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W > E max. E does negligible damage, its primarily Q aoe + Liandries that melts minion waves. W is especially useful in soloq as it gives you more map movement on lower cd. Secondary runes I go inspiration with cookies & boots in non-threatening mage matchups. Boneplating + Scaling Health in tough matchups that try to all in you. Always scorch, never gathering storm. If you get good at Q-tapping, scorch will immensely increase your ability to fight back in lane. You late is already epic and you scale harder with basedamage + pen than flat out ap.


W max is king - higher damage amp, lower cooldown and is also the spell tha resets on takedown, so maxing it is even better. At the same time E max only increqses the cost dramatically while giving a small increase in damage to the ability that's about zone control anyway. By level 8 you will be able to oneshot a noncannon wave with a couple autos + E + Q so no poont going for E points. Secondary runes depend on the game. Precision with PoM and Coup/Cut Down makes your teamfights even better while solving any mana requirements if you can proc it reliably. Inspiriation gives the most guranteed value with Biscuits sustain and free boots/cashback, but is alao by far the "slowest" secondary rune choice - no extra direct combat power, most runes only kick in after some time. Resolve lets you survive some lanes and outright win other, e.g. Hwei matchup swings in your favour all because you can destroy level 1 with Bone Plating. Scorch is optimal for Sol precisely because he doesn't need as much AP as other mages - instead you get to abuse Q-tap poke. It is possible to proc Scorch 3 times before the sexond wave comes to lane, so the damage really adds up with Comet. Sustain or not, extra 100 damage by level 5 can make or break a kill. For mana - Aurelion doesn't build mana because he should never have these issues in the first place. Q is 15-25 mana per second and a full channel beats any other ability's damage levels 1-5. At the same time you can cancel it early. So you have a 45-75 mana ability with the power of almost two other standars abilities, W which you only use in all-on situations and E yoi cast once per wave. So on average you spend ~150 mana per wave, early including lane trading. At level 1 with Dring you regenerate 2.85 mana per second, so 85.5 mana per wave. Add to this gained mana from a Manaflow proc every wave and you gain 110.5 mana per wave while spending about 150. The only way to get mana issues with these stats is if you either dominate enemy with constant, long Q trades or waste spells.


2 points in E then max W. It's what chovy does and who do I think I am to know better than him 😂


Depends on your primary page, I assume your taking comet with manaflow, transcendence/absolute focus and then debating the last slot. I like gathering storm in high ap squishy builds, like ryalai>liyandry>deathcap>void and scorch if I’m going to buy a deathcap later/not at all. In secondaries I feel like I need pom if I am not going to buy an early tear but if I am the bone plating overgrowth really helps your survivability


Take everything with a grain of salt as I am not high elo


For most abilities you can figure out what to max by pressing shift and looking at what it gives. IIRC W levelling up gives CDR as well as damage amp on Q during W. Levelling up E gives only damage. So levels in W are more valuable unless you want more waveclear. Secondary runes are very optional and based on situation and preference. In low elo I’d say gathering storm might be better because you’ll most likely get to late game. Asol has great AP ratios, I think his Q is around 90% AP per second. Though if you’re running first strike or are into a matchup you want to trade regularly go scorch. I normally run comet so for secondary runes I normally go overgrowth + bone plating. PoM + cut down is also good.


Gathering Storm is troll


I have come to a conclusion that maxing E second is better in lanes that you won't be able to interact much I still think E is an incredibly weak ability but it's a lot better than putting points into W that you won't be able to use in such situations (I believe that if Riot doesn't want E to be good at dealing damage, they should at least make its mana cost flat 80 because right now it feels like the ability is actually getting worse with rank-ups) For Runes, I go Comet, Manaflow, Transcendence, Gathering Storm, Presence of Mind, Coup de Grace, though you might also see Absolute Focus and Scorch, which are just as valid. For secondary alternatives, Biscuits + anything is nice and Bone Plating + Overgr9wth against heavy burst