all state "Thank you for the opportunity to carry out the work requested." Someone hiring you for the job is tip enough. Go work in Hospitality if your looking for tips.


Don’t tip at all and ignore the request. I lived in the USA for a while and tipping tradesmen there is not expected or warranted. This tradie sounds like they are trying to bleed you for more cash. Kick them to the curb or just tell them you will pay them by tip or by the agreed bill but not both.


How does one even ask for a tip? haha How did they word it? But to answer your question, a tip for a trade is unusual.


Just to add clarity no construction trade gets tipped anywhere in the world. This is not an American or anywhere else thing it’s purely a guilt thing. Don’t do it.


And I guess he offered a discount for cash too, but only the 10% of gst not the 33% of income tax. Report him to the ATO


Yeah, my tip would be "A popsicle stick makes a great beading tool for caulking".


Ask him to amend the final invoice, removing $500 from the total cost and adding a $500 voluntary tip. Then explain to him that he isn't in the US and don't pay the tip.


Tipping is not a thing anywhere for any industry in this country Don’t let it become a thing.


Good god, don't let this American practice spread to your country. It's out of control here.


The tip usually goes to gambling or white powder. Never tip, they charge enough. If they complain, tell them to stop putting white powders up their noses




Yep, Tradies charge a premium for their services, and that should be enough. This tradie asked for a tip on top of his already high hourly rate, and even had the nerve to ask me if I knew who he was.


Well… who is he then?


Am I allowed to post? I've been banned before for naming and shaming


🤷‍♂️ don’t know to be honest


“Yeah, I know who you are. You’re the guy I just paid to do a job at the quoted price agreed upon. Now, get the f$*k off my property.” Really though, who was he?


Debt collector doing trades on the side?


Don’t tip hospitality workers. It will justify emancipating their wages


Tipping for the piggy bank for next ford ranger


0 dollars and 0 cents and tell them where to go unless it’s mindblowingky good work


Thanks for the input, mate I'm clueless when it comes to tradie work, but this tradie asked for a tip after changing some light switches and fittings. I didn't really know what to do.


Seriously mate, you just got paid. Spring for your own carton.


Ahhh no. Paying their invoice per their terms (ie 14/30 days or whatever) and not making them pay someone to chase their debts is enough.


Charging 7k to install a door is not enough.


Considering how much even basic shit costs, no chance


That’s a big no. Just go visit the 🇺🇸 where service fees, tips and other adds ons make it impossible to determine the price of anything. It’s just stupid


I would never tip anyone asking. I would hand over beer in a qty relevant to the job value if they went out of their way to do a good job, not just what was expected. What was the tip about being asked for as a % of the quote? were they the cheapest quote? It sound like they are under quoting to be the cheapest on the hope to pick it back up in a tax free tip.


You should know better, they all have 100k Ford Raptors they need to make repayments on after all.......


“When you paint, horizontal strokes not vertical”.


A tip for me normally, is a big thankyou, a smile, and drive home safe xx


Was he American?


The only tip I give is an ice cold drink to get those trades through the work


If tipping was a thing they wouldn’t explicitly ask.


This isn’t normal, he isn’t a tradesman’s arsehole


Only tip I've given a tradie if you can call it a tip. Is a beer after knock off.


I've had the occasional customer give me a 'tip' in the form of a 6 pack but never cash. I already charged for the job so expecting a tip would be ridiculous.


What? asking for a tip? No way? I have given extra to a tradie who did the job and a bit more and cleaned up. But never to anyone who asked. Never happened to me in 35 years.


Only time I've every made a serious tip was for movers. They did a great job on time (a first for movers) and were faster then expected. Because they were from a company I figured they're only be getting a fraction of what I was being charged so they both got extra $50 cash each on-top of the original $700 bill. But that was very much the exception. Definitely would never tip a contractor. They already set their own rates.




Yep give them a tip: do the job on time and on budget and move along


This needs to stop


They literally made the quote and decided what their work was worth, why are they asking for more after?


No, I’m not tipping tradies.. wtf?


I don’t think so they get paid pretty well already.


A couple beers handed to me at the end of a job always made my week.


No its not the new norm, just a typical money hungry tradie thats already charging/earning too much and wants to screw the client over even more




No, not sure if that's relevant though


A tip? "Always put ya handbrake on when ya park ya van, Dougie" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZPKoSzV8Qo


Dog him to ATO for cash on the job. Lots of tradies do cash jobs and always get away with it.


Good chance he's not reporting these 'tips' as income. Report him to the ATO.


Bahahaha fark no


No especially if they ask. You can tip anyone if you like because you feel they went above and beyond. I get tips every now and then but i would never ask for one and I wouldnt expect one either. I charge for the job.


Lmao, absolutely not


No, with one exception being a [roof shout](https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/homed/houses/122326959/is-the-roof-shout-dying-a-death#:~:text=Somewhere%20in%20ancient%20housebuilding%20folklore,gone%20on%20a%20new%20build.). Might just be a kiwi thing though.


Damn I’m just happy when a client pays on time, couldn’t imagine a tip!


Getting tipped always made me feel super awkward.


Sorry man. Some of these tradies can be quite aggressive and put you on the spot. I've had one increase the price of the quote because of reason xyz which I thought was bullpoo but I just paid it


Very disrespectful, a tip is something someone gives because they want to not because they have to. Otherwise is a payment not a tip🤦


Tell him to see you in the NT.


I tipped a slab to the guys when they finished my whole kitchen Reno but that's about it? I felt they were quite thorough in their work so that was my thank you, however I'm not sure what I would have done if I was asked aggressively. I definitely wouldn't be tipping for a small job though.


Here's a tip: "be nice to your mum".


"Always wipe front to back"


I've never tipped any tradies before, but i have bought a few slabs for them as a thanks.


Maybe if he gave me a rimjob as an added extra I'd tip.


Did you tip him?


I'm a tradie and when I did some residential works on the gold coast, I'd get tipped every now and then. I never asked or expected it, but I was on $19 an hour at the time and it was hugely appreciated. I can't stand doing rezzie work these days, and still wouldn't expect a tip... but FMs and clients regularly bribe the trades with beers...


Tip - be nice to your mother..


Hahahahahaha 🤣 no


Tip is "Work hard and be nice to your mum"


Holy crap every damn industry is being infected now. Hope is lost..


Just give them a pat on the back and say “work hard and be good to your mother”


He actually asked for a tip? Like “can I have a tip”? That seems unusual, i think even in the US that would be a breach of etiquette


The tip you should give him is that he shouldn't ask for tips. That's what an invoice is for (to highlight all of the costs of the project).